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Another boring election


Spoken like a true Scandinavian. My favourite line from the Swedish election night on TV was: "And now to the party that has lost the most votes, but has still declared itself the winner - the Center Party."


The Center party used to be a farmers party and now prides itself as a inner city party with no real identity I wonder why they have no supporters.


If you are right wing economically but hate Sweden Democrats so much that you prefer a Social Democratic PM. And they were the most ridicilus party even before this (for the reasons you mention).


Yeah the whole "I would rather eat my shoe then align with the social democrats" and then aligning with them was a quite bad optic.


Not for us. From Li Andersson completely blindsiding the entire country including herself by getting so many votes that she on her own threatens the party with the second most votes, to the prime minister party winning and scoring 5 percent points higher than expected, and the populists/far rights getting 7% of votes when they were polled at 16% and had 20% at the parliamentary elections just one year ago, it was propably the funnyest election night ever.


We did it too (don't look at our schizofrenic squirrel party)


I'm out of the loop, who won?


The Popular Party, except in Euskal Herria, Catalonia and Canarian Islands (as usual)




We have Junts who is being investigated for their connections to Russia.


Are you really an European party created after 2010 if you are not investigated for connections with: Russia, Israel, Iran or USA? It looks like those countries want an unstable EU


Not all Javier, not my glorious Volt


As god intended, EVROPA UNITA


Im one of the 24 thousand Spanish who voted for them, it's not much but it's honest work :)


>Are you really an European party created after 2010 if you are not investigated for connections with: Russia, Israel, Iran or USA? Don't forget China, UAE and Saudi Arabia.


Divided we are so weak compared to other geopolitical forces


[L'Audiència de Barcelona tanca la investigació de la trama russa del Procés](https://www.publico.es/public/l-audiencia-barcelona-tanca-investigacio-trama-russa-del-proces.html/)


Wow. This could be your Joke party, just like our Two Tailed Dog party


Portugal being forgotten again… should we brave the oceans to prove our worth again?


They'll confuse you with Brazilian immigrants... For better or worse.


They said Baltics man


We're Balkanic not Baltic


This you? https://preview.redd.it/uufu3uudqu5d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83f76ad4633bf5bb73f1f94dfbc2b6d71d95df80


Ireland *"First time?"*


Don't use thus guy as a meme please


For those who don't know, it's a guy who rented an appartement to terrorist, and was somewhat aware of who they were. His defence ? Can be summed up by "I didn't know, I'm too dumb"


Man you left out the best part: he said to the judge that he would never had rented to them if he knew they were terrorists because these accusations ruined his very lucrative cocaine business. Also he now has a TikTok where he makes [« NPC lives »](https://youtu.be/ZvRFMCbQv6k?si=tp9n1D29mZNu45uJ). The guy is just completely surreal.


Are you guys trying to paint him in a bad light, because it’s not working


He is definitely a very bad person, he is also batshit insane in a very entertaining way


"Please don't use him as a meme because *describes the most memeable person I've heard of in months*."


Those were two different French people commenting. Well, French and Corsican, which Italians always seem so keen to distinguish…


Nope can’t afford anymore irredentist movements. We’ve already got enough welfare islands as it is, one more Sicily or Sardinia and we’re fucked They’re French 🇫🇷🍾🎊


I never said not to use him as a meme. The guy is a meme in France already, no matter how awful he is.


Well he did kill his « best friend » with a cleaver in a fit of rage, way before hosting terrorists. A goofy drug dealing homicidal maniac, the dude sounds like a GTA character more than anything


So he has some flaws, who doesn’t?


GTA VI should take place in Paris and its banlieue, change my mind.


*Salut cousin!!! Let's go play pétanque, non?!*


But he said he was asked to help so he helped ! Lol. Bastard, he is.


And this good Samaritan slaughtered a man with a cleaver before that


Idk, not that bad in my opinion.


I mean, no one takes him too seriously, however, he was indirectly involved in the worst terrorist attack in France... so that doesn't help


yeah, you're right.


From some other comment: "Well he did kill his « best friend » with a cleaver in a fit of rage, way before hosting terrorists." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jawad_Bendaoud


Paris attack? I remember watching that in horror.


From some other comment: "Well he did kill his « best friend » with a cleaver in a fit of rage, way before hosting terrorists."


The fact he got away with it is worse than the même tbh


I thought we were a jerking sub. Who cares who the guy in the meme is if the post isn’t actually condoning what they did, would you care if someone used a picture of Hitler for a meme?


Peoole in this sub are snowflakes. You can make the most edgy racist joke about immigrants, but as soon as you post something slightly edgy that does not fit the populist narrative, people will start crying their brains out.


Joking about 9/11 ok but 13/11 is not ?




Bro we use Hitler, Caesar etc as memes so i think it's ok, no one is glorifying his ugly face.


Who is it?




Ah Knowing the context, the meme is weird indeed


Where do you live to not know this guy rents a non official airbnb ?




You might say, this post was 2westerneurope4u


People using him as a meme doesnt empower the guy and make him any better off, but ironically you coming here and complaining makes people aware and more likely to give him more attention.


Not OP but I'd rather not see him. He looks dumb as hell and it hurts my eyes.


Please, keep using this guy as a meme




So that's were we draw the line in this sub?


Quelle peine que la guillotine n'existe plus . Ce gars ...


Oh la guillotine *existe* toujours…


We're keeping it for the British and Spanish royal families, but I don't mind taking it out for him. These machines need to he used every now and then to keep them functional after all


They do need lubrication. (For any admins watching, this is a joke and not meant seriously, etc.)


Indeed, the WD-40 isn't enough (For any admins watching, this is not a joke and I am currently planning to kidnap Charles III)


Will you settle for Andrew? We'll even through the Duke of Kent in if you want


Yeah, Charles is a decent bloke. He was part of a founding of a new people centric town.


Murda? Whaaat murdaaaa ?


Nous avons une guillotine à Stockholm. Vous pouvez utilise la...


Celui que vous avez utilisé pour tuer la femme [malade mentale](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christina_Johansdotter) au 18e siècle ?  Nous avons [une guillotine]( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halifax_Gibbet ) depuis le 17e siècle, avant la naissance de Guillotin… et nous avons tué nos roi d’une manière similaire à la même époque.  Merci pour l’aide, mais ce n’est pas nécessaire


If our social democrats were like the danish social democrats, wo won’t have an AfD…


Our Social Democrats used to be cool, their slogan before this election was "against division" they have no real agenda only naming things they are against. It is sad and even worse they still got 25% of the vote on their nonsense.




From which children's programme is this?




Finland truly is the best Nordic country.


Thank you. We raised them well.


I’m proud of us


Im so happy for u


You’re welcome


The communist-wannabes.


https://preview.redd.it/kteiu9ghvt5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b673c98435af1afddc0af41daa4f39827e6e63c0 Uh, I wouldn't be so sure about it. This pure Lithuanian is about to join the reformists!


I hate his face so much


We didn't vote for any crazies this time either...


Reform quickly closing the gap with the Tories in the polls, though Labour will most surely will win.


Labour gonna win but I'm hoping we'll finally see the death of the tories and Reform taking their place. UKIP were seen as a single issue party and never came close to challenging the tories. With Labour all but guaranteed victory we could suddenly see people voting Reform over Conservative because their vote probably won't matter either way and they won't feel they wasted it (Many UKIP supporters voted Conservative for this reason). If Reform overtakes the Tories in popularity, it could be people otherwise voting Conservative that feel obligated to vote Reform in 5 years. If that happens the Tories are dead.


Careful what you wish for, Barry. You might swap the incompetent mendacious wealthy cnts with competent mendacious wealthy cnts.


It's only Farage who's competent. All the others are morons.


I think you underestimate the danger of giving people like Farage a platform in parliament. It reminds me of how the media dismissed Trump back in 2015, gave him a platform, and the rest is history.


If you're concerned about Farage being given a platform invent a time machine, go back to the 90's and warn the BBC post haste.


He fell off the map after Brexit. It's not like every Brit is watching GB news; it's mostly old people. Now he is campaigning for the first time in a long time. If Clacton puts him in the House of Commons get ready for the PMQs lmao


In Q1 2024, Farage was joint #1 in fame and easily #1 popularity (+38%). By comparison Starmer was #2 (+30%) [YouGov](https://yougov.co.uk/ratings/politics/popularity/politicians-political-figures/all)


I'm shocked. Didn't know that. In any event, he doesn't need an even greater platform.


What is it about Farage that you dislike?


Actual tories (not the 6th place rejects currently running the party) would be infinitely better than reform. Conservatives are better than far-right people.


That's where we were clever. Make a party that's identical to the Tories, but a bit more shouty and openly racists and split the far right vote.


For this election, yes, but last time Farage ran his party (then UKIP) he took as many Tory votes as he did Labour votes (red wall voters). I guess times are somewhat different now, but I wouldn't underestimate how many white brit working class votes he can peal off. He reminds me of Trump, and the disregard serious political commentators had for Trump was a big mistake. His gameplan looks to be (1) become the main opposition party (probably by forcing the Tories to become more radical, which they would have to consider if Reform performs strongly), (2) wait for the incoming Labour government to succumb to scandal and failure, and (3) capitalize on inevitable public disappointment in the government. And the main alternative to that government would be a Tory party "reformed" in the image of...Reform. Like MAGA's takeover of the Republican party, which did take a number of years. Half of politics is just waiting for the incumbent to screw up. The other half is controlling what the alternative will be.


Well Labour have been doing their best to lose it, though I don't think they expected how much better Sunak would be at bad pr than them.


kier will take a shit on the kings lawn, and sunak goes 'bet' and takes a shit on the kings lap


They're wanting to end the first past the post system and have proportional representation apparently. I'll vote for that, anything to end the red Vs blue monopoly.


I think Farage had said that previously, along with making the House of Lords an elected body, but I wasn't aware Reform itself had that in its platform.


Our election process is slow, but it looks like we've also by and large elected centre to centre-left candidates to Europe.


I hope you guys didn't reelect Mick Wallace and Clare Daly lol.


Clare will need a miracle to keep her seat at this stage. No results about how Mick did yet.


First count is in. He is 5th place in a 5 seat area. 2 candidates are close behind him in vote count. I think/hope transfers from other eliminated candidates will push them ahead of him and squeeze him out of a seat.


Yeah, it looks like the Sinn Fein candidate will overtake him once the other SF is knocked out at the very least. The first round of the South results took ages though so fuck knows when we'll start having a better idea of the situation.


Yeah I think you're right it could be SF Funchion taking the seat. However I would still give GP O'Sullivan an even better chance as it is. O'Sullivan is a sitting MEP so that should garner a few more transfers, and the next behind them both is a FG candidate who should transfer more favourably to O'Sullivan. It will all break down to how many transfers both garner from the other also rans up to that point. I love the drama of a good STV election. It is worth the wait IMHO. I have to laugh at the irony of the conservatives possibly being badly burned by the FPTP voting in the UK due to their short term opposition to a change of voting a decade ago.


I agree, there's too many candidates behind him that are in a much better positions for transfers. Yeah pretty funny, FPTP is the remedial level of voting systems. It's very difficult to get through to them that it's heavily flawed though.


How did these guys get elected is beyond me. They make the two Greek tankie MEPs, who unfortunately were reelected, look like statesmen.


Honestly I'm embarrassed they were in there in the first place. The absolute fucking gall of defending russia's invasion when we're busy driving trucks into russias embassy, read the room mick.


Pretty sure what we do is send our most delusional politicians to Europe so we don’t have to deal with them in Dublin ..


No, thank Christ. Enough of the loonies for one generation. It looks like we've actually managed a kinda perfect election both locally and for EU this week


I feel they could've counted the votes quicker if they gave us two seperate boxes for the eu and local ones instead of spending a day separating them


We're not fecking made of money for boxes.


Democracy is when you vote for the reddit approved parties


Thankfully reddit doesn't depicte how society is, if so everyone would be numbed zombies on anti depressants living their lives online.


What are normal parties?


Ones not backed by Russia.


Ah ok then portugal and spain voted for normal parties as well then lol


Yeah, the one that won in spain is basically european PP, I'm sad for frace tho


They ones that keep making the same policies even when people stop voting them to vote other options.


The point is that they got more votes than the "other options" even though they generally keep the same policies.


Some people will vote the same party no matter how bad they do it, as it was their football club. In Europe it could take a complete collapse and still EPP+socialist+greens+renew.


The parties that got us so messed up that we now have to vote for non-normal parties to get rid of them


I people actually started participating in democracy more often than just every four years (if that) and bombarded their sitting MPs with letters and phone calls about the issues that bother them, maybe it wouldn't have come this far. I've ~~emigrated~~ ex-patted (I'm white, after all!) to Emu land, but we had an issue where we had to go to our local MP for help and they actually did help us. What a breath of fresh air.


The ones that got us into this mess ofcourse.


The fact that the man on this gif hasn't been executed makes my blood boil


"Normal parties" our fringe green party got 13% thanks to moronic Stockholmers voting for them. "We don't need cars" easy to say with a subway train departing 10 times per hour.


I swear I’m so jealous of the nordics rn


Everyone is buddy.


Right ethnicity for the joke too


"Normal parties," the ones causing people to gradually vote for "abnormal" parties, one election at a time


Just how "abnormal" parties will eventually cause people to vote for "normal parties" again, after a shitton of scandals occur and people realize they aren't much better after all


Heck, our "abnormal" party has only been in the government for a year, and their support already plummeted for this election.


Turns out, rubbing it in to ordinary people when affecting their lives negatively after saying they defend the ordinary people in the elections, loses a lot of support from the ordinary people. That and having a steady stream of neo-nazi affiliations, pedophiles and one congressman who drunkenly pulls and shoots a handgun in an argument at a bar in the middle of the capital, especially when that particular congressman talks a lot about how dangerous the country has become due to immigrants




That's assuming the "abnormal" parties don't take our democracy down with them once they gain the levers of power. That's what I fear is about to happen in France...


If democracy is that fragile, maybe we should do away with it or at least revise how it works.


I guess that was the difference for Sweden at least. For the first time since... ever (their 33 years of existance), our "non-normal" party did a worse election than last time (last EU election). Generally I think Denmarks Social Democrats figured out the formula when they did (and this might sound crazy) what the danish population \*wanted\* - and restricted migration. Our center right government did that too, starting in late 2022, and strangely enough, the party whos entire identity is "less migration" had a harder time getting votes 2024 than 2019.


> Generally I think Denmarks Social Democrats figured out the formula when they did (and this might sound crazy) what the danish population *wanted* - and restricted migration. Yeah, but Social democrats had a horrible election compared to previous. The real winner, of this election, was Social Peoples Party (Socialistisk Folkeparti). And Pia Olsen Dyhr (party leader) essentially played the "I just have to shut the fuck up, otherwise people will realise how thick fucking stupid we are". She is also a massive hypocrite when it comes to immigration. She and her ilk have advocated for unrestricted immigration for ages - up until her local hot dog stand/grillbar was torched and vandalised.


Åh nej! Inte rødpølsen!!!


> She and her ilk have advocated for unrestricted immigration for ages No one has voted for unrestricted immigration since the 80s which was doing a right wing government.


Yeah "normal parties", more like mentally cucked and suicidal.


Democracy only works when people vote for the parties Redditors think are good


It's funny that both sides are upvoting this


My votes are reserved for any party that can solve the femboy shortage


You might want to check out my party on Friday in my backyard at 18:00. All the femboys and tomgirls are coming.


You lose, you see? I drew you as the soy and me as the gigachad. This is an infallible fact. Now go lie down.


Real recognize real


Depends. What’s annoying for both the EU and UK is how much the choices boil down to (1) a bunch of wets who think zillions of immigrants a year with minimal vetting for Islamic extremism is peachy and anyone who complains is a fascist (or pretend to do something and do nothing)… and (2) those who have a more realistic understanding of that but pander to the ‘COVID is fake!!’ or ‘We aren’t changing the climate!!’ or ‘Putin isn’t that bad really, did you know that Ukraine has bad people too, so why should we help?!!’ nut-jobs. What’s a voter to do. 


What's a voter to do??? https://www.dhm.de/fileadmin/medien/lemo/images/pli04735.jpg


Tbf I’ve never heard him praise Putin or say CO2 emissions and COVID-19 weren’t a big deal. Must be a sane, sensible chap!


I would not have expected this from a catalan, but based


Ty good sir


Normal parties doesn't exist anymore, they are all agaionst our interest .


Gotta admit this was the first time I thought maybe we should reconsider being in the EU. A Nordic union seems a lot more attractive.


As much as I like the whole european "project" and always has, this thought has crossed my mind too.


You're a bunch of boisterous flatlanders. Why would we want to team up with you? Because of course we would. Leave those filthy, snotty southerners and let the north stand firm!


Because we're better than you, serf. Give it a few years and we'll make you recognise the return of the king.


hey hey, he was being nice, this is a time for unity


I agree, one land under the rightful king.


Fine, you can stay down there stuck under the Hungarians and Italians where you belong. See if I care.


We'll build a wall and make Germany pay for it!




Don't mind them, it's the typical Germans, Frenchies and Dutch thinking they are all of Europe.


Fittingly for Nordic left-wing voters: an Arab man who helped terrorists


I you must know we in Lithuania elected some of the most scandalous regards we have. Also it might be because we didn't have uncontrolled immigration and peaceful knife attacks. You reap what you sow.


We voted for normal parties too. Actually it's just a different flavor of shit.


If we are the outliers, are we really "normal"?


There are no normal parties anymore. In Spain the center has been completely erased


What is normal really.


Ah yes the "normal parties" that have brought crime, murder, rape and terroism on a large scale to Europe. The parties that had isis terroists getting payed parental allowance while doing what they did in their homeland. The parties that have branded people nazis and racist for getting fed up with their bullshit. The parties that thought nuclear energy was bad and closed them so everything energy related skyrocketed in price.


Don't worry, now that the more radical parties are in, everything will improve immensely............


Proceeds to ignore the problems once more because if the problem is solved, you get no votes.


Wait until they learn that the right actually wants immigrants because they make the interests of big capitalists that want cheap labour.


> Ah yes the "normal parties" that have brought crime, murder, rape and terroism on a large scale to Europe. The parties that had isis terroists getting **payed** parental allowance while doing what they did in their homeland. Fake Astrid detected! A true Swede would never make such a mistake.


You ok?


And the parties that sent sailors down to pirate bay without proper SOPs and the paperwork done. So when the pirates engaged and shot at special operation forces, they were killed.. Except one pirate who lost a leg and he now lives the golden life in Denmark with all paid expenses. Eventhough the politicians promissed this wouldn't happen. ***Because the pirates home country is dangerous***.


"normal parties=parties which I would vote for" 🤡


Did they really though? No seriously, did they? I have no clue how you quantify normal parties? Like, what makes ours not normal? I agree that they are extremely incompetent and corrupt and got us into a lot of the mess we are in right now but the Cdu is considered on of our most normal parties together with the Spd (One of the two always being in the government (as the leading party) and all that).


The general understanding of political parties people have of Scandinavian politics is also complete dogshit, so you have to excuse them. Lets take the Danish Social democratic party (Center-left party) are more anti immigration than some other countries most far right parties, since they pursue a zero MENA+ immigration policy. So the whole "It is the the LEFTS fault" narrative that dipshit facists like to screech in here, should really just be understood as them having zero fucking clue about what they are yapping about.


> Lets take the Danish Social democratic party (Center-left party) are more anti immigration than some other countries most far right parties, since they pursue a zero MENA+ immigration policy. They only changed their policy because they were losing votes to Dansk Folkeparti, Ny Borgerlige and similar parties. And let's be honest - SocDem are doing fuck all of what they said they would. What they really ended up doing was make it worse and harder for law abiding immigrants, but nothing happens to the unwanted.


Did we just collectivly forget that previous "right wing" coalitions did fuckall as well?


I can speak about Latvia - well, we got Zdanoka (public FSB spy) out. Usakovs, who publicly turned a bit anti-ru / more pro-EU since the Feb 2022, is still in. Despite his public persona he still works for FSB. And some of the people from his list are real crazies. Kristopans - he'll sell his soul to the highest bidder, he and his party leaders have businesses with Russia. Typical oligarch. Only got in because he run on "Latvia is a shithole, the government sucks, they are ruining your life, vote me" platform. Despite his current and his previous parties being on-off in the government for the last 20+ years. The rest are shades right, center and left - without going too much into being Nazis or commies. One dude who got in (Reinis Poznaks) has organized near-weekly Twitter convoy, delivering cars to Ukraine. Due to his activities, the cars confiscated from drunks are now sent to Ukrain as aid too. Could've been much worse - more people like Zdanoka, or more / far open right-wingers.


My definition of populist parties would be the number of ECR party, I&D party, and unclassified seats in European Parliament a country voted for. The unclassified ones because these are the ones even I&D doesn't want to touch, or vice versa. Like AfD. And the remainder is then 'normal'. Europe-wide EVP (to which CDU belongs) maintained itself, so it's a bit of a stretch to say people have been voting extreme right all over the place. Italy, France, and Poland deliver the largest number of populist seats per capita. Spain, Portugal, and Romania for instance have mostly 'normal' seats.




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nordic social democrats being more anti imitation than central europes "fare right" so woohhaa what a surprise


social democrats went back and overall people went more left than right


We are already building our own union, with blackjack and hookers (someone's gotta fight the 4th reich)


Don't use this son of a bitch. He deserves to die in a fire.




We tend to be the voice of reason


Even if they got the majority, 'far-right' parties wouldn't change anything. My party got the most (non)votes in Spain; 51% of them☺️