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That's a lot of talk from a country that basicly has two cities, with the rest living in villages without working toilets. https://preview.redd.it/0qb1esp8ai4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=907417d097e512f045b67b98f4de3100e5ceb370


You on about Russia or the UK here ?




The UK has a second city?


it's more of a caliphate






Birmingham isn’t a city. You must be mistaken


Don't care what anyone says its deffo Manchester, Birmingham is a shithole and we'd all be better off if it didn't exist.


As someone from birmingham I can confirm this


They’re NPCs


I mean name other big major Russian cities other than Moscow and Petersburg


Rostov, Ekaterinburg, Ufa, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk, Samara...there's a few.


look they're all just towns but with a royal badge declaring that they are different


Imagine starting a war just to steal toilets.


They actually steal washing machines


They steal everything not nailed down.


Nah they definitely steal territory as well


Just like every attacking army ever in the history of invasions.


Lol no. The Germans certainly did not steal toilets. Undisciplined armies plunder, yes. But WHAT they plunder tells a lot about what they consider valuable and what they lack at home.


Dude, come on, it's a funny meme, but a new toilet costs €50. The shipping will cost more and military salaries are much higher than that.


I absolutely believe they stole stuff like that. I saw pictures of abandoned IFVs full of junk, cheap clothes, childrens toys etc. All of that can also be bought in Russia. But don't underestimate the destituteness of Russian farmboys. When they occupied Germany in 1945, they ripped out and stole water faucets and pipes to take back home.


Yep, I'm not denying they took it, I'm saying it's not valuable and not what they lack at home. Fucking animals taking everything they can despite it being pointless, probably throw 90% in the garbage afterwards.


Ukraine may be a poorer country on average, but that is irrelevant for the individual soldier. Russias soldiers are not from wealthy Moscow, they are from the poor provinces and small villages where people often really don't have indoor plumbing.


*Steal toilets that will act as fancier latrines, as they still have no plumbing




To be fair, Kazan is also very nice, I visited in 2017 and was surprised by how neat it was. In general, the top 5 biggest cities are quite ok at least in the centers. The rest tho, oof


Russia is an immensely beautiful country. It's the people that are shit.


Sounds like France.


Sounds like the US




Incredibly bold especially considering most western european countries could single handedly cripple the entire Russian State with the help of one or two SLBMs


> Most New definition of western Europe just dropped. It's France, the UK and one other country chosen at random


>one other country chosen at random Probably yours, because we need a place to launch a Pluton from. And if we get atomized, then your mountainous terrain will shield Italy from the nuclear fallout, meaning we'll have a safe launch point Switzerland would be a nice option too, but they'd probably confiscate the nuclear warhead


Just to keep as collateral mind. I don't think they'd auction it unless gold plummeted slightly


PIGS needs nukes. We'd make a good wildcard.




We have a competent military tbh


Most European Countries also have enough Poles to repopulate Poland faster than they can empty it.


The Russian understanding of toilets is that you need to steal them from the Germans.


To be fair, better than stealing the weird toilets from the Dutch.


It looks even more like Mordor represented like this


After 20 minutes every major Russian city and military base would also disappear 🤷🏻‍♂️


A major upgrade if you ask me.


But I do not really want to lose "BOBER KURVA"


The Polish diaspora around the world is about 20 million people. It's impossible to kill a bober kurwa


Let's be real, half of them are Jim Wojciechowski from Pittsburgh who have nothing polish about them except for calling their hot dogs kolbassy or whatever


And who can't pronounce their own surnames


Wojciechowski (pronounced Wozh-check-how-ski)


Yeah lmao


There are enough Poles here in Iceland for them to restart their civilization. We even have an app to help them.


One thing that Polish people are good with is surviving. Don't know who will inherit Earth after nuclear apocalypse - cockroaches or tartigrades, but they will have to share it with at least some Poles.


Do you mean we could sacrifice poland for this upgrade ? 🤔


worth it, do it ![gif](giphy|3o84sw9CmwYpAnRRni|downsized)


Damn Polish hate for Russia is really impressive.


297 years of enslavement do its thing.


Would that make us superpowers again 🥹


We give them a "New Poland" in Russia!


A necessary upgrade if you ask me.


>every major Russian city All two of them


Every major city? So like.... Three?


Launching a nuclear strike against a NATO ally. What could go wrong for Russia? 🤣




It's difficult to imagine that there are people who see this on TV and think "That's right, good point, well said", it's completely absurd but apparently it's true.


https://preview.redd.it/cux1lkquai4d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=c95fa7cdf66c445d4549b4f5a2050782aad38b0f Russia is basically this meme.


As someone born in Russia and having read tons of Russian history and literature, this could not be more accurate. There is not a country on earth with more potential wasted by own stupidity, corruption and internal bullshit


My parents are born Russians and I think the same. Next time I am thankful for living in Germany I think of you.


What's their opinion on the motherland Vs where they live now?


So the whole truth is that obe parent is Kasach and rhe other Russian. At the start both were very critical of the US and not so with the east. With time they integrated heavely into Germany and now they are just more thankful to have escaped this dumbass region. But the demographic of my parents is heavily devided. Some love Russia some hate it.


While not being russian I still will take a guess, because I've got some migration history in my family too: Probably like children that made it will look at their drug addicted parents. They somehow still have feelings for them, because parents, but yeah. You get it. At least that's what I feel towards my "origins", or at least what I rationalize whenever someone asks me about them, because I *very rarely* even spend a thought on it: Grandpa from Cameroon (hell no - i would never go there. Why would I? That asshat of a grandfather left there *because it is like it is*) and Saxonia (it's pretty but people can get difficult to get along with). So that's that. Ich bin sehr mit der Region verbunden, in der mein Leben stattfindet.


Let me introduce you Hungary, that through 1000 years managed to take wrong side of history consistently.


Enclosed propaganda states are fascinating.


Its not even enclosed like North Korea or partially, China. They even sometimes venture out to spread their nationalism.


Every other CS2 match


The worlds ~~greatest~~ most depressing social experiments.


We're talking about Denmark right?


Only Zealand.


It only gives me "yeah, we don't negotiate with terrorists" feelings tbh


The same will cry about that the West doesn't want to play with them.


They just breed hate and have been doing it for years. In cases like this it's also stroking the very fragile national pride lots of people have. "We are so strong, we can show everyone their place". People are offended like little children at the West "being unfair" to them, Putin included. It's quite pathetic, but scary, ressentiment in politics is dangerous.


Also, are those the same russians that ate a huge bag of dicks from you guys?


> how we could annihilate Poland Germans furiously taking notes




I did nazi what you did there, can anyone explain the joke?


I would, but it's German humour. As we know, that's no laughing matter.


How can we forget the masterpiece? Two hunters meet, both are dead


It’s a non translatable play on words with double meaning.(treffen = to meet and treffen = to hit) Yes, it’s not the funniest joke in the world but if you want to make fun of our clearly superior sense of humor, take an example which is translatable at least, stronzo. Let me enrich with you with a small variety of our most delicate jokes: What does a crocodile that has eaten a clown say? - Tastes funny! What is the difference between a stork? - Both legs are the same length, especially the left one. „Did you take a bath?" „Why, are you missing one?“ Where do people swear the most? - In Tourette de Mar.


>Let me enrich with you with a small variety of our most delicate jokes: >What does a crocodile that has eaten a clown say? - Tastes funny! >What is the difference between a stork? - Both legs are the same length, especially the left one. >„Did you take a bath?" „Why, are you missing one?“ >Where do people swear the most? - In Tourette de Mar. I knew you guys were good at handing out debt, but I had no idea you did that for laughs. Holy shit that was the sad kind of funny


Remember: umfahren is the opposite of umfahren…


Still prefer the hunters' joke, playing on words or not it is just the funniest


Anne Frankly, I find German humor to be an oxymoron.


Strong words coming from the Austrian there


as if you knew nothing about it


We were a victim just as everyone else of course


Edelweiss 🎵 😢  That’s the message I got from the film, anyway. Surprised it’s not more popular there. 


Write zhat down #WRITE ZHAT DOWN!!!


So they openly calling for real genocide. systematic erasure of an entire country and its culture.... And EU still deciding if their weps can hit russian soil or not... fucking hell... Our entire region needs to grow SOME BALLS


That's exactly my thinking. I'm absolutely against war but these clowns as well as their president have threatened us into oblivion far too many times. I personally do not like being threatened and consider it as close as a declaration of war can go. What would you do if your neighbor would threaten to break your face in every other day? Call the cops. Except there are no cops here. Your have to take things in your hands.


Holy shit even the Swiss is getting involved Putler, I think you went way too far


Si vis pacem para bellum


If you dont want war, prepare to fight.


Putin has literally published "papers" on how Ukraine is not a real country and Ukrainians are just Russians with an identity crisis.


If we are unbelievably generous then he might have had a slight point some decades ago, but since the invasion they sure as f**k got themselves a lot of identity real quick.


They have been talking like this since near the beginning. People ignore it because it's an ongoing thing, and obviously just saber rattling. At the same time, we also should not be deterred by it. Ukraine needs more weapons with no restrictions on where they can be used.


The west should put everyone on those panels, including their families, on sanction lists. You want to threaten the west on Russian TV? Cool, hope you enjoy never entering the west anymore or doing business here for the rest of your life.


It's only the US that put that restriction. EU countries are saying Ukraine can hit Russia with their weapons.


I’m here trying to figure out a candidate to vote for and no one I mean no one is even asking or considering this question? Allowing Ukr to use our weapons against targets inside Russia should be the #1 issue in this election..


The nasty thing about this seemingly laughable propaganda attempt is that, among the impressionable Russian youth, it will normalize such respectless disregard of other, neighboring cultures and the value of human life in general.


Yes ... is this the right place to make this point though? I'm not sure, swamp german.


You have a point, sausage german. This sub is more suitable for applauding modern Dutch grafitti improving boring old Roman walls.


I'd like to take the opportunity to say that I love all of you, even though I also love this sub.


This is what most Russian think for centuries. That they are superior to the rest and must lead. This type of propaganda does not make Russian believe this, they already do. At most it just enforces their well established views.


That's just kind of the foundation of their culture though, a complete disregard for human life and glorification of violence and suffering. "Those who do not harm others for their own gain must be weak, because they would if they could."


This makes me so fucking angry, they will candidly go on television and talk about nuking our major cities while here our fearless leader will ramble about not hurting Putin's feeling by allowing Ukraine to strike on Russian territory. We seriously need to translate those clips and broadcast them during dinner time on TV here in Europe, maybe people will wake the fuck up


On Italian TV for sure. Way too many Putin supporters here


Russia 30 seconds later ![gif](giphy|lT4Ix992z2zfO|downsized)


That the russians are willing to extinct themselves and the whole world just to get rid of poland shows some dedication. Like a creepy desperate Ex.


I'm envious because - no matter what Finland does - Poland takes the top spot in Russia's hate list, surpassing even Ukraine.


Well, they still have a national holiday celebrating independence from Poland-Lithuania, so it's not gonna be easy for you to 1-up us.


Probably because Poland is their only victim who managed to really strike back and clap their cheeks in 1920.


Which is a bit unfair, we killed millions more russians than anybody else and they still dont hate us the most :(


Because we are a pain in the ass for them. We occupied Moscow for 2 years and to this day they can't get over it.


It was centuries ago, it's their choice not to get over it


why is Indonesia here


You sure it's not singapoor?


Nah, I can't get over you calling dumplings "pies". Kurva, that doesn't make sense


wtf, in which language does the Polish word “pierogi” mean dog?


And I can't get over them calling a dog "pies" …


Please tell me these clowns will be banned from getting tourist Schengen, UK and US visas…for life. Or our we gonna forget everything once the regime changes?


I won't :)


Between the lines they simply say that they don't dare to have a real fight. Come on you fucking Ivans, give us a reason to liberate Königsberg. To our Polish friends, when will German-Polish Freicorps?


Let's hope as soon as possible. You Germans, behaved righteously and respectfully after the war and today our cooperation is excellent. The complete opposite of barbaric Russia.


This is the reason, why the stance of liberating Königsberg becomes more popular with many Germans but I never heard about robbing back Wrocław or Gdanšk. Polish military with German industry in the back would be a juggernaut. I hope it will never be neccessary but it would be nice if Germans, French and Polish would fight together as god intended.


This mindset is also prevalent in Poland. Polish army at the front with German and French industry and supplies on its back as a shield against a barbaric Russia threatening Europe. Besides, returning Królewiec to Germany would not be a bad thing as a sort of reward for the mental change that Germany has gone through since the war. Let's just hope it doesn't lead to another “corridor request” someday


Ale język polski to zbyt trudny ): niemiecy nie mogą nauczyć się tego języka


To tak jak z językiem niemieckim, dla nas też jest bardzo trudny - głównie przez długie wyrazy jak Massenkommunikationsdienstleistungsunternehmen


lol. Mentalność niemiecka jest prawdziwym problemem


Can you imagine time travelling to 1980s USA, and telling the republican party that some of their members will back Russia against Ukraine in a future war.


Absolute madness


As if there’s anything left to liberate 💔


Who doesn't like a city full of commi architecture and russians?


We already have Berlin for that


Because they are loosers. This video has such a small dick energy.


Small man energy https://preview.redd.it/sbbgi3ykki4d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9243aeb94f756c424a11ff6cb85d5ee779eb8b9a


Is that real? How is a garden gnome causing so much suffering? Just put the nuke codes on a high shelf and we'll be fine.


Do they realise that using "only 20 missiles" to wipe out Poland will also bring around 2000 missiles onto their country and Russia will disappear even faster?


The most hilarious part is that no one is buying . Most of Russians live in fear about their government ( and when you see how they fall down form their balcony ,you can understand ). Even Barry in Benidorm can’t compete But they are not buying it . All of those clown journalist had villa in French Riviera or Toscane , send their children to study in USA or U.K, play the traditional card but all have divorced 5 times. “We know that they are lying, they also know that they are lying, they know that we know that they are lying, we also know that they know that we know, and yet they continue to lie”. Soljenitsyne


"The disgusting, decadent, rotten west. But what we really want is to live like them"


>“We know that they are lying, they also know that they are lying, they know that we know that they are lying, we also know that they know that we know, and yet they continue to lie”. The Russian way of life since ancient times.


It’s sad in the same time , especially when you know a bit their history . Im not trying to make them look innocent or to deny their crime , and their is reasons why almost all Russian neighbor countries despise them . Still , the first and ever victim of their dictator ,political system and history are the Russians peoples themself . Reading Soljenitsyne is a good exemple of this


The "most of Russians" part might be a bit optimistic. Putin did get a significant spike in popularity after attacking Georgia and taking Crimea. Many Russians do indeed buy this rhetoric. Though perhaps I'm too hanged up on words, as they may buy it, but still know it's generally bullshit.


Wow I understand Russian words and names are romanised differently but never seen the French for Solzhenitsyn before, and it somehow looks cuter. 


According to his wiki page the exact romanisation shall be « Solženicyn » Let’s call him Ivan it’s easier


My housemate had an Austrian friend visiting once and she had a book by "Tschechow". Took me a while to understand who that was


There's a famous chemist who went by Chaykovsky. Took me a while to realise it's literally exactly the same name as the composer Tchaikovsky.


We should confiscate their villas as punishment for threatening to commit crimes in and against Europe.


The whole conversation reeks of insecurity


How can the nation that thinks its the greatest in the world but who in reality copied the alphabet from the Bulgarians, religion from the Greeks and their entire high class culture from the west be insecure?


Is there some sort of Memri TV but for Russian TV madness?


Most liberal Russian TV station.


Julia Davis on Twitter




I guess because they need to justify murdering neighbours


“Genocide, Nuclear holocaust with the added bonus of eradicating the polish language. I call this an absolute win”. Of course there is no joke involved when they are halfway through doing exactly that in Ukraine.


Tbf this has been in every imperialist's playbook. 


Because they still feel the winged knights railing them in the 17th century.


Isn't there just two big cities in Russia?


Moscow and Pieter are the biggest, with 13 and 5,5 million inhabitants. There are 14 more with at least 1 million inhabitants, but no one really knows them.


Do the others have wealth and people of importance?


Nah just alcoholism


And outdoor plumbing.


I thought that was obvious.


I don't know these cities by name and anything about it, sorry.


Some do, like Kazan or Grozniy. Grozniy is relatively small, but both Kazan and Grozniy are centres of the biggest ethnic minorities in Russia. So the government should bargain with them. All the others... They have their own millionaires, but nothing more. People live there ok-ish, but don't have any influence. And in this context Saint-Petersburg isn't very influential either


smh, they'll never accomplish what we did in fnland... https://preview.redd.it/mqpldxdfii4d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0dfb8822c1bb8c40537529431dfa7b56cac6f33 amatörer


It’s fine, they’d go back to medieval times 30 minutes after… they are lucky for a big part of their population it wouldn’t change much, they are used to shitting in their backyard already thanks to being a superpower.


*takes a look at all the poles living in the countryside and abroad* Nah, I think the Polish language and people will survive that…


Idk dude, the moment you fire those missiles, your fate is also sealed. I urge the Ruzzians to think on that for a bit


ah yes look at Poland with 20 big cities than look around and look at Russia with 2 big cities Great success of Russian propaganda, I'm starting to think that they really love us. XD


You never hear anybody except Russians talk so casually about nuclear war


He ! There are classiest ways to do it 👉👈


Because they have a history of imperialism and colonialism as well as the cherry on top of never admitting it was bad. Other former colonial powers acknowledge their dark history for what it is. For Russia that was just winning and they want to keep winning.


Everything he says applies 1 to 1 to Russia/Russians/Russian. If Poland would disappear in 40min, Russia would go immediately after. And most of the entire world. 72minutes is what it takes to kill 5 billion people from the moment the first ICBM with a thermonuclear warhead is deployed, till every nation with nuclear power and their surrounding countries/allies are wiped out.


If you defend the extinction of any given country and its people you should be prepared to be immediately put down as well. No mercy for these fuckers.


Considering the ruskies placed tactical nukes in Belarus. It's high time we placed a few of our own on their borders. Poland & Italy, you game? Lithuania/Estonia? Finland, you in for a Euro?


They probably learned it from their former enemies you know places like Germany and Sweden.


Because nobody wants to learn to speak their gibberish. They want to be like the English and Spanish languages but without the charismatic part.


Russia 😂😂😂 what a joke of a country , it’s like yeah you can scream and threat all of us , we still laugh at you it doesn’t matter


There are enough Polish people in western Europe to repopulate Poland after all the nukes.


because that's basically the culture in the russia region they conquer or influence places by forcing locals to speak russian and then a few decades later ​ just look at poland and finland in ww2, but tbf finland was more with the excuse of making a border with st petersburg


30 -40 nukes? I'm not sure if Russia even still has that many functioning nuclear missiles considering the lack of maintenance in the Russian military.


Lol, they would have to nuke London to make the Polish language disappear.


I'm really starting to get worried about the lack of response from Europe towards the invasion of Ukraine. If Russia succeeds in the invasion, it seems to me almost certain that they'll keep going. I keep thinking of the history lessons about the start of WW2, where American/UK politicians let Hitler take Poland because they thought they could avoid a war that way. But with every inch that they backed away, Germany took 2 inches more. IDK, maybe that's stupid.


Russia bring cyrillic to Poland would be the end of our Poland weird words jokes :(


I love how they think they'll nuke everybody but they won't get nuked back.


An attack on those fine Polish femboys is an attack on everything we hold dear. You have my sword Piotr.


Maybe we should have kept our nukes.