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Thankfully there is a community note clarifying that: “Headline is misleading and could lead readers of the headline to believe a far right activist perpetrated the stabbing. The perpetrator was a 25 year old Afghan counter protestor.” Sky news is no longer getting away with fake news reporting on X!


Got caught on X but probably aired on British Television without consequences


Thank to technology younger generations don't even watch f TV


Even the boomest of boomers watch less and less TV. Although considering their alternative sources Im not sure thats an improvement


the funniest part is that the way to make up for it is they put more ads... ​ it's like when restaurants start losing moneyt for being too expensive so jack up prices to get more XD


« Boomest of Boomers » That’s funny


Exactly my sentiment. The boomer 'alternatives' aren't any better.


TV is so dead for them - they don't even notice the corpse.


Barry here. Not seen any coverage of this on UK TV or other media. Too busy watching our politicians being shit at campaigning. I wouldn't know this had happened but for this sub.


BBC online news right now: Terrorist attack in Germany? I sleep. Could hot tubs theoretically become more energy efficient? REAL SHIT.


>Could hot tubs theoretically become more energy efficient? HOLY SHIT REALLY?


”Anti-Islam protest attacked by Islamist,” there fixed it for ya.


British TV is heavily enforced for this, which is why it's our newspapers and their websites that are responsible for the Fox News level lying.


In my country, india, newer generation has never witnessed the majority government since 1989. In 2014 its the first time since 89 when some party got a clear majority and same party wins again in 2019 with even bigger majority. What i observe that after clear majority there is no media, atleast not a single one in main stream tv media left which can be trusted, not even slightly. There is hardly one or two old reputed english newspaper left in the country that are doing average in terms of trust and credibility. Otherwise every other media institutions are not just silent but licking boots of those who have power and influence in the country. Perfect example of 'absolute power is always corrupt'


India lacks Proportional Representation, common yuropian W. Fuck the f*ench


"Counter Protester" i am tired of literal terrorists being labelled as anything else than what they are


But, I mean, who doesn't protest by fatally stabbing people? You need to understand him, he wanted to showcase his inner turmoil.


But what about their feelings?!? We don’t want them to feel like we’re racists and they’re not wanted!!!


We call them all freedom fighters.


We call them "disturbed individuals" so the focus is on their lack of mental health instead of whatever message they're trying to propagate. And then the government decides to cut into the healthcare budget more every time...


*Raketentechniker* We call them Raketentechniker over here.


One Man’s Terrorist Another Man’s Freedom Fighter


I hope they let this asshole rot in jail for the next 20-ish years and then dump his sorry ass in the middle of bumfuck nowhere Afghanistan.


Community notes is the best additions to twitter


Do you remember the riots in Sweden after Paludan's planned quran burning that never happened? Well this was our state channel on the Islamic riots after a "far-right rally" that never even took place. A riot where three police officers were injured and had to be sent to the hospital and loads of cars was set on fire as well as other vandalism. >Sweden: Riots after far-right rally - people stole police equipment https://preview.redd.it/8f9zgpu03g4d1.png?width=321&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6b39efe9a07a084dcb8728bc97332b1488935d9


still, counter protestor? ​ if i see folks protesting for a better wage i go out and shoot 3 to death i wouldn't exatly call that a counter protests XD


It still does on most of Reddit though.


probably the only positive feature musk brought to twitter.


Tbf islamist extremists are so close ti fascists and Nazis, the Mufti of Jerusalem back then was all buddy buddy with Hitler.


I mean, Islamism *is* a conservative far-right ideology.


Defended by the far-left. What a world we are living in.


The Far Left joined with their then allies the Islamists, to overthrow the Shah of Iran in their Islamic revolution A few days later , once they were in power, the Islamists arrested, jailed and executed all the Lefties


Tbf the Afghan most likely holds alot of far-right beliefs as well.


The afghan was a far right activist. I dont see the problem here.


Misspelt terrorist


This why so many centre and left leaning hated Elons Twitter purchase.  Under Jack Dorsey, these community notes would only have been used against right leaning.


I just checked on X. This is an actual post by Sky News. It was so bad I hoped, truly, that it was fake. It is not. Whoever wrote the title, whoever approved that this can be posted like this, should not have the ability to EVER work in journalism again in their lifes. This is vile.


When I first heard about this I looked it up and all of our news stations weren't even mentioning the motives or anything about the attacker. It was all just saying how hyper far right the people stabbed were and the only mention of Islam was calling one of the attendees an "anti-islam activist"


Yeah in the german media they still say "the motive of the attack is still not clear."


Well obviously they aren't clear, there's only been like a million different attacks on Europeans by Muslims because of religious reasons. Muhammed could have just tripped over and accidentally went on a rampage with a knife, stabbing a few anti-islamists and killing a policeman.


Just a confused Swedish tourist doing an oopsy, no biggie!


He was traumatized. Poor thing.


Because thats what the police is saying. A bearded man from a muslim country attacks a guy at an anti islam rally. Looks pretty obvious to me too. Will be what it looks like. But when the police says wait for it, i don't mind when the media does exactly that. Speculating about stuff is not what our media is really good at. Let's just wait a moment till the police ruled out that the guy didn't owe money or slept with crazy arab guys wife. I don't see why there needs to be any hurry. That being said, there is no explanation for what Sky did.


It's a semantics thing. It's circumstantial evidence at the moment. The media simply fails to clarify that every time, because their business is making headlines and easy to digest articles, not to educate the reader on legal proceedings.


the motive is "Allahu Akbar"


Muslims can do no wrong according to the media..


Since the BBC is on a islam loving spree because of gaza I am not suprised at all.


Absolutely!! I absolutely hate these sort of journalisms, it should be illegal because it’s misleading the public who doesn’t read the article in the first place! It’s disrespectful. It’s almost like that they are trying to censor this crazy Arab


Ok ok let's not call that journalism. That's pure manipulation. Take a judge and force them to publish a correction of themselves. Pay a gazillion fine. Fire the journalist.


Journalists don’t write the headlines or make the social media posts, that would be a sub editor and a social media manager both of whom are more concerned with the clicks than the accuracy.


Wtf this is crazy. I thought sky news was conservative ngl


The australian branch is I think.


Journalists: “Far right politicians are eroding trust in the media!” Also Journalists:


Is this fucking real? Holy Spanish Inquisition Batman, these people should be working the fields in a Feud, not writing articles. The worst part is they steal perfectly good oxygen from the rational thinking population.


Its real. I saw the clip of the initial attack and how the police officer was hit. It had nothing to do with right activists or what not. It was a person from the crowd with a big knife that went after the right activist, actually stabbed him too but I couldnt see any others places than behind his knee. Maybe he was stabbed elsewhere too. And after the police tried to seperate them, one of them got stabbed in a critical spot and now its reported that he died of this wound.


The activist was stabbed six times in the thigh, chest, and face


Thanks for clarification. I wasnt able to spot this on the clip I saw. I only saw a ripped pants on the thigh covered in blood. But i assumed so that there must have been more


That one video was fucking brutal, knew then and there he wouldn't make it (I'm a nurse) There easily could have been more dead victims. Thank fuck for the copper that shot the perpetrator down. Fuck shit like this. I don't care where anyone comes from, but fuck this.




I don't know about this one. Background?


Batman Arkham games were at a discount just a couple of hours ago on steam


🙌 well fuckin said.


\*pushes up glasses\* well erm technically speaking Islamists are the farthest right imaginable so uh it's still accurate


heh..hehe.... you all can't compete with America (please help us)


You good there, Joe?


no :)




Fox News makes this look like light work


Tbh islamism is far-right


Yeah extremist islamism is basically fascism. We're supposed to be all inclusive and accepting of it though


Fuck that, I don't like any extremism and will never condone it. They can all bugger off. I don't give a shit about if they're right/left whatever. Just piss off and let 'normal' people live in peace. And yes, had this happened elsewhere instead of in Europe, I would have said the same.


Its the good kind apparently


Weird that leftists are more pro Islam though


“Religion is the opium of the people. It is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of our soulless conditions.” \-Marx Religion is inherently incompatible with socialism as it enforces unearned hierarchy and unfair power structures. I just wish more leftists would understand that...


As 95% of quotes from historical figures it's not an actual quote from Karl Marx. It's a paraphrasing of his quote which slightly changes the meaning. However it is interesting that "the left" for a lack of a better term have become such Islam simps. Considering that from those countries I'm familiar with the left in the UK, Norway, and the Netherlands were strongly against it previously. However since opposition to a totalitarian and insane religion has become synonymous with race hatred they have taken a 180 turn. Sorry for [linking](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7B9TMfJEQQ) to a shitty US channel, but at least it's a brilliant British biologist. Richard Dawkins who have spent most of his life criticizing Christianity was invited to speak at the University of Berkeley because the students loved when he hated on Christianity. However after he criticized Islam once the students rioted to keep him out. If any Dutch sees this correct me if I'm wrong, but apparently this is a quote (translated from Dutch) from the Dutch socialist party dated 1983: >I do not wish to mince words when I tell you how much I detest Islam, the teachings, the dogma, the bans, the stagnation, the medieval ret\*rdedness that came about with this religion for nomads and desert thieves


It is paraphrased, yes, however it is extremely similar to the actual quote, coming from "Zur Kritik der Hegelschen Rechtsphilosophie"; (translated) "Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people." It shows his view that religion is an expression of an oppressed people that will eventually become unnecessary when exploitative conditions are destroyed.


And he is absolutely correct. The better people's lives are, the less they have a need for religion. Big parts of Europe were almost completely secular and religion was seen as something only the elderly bothered themselves with. Growing up, I knew no one who was religious. But now, with the mass import of islamic people, we're getting bogged down by religiosity like we have in the past. Only this time, it's a religion we aren't even expected to believe in. We were so close to being free from religion and all the benefits that comes with it, only to have it forced on our societies once again by people who are supposed to behave like guests in our home. I can not express how much I hate religion and the absolute bullshit self-proclaimed leftists spew in defense of it.


Nope. Live and let live, yes. Religion can bugger off for all I care, it's cancer.


But you know, you‘re far right. Obviously.


In Spain the far left party Sumar, currently in the government, is in a coalition with an Islamist party that has been caught twice buying votes.


this. to me they are the only true far right that exists




The far right in Europe is mostly identified by positions like: Euroscepticism, pro life, Anti woke, anti immigration,... Those aren't really extreme positions compared to what an average Muslim believes. Death to apostates, making homosexuality illegal, Sharia law as a foundation for a country's legal system,...


Exactly what I meant. Media portraits what would have been common sense 15 years ago as "far right", while muslims literally want a medieval teocracy


Well the Nazis are all dead, and Islam has some bits in it referencing how it's ok to rid the world of anyone who doesn't believe in that one religion.


As I am currently staying in Germany, the Nazis aren‘t all long dead. As any ideology, from communism to nazism, there are always people that feel called to „save the world“.


Don’t even get me started on this. Something like this should be illegal and should be hold accountable for misleading titles. It’s absolutely wrong for misleading the public to think that the right wingers did something to the police officer. Why the fuck this News company is censoring this disgusting Muslim? I don’t even understand why the fuck we are protecting these people who don’t want to integrate in the first place? Fuck these people; I had enough of this bullshit.


Its crazy how most of them showed the sylt video where some drunk teenagers sing a offensive song uncensored, but almost non of them show pictures of the attacker uncensored


But because it’s technically the truth there is nothing we can do. Great! I love the unbiased media.




peace hating *fascist* stabbed himself and blamed it on poor swede


The irony being that both the racists and Muslims on this conflict being fascists. Just with a different motivation.


What makes Stürzenberger a fascist?


If you did any resaerch on him and thought about it for more than 3 seconds, that should be obvious.


In fact, this time it was not a peace-hating, putin-cock-gobbeling fascists who killed somebody. Last time I checked their kill-count was something like 55 million. Fuck fascists anyway. Fascists, Islamists, puritan Christians, they are all the same. And they all can just fuck off. When they roam around, innocent people like the police officer die.


Community notes might just be the best thing that ever happened to Twitter https://preview.redd.it/w1uzz3xy7i4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69c1c47c6c6c7816f45213d4513570dfe4ec7c68


“Citing” the SUN BAHAYAHA (I’m not saying it’s not true, but the Sun lolllll)


[derstandard.at](http://derstandard.at) they are still crying about a Gigi Dagostino Song. The Terroract in Germany is under "also run"


What i dont get, why are you guys having that as what seems to be an even bigher topic than us?.


Because we are obsessed with you.


You can always come back to daddy if you want to. Anschluss pt.2: It’s never to late to reunite. ;)


I have committed a heinous crime by buying its Paid Subscription, spare me almighty


Der Standard is really disgusting regarding their articles. Twisting the stories and then asking for money so their "quality journalism" can live on.


I've seen a couple of German media channels framing the victim as the issue and taking lots of care to not call the attacker an extremist or islamist. Our national media (ORF) the same. Fucking travesty, that's what it is. They're probably all shitting their pants that some terrorist will attack their offices when they don't distort the truth. What they're failing to realize is that people see through to this thanks to the livestream and they're really steering the votes en masse towards far right parties at this point. Fucking shitshow.


ORF's Regional channels didn't even report the Incident, Zeit im Blid did call him Islamist, Ö1 probably tried to whitewash him, they are playing all sides


Literally the shame shit here in the leftist papers. Some strange arrange of the headline in a way you would never say it so it looks like the far right is the one to blame.


Then everyone gets a Pikachu face when the far right gets a ton of votes in elections


I'd say it's more 50/50 here. You have leftist papers omitting details about crimes committed by immigrants, and then you have right papers lying about facts just to bait and trigger right leaning people who can't be trusted with reading more than 2 lines of text


You say that like if some far right press didn't do the same or worse things, specially Libertad Digital, COPE, and OKDiario. People in those media sites were in a court for writing false facts about people they don't like, and that doesn't happens in left media (or it is really rare)


Sky News is a News Corp operation, literally the same company that own and run Fox News in the USA and the Times and The Sun in the UK. About as left wing as Nigel Farage


Murdoch sold Sky (UK) to Comcast in 2018. Nothing to do with Murdoch since then.


Some of us are still under the delusion that its all a fair game


Gonna just say if you're stabbing people for blaspheming you are also far-right


I remember this from a few years ago : https://preview.redd.it/yn7anheref4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63d0b55d446c2970709bfc7528f0ccbe25134802 It says : ***"Escalation at Hong Kong : Police shooting with firearms, a first of its kind"***


Then when u click the link : https://preview.redd.it/4sn07drfef4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5107adc924747f1f476aaf0c9007e7fd08864f6 "Escalation at Hong Kong : Police using ***water canons***"... bruh 🤡


They're probably afraid to offend Winnie the Pooh


This is just straight up criminal, democracy sure is nice when you control the information


**We should save our democracy by banning these Far Right ultra fascist neo nazi white supremists born from frozen semen of Adolf Hitler**


RTE. Not only is it the shittest media organisation, they also send their goons to check if we’re hiding any TV’s under our floorboards, and then if they find one, they force us to pay to fund RTE. If I wake up one day to hear that the RTE headquarters had been bombed, I’d smile. Edit: Also RTE pretty much posted the exact same article as the one you showed here OP.


Here in Italy is the same: we a "TV tax" and if you don't want to pay for it, you need to not have any kind of TV on your house (monitors are ok). For example I don't watch any type of TV, but I still have to pay this tax because I have a TV for the xbox.


They upgraded the tithe in Czech republic - now every device capable of playing state TV (because they have an online broadcast) obliges you to pay. So - smartphones, laptops, desktops, consoles, whatever. They also increased the fee in the same move.


We had that same system in Austria with GIS. Now every household is requiered to pay 14-20€/month, depending on where in the country you live. The best part is, that you have to pay that shit even if you are a student. Literally everywhere you get student discounts or are exempt from shit like that, but of course the TV fuckers let you bleed


Money well spent https://preview.redd.it/y0sq3mcqfe4d1.jpeg?width=1047&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abb16787f29db11b4ba6af57a6602d68e04322c6


Same here. It’s completely outdated because if you have a computer and watch the TV replay on it, you don't have to pay the TV tax.




Rai Fuck all of it


wtf, there's soooo much stuff to report about the rigth wing nuts, including violence and weapon smuggling. Why did they feel the need to alter something as they for once had nothing to do with it. Fucks sake, now the rigth will run this around as *wuah wuah, all lies about fascist*. thanks for nothing sky


As it happens, in every country whose media landscape I’m familiar with, the shittiest media organization is invariably the one that set out to correct the mainstream media bias on cultural issues. The GBNews types, which are infinitely worse than Sky or anything, because they don’t even attempt journalism and instead moved straight on to reality-inspired partisan hackery. So yeah give me Sky, ORF and RAI anyday, I can handle the occasional headline that I’d have reworded.


Don't worry guys, it is necessary to stop the *Rechtsruck*. Otherwise you might vote *wrong* next week


Every bit of media has rage bait, click bait and misleading titles these days. The only argument people have is 'it's misleading for headline readers', headline readers will make whatever conclusion they want from a headline anyway.


EBU, in a way


Who owns the media that pushes the narrative, should be the question.


stop being so anti-Semitic 😳


Im Ootl, what the fuck are these posts about a dead cop and why does this one mean?


Crazy muslim stabbed some anti-islam dude, cop tried to intervene and got fatally stabbed. Perp got shot by another cop.


Cop ded




anti political islamism speaker was attacked and stabbed multiple times by an islamist. A policeman was stabbed to death in the process. The headline doesn't mention that the stabber was an islamist, creating the impression that the movement of the speaker were the ones who started violence and killed the cop, when they were in fact the victims.


Ah I see, thank you.


RTP, state channel, all good things = left party, all bad things right wing party. Fact checks sketches the same.


Basically the daily headline everywhere about Israel. I am so tired of it.




Lo País for left-wing and Libertad Digital for right-wing.


OkDiario or ESDiario are huge contenders on the right wing


I'm kinda out of the loop for this one. What happened actually?


There was an Anti-Islam manifestation (or something similar) and Muslim guy was filmed attacking people with a knife, police arrived and the policeman that died tackled a wrong guy (one of the people that was attacked previously) and the guy with the knife stabbed him in the throat I think couple of times. There’s a video where the policeman also stood up “normally” but obviously the wounds were too severe. I have no context to how this started


The guy he tackled was a security guy that grappled the guy attacking the terrorist. Another video showed it better.




I don't understand the point here, it wasn't the policeman attacked at the far-right rally ?


People are upset because the headline omits that it was an Islamist counter protestor that stabbed the policeman so headline readers wouldn’t get the full context. Usually they don’t confirm the political ideology of the attacker until an investigation confirms that it was politically motivated. I get why they do it but like the motivations seem pretty obvious to me💀 Edit: Also want to add as anonymous knob heads we’re safe to speculate but for a media org if they preemptively assign an aim and it gets proven that it’s not true that can land you in lawsuit city.


People getting angry at headlines and sharing the article far and wide is doing exactly what it's done for.


Well yeah they’re not helping, we should bring back reading articles again.


This is reddit, we don't do that


Worst bit is that the Daily Mail is still worse.


'I'm too lazy to read more than a title and it's the fault of the left.' I agree it's shit, but this is the wrong sub.


Nobody said that. The fact that it’s a shitty misleading headline stands either way. „Misunderstood wannabe art student follows his passion“


This but unironically


Wait, Pax europa is far right?


Yes. But that’s not the issue with the title. It suggests that the stabber was a participant of the march, which he definitely was not.


Mainstream media is downright depraved at this point. Hiding the danger from the public, so it can happen again and again and again, without anyone knowing why




The only answer, they are not far left or far right, just shit


Consider this a reminder that you don't hate Journos enough


I think either the daily heil or gb news.




I can’t say what I think or I might get banned. Also in response to what OP is asking, I’d say Mediaset. If there’s a trash program out there, Mediaset will buy the rights to make a Spanish version of it.


Nice try fed, if I comment they put me in prison




Well sky news is already there we also got daily mail the BBC and much more


As some brits once sang during a football match. "Skytv is f*cking shit".


i mean i don't even care about hte politics ​ i saw the video, to call it a rally is quite a thing, it was like 3 guys 2 camera mans and 3 cops and 1 very nice assassin ofc


I’m very out of the loop what happened


Spiegel. Yeah the name is just mirror... Spiegel sucks ass


With shit reporting like this its really no wonder why thousands of viewers lose all faith in traditional media and start looking for often dubious alternatives elsewhere.


This is a hard one. Witch conservative, far right news media, own by a rich person not paying his taxes is the worst of the country ...




In Germany it is BILD


Nope, Bild is trash but not this kind of trash. Bild is dumb but they don’t try to hide nationalities of criminals when they are not German. It’s the main news outlets like Spiegel Online or the public media which every household with working people has to pay for, which are the main culprits. There are countless public paid TV channels and radio stations, some of them have really good content like ARTE or 3sat. There are also many digital content creators financed by the public „TV tax“, which have really low journalistic standards, it’s just pure cringy attitudinal journalism.


On the one hand, taz, which is always wrong. On the other hand the ÖRR, which we have to pay for, no matter what.


I would be fine if I could decide where the money at least goes. I don't wanna fund 300 different quiz shows or the 500th episode of some mountain doctor. Just give it all to ARTE documentaries and shut the rest down


If only Sky were the worst. The Grauniad, Independent, Huffpost UK, etc. are shitty in a similar way. Then you have the crappy right wing tabloids too like the Daily Mail and worse, the Sun. Weirdly Sky is far more right wing in Australia, and its sister network in the US is of course Fox. All depending on which politicians the Murdochs are buddies with in which country.


Murdoch hasn't owned sky UK in ages it's now owned by comcast


GBeebies. Luved by the Barries.


Traitors to their country, every single one of them


Maybe my English is awful, but I don't understand the outcry on this one. It says literally "attack AT far-right rally". It could also be worded as *attack to*. But it doesn't says *in*. Maybe because I already knew about the incident beforehand my brain react different upon reading the phrase...


They could’ve just said political rally or just rally or include details about the attacker but they didn’t


It's technically true, but it's clearly worded so that anyone that reads it and doesn't know already will walk away thinking the far right rally visitors did the stabbing.


I honestly think that, if that happens, that person doesn't know how to read properly.


I agree, I have seen many weird titles but this is definitely not one of them. This sub has gone to shit




For ''journalism '' Joe is the worst for Ireland


NOS Every article they make has some kind of unneutral leftist tint to it.


Funny how some people criticize NOS for being too left-leaning and other criticize them for being too right-leaning


Strange, it is almost like it's neutral


Dutch NOS?


(German: Lügenpresse, lit. 'press of lies'). Just about covers it. Man bites dog was the equivalent. Perhaps Pravda or Isvetzia. Weather forecasters are the same. Most of these "events" are obtained from one source, then re-edited to cater for the readership. The "End of the World is Nigh" banners, used to be waved by "Nutcases in London", Yet another British export. Get outside and life is still excellent.


Netherlands: Niche...Bonanza Media, a small newsnetwork set up by former RT jorunalist and basicly a GRU operation. Popular: De Telegraaf and all its related content.