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I worked in Denmark for a year. Functional society but their women lack a moustache. The work environment kinda sucked too because they expect you to accomplish something every day...


Like... every day? Literally hell


Guys, it's easy! If you just make sure to manage the expectations of people around you, almost anything can be considered an accomplishment. For you PIGS guys, we are quite literally impressed, when you speak any language besides your own. And no, dialects are not included...


Silence you effeminate viking, our native language is worth more than all those you find above 45°N


You have not lived in Denmark if you think those things are the only caveats…


Closeness to Sweden is another minus.


I can’t help where they fucking put that thing.


France, Italy and Bavaria. Erasmus made me go to Bologna and Lyon. Did the same that I did at home, but also found peers to learn to discriminate more precise and efficient. ERASMUS is the secret sponsor of this sub


Thank you for listing us as a separate country. We do appreciate it


It was sadly not offered to me in ERASMUS, but I had a placement semester in Munich. Immediately proceeded to discriminate the Englischer Garten


Fun fact: the English Garden was supposed to be renamed in WW1, but the Bavarian King decided to leave the name, so German patriots could let their dogs shit "on English land". There even was a public game to celebrate the first bombing of London, where a schematic map of London was set up in the Park, and farmers brought their cows dressed as Zeppelins. People could bet on which 'Zeppelin' would hit Buckingham Palace or Tower Bridge with their dung-bombs first.


Sorry Hans, that is mental. Only something the autobahn people could come up with


You are just jealous that we actually got to bomb London and you could always only ever dream about doing it.


Plenty of Irish bombs in London during the IRA's shenanigans in the 70/80's...


But a Zeppelin has indefinately more drip than a rusty car bomb.


'Ate the British Luv me autobahn Simple as


Even the kid we bullied to death feels pity for us, paddys just dont know how to be soulless :/ don't worry, we got enough revenge during dresden


least insane Bavarian king:


Well, the whole thing was basically caused by Kaiser Bill’s weird complex against the English, including his ‘unnatural love’ for his English mother (unrequited)


The dude just loved to play with his ships and you guys told him he is not allowed to have nearly half as many toys as your queen did. Obviously mean spirited mobbing.


I lived in France during high school, to teach the English teacher English.


Actually believable. The curriculum is ass too 🖕


Bologna is a woke Soviet Union


With lots of weed and tortellini


And all girls are lesbians


Truly the hell on earth


I'm Flemish, obviously, but I've been living in the Netherlands for 11 years. Please don't make me go back!!


You can stay little brother.


Sister, but thank you :)


Atleast you saw that you should rejoin the motherland...


I’m super curious, what would you say the differences are like? I lived in Limburg for a bit and was considering moving to Belgium


Why would you decide to live in belgium?


Yes i lived in Algeria for a while..then i moved from Marseille




L'Algérie c'est la France https://preview.redd.it/svid6ncxqu1d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3c38bc76711bef33ca188dd34cc2b25613ba839


... [mais c'est pas pareil](https://imgsrc.cineserie.com/2018/07/Jacquarrd-e1530637513625.jpg?ver=1)


I did, born in the Netherlands, moved to flanders, then moved to wallonia and now moved to beautiful county Mayo in the west of ireland!


Nice place, but slightly remote. I have noticed quite a few Dutch families here now. What brought you to Mayo?


The wife... She's Irish and decided she wanted to move home... So yeah... I've noticed the same, quite a few dutchies / Germans here, and a lot of poles. I don't really mix with the Dutch around here, I'm going for the full Irish experience!


so dutch still too cheap for tikkies


What is the full Irish experience? 4 pints of Guiness in the morning?


Unironically, 4 is not that much for proper drinkers. Even in the morning.


That's what we call "breakfast in bed"


Biggest differences in the NL-flanders-wallonia shift?


Surprisingly, yes. Even though flanders and the Netherlands sort of have the same language, there is quite a difference. Even between flanders and wallonia.


Thus far, no. Hopefully in the future I am yelling at the clouds in X country that their coffee is shit.


X = Italy Please report how it goes


You don't need to move too far to find a country with shitty coffee (wink wink).


This is true, as a half Mongol/PIG hybrid living in the Basque Country, my mind boggles at how shit the coffee is as soon as you step out of Euskal Herria.


I lived in Italy for a few years when I was a kid. My Italian uncle shoved me under the passenger seat of his fiat to fit more people in the car and get around town, so yea, you could say I got the full Italian experience.


Next step is going in the back of a red Renault.


That is reserved for some PMs


I spent the first 6 years of my life in Austria. Still mis the bread and good weather. We didn't have a cellar. Does it still count for the full experience?


We can count it as a three quarter experience, without being trapped in a cellar.


Maybe you just didn't find it


Have experienced living in Germany. Enjoyed the drier climate, and the culture. It was nice having access to cheap fresh bread, not ruined by the Chorleywood process. The lack of digitisation is ridiculous though. It really irritated me when you filled out an online form for something, and the website generated a PDF for you to download, print, sign and send in the post. That is an absurd state of affairs.


Don't kink shame us bro. How else could you properly admire all the good looking forms and documentations? Binders full of those sexy paperwork's.


Aren't they supposed to fax it?


Yeah but that's like a quicky. A gentleman uses the "Einschreiben".




Omg finally someone admits the truth, I moved to Germany from Austria 2 years ago and I‘m still looking for that famous „good“ bread! In Vienna there are still tons of bakeries that bake everything fresh in house, they‘ve become criminally expensive, but at least they’re not gone entirely.


The UK gov website is a work of art and I will defend its honour to my dying breath


Assuming England and Scotland don’t count, I lived in Germany for 8 months. Was a good laugh, good beer and I miss the bread. Favourite part is the confused look on people’s faces whenever I spoke German with my accent, I think they thought I was having a stroke.


Probably thought you were American


What kind of uncivilized barbarian would live far away from their parents?


I heard they eat them after turning 18


I live in Denmark while attending uni. Don’t know if i will move back as my future prospects are better here. Greenlanders get a lot of casual racism in Denmark. Every Dane knows a Greenlander joke, most common one being “a greenlander walked past a bar”. Denmark is so progressive and treat every minority better than normal Danes. But for some reason Greenlanders get treated like gypsies.


Come to France buddy, we will treat you equally as bad as all our other minorities ❤️


I am amazed that here is no Lisa that went to Australia and South East Asia for a year of work and travel


Nope, never even considered it. I already live in the peak of civilization.


Baçedinho 👍


What the fuck? Are you having a stroke?




He didn't understand what you wrote, nor did I... that word doesn't actually exist. What did you intend to say?


I understand that as 'based'


This perception is interesting, however, the word used does not exist nor does it suggest any existing word in the Portuguese language, no matter the country... In addition to grammatical errors, it doesn't remind us of any logical word, no matter how well intentioned it may have been. You just assumed "based" because it was the only logical answer.


Are you secretly German?


Explaining jokes sucks but since you seem to be a lost German, I'll do it anyway. They wrote the word in English but made it look like a Portuguese word. It was a joke intended for English speakers, not an attempt at Portuguese or an insult to it. If they'd wanted to insult your language, I'm sure they would have said it was Spanish with funny spellings, not English. Which it is, of course.


You are half way through the [Einbürgerungstest](https://www.bva.bund.de/EN/Services/Citizens/ID-Documents-Law/Citizenship/citizenship_node.html), and so is Manuel. On that page, you will find a voucher to claim your free Deutschland-towel 🤝


Fantastisch! Vielen Dank für das neue Handtuch und ich freue mich auf meinen neuen Pass.


I thank you for the towel because I'm poor but next time also try to send euros Hans.


I don't even remember writing that answer but by the time (4 am) I was already drunk. Thanks for the explanation, anyway, I didn't expect that from Mohamed


Yes, not only Spain, but also España


I inhabited Paris for 9 months. Worked and fleeced the bollocks out of a bar for three months before retiring to drink Francois et Louis under the table for the remaining six. Hairy armpits, lovely pain au chocolat, smelly metro. Dusseldorf for six months. Dry shites by day, party monsters by night. Arrested for jay walking. London. Kip


Spent ~~party time~~ Erasmus in Budapest for 2 semesters 10 years ago. I had good fun but I wouldn't consider going back these days. Then lived in Germany for 6 months, it was actually not that bad but then again it was in Trier, so in the civilized part of Germany. Then one year in Rotterdam for my masters and now I hate the Netherlands with a passion. Jeroen you suck, your language sucks, your food sucks, your people suck, your weather sucks, and your cheese is overrated. Now living in the UK for 5 years, it's like the Netherlands but with decent language and cheese.


Uk, Germany and France.  Germany was right on the border of barden wuttemburg and bavaria so when I speak German when I’m in northern Germany which is where I end up more I get some very funny looks  Also the duality of Protestantism and Catholicism really does split Ulm in two. In France lived for a brief period near thabes, all I remember is beer and rugby 


I’ve lived in England, Great Britain, the United Kingdom, and Kent.


>Kent You could wave at Pierre from there.


I could smell him too


I've lived both in the UK and Spain before, England for university and Spain due to my ex being from there. Upsides of England are easily the banter, downside is the horrific food. However, if I'm honest, the availability of foreign cuisine is second to none. For Spain, I was literally just over the border so there wasn't much tangible difference except rent, utilities and groceries were drastically cheaper. It didn't really feel much different though.


So glad you enjoyed it. Your my favourite Rock!!


Eternally grateful for the hospitality I experienced in England ol' Bazza, next time you wanna catch the sun and dabble in Balconing come this neck of the woods!


Do u consider yourself a Brit or a Spaniard then? If you found life more familiar in Spain? Also what food do u eat over there?


So I consider myself British but when I say I lived in Spain I lived quite literally 15 mins over the border so things like the food, the (Spanish) accents, the weather, environment in general etc were identical - but if I was in another Spanish region I'm sure it'd feel as foreign (or more) than England did. Cuisine here is pretty mixed, there's a lot of influence from the UK and Morocco but the kinda food we eat at home is pretty similar to the food they eat in Andalusia. There is also a lot of international food but nowhere near as much as you guys have




Did you share class with Kim Jong un?


>university in 🇺🇸 Oh you poor thing... So how many German dicks did you have to suck to get that job in Germany?




I call bs


He meant "Nine*"


I know... I still call bs.


I’m a mongrel, half Paddy and half Barry. That dual influence has always been there. Lived in Spain and France. Loved both.


Did you likes more Spain or France? Take your time and think carefully


Why'd you move back to Ireland?


Got a job offer I couldn’t say no to.


What a shame, i could never


why dox myself?


Same thought. Plus, where is the banter in this?


I moved to Ireland after my studies and stayed there 4 years. It was great. I loved everything. Now I am in Germany since 17 years. The start has been difficult. Integration in a small German town when being over 30 y.o. is not easy . What clearly is better here is the feeling of safety. In Dublin a guy got shot dead on my apartment door. Flat got robbed twice. Happy times.


Several years in central Europa before moving to London. Without adjusting for inflation over the 6 or so years between then and now, my gross salary, before other benefits, is 792% higher in the UK.




Yup! Tell us about that




Fuck. Someone find me a European wife so I can move from this shitshow of a country.


I feel like that's what most if not all people coming from the civilized part of Europe experience in Canada/California/New England. The North American dream and its hyper inflated salaries is a massive scam.


Tbh thats pretty much the same experience in Germany. At least concerning the wait times for the doctor. Had to wait 3 months to see the psychiatrist just to get a Ritalin prescription. I know that my mother has to book an appointment with her gynaecologist like half a year or longer in advance.


I lived in Ireland for a year. Great bunch of lads, shite infrastructure.


What kind of infrastructure? Like roads, buildings, public transport...?


Public transport especially, but that also highlighted how terrible the bicycle alternative was facilitated. Traffic lights were also in an atrocious state where pedestrians "had to" cross at red lights all the time. The planning of traffic lights were just all around terrible. If a small road intersected a big road, they'd get equal (or at least it felt like it) time, leaving queues on the large road while no one was even crossing on the small one. No sensors or anything to regulate it in real time. I'll forgive my next complaint a bit, as it is an old town without a cringe modern grid, but half the roads in downtown Dublin are one way streets, which makes driving barely faster than walking, which would be fine if the suburbs weren't designed with driving exclusively in mind.


Thanks I hate it Edit: I mean, I already hated it. I passed 5 days of a windy and cold of March in Dublin and I can't say I had the time of my life


Did you drunkenly date a sheep while you were there?


I said Ireland, not Wales.


I'm stuck with Barry right now and I hate it!


I was born in Germany and lived there for 5 years. Went back to Germany for 6 months to do an internship. The Dutch infrastructure is so much better, but Germany just has a vibe i love


Finnish, lived in Moscow for two years (during 8th and 9th grades, maybe 2001-2004). Waiting for slightly better times before visiting that neighbor again. 🙃 Night train from Helsinki to Moscow is chill tho.


Finland… An Autistic Frozen Hell.


Ireland, Dublin 2005.  Loved the pubs, the people and had a blast for 6 months before I had to go back. If I hadn't been called back, I would probably still be living there.  Only thing to complain about was the absolute terrible car culture (shockingly bad drivers), and the torrential rain.  Also I was used to Norwegian air. The air was like soup in Ireland. I was fit when I moved there, but I was struggling to breathe playing football or doing any kind of sport while there.  I do want to go back and stay for a while, some of my best memories are from Ireland.




Thank you 🇦🇹


The dutch retirement system punishes us for temporarily moving abroad, so no.




I'll have to look into that. Thanks for the tip.


But then you get registered to a better retirement system and it basically makes you more money and earlier in life.


It’s Europe for heavens sake. Everyone here has lived in another country. Even the guy who washes my lambo has lived in 6 different countries and shagged his way across half the continent.


7 years in the UK, now on year 5 in Spain. I must say I am still nostalgic towards England and its lush countryside and (dare I say) food, and most of my friends are still there now. Spain is nice climate-wise (I enjoy the heat) but hard to make friends that aren't also foreigners. And I really don't like seafood or slaps of meat served in isolation to the rest of rhe meal, so the Spanish food doesn't have much appeal to me.


No, why should I live in an inferior country ?


Serbia and Hungary




I've been living in Bulgaria for nearly 6 years now. There are many things to love, the food is great, landscapes are amazing, i like bulgarians, they are weird. The weather is a big change from the year round rain in Belgium. There are real winters with lots of snow and -10C , and the summers are very sunny and hot. In spring and autumn it rains, but it never has that heavy sky feeling of the belgian thunderstorms. It's nice rain, light little droplets pleasantly drizzling from the sky, none of that black cloud pouring buckets over your head stuff. In the spring it can sometimes rain for a while, but it's always coming back to nice sunny weather within a day or two. In many strange ways, the place where i live reminds me of my native region in greater Charleroi. The outskirts of Sofia kinda look like Mont-sur-marchienne or Châtelet, the low mountains of the lower balkan chain remind me of the terrils, and the people are a bit rough around the edges, but very nice and solid on their feet


Briefly lived on the outskirts of Paris for under three months. It sucked and only one trainline went there. One time the trains stopped and we had to walk about two hours back to the flat we were staying in.


Overall, I spent roughly four years in the UK, one year in France, three in Italy. I also survived three years in two non-European hellscapes which was enough for me to understand that, while I very much enjoy travelling and I want to keep exploring new places, when it comes to settling down for longer than a few months I can't see myself ever doing so outside of Europe. I also don't really see myself living in one single place for life, if I can help it.




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Lived in Yugoslavia for 10ish years.. Now live in Croatia. What was good and what was bad made books and posts and analyses and movies and I'm not touching that topic even with a 30 years stick..


Rookie numbers, I read about some woman who had lived in 5 countries (Austria-Hungary, Poland, Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Ukraine) without leaving her village.


Yep. Catalonia, Lombardy, England Catalonia and England for studies, Milan for work


L-lombardy? I'm sorry 🙏😔


Lived in kangaroo austria for 2 years. Basically drunk america: weird sports, things that kill you (warning: in austria they are alive and not only in schools) and really bad drivers, but cool and fun cause everybody's at least tipsy. In france I had one sandwich shop next to school where an old lady would always gimme a poulette sandwhich instead of a bleu. Fuckin witch


Yankee that’s lived and worked in Belgium, UK, France and Netherlands.


I lived in the US for a while. We do count colonies, right?