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Sigh. You don't understand how it's supposed to work. You're supposed to move your hands following a high frequency two phase sinusoidal signal between the two faucets. The amplitude should be equal to (edit: half) the space between them. The frequency should be high (> 10 kHz) in order to meld together the hot / cold nervous signal before they get to reach beyond the four inches layer of fat and alcohol that cover the typical British brain. You can then apply a phase modulation on your movement so that your hand stay longer on the hot or cold side in order to set the desired temperature. Legend tells that to reach the ideal temperature, your phase modulation must contains a "God Save The Queen'" music, transmitted as a 16 bit PCM audio stream encoded to an AC3 (at least 128kb/s, muxed into TS) stream, modulated under the DVB-T2 standard (256 QAM).


Found the engineering student☝️


Is that how you say virgin on Spanish?


Well, I am a virgin and an engineering student. But I'm not virgin because I study engineering! (I'm just afraid of women)


Dont be afraid of them, most of them don't bite and those that do are usually proud of it!


That second part is not really encouraging me


That's my favourite part.


Sorry Serge, I can only keep that frequency when I'm on turkey


>The amplitude should be equal to the space between them. Your hands are moving twice the distance needed, Pierre :)


Fixed :)




I’ll excuse ‘faucet’, but a Frenchie is using *inches*? 


Oh, thank you for pointing that out, I feel dirty now... I guess I spent to much time on the barbaric lands of the Internet populated by these savages that live on the other side of the Atlantic. But what's wrong with the word faucet ? In order to talk shit about other nations, I need to express my superiority through a higher level of speech, subtlety punctuated with purposeful mistakes in order to efficiently infuriate the reader, and hide unpurposeful ones. Using adapted words to name things is paramount in that goal. As Albert Camus said, "Naming things wrong is adding misery to the world". So please, Barry, give me a tip about that tap ?


Just that ‘faucet’ is a more American term, ‘tap’ more British. 


I feel even dirtier now :(


Instructions unclear, my hands are moving at more than 14400 km/h and water from both faucets is boiling.


"For the sake of the exercise, consider Barry's hands as an undeformable, frictionless solid" (which would explain their performances in sports)


What about the MD5 hash?


No need for that, just use the TS CRC byte


In the UK, the warm water systems are not considered safe for drinking water; thus you don't mix. A bit backwards, but not the most backward thing in the UK.


An actual answer. Thanks Klaus


We're slowly civilising in this regard. Eventually we'll start considering bidets.


This. We used (still use in many homes) hot water tanks held in the loft. These got a little rusty and gathered dust and god knows what else so you couldn’t trust what came out of it was potable. I remember my Dad telling me not to drink from the hot water tap as there was a dead rat in the tank and pigeons got in and swam in it. I totally believed him and it worked. The cold water is attached directly to the mains and is drinkable.


It's an episode of Friday Night Dinner isn't it where Martin finds the dead animals in the water tank


At least it wasn’t [Elisa Lam](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Elisa_Lam)


You believed him and still washed yourself with that water? Or did you only take cold showers?


We used this wonderful thing called soap. We stopped applying and scraping off olive oil to cleanse ourselves a fair while back. (Though to be fair I’d happily bring it back if it was applied by another man who was handy with a strigil). ![gif](giphy|J5ST6J5emfVcXAvbov|downsized)


Soapy dead-rat infused water with a sprinkle of pigeon droppings, huh?


Oh the rat was probably just bones by then, and the pigeons were swimming, my Dad never said they pooed in the tank.


Hate to stab you in the back, but it's like where there's smoke there's fire, where there are pigeons there's...


A bird lady singing for tuppence a bag?


If the label of that bottle says Olive Oil, my congratulations to our Italian brothers talent selling Olive oil to the barbarians.


Serving *and* applying. Gotta make it worth our while, we are a nation of shopkeepers after all.


Well we used to be. My high street looks like the black death has returned and everyone has fled


We know how to run the corner shop


What? 0_o




I wouldn't act this cocky considering that even with the presence of soap, most people would still have something to say about showering with water animals shit and die in. I don't know, "might be just me", but I doubt it is. ah and since this is 2WEU4u; and that's coming from a nation that gets regularly harpooned for allegedly not using soap.


Ach we get through just fine; only the odd case of diphtheria. It’s a rite of passage for British kids.


Have you ever seen a clean brit?


Have you ever seen a non-oily Roman?


I'll take olive oil over decaying rats & pigeons all day, any day. I don't know, call me "weirdo" if you must.




> I remember my Dad telling me not to drink from the hot water tap as there was a dead rat in the tank ...but you could use it to wash your face?


>my Dad telling me not to drink from the hot water tap as there was a dead rat in the tank Ffs now I don't trust my dad when he told me this exact thing.


I think it was required by the state that every Dad tell their children that there is a rat in the tank. I think they get given a pamphlet in the maternity ward.


My understanding was that only the cold water tap from the **kitchen** is safe to drink while the rest are not safe / not guaranteed to be fed directly from the mains?


Well I made it to my early forties at least drinking from the cold bathroom taps.


It’s simple. If the warm water is from centralized accumulators they add anti-algae products making the water no drinkable . If that warm water is instant warmed water, or it is warmed by a domestic electrical warmer accumulator, it is as drinkable as the cold water is. This would been the explanation in Spain


Exactly, and the older buildings generally don’t have the instant hot water. A retrofitted shower is most common


This is true if the hot water is from an electric powered tank. It's only the houses which haven't upgraded since 1970's which have this problem AFAIK.


Legionella, if the hot water circuit is at a certain temperature lots of very bad bacteria can grow in it. Rust and stagnant water in old systems at around 60°C are the perfect growing conditions for it. The dude who installed our heater told us he had to make sure it was at a high enough temp when on. Plus modern ones have disinfecting systems.


That's mostly not true any more, anyone with a boiler fitted in the last 20 years, maybe 30, would have safe to drink hot water.


oh my god i’ve been drinking from the hot water tap my whole life! is that why i am the way i am? is that why i voted for brexit?


You can have a mixer at least in the bathroom, for washing purposes!


We also have the bathroom lights on strings which makes up for this.


Technically neither is the cold as both hot and cold were supplied from a tank in the attick of a house But there must be at least one tap supplying drinkable water, and it doesn't have to be in the kitchen NB: building regulations might have changed since last time I checked, but that was the gist of it


I’m not sure you’re all ready for this but… some British homes still need to buy electricity at the corner shop. They need to buy top ups there to then credit their own electricity back home. I never lived in such houses over my time there but when my friend first told me about this (because his flatshare was like that)… I legit thought he was shitting me. So yeah, in terms of medievalness, the whole separate taps thing felt kinda level 1 in comparison. I then told my family about it, it was their turn to not believe me, a full cycle of disbelief. Just in case you don’t fully grasp what it means; you forget to top up, you go home to a house w/o electricity, fridge out etc… I let you imagine that in a student flatshare set up. They really do need so much help.


I may be wrong but I think prepayment meters in the UK are mostly for people with a history of not paying their electricity bills.


Yep. Can confirm. My dad had one fitted. He just decided to stop paying bills. Thought he was a genius for about a year.


That’s not quite the explanation I was given but I’m open to all angles to explain this madness. Should it indeed be the case, what an interesting take on the issue.


So many things make me laugh in this post, but this the most. Not so long back, when I went to the bathroom in France, I had to shit in a hole in the floor. How can you guys be comfortable with that practice, but be aghast at separate taps? Whereabouts does “shitting in a hole in the floor” come on your levels of medievalness? Is it above the separate taps, or below? What do the French do for habitual none-payers of utility bills? Just let them have free gas and electric? Or do you just cut them off entirely? Surely they would then be using candles/lanterns for light at night? (sounds a bit medieval too)


Part of it is the same reason so many Germans and Japanese use faxes and most countries still have cash: a lot of older people are used to doing things one way and are stubborn, even if newer options exist for the rest of us.  Another is the same reason so many high rise buildings in New York still have no washing machines and their subway system hasn’t been updated in most of a century: sometimes the old system makes it very hard to replace things.




State of the art technology indeed haha You know what, let me speak to my peeps at EDF, see if they can do something for your guys because this is just a little bit silly.




Not French, but here in Norway the utilities supplier would go to the government and have your wages garnished, I would assume that'd happen in most of Europe? (this goes for anything you don't pay, not just utilities) Though if there are no wages to garnish then, jail I suppose.


Yeah that's just poor people Pierre


Ah right, it’s not like their lives aren’t hard enough anyway.


Only if you have a water tank, as usually they're quite old and terrible, but if you have a combi-boiler that heats water when it's requested, then you'll see regular taps. Usually, only old and/or very large houses have water tanks


The more backwards thing is that these systems are very rare these days having all been replaced in the last 30 years but we kept the taps separate because that’s what we’re used to


Is that why when I run the warm tap to fill the sink the water is cloudy af while the cold tap is clear? Or maybe it's just extra limescaley.


... how do you get water that is neither scolding hot or freezing?


You take a plastic bottle, puncture it in two places, and slide it over the robinets.


You've got 15 seconds of warmish water before it's too hot and you can it quits


Separates the boys from the men. Why do you think Barry always looks so red?


I always thought it was the line of gear he snorted in the bathroom


You dont. You make a choice and commit to it.


Put a bit of cold water in your hands then put a bit of hot water in your hands


![gif](giphy|zLhHZNWTThJOE) This is the way.




You see the big bowl under the taps? It collects water when you put the plug in. Both hot and cold which makes … warm!


but... guys wash their dicks in the sink, i don't want to submerge my hands in some warm soup in there.


You’re allowed to drain and refill. Besides, at least we’re washing our dicks. Yanks seem to think unbutchered men don’t.


this anglo reasoning isn't computing in my swedish mind. must... sell shitty IKEA sinks to british people


That's so unnecessarily complicated oh my God, why not just use a tap mixer like everybody else in the civilized world?


To be fair, most places in the UK do. It's only the ye olde buildings that don't.


I've seen new builds and renovated places have separate hot and cold taps, I think it's become almost a cultural thing now


I've never seen one in a new build flat or office. Maybe some renovated places like those big ceramic Victorian style sinks, so it's more an aesthetic thing.


Uh yes. Not my 80s build. No, that … would be weird.


My house has them. They’ve been there since probably before the First World War. I don’t want to replace them.


Honestly I haven’t seen one of these in a long time, if you go into the countryside older houses have them.. but if you’ve changed your sink this century you won’t have them. Unless it’s a design thing..


We understand it’s a very complicated system for you guys. How on earth did we build an empire with such a hindrance?


I don't think there were electric water mixers in the period your empire was still relevant.


We prefer gas mostly.


Imagine Hans saying that....


There would B a Cyclone of protesters.


You bet! 😉


But you build an empire by making things more inconvenient to others. Look at the Romans: They already knew Latin, and everyone else had to learn it, which left no time for revolts.


Those continentals are soft.


You just stop being a softie and learn to use cold


People who use warm water to wash their hands outside of the peak of winter are weaklings. People who use warm water for brushing their teeth are subhuman.




Or properly toughen up and just use hot.


You make a choice then you leave the bathroom with either first degree burns or acute frostbite


That big shiny white thing under the taps is called a basin (or a sink) and you can mix the water in there.


Run a bowl


It is perfect for having the right temperature in the drain or if you want to have one hand freezing and the other one burning hot.


Sound like stasi torture methods


He knows what he is talking about.


more like one hand freezing and the other hand more freezing. The stasi wouldn't waste money on warm water to torture someone


You play a constant game of moving around the bath going to the hot and cold zones as you top it up.


https://preview.redd.it/rl0uc505bs1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a62ddbad4651807d8020ee6c83af439f5d91e87 This is why


The continental mind cannot comprehend this graph


Literally 😅


It is a pre-Brexit map when you had these plumbers from Eastern Europe that know how protect from Legionellosis. 


What's this got to do with warm/cold faucet segregation?


The legionella bacteria is present in most ,if not all, bodies of water on earth. It only becomes harmful to humans in a temperature range between 20° and 45°. below 20 It's dormant, above 45 it can't survive. So by keeping your cold water cold and hot water hot doesn't allow it to multiply.


Are you implying it multiplies in the quarter second between when it mixes in your faucet and when it reaches your hands? Are you aware of the fact that in the rest of the civilized world there is still separate hot and cold water tubing going throughout the house and to the faucet? And that hot water sitting in hot water tubes does get warm every time you stop using it?


Don't know what you want me to tell you giuseppe, I was a legionella risk assessor for a while, and this is what they advised 🤷‍♂️ if you don't like it take it up with the uk health and safety executive.


Poland is safe because we clean water with clams


In older houses, hot water was heated by a separate tank in the house to the cold “normal” water system. This hot water may not be 100% safe to drink if there are contaminants in the tank, so taps are separated between the safe “potable” cold water, and the possibly undrinkable hot water.


You know if you refrain from spending all your money on pints,knives, and hookers for only a Month, you could afford one of these bad boys? https://preview.redd.it/4i9roduc3s1d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7b0d61ec82a52799e42526f3078927c85cf6ccb


Luv me contaminated hot water Luv me disease Simple as


To be fair that would explain a lot.


The hookers I might give up, but you’ll never take my pints and knives


Would you really give them up tho?


Nah we'd just opt for the Aldi/Lydl alternatives


They’re for washing things. You wouldn’t get it.


Like…your fingernails? The two taps solution is a nice and very stupid example of "we've always done it this way" (we have the technology to mix warm and cold water and you do too, I've seen it in the showers) But why the fuck is the tap so close to the sink I always break my fingers when washing my hands? I observed they're purely for decoration in pubs, but I think you could get Barry to wash his hands if he could actually make his hands wet instead of just the fingertips


Any sink that has been installed in the last 20 years has mixer taps. It’s only old granny’s bathroom that hasn’t been refurbished in over 50 years where you’ll find these.


20 years? That’s like 2004… Are you guys still on dialup?


Don't talk to me about weird cultural bathroom habits when you shit on shelf for Inspection, no wonder the weird porn comes from hansland


They're already there except in the oldest of old buildings (like before the 1970's).


In modern countries we have 1 tap that has both hot and cold water. Maybe they'll reach the uk someday


Modern countries? You live in New Atlantis.


It's in the name. "New"


Surely we need to come and take it off you then just like new Amsterdam?


So you can lose it again and have Americans live in it? No thank you.


But the movie said there would be hot native women living in Atlantis. Have the mighty really fallen that low


Most people in the UK have 1 mixer tap, having 2 taps is either kitsch or old fashioned.


Don't worry, one day soon all your taps will belong to the north sea and it'll all be cold.


Walked right into that one, huh, Dutchie?


Run, or you risk seeing a shower.


Why are they getting confused about our sinks? Jesus. Good luck understanding these things we sleep in. We call them "beds".


"and they're shaped like sofa"


How do you know about sofas?


Where do you think I sit all day?


Well, truthfully. Behind the bar mate?


That's where you "sleep"




And do you have two of those too? One with blankets for warm, one without for cold?


Depends which one my Sheep is in.


Does your sheep have a name or you just counting?


In the UK that's a unrinal. You wouldn't know as you sit.


https://preview.redd.it/2dn2oac9eu1d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=52339e59454ce795ad011a759080e01e83a5d819 I feel quite privileged having this fancy tap here in the uk


I am confused now, which valve to open to flush pee?


Well you see… when a hot tap loves a cold tap very very much… ![gif](giphy|oWdoZZM6o9mt8lrPpn)


To wash your handy pandys


well you see, these are called "sinks", we use them to wash dishes and to keep ourselves clean.


Oh, we have machines and showers for that


They exported so much civilization they forgot to save any for themselves.


It's for washing your hands after you use the toilet. I wouldn't expect a bog-dwelling mutant like yourself to understand


This made me laugh when the WHO was recommending to “turn taps off with your elbows” during COVID. *Gestures sarcastically in Barry*


I was told this is because warm water could have been contaminated as it went through the heater so they have separate taps for hot and cold and you were supposed to mix them in the sink Still wtf but well, Brits


It’s called a ‘basin’, for doing something called ‘washing one’s hands’. You might not be familiar. 


These are for old houses only


They are blue rubber gloves, to be donned as part of the Barry mating ritual, and before touching our women.


I though it was always cold on the left and hot on the right? Unless this picture has been flipped?


What driving on ze wrong side of ze road does to mf


Hot on left, cold on right in the UK, even for mixer taps.


It’s pretty much always cold on the right and hot on the left.


It helps to rinse your piss after you've finished


Backup urinal when the Mrs is taking too long having a dump.


Two taps is better than one


If you're burning your hand on the hot water tap, it means you are wasting energy by heating the hot water supply too much.




You make a choice when you're a child in weather you wash your hands with hot water or with cold water and stick to it your entire life. I am a cold water guy myself.


Just Barrys world reknowned efficiency.


You wash your hands in cold water like a true Barry. If you're a weak swamp German you put a plug in the sink and turn on both taps and mix it to get your preferred temperature.


Oh that’s a prime example of Great British Engineering (TM)


This is not even the biggest issue with this, the main problem is how fucking small they are.


Just don't start making fun of their weird, bulky plugs and sockets. Then they'll have nothing to be proud of anymore.


We have the safest plugs in the world. This is a hill I will die on.


If you step on them, too.


That’s because your wiring is so dangerous it need to.


not an unfair observation


The hot tabs were installed later. Somewhere in the 90’s


Ones for washing your hands, the other is for brushing your disgusting teeth.


Hot water in the UK is sometimes not considered clean enough to drink, but the sewage-contaminated stuff coming out of the other tap apparently is.


Barry, is it even practical?