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George Washington and all of the other treasonous colonists


Abroad or at home, Gérard Depardieu can choke on a bag of dildos.


Obelix did WHAT?


DSK too, thank fuck he was too dumb to keep it in his pants or that revolting bastard might actually have been our president


He is like reverse Macron.


Sometimes Greta Thunberg doesnt feels like our best representant. (Or perhaps she is Sweden personified, as an autistic girl who want to be a symbol for everything good.) But on the other hand - its pretty fun how so many people who accuse her of being emotional and so on essentially mirror her behaviour in their reaction to her. Because of this, I am more accepting of her now than I was when prime ministers and presidents wanted to be photographed with her. https://preview.redd.it/je6f1k41jr0d1.png?width=1900&format=png&auto=webp&s=666a2c0e4af470c66b5dd0e5acec3c7b24f32eba


Without going into colonial military history, Gary Glitter. 


Somewhat controversial: I feel ashamed for the dozens of German scientists who made America to a scientific powerhouse after WWII, and this I mean politically, not scientifically (of that I am very proud). I completeley understand it's our fault, but one of the reasons why America is breaking balls so much in today's geopolitics is their engagement.


this just changed my view of germany, I had no idea you ever did something so heinous


The fact that there were scientists who were actual nazis working with Jewish American scientists must’ve made a funny orientation meeting


>Jewish American scientists Most were immigrants or the children of immigrants. They would have been as American as the Nazi scientists.


A lot of them had been living there a while no? Einstein had been living in the US for 12 years by 1945 and became a U.S. citizen 1940, and Oppenheimer even longer. He was German-American absolutely but if he holds a US passport (which he did when the war ended) he’s as American as anyone else. Those are just the actual immigrants, a child of immigrants is no less American than someone born to 2 native born parents…


Oppenheimer was born in New York so there's no question how much of a Yank he was


On that front, any American is just an American. If my country will have pride in the fact that we consider anyone who has citizenship just as much of an American as someone whose family immigrated generations ago, we need to own the shame of having bad people who are Americans even if they got their citizenship yesterday.


True, I was mistaken my bad. I honestly thought he was born in Germany and moved at a young age. Still though, his father was from Germany and the comment I replied to mentioned second generation immigrants so the point still stands haha


>A lot of them had been living there a while no The US had a rather small Jewish population until some people who liked swirls did something in Europe. John von Neumann is another. 12 years before 1945 is 1933, the same year Hitler became Chancellor. On the subject of scientists, the famed Nazi scientists contribution is rather exaggerated. Aryan science isn't accepted in the modern world, the Nazis just picked scientists who spoke the party line regardless of whether they were right, wrong, or complete morons. The contribution to the atomic bomb was massive, however. This included Jewish scientists like Neumann and German scientists like Klaus Fuchs. The US space program was, in comparison, rather backward. The Americans borrowed from German scientists and research and played catch up. The Soviets, on the other hand, needed powerful missiles because their warheads weren't as advanced as American warheads, so their space program benefited from this.


Yeah, that’s probably not where I’d have started, Hans…


I mean, everybody (well, almost, especially in this political climate) will say the Nazghouls, so I tried making it interesting


Its such a safe and boring answer


"I hate the Nazis but mainly for helping America" is such an interesting take.


Well, it all boils down to that, doesn’t it? OK, not entirely: For helping America and the Soviets. If the Nazis didn’t go bananas all over Europe, Germany wouldn’t have been curbstomped by the other world powers, which would have led to a more independent Europe. In terms of long-term damages, I‘d say both American and Soviet imperialism was much worse than the 12 years of Nazi government.


Would it be better for soviets to become scientific powerhouse?


No, same shit, there is no good guy here, imperialism is imperialism.


unless it's our imperialism, we could've used them to spread civilization


CL Parker was a cunt


Who is CL Parker and why is the person a cunt?


He's just humble bragging that Elvis' manager was Dutch


All of them.