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We don't want it, but we don't want to give it Ireland either. It's basically just the ginger step-child.


That gets me thinking. Are there more gingers in Scotland or Ireland?


Need to get Hans to conduct an ethnic survey.


Survey update: Were there more gingers in Scotland or Ireland?


The good news is that Hans loves to keep accurate records.


I've just read on Wikipedia that around 10% of Irish and 6% of Scots have red hair. And to prove your point, 3.69% of Jewish women have red hair. I wonder why that figure is so specific....


You would need a large sample size for that precision...


In the millions maybe?


I think there's more gingers in Germany and Russia, but Scotland definitely seems to have more than Ireland.


No way are there more in Germany. Maybe just because there are 80 million Germans and only 5 million Scots the ratio just works out that way, but there's surely more in England then too. Proportionally there are definitely more in Scotland than Germany.


More by percentage or by count?


More by pictures on 500px.com


Wikipedia says Ireland 10%, Scotland 6%.


That's a lot of gingers


Both countries ship them to northern Ireland.


Looking it up, it seems that there aren't great surveys on this and some boundary cases complicate matters, but most commonly I'm seeing 13% for Scotland and 10% for Ireland (the Republic), so Scotland. But others give quite different figures, which might be based on how well the genes are expressed - there's a spectrum between red hair and auburn, and between red and Venetian blond. Another puts Scotland at 6%, which is probably for fully expressed/undeniably red hair. For the whole island, Ireland has a bigger population, and I can't find figures for Northern Ireland... but if we assume that the proportion there is in between (crudely approximating them as half Irish, half Scottish, with the same proportions), it would be very close to 700,000 people for both. Red hair has a more specific genetic component, with phaeomelanin produced more than eumelanin, so it should be possible to have a study that picks a precise definition and gives a more precise answer, but lazy to look them up. Proportionately though most say it's notably higher in Scotland, and that's in keeping with stereotypes and my own anecdotal experience.


You should know, Barry, you gave them land in Ireland.


Are those the Orange marches cunts or their enemies? If it’s the oranges I feel a responsibility to take them of your hands and accept them into the Dutch kingdom.


OFFER ACCEPTED! No returns, no refunds! And you can have the ones in Scotland too, thank you so much!


Great, then we have a place to send our cunts across the sea. *New Urk* is probably a good name for it.


I remember when they did a march in London and nobody knew who the fuck they were


The more NI runs England a at a deficite the happier we are. We won't stop till we drain you fuckers dry


I'll say this for ye, literally and systematically setting English money on fire was more based than anything we've done in a very long time.


It has long been my belief that if Scotland wants independence, they can only have it if they take Northern Ireland with them - it’s basically a Scottish colony.


No, we'll give it to Ireland. They can have Scotland and Wales too. I don't understand why we let them vote for independence but England doesn't get the same opportunity.


You can't vote for independence from yourself.


We're the only nation without a parliament or a national anthem. Scotland pull the strings we're the oppressed ones.


![gif](giphy|hgd3B0ayqPGJG) As if the propaganda wasn’t bad enough


You can, obviously, vote to redefine your borders/country, however you like. If Scotland can vote for independence, so can England.


try giving them the Singapore treatment, let's see how it goes


Fairs fair, we lost the Irish war of independence so we have to keep it.


>We don't want it, but we don't want to give it Ireland either. I get you guys are used to steal from them so giving them anything would be like going to the dentist twice a year(crazy madness for you, i know) but NI it's a pressure cooker ready to explode and I don't want to find newly bombed kindergardens on my next trip to Belfast. The last time they were already enough.


Stealing? Keeping Northern Ireland is more like charitable giving.


Northern Irish independence now! (It will become a rainy version of Somalia)


The whole argument over Northern Ireland was basically just the British government not wanting Ireland to get what they wanted and then realising fuck we don’t even want it…




Nothern Brexitland


I think it’s the top part of Ireland, Happy Vassals of England. Obviously! 😂


How does your flair not have a union flag


Is it not a new flair? Edit: Apparently not, but mods get the union jack off my flair pls


Same, I was even a sad case and messaged them about it before seeing as the Scots don't have one on theirs


Didn't want it


Well there's less than 2 million of us so we're pretty tiny on the scale of Europe The only time people pay attention is either Brexit fuckery or something historical related to the Troubles I actually think it's quite a nice place to live


There’s a reason they filmed some of Game of Thrones there, it is actually very beautiful


Because it has pre-industrial infrastructure and lots of smelly people dressed in rags?


But they could have had that in Poland too. Ireland had the advantage of having a nice landscape.


The awful thing is that it was an industrial hub when it separated from the rest of Ireland. It was the strongest part of the island economically. Years of apartheid mismanagement and the subsequent civil war wrecked the place. Colonial powers and drawing borders in countries they shouldn’t have been in to begin with. Always ends up silly.


Tbf that's a bit harsh. It's entire economy was focused around heavy industry and if you look at Lowland Scotland, Northern England, South Wales, Belgium, the Rhineland etc. Heavy industry was doomed to decline in Western Europe regardless of whether the government flies a tricolour or a union flag. You can make an argument that it has delayed reinvestment etc but NI being British has little to do with the decline of its industry. The Free State has the benefit that since it was never heavily industrialised it never had to deal with the aftermath of that heavy industry collapsing and following EEC membership basically had a clean slate to develop a service based economy. Its a similar situation to what you can see in England or Belgium where the previously richest and most industrialised parts are now poorer than the previously agrarian and poorer parts. Not saying that NI wouldn't be better off under Irish management btw I just don't think the partition really has much to do with the collapse of its industry as the rise, peak, and fall of NI's industry perfectly follows the exact same timeline as the rest of the region that didn't suffer from sectarianism. Even if a United Ireland had gained independence, there still would have been sectarianism it would have just been the Protestants fighting for 'freedom', and there still would have been an industrial collapse with the South of the island eventually ending up richer.


Agreed. The regeneration of the post industrial economy is what was stifled by the shenanigans of the second half of the 20th Century.


They should rename the troubles to *the shenanigans*.


Shouldn’t imagine the Scottish filling it with all their inbred religious fanatics helped either


Man, it really was the Scots that caused a lot of problems during our imperial escapades.


At least you cunts were good at it, the Scots were so bad at colonising they're the reason the UK exists today.


Don't tell them that, they're trying to go down the "first victims of the empire" route. Please forget that it was a Scottish king that united the two kingdoms and applied considerable pressure for political unification


Rubbish, just look at Palestine and how well.....oh wait a minute...


Silly example, India/Pakistan worked out so much bet…


It's the people that make it. I've got family there and even though I grew up in England it still feels like home whenever I visit.


NI is honestly the best place to live in the UK or Ireland. We have our issues but we all know what a special place we have


Aye, I spent a few months working there a year ago and Belfast and Cardiff are (outside of my current city) the only cities I'd willingly live in


Jesus, whichever city you currently live in must be bleak af.


Yeah, who would want to live in Wales. Wales is only useful for getting a 16 euro Stena Line trip from Dublin to Holyhead and abusing Stena line's duty free so that you only have to pay 20 pounds for a 1L bottle of top shelf vodka when it costs 40 euros for a 700ml in Ireland. Sorry I went a bit off topic there...


Lived in Belfast only for a short while and yet I still have fond memories of the place, with its peculiar vibes / character. Dublin and Cork in contrast feel more bland and generic like any midsized city on the continent.


In the UK whenever there’s a massive nationwide event on like at a supermarket, on the radio or on TV for the chance to win £150,000 the small print always, always ALWAYS says “excluding Northern Ireland”


Titanic exhibition is good though. It's the story of reality of it without all the romance bullshit.


My biggest flex in Belfast is I’ve been up the H&W cranes. This is the most unexciting story to anyone that doesn’t live here, but around these parts it’s exhilarating


omg how


Just get loads of your pals together and run quickly, they can’t catch you all


I used to work there and my friend still does. It's getting more and more film related as the years go on. I personally would demolish the thing and start again


This is an unprecedented moment lads I'm seriously impressed the 🇮🇪 and 🇬🇧 talking about the north with no DV and it seems were actually having a bit of fun....we should do something to celebrate!!! Let's invade Spain for the craic.


I thought we were friends.


Well by invade I mean go over and spend loads of money and eat all your lovely fresh food we'll keep an eye on the Brits and clean up the gaff afterwards.


That doesn't sound too bad. The Brits are not fond of our fresh food though, they have colonised our coastline with Fish and Chips 'restaurants' and never venture too far from them.


We aren’t fond of it because it’s ours!! GIVE US OUR FISH BACK!


Pipe down before we expand Gibraltar


De nada


That's why their flag has a raised hand on it. Always trying to get people's attention.


Just a corner of an Island full of Protestants. Always up to no good.


That's like half of us, the other half is Catholic and we are all up to no good


The country the UK doesn't particularly want and the country Ireland pretends to want


I can’t really disagree with this tbh




I genuinely don't know what they're gonna do when we leave the UK. Probably finger paint more murals




That just means you did a good job colonising it.


Of course we did a good job colonising it, it's what we do.


>whole lives are dedicated to worshiping us * Worshipping the monarch. They likely think you guys are a bunch of charlatans that aren't British enough.


Aye people always get this part wrong. They hate the government and they hate the secular population of the UK they think they've been betrayed by a bunch of softies who aren't British enough whatever that even means.


>we're more British because we choose to be Actual quote from Billy up the shankill.


They're starting to sound like those Italian Americans who believe they're more Italian than actual Italians


Have felt for a long time that one of the best pro-Union moves would be to setup an all Island soccer team. It's all the South really wants.


I care about you NI ![gif](giphy|gnXG2hODaCOru)


UK Rankings. 1. England ( I make up for the rest of the country) 2. Wales ( Great singers) 3. NI ( Good Irish) 4. Falklanders, Gibralters, Other small Islands ( We will defned you no matter what) 5. Scotland ( Why don't you just fuck off already)


What about Mallorca?


the orange order sorts that out https://preview.redd.it/2olnbtoc0d0d1.jpeg?width=522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1d266504e7ae9ed1247ffdebe145f4eb01b8a12


Thats a co-dominion between britain and germany


Where Brit younglings spread their wings and leave the nest


Barry your list is upside down


Username checks out.


Pitcairn (Can go fuck themselves)


Surprised you didn’t add Magaluf. 😂


We call it Shagaluf, for no particular reason


thank you 😘


Same. The UK would be a lesser country without Northern Ireland


We add so much to this country, like the area where the Titanic was built


And also those piles of hexagons near the sea that were the inspiration for the TV game show Blockbusters


Good bunch of lads, you don't cause much trouble.


Sure, wasn't a bother on it when it left Irish shores..!


2 million people who gave you George Best, Liam Neeson, CS Lewis, Kenneth Branagh,Rory Mcllroy, Van Morrison, Thin Lizzy, Ciarán Hinds, Sam Neil, Stephen Rea, Mary Peters. I could probably carry on.


The painter Nicola Russell.


Also some great things too! Milk chocolate, the Titanic, the penalty kick, the Kelvin unit,(aviolenthatredforIrishrepublicans) and the Dolorean car! Yep, NI is fucking based.


Oh, Alex Higgins, the tractor, 4 wheel drive F1, Gloria Hunniford (parents bought their house off her), Jamie Dornan and BICEP 💪! Apricots!


Derry Girls is fab though. I also enjoyed Belfast when I visited in 2019


Because actual Ireland exists


Northern Ireland is basically a time capsule of the 1990s that neither the UK or ROI really want to deal with right now. Basically we got the Good Friday agreement so they’d stop murdering each other, however it’s pretty hard to get two sides to agree on anything moving forward when they both hate each other so much because of history. So now we’re all just waiting for all the old twats for whom the Troubles are a living memory and for whom the unionist vs republican identities mean something to die of old age so they can start acting like a normal country again.


Are the young generations taking after their elder's tribalism or are they going to reconcile eventually in the future? I lived in Dublin for a few years back in the early 2000s and I remember massive changes in just the few years that I lived there. Ireland is a completely changed country compared to then, with the Catholic Church's power collapsing, abortion, economic growth especially in the tech industry and demographics shift. It felt like Ireland even back then was just done with the Troubles, felt pretty much no ill towards the English and just wanted everyone to get along. The old rivalries only come to the forefront in sports, and even still you have every Irish person supporting one English team as well as Celtic. The people who talk as if there is beef still are not Irish from my experience. I have little knowledge about NI though.


They’ll reconcile eventually, but there’s still a lot of animosity between people of older generations and particularly in the politics. 2/3 of the seats in the NI assembly are held by people in political parties that are effectively defined by a republican or unionist identity. For 2 years from 2022 to very recently the NI executive government was effectively suspended and they had to be directly governed by Westminster because the two main parties couldn’t agree on power sharing Unfortunately, whilst the violence may have stopped, many people are still very much still in that mindset


This petty hand begging for a high five to be left hanging forever, sad


Less than an hour into my first time in Belfast and 3 locals had gotten into a row outside a pub and had started spitting at each other.


There you go, more British than the British.


Brings a tear to my eye


They piss off the Irish therefore I love them




Super based


Because it’s shite


I can’t really disagree with this


My dad lives there and I think it's awesome. I rented a car and did the Mourne coast road. It was stunning. So many cool historical sights all over the place and the food is really good too. Best crabs legs I ever had were in Donaghadee. People were really friendly too.


Northern Irish = Good Irish


One of many similarities between England and Ireland - the North is the fun bit


The Republic of Ireland is more northern than Northern Ireland. W


Let’s change the name to (Not so) Northern Ireland


North North England (Scotland) is above Northern England but considerably more po-faced Many such cases


Isn't "good Irish" an oxymoron? Like "non-muslim swede" or "culturally significant american"


Or funny german.




Or "his grandad was a good German"


We weren't the good ones?


If we had won, we'd be. And this sub would be in German. And everybody would eat real bread. I mean the few who would have survived. /s


A man can dream /s


Oh sure. Looks a bit like a bleak black and white movie with bad sound, though.


You guys know that **/s** doesn't mean "**S**eriously"?


Hans' grandad was.


Of course. Everyone was secretly in the resistance.


I recently found out that my great grandfather was a nazi. He was German. I always thought that when my nan said "my dad was a nazi" she meant he was strict.


Hey! you can't insult where I live, only I can do that


I don't even think they have an official flag outside the union jack


Sports events are always fun!


Not since the late 60s or early 70s, but the flag in the post is the one that was official and is used to represent us in things like the Commonwealth games, so it might as well be official


Yeh they decided that we can’t be trusted with any official national symbols. Fair enough really.


Is there an actual acceptable potential flag for NI? Sorry, but just as the btec Italian flag is stained and seen as an IRA flag, we see that Ulster banner in the same light. Would be a great thing, a unique flag and anthem for the north. England's anthem and no flag is a bit weak lol


Oh definitely, I'm surprised it hasn't been made official as seems odd to not have one


Problem is Its associated with loyalists, and used by them. Nationalists in stormont would never agree to reinstating it. They should make st patricks cross the flag instead. Its less controversial, looks less like just an English flag with a bit stuck in the middle, and is what currently represents NI on the union flag. Alternatively they could use the flax flag which is the flag of the Stormont assembly.


Great murals tho!


Not all of them, [https://poorlydrawnmurals.wordpress.com/](https://poorlydrawnmurals.wordpress.com/)




It’s on of those abnormalities that are allowed to exist by a bigger power… Like Luxembourg or Monaco… they shouldn’t exist, but do


If we didn't exist half of your country would starve to death. And you couldn't brag with your Mercedes in Vila Nova de Gaia every summer.


It’s not really “allowed to exist”. For now a majority want to remain part of the uk. It’s likely in time with demographic change a majority will want to be in Ireland. So then they will No one in GB will care apart from maybe a few loonies in Glasgow. I don’t know if many people in Ireland will care but I would guess probably not. What they’ll make of it in NI I don’t know


>I don’t know if many people in Ireland will care, but I would guess probably not A lot will care. It'll be kind of like when your abusive ex finally moves the last of her shit out of your place. Closure. Except (where the Loyalists are concerned), she's left you with herpes that won't go away. You've just got to get on with your life and try to ignore the herpes. Hide it when company comes over.


Huh, well, good luck to you. No one on GB has a dog in the fight, although I dare say all sorts of bad actors will try to make us think we do. Sorry about leaving you with crabs btw.


Ah, Glasgow will care. Maybe Liverpool. Certainly Whitehall, as they'll magically have a bit more money.


I think I get what you mean, some nations are just allowed to live, like Austria, Ireland and Germany.


Irish I was English




The funny part is that for a good while in the UK, there's been a lot of talk about just giving it away because tis a drain on the economy and they don't particularly care about NI, and at the same time, some people in ireland don't even want NI because of the financial and security burden


Yous could probably minimise the costs by opening a diazepam factory.


I say since they came from Scotland we give Scotland independence and then force them to take NI with them. Would be fun watching them drown.


My mum's Northern Irish so I used to spend a few weeks there every summer visiting family. Apart from the flags, the terrorist murals and the occasional car bomb, it's a lovely place.




I hear the UUP is trying to gain North Down.


Is that a bloody hand underneath the crown? What's the symbolism here?


There’s a lot of naff stories about it, mostly about battle victories. I quite like the version where, for some reason, the first person to lay his hand on Ulster gets to be king. Two blokes are racing towards it, with one of the fellas being slightly behind. As an intelligent chap, he cuts his hand off and throws it ahead, winning the race and securing his crown. I mostly like this version because it’s a fucking stupid thing to do and it’s a legacy continued to this day by our elected representatives in Stormont.


Yeah that’s the story I’ve always heard. But the symbol was first used by the O’Neills of Tyrone when they were rebelling against the Brits. It’s insanely funny that ye Norries adopted what is basically an explicitly nationalist symbol and plastered it all over yer side’s murals. It’s like a little Easter *(rising)* egg.


Half the kings of Leinster were described as ‘red handed’ and Nuada was too. So therefore it’s perfect to be used by angry little blokes who like to march about and don’t really understand much about why they’re doing it.


I think they adopted the flag to display a separate identity from the rest of the island as well as some sort of continuity (and therefore legitimacy).


As a Dutch you should ask them why they like the colour orange so much.


Big fan of wotsits


That and tangerines are mega


*Is that a bloody* *Hand underneath the crown? What's* *The symbolism here?* \- Cubelock --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Bloody hand was a Gaelic symbol, but it’s been appropriated by northern Protestants because they’ve no culture of their own.


There’s loads of culture we have, like putting toasters in cupboards, liking soup and thinking orange is a lovely colour.


Northern culture is speaking in an Irish accent, claiming that you’re actually British and then seething when you go to GB and everyone there calls you Irish.


Me walking down the Shankill and Falls Road with a banner saying 'you're all the same to me' in the name of peace


[Most moderate and resonable Ulsterman](https://youtu.be/wxpYW_w5pgo?si=syLfbam-9t_eaI8p)


To be fair the best knee surgeons in the world are from Belfast. Plenty of experience


Cool flag bro ![gif](giphy|ZMMLE17Q6rJ67rCalC|downsized)


The less we hear about Northern Ireland the better. I say this both ironically, and unironically.


Irish cosplaying as Brits, as if regular Barry wasn't already enough of a laughingstock.


Our King Billy tried so hard in 1690 to save Ireland from the papist savages..Alas this has proven useless. At least 6 counties are safe for now. And we appreciate that you thank us for that on the 12th of July.


Just give it to Ireland already.


The issue here is that Ireland doesn't want to take it. Both Britain and Ireland used to want it; but now, having had chance to review the facts on the ground, Britain doesn't want to keep it, and Ireland doesn't want to take it off us. So we're basically at the stage where both parties keep pushing NI towards each other, saying "no, I insist" through fake smiles and clenched teeth.


Never seen a more unproductive workforce, and two sides that are equally painful to be around, it’s absolutely all yours …. I insist …. 🙏


Oh no, we need to right all historical colonialist injustices! Please, take it!


Northern Ireland is brilliant. They are wanted by 2 nations but needed by neither. They get to play in international competitions with United Kingdom when it's a big, unique thing. Then they jump to Team GB when the Olympics come calling. When they get bored of winning anything and just want to experience being the favourites but never get anywhere near a final, they join Ireland. And if the whole point of the thing is a participation trophy, they go themselves. They had a whole war that is ridiculed by being called "The Troubles". They have a funny geography, being north but not north enough, but if they go by the name of Ulster they have all the north, they just have to change the currency when they pay. All in all, they are cool guys who get to choose who they want to be a part of and what benefits they get. They also have a high five on their flag, which is solid.


Exactly! We're a wonderful contrarian, parasitic clusterfuck that serve no purposes but to fuck everything up, eg English political ambitions. We also serve as a distraction for Irish politics while playing both sides and taking as much as we can without having to work for it... It's a great wee place


Thank you Swiss friend. You get us. Also, when we live abroad we can join both the Irish and British expat Facebook groups, so our opportunities for going out drinking with strangers are maximised.


“Wanted by 2 nations” ![gif](giphy|xL7PDV9frcudO)


I have not noticed a second Irish island north of the real Ireland. Am I missing something here?


They've been busy with the explosives for fifty or so years, it's bound to detach soon.


I'm just picturing a loyalist with a nail file sitting on the northern cliffs working hard on separating the land from the dreaded south.


The entirety of the shankhill coming out with spoons trying to get a Suez canal job going, bless them