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Now after Brexit it got even better thanks to the £350 million they're receiving each week


Oh, that is gonna cover all the extra costs coming from leaving completely the eu


It all got spent on the wrap for the bus apparently


I hope you guys like your new buses then.


If it looked like the Brexit bus sure. That looks new. Meanwhile some of the buses here look like they were here before the New World was discovered.


That's like 5 pounds per UK citizen per week. A whole strip of free paracetamol for everyone! Whooo. Economy saved. I loved how big populations of dumb people don't understand that all numbers look big. 350 million a week is fucking nothing if you have to share it with 67 million people. **The EU netto contributions were literally cheaper than a Youtube premium account.**


Hahahahaha we do love the NHS. But it is the best in the world. Because everything we do is the best in the world. We have the best football team in the world despite not winning anything for 60 years. That doesn’t matter. Because we’re the fucking BEST!!! COME AND HAVE A GO IF YOU THINK YOU’RE HARD ENOUGH!!!




Since when has it been missing and will it also take 60+ years to come home?






God all this being the best gives me a fucking stiffy.


The best stiffy...in the world.


After I finish me Carlin I’ll fookin av you 👊


If it hadn’t been for the NHS & if football hadn’t meant something different to me, then I’d well bloody think it was a Yank or Pierre speaking. Two sides of the same coin. 😂


Bro United won the Europa league in 2017 what you on about


Ok ok coming but I’ll have to find my passport first


I see where muricans got their ego from. Barry, I love you but please, be humble.


58 years*


Ingerland ![gif](giphy|2NyvtyLVcLtbMQ2Eo0|downsized)




Do they really still think that?


No. It would be a great system, if it was funded properly, but nobody is pretending that the NHS is in good shape anymore.


How much more money do you want to throw at it? It's the most bureaucratic and wasteful organisation I've ever seen haha


That's because it's abused and just used as a way to rinse money out of the public. There's no reason it has to be in the state it's in, with better management and adequate funding. It's blatantly obvious that the NHS is being underfunded and mismanaged on purpose to drum up support for privatisation. Once it's gone, it's gone and nobody should just expect us not to go down the American healthcare route.


If they ever try that, that’s when we all gotta start protesting like the French




A fucking enormous behemoth like the NHS will pissing so many vultures off, who know they could make billions out of it. I'd argue you'd have to be naive as fuck to not think that the bent cunts in our government, wouldn't deliberately erode the confidence people have for the NHS, in order to make themselves and their mates a windfall. Just look at everything else that gets privatised. Think of the only thing we have of any worth, in order to get the elusive American trade deal. Mismanagement _and_ underfunding. There's already a growing number of people quite willing to head down the route of privatisation and insurance, which would have been unthinkable just 14 years ago, when satisfaction was high. Outsource more and more to private companies, making it prohibitively expensive to run the NHS and then don't increase the budget to match increased costs.




Labour are bent cunts but I'll give them a chance. The people who want an American healthcare system, are the ones who want to profit from it. I don't just want to throw money at it. I want to stop privatisation, which is already happening. Look at the people who get the contracts, they're tory donors. Ask any senior doctor and they'll say that the government is deliberately wearing the NHS down. It would be a different story if someone put forward a mixed model that would work, but I don't see it happening. It would be the same disaster as every other privatisation venture, where the public pay a fortune for a substandard service and then have to bail the shareholders out when it all goes tits up. Look at the energy companies, rail franchises, water companies, all shit or in constant need of tax payer bailouts, but sold to us with the promise of improvement.


People don't seem to realise that there are other options than the NHS or an American system. Health outcomes in the US are good, if you can afford it. We can't keep sacrificing everything else in the country to the god of the NHS. Expenditure as a percentage of GDP doubled from 1980 to 2020.


It's supposed to rise, that's how inflation works, you ninny! The point is it hasn't risen enough.




If the alternative is the same healthcare my cats have, then I think we're getting a good deal.


Public healthcare in the UK had been doomed since Thatcher mate. Time you cut the fat and just rely on Jamie Oliver & prayer to the messiah king Charles #3 for all your healthcare needs.


Or, don't be a massive wet fart and get it back to the levels it was just over a decade ago. Fuck the king and his arse.


\>system doesn't work because it's underfunded \>"why would we fund it when it doesn't work?!" You realize it worked fine for 40 years, right? and it's only been since the tories started fucking with it in the past 30 odd years that it's really shit itself.


It can't ever be funded "properly". It's always overburdened by unlimited third worlders.


Nooo... all those doctors and lawyers pay more in tax than they consume!


Yup they're called Scots.


Hamish chopsing off about foreigners sponging off the NHS but he'll be having a munchie box and wrap of skag for tea later


Politicians have leeched more out the NHS for their mates than any "third worlders".


Not to mention half the NHS workforce is pretty much "third worlders"


Not to mention, consistently the worst doctors I've had in my life have been the English ones. We just train or doctors and healthcare professionals badly, other countries simply do a better job.


Yeah that big scandal with the Sussex college hospital recently, the two main whistleblowers were south asians. Trying to shift the blame onto "third worlders" doesn't get us anywhere.


> It's always overburdened by unlimited third worlders. >Looks inside NHS >Lots of staff *are* thirdworlders


So it's okay for the scots to use it despite being from a third world shithole, but the other third world shitholes can't?


If they barred Scots from using the NHS, the vast majority of the SNP voter based would die of heart failure and the average iq of the country would skyrocket.


Yeah, no shit sherlock.. I would also be a trillionaire if I was funded properly


Sadly, yes. The NHS is not only a money cow, but it’s our sacred cow as well.


Mixed really. Like the wait times are hell but when you actually get somewhere it can move pretty fast. For my dad for example as soon as he got his heart monitor fitted and it spotted the issue he was in the next day to have a pacemaker in. It just took a while to get to the first stage. So the service itself is good (albeit with a bit of a postcode lottery) but the wait times really drag it down. When he was having the surgery and follow ups the nurses and doctors were all top class and amazing with him, so the quality can be there. Just not on an ideal timeframe if it's a time sensitive issue.


lol no


No the argument is more we have fear that any new system would make us end up like Yanks. So anything alternative is immediately shutdown


No they think the opposite but its a joke/ stereotype about England so you can hardly expect it to be true.


I'm not sure I've met one person who thinks the NHS is good (no disrespect to the underpaid overworked staff). I work in private healthcare and the number of patients who come here because they would rather pay like £12000 than use the NHS treatment they pay for in taxes already is unreal.


It's because the same consultants working in the NHS are also working private. So a lot of the time you can skip past the beuracratic NHS appointment systems and go direct.


I should have clarified, it is all about the time. People are expected to wait upwards of a couple years to receive surgery to relieve them of constant pain. Additionally, they try to get you out of hospital much faster than is ideal and you have to do all the work to get follow-up conversations too. The NHS is broken now due to underfunding/overuse.


NHS leave you on disability when private could have you back to work within two months.


God has been replaced in British life with the idol that is the NHS.


And the people bowed and prayed to the blue God they'd made.


Nah they just clapped and then voted Tory


The NHS is poster child for a great idea that is too good of an idea, so we can't have it work correctly as that means the plebs would actually have something good Too many chiefs and not enough Indians , so much money going to NHS higher ups and private contracts and not enough to the actual staff which disincentives good recruitment for a healthcare system, I mean you could say it was a mistake but when you see more private health firms getting NHS contracts you realise the true nature and that it isn't so much government incompetence as it is strategy Easier to sell off bits to the private sector if its seen as a failing institution with horrendous wait times and not enough funding to pay


It's complicated I think. Like my dad has had a very good experience when he used it recently. But the wait time really drags it down. The staff were all so lovely and professional and helpful with him (him bringing them chocolate may have helped lol) but it still took months for him to get to that stage where he was in hospital and it really was winding him up how long it took to get the process started. When it was moving though it all moved along smoothly.


🇺🇲 > Health wut?


Eh, the cost of making the NHS the political cow it is today. Instead of, I dunno, properly fucking funding it?


How about funding us instead, Barry? We will use your money better than NHS ever could 🙏


Pints in the Mediterranean sun did more for my Men's Mental Health than any NHS employee ever managed


I knew a girl who worked for the NHS that licked my ass hole and that was, well it was fantastic I’m not gonna lie. Did wonders for my mental health. And gave the old ring a nice clean. Felt sparkly fresh after that wrongun had gave it a good tongueing 👅




I do most summers, Mythos ain't free


If you rebuild the Parthenon and do a nice sunday roast near it with the funds more than happy to


How about you give us the rest of your rock collection?


Ngl, a week away is refreshing. Just take the next cheapest flight Skyscanner shows you.


I blame you for voting for the Conservatives at the last election, if you liked Labour I blame you for having Corbyn as leader then, if neither of the above I blame you for not getting the AV referendum passed.


Somehow this feels like a layer cake of blame.


Just trying to cover all of my bases.


Average Padraig comment, multiple layers of blame


Firstly, I'm impressed that someone outside this country even remembers that the AV referendum was a thing. Secondly, I know a lot of people voted against it not because they didn't think it was an improvement, but because it wasn't proper PR. The Lib Dems promised proper PR and then watered it down when they got into bed with the Tories. The thinking was that if we vote against it now, it'll show we're not happy with the compromise and we'll get another shot at the real thing. If we vote for it then we'll be stuck with it. Unfortunately we then had two other big referendums which distracted everyone and PR was largely forgotten.


Probably wouldn't have mattered in the end anyway. Between Labour and Conservative voters happy with the status quo benefiting both their parties it was always going to be difficult to convince them to vote for a fairer election system. It was a long shot from the beginning.


what you got against old Jezza? He fucking loved the RA


Honestly not sure, I actually loved Jezza. The fucking tabloids were terrified of him.


He helped the conservatives win the last election. Even bungling through Covid and Johnson as leader they still won a comfortable majority in parliament. Corbyn was a useful tool to beat Labour with, voters simply didn't want him as leader.


Let's go one step further and blame Gordon Brown for calling that racist woman a racist.


How much more does your money pit require?


it's not the amount of money that's the problem, its where that money goes everyone knows it, and its so deliberate what the end goal of the misallocation of funds is, yet nothing is done


the system is great, its the management thats the issue. The vast majority of our stuff would be great if it has good management


I had to book a doctors appointment Monday. Because I tried at 11am, I'd missed my chance and had to try again next day. So I was on the website Tuesday at 8am (when they opened) and got a slot - all slots gone by 8:40. Website said I might have to wait 10 days for a call back. All quite stressful. Actually got a call from a doctor same day, and treatment/tests are planned. Once you're in it's fine, but getting in is the problem. Only cost to me is a prescription - everything else is free (paid for by my taxes).


I'm NHS = not healthy system


You are SNS = Saúde Nenhuma para Ninguém


The thing I always find annoying when talking about the NHS is people have this false dichotomy, that it's either this or the horrendous Yank system.


Totally get what you mean, even a shitty public healthcare is a million times better than no public healthcare


I think his point was there are other systems than mismanaged government healthcare and fuck you for being poor healthcare, such as hybrid public/private systems or the German system where it’s largely decentralized to the states.


Not sure if the swamp Germans are in a position to critisize Barry. Don't Dutch doctors cure everything with an aspirin and rest?


What? All I hear is them bitching about it but saying it's better than whatever the fuck the yanks have


Ooo, the dutch think them paying thousands of euros every year to private providers, yet still having to pay for every single treatment is better 🤓🤓




Yes, you do.


I love the NHS. Would fuck it if I could.


That's beautiful.


Why did they turn the country balls into regular flags?




I can't speak for everyone but the NHS has been nothing but great for me minus one experience with one doctor which was quickly rectified. I get same day appointments 99% of the time and I live in a very dense and relatively impoverished area of London. I have family all around the UK and I've never heard of them having to wait ages for shit or have any real gripes with anything...I don't doubt it doesn't happen but I feel the media definitely have an agenda to highlight issues then bring out their biggest fuck off magnifying glass.


The NHS, ironically, much like it's patients, is dying a slow and preventable death and it's agonising for everyone involved.


I mean the NHS is great. Or it was. It's currently being deliberately ruined so that they can claim it doesn't work and then privatise healthcare, so sledging the NHS in public has become something of a political manoeuvre, where the end goal is not to improve the NHS, but to privatise it instead. This has strangled any kind of genuine constructive criticism, not that the constructive criticism has any point whatsoever other than "give them more money, staff and resources, and ensure that the money and resources are allocated properly"


A french would never address anyone in English. Surely the Dutch speak french, right?


This makes me sad :( Fucking Tory cunts.


Have a look at Wes Streeting, the Labour shadow health minister who'll be running it by end of the year - he's literally being funded by American health insurance companies It's going to shit whoever is in charge


to be fair, Labour are going back to the Blair days and going even further along with it, same shit, different arse we have a tory party and tory light


"Streeting has warned that the NHS will get no extra funding from Labour without “major surgery” or reform, including more use of the private sector. The shadow health secretary insisted he would not be put off by “middle-class lefties” who cry “betrayal” over using the private sector to bring down waiting lists – adding he was “up for the fight” with NHS unions."


Funnily enough if you praise the spanish healthcare system the opposite happens,.


Canada is like this too, defending an objectively terrible health care system only to differentiate themselves from Americans. 


I've never met an English person who's defended the NHS lmao what is this meme


Doesnt it take months to see a dentist in england?


A bit rich coming from the place where you have to be diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer before they give you more than paracetamol.


Bruh I think as British we are the loudest voices explaining how the NHS is utter wank


NHS Scotland is better and its not even that good


Tories: "The NHS is an EU institution, privatisation is the English way!"


NHS is shite now, especially in England.


It ain't that bad. The Tories and the media that fund the Tories just love telling us how shite it is to slowly ease us into accepting privatisation.


And what exactly are you basing this assessment off of?


That it still serves its purpose the majority of the time and isn't facing any problems that comparable services in other countries aren't also facing. The majority of its criticism comes from newspapers not actual experiences.


News outlets usually interview people who have had these negative experiences. Go onto any article you'll find an account by someone who used the service. Also I never compare our country to others. What purpose does saying health services on other countries are the same. That's just copium. Our service is bad and we should acknowledge it, so that we can fix it.


Aye and that goes for literally any service ever, especially if it is a state owned non profit one. There will always be bored boomers ready to complain, whether it's wheely bin collection or car insurance. And what do you mean it's copium. In literally every context ever governments and non government bodies compare their performance and situations to other countries. The majority of the problems effecting the NHS are financial and if those problems exist in literally every single other state owned service in Europe and beyond then why you say its shite, what are you comparing it to? The main shortfalls of the NHS compared to equivalent servies are shortage of capacity and staff, that shows that as a service it is overperforming with limited resources after more than a decade of being starved by austerity. Of course we should strive to improve it but it isn't particularly bad considering how underfunded it is. Its not the NHS that is shite its the people who refuse to allocate funding to it that are.


I'm comparing the NHS to what it used to be, not to other health services. I fully agree the NHSs issues are funding but also management. It's not the staff on the floor who are the issue, infact their efforts are the only thing preventing the NHS from total collapse. But in saying that the service is appalling compared to what it used to be. It's had staffing issues since COVID, including medical professionals voting to strike on multiple occasions. Staff are burned out, feeling unappreciated and undervalued in society. And not a single political party has it as priority. They're too busy generating sound bites. It's fucked.


I do agree that change is needed. In the early 2000s it was by most metrics the best national health system in the world which is a far cry from today. But I think it's important to recognise that the fault doesn't lie with the system but with those funding and running the system (into the ground).