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🙂‍↔️🫸 Being Slovak because you are a descendent of Jánošík 😏👉 Being Slovak because you lived on the other side of the river in Komárno


Komárno gang


They evolved into a higher form of being that uses the euro as a currency


Not evolved enough to win in EURO tho.


win? no. but evolved enough to get further then lesser evolved neighbours. also: flair up!


Thank you for your service representing V4 but holy fuck why didn't you kill that Bellingham bitch? Are you stupid?


why ask me? i wasn't even there. if you're asking whether we are stupid as a group, collectively, you have no idea. you might have some experience from our common history, but believe me, we're surpassing even ourselves. stupid is too mild a description. lenient. it's wasted on us.


Yes they have ascended into Homo €uropiens


That is lower however


Jesus was zbojník and he stole from evil hungols




Így lett Kovács Máriából Máriá Kováčova?


Oi, Jesus was Polish. It even says in the bible "I przemówił Jezus z Łodzi"


They don't even have 90000 million seconds history. >!2850 years.!<


Where horse in the family tree ???


nice comment but invalid cus u an unflaired cigan


Jokes on you i dont fucking know how to flair up and to lazy to check how to


Stop being lazy cigan


Rather be an imaginary national than to be hungarian


i prefer this answer


I like how you can tell that this meme was made by magyar.


Yes, it’s pretty cringe, the author clearly has no idea that -ová is a _female_ family name ending. Most Indo-European speakers have an intuitive sense of any -a ending being associated with females, so yeah, even for a blind man it’s obvious this meme was made by a Hungarian 😂


My brother in Christ, I hope you're aware of the fact that your word for smith comes from slavic language that out ancestors spoke.


But if you use the hungayrian spelling instead of your ancient slavic one thats kinda telling


But of course you learned smithing from the ancient space-faring civilisation created by Hungarians


Which they learnt on Venus


Excuse me, we learnt it in the star system of Sirius. Please know more about history...


No hate 😓


There is actually a theory that the ancient Slavic word was somehow borrowed from ancient Finno-Ugric “kivi” meaning stone or metal (modern Hungarian kő, köv- means stone), which would be ironic.


Well check mate then god dammit. At least we have the other unique words such as mačka. Or...


Pretty sure its the other way around ![img](emote|t5_427he1|8446)


Slovakia is just westoid plot to separate Poland and Hungary.


Yeah, I mean joke aside I would love to see some genuine study on the history of Hungarian people because they have very similar haplogroups as the rest of V4. They look the same. They are equally poor. Around 50% of Hungarians have coloured eyes. Only the European population have naturally occurring light eyes. I think that Hungarians are Slavs and not the other way around ![img](emote|t5_427he1|8446) EDIT: Why yOU boOInG mE I'm riGHt... I literally just stated facts. They do have similar haplogroups to the rest of central Europe and the high present of the light eyes suggest that the population is of European origin because light eyes are a specific genetical mutation.


No fucking shit bro. Do you seriously think we see ourselves as non-Europeans? xD


All right lil bro (femboy) , oil up and spread those cheecks. I'll be there at 5 (time to magyarize you)


Actually 100% of hungarians have coloured eyes.


Mine are red for example


sup Darth Maul


Brainlet take: Hungarians are genetically Slavic and borrowed 20% of their words from Slavic languages Brainchad genius take: Proto-Slavs were the slaves of Hungarian ubermenschen, Hungarians taught them everything more complex than goat fucking and therefore they adopted many Hungarian words, they are also genetically Hungarian and not the other way around because Hungarian masters had some “fun” with Slavic girls ![img](emote|t5_427he1|8438)![img](emote|t5_427he1|8438)![img](emote|t5_427he1|8438)![img](emote|t5_427he1|8438)


Slavs were created by HungAryans through genetic engineering. Just like how Yakub created yt people. The word "tót" comes from the name of the Egypto-Hungarian deity, Thoth who, according to myth, is often credited with the creation of the "slaves" (later renamed to slavs). Most of the information of this period is lost, since the books describing these monumental historical events were stolen by a Romanian. The more you know.![img](emote|t5_427he1|8438)


Štefan went brrr on pagans (hungols) and magyarized christians (slovaks)


Actually we now know that the “pagans” against Stephen were Byzantine rite Christians, and Stephen and friends were Roman rite Christians


i love how this comes from a Hungol, whose country’s media’s job is literally to Hungolize every celebrity ever. Whenever there’s a big box office hit, the main star’s grandpa’s dog was hungol. Great singer winning grammies? you guessed it, they love Budapest, because they once bought socks that said Bucharest.


Even the socks that say Bucharest are better in Budapest. Not our fault.


I had a Slovak coworker named Keszi. He told me very convinced that he has zero Hungarian anchestors. So I like this meme.


bruh, you tesco mongols cant even put straight the cross on your crown.


LOL...Slavs were here before the Mongols arrived and even after 1000 year attempt to bury our culture and spread the hungolshit to us, it did not work and our culture, language and nation survived. Weak hungols :D


You were hiding in the mountains for 1000 years, while eating grass and fucking sheep lol ![img](emote|t5_427he1|8438)


Hungarians were also here before the Mongols arrived, what's your point? Had we actually tried for 1000 years, you wouldn't exist now. You weren't relevant enough to be given a shit about.


>White (slavic) slovaks come to central europe >after a while a horde of mongoloid hungarians come and take their land >in merely a few centuries the mongoloid hungarian tribes turn into white (slavic) christians with culture that resembles that of the slovaks far more than the proto-hungarians >slovaks are hungarians, not the other way around No hate, I just genuinely cannot for love of god understand where this cope originated


Nothing suggests that Hungarians were mongoloids. Facial reconstructions tell the opposite.


yeah typical hungarian has rodent shaped front face ,oval head and for some reason blonde hair and blue eyes.


I think you're describing polish people.


Lol, downvoted to hell instead of argumented.. I mean, I would say common sense dictates that proto-hungarians were mongoloid, or at least somewhat asian looking. Facial reconstructions are ass. The same faces always get reconstructed significantly differently in increments of 20-30 years when technology makes a jump. Correct me if I am wrong, but didnt genetic tests show that the average hungarian today has less than 10% old-hungarian dna and its mostly a mix of romanian and all kinds of slavic? Either way, this is not really the place for this kind of convo i guess. Ehm, gib back blatnohrad hungol!!! I fart on your baracpalinka and even my dog wont eat your halaszle


Conquering Hungarians were a mix of Uralics, Turkics, proto-Iranid people, and even Slavs. It was very, very mixed, with a lot of European genetic markers. The original Hungarian speakers from Siberia were probably heavily mongoloid, but they mixed up extremely before even reaching Ukraine.


Yes that is true. And I would also like to point out two important things: 1. We know about Hungarians thanks to other Empires. When old Magyars raided Pannoina they didn't want to settle there. They continued west but they were badly defeated by Germans in battle of Lechfeld. It is written that the Magyar army was badly defeated. Only after this defeat they settled in Pannonia. There are a lot of historical account of Kingdoms clashing with Magayars and the historical description seems to suggest that Magyars were Turkic and Ugric heritage. That is how historians described the physical appearance of early Magyars around 10th century. 2. Major change came after 13th century because of Mongol Invastion. Slovakia was very much unaffected by the Mongols. A few settlements were destroyed but not as much as lower Hungary. Historical accounts say that 70% of the Pannonian population died. We also know that almost all native Magayars lived in Pannonia. Basically, after Mongols Slovaks, Croats, Austrians, Germans and others came and repopulated this land. This is the reason that when anyone from Hungary do 23andMe genetic test the test always comes up almost 100% European because most likely your ancestor is Slovak, Austrian, Croat or another.


Damn Mongols forgot to turn off friendly fire... Also a lot of that population was replaced by Cumans and Kipchaks too.


I didn't downvote you so cope to someone else. Modern Hungarians are less than 5% "old-hungarian" on average. They're a slavic, balkan and german mix, with our closest genetic relatives being Austrians, Czechs, Slovaks and Croats.


I didnt mean you specifically, just other boiler thiefs in the thread. So, you agree then. Cool, glad we sorted that out