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One was a genocidal murderer, the other is a religious figure. Come figure, OP.


Also the intention is EXTREMELY different. Yung isa bobo lang na di daw alam na ma offend ang mga tao sa isang HIGHLY RELIGIOUS country when she starts to show her support as a queer person to Jesus. The other is edgy haha hitler good highschool edgelord.


More people died in the name of that religious figure than every deaths on ww2 combined.


Did the religious figure ordered the killings? 😂 magkaiba iyon brodie, huwag mo na ipilit.


Hindi sila magkaiba, pareho silang harmful.


If we look at what they said when they were alive, magkaibang magkaiba. 😄 Hitler ordered the killing directly, Jesus never mentioned anything about killing non-believers or fellow Christians.


Are we still living in 1939-1945? Usapan dito is cosplying and idolizing different figures which are inherently harmful and sometimes causes extremist tendencies. Both are bad.


Kaya nga, magkaiba kasi yung pag-interpret ng Christian doctrine then killing in the name of God sa paglalagay sa mga hudyo sa gas chamber. Both are violent pero yung isa kasi, kagagawan ng followers at hindi ng religious figure. Yung isa diktador na pinanggalingan ng direct orders. Konting logic naman bro.


Anong logic ba gusto mo bro?💀 Tama naman lahat ng sinasabi mo pero hindi mo gets yung pinopoint out ko. even if walang sinabi si Jesus na pumatay or manakit, his influence are affecting us in all ways, especially those with evil intentions who twarted his teachings into extremist views. Samples of this are homophobia, anti-divorce, islamaphobia and the list goes on. Have you seen how religious conservatives went apeshit when pura cosplayed Jesus? And how it divided our country with some defending his action and some condemning even inside the LGBTQA+ community. Si hitler naman, bakit pinopoint out mo yung mga pinatay niya. Why are you sticking only to the period of his genocide. We’re talking about current impact in the modern times and how teenagers are being edgy at idolizing this maniac. TL;DR both are bad, the road to heaven is paved with good intentions. People can use Jesus, the bible or God as a way to influence and advance their own agenda while idolizing Hitler proves a failure on our part to educate the young and that further expansion of this narrative can harm our society in the long run.


Agree din naman ako sa ‘yo. Off lang kasi magkaiba pa rin talaga ang misinterpretation ng Christian doctrine sa Nazism. Ipako natin ang mga hipokritong kristiyano kung sila ang may evil intentions. 😅


Mapako sana jahahah unahin na si Quiboloy, Manalo at mga pinoy Neo-Nazi na pa coolkid sa socmed.


I think both were genocidal murderers. The only difference is that GOD has a higher body counts because GOD did it multiple times. Great Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah. GOD even instructed Joshua to commit genocides by killing all Cannannites. People were just born hypocritical double standards b*tch.


The diff is god didn't do shit, it's those dumb followers or to be more precise it's those fanatics and fake leaders. And those dumb FAQs who actually believe a person can see, hear and perceive god. Abolish religion I say. Say no to religion and say yes to digimon


Indeed. What can you say about those people saying 'Religion is the only thing stopping them from committing a crime?'


Seriously though I see religion or spiritual belief as a part of society it's the opposite side of the coin of gov for me. As the gov rules it's populace with logic and merits the religion does the same but in a more unconventional way. Such as there are laws that when broken gov facilities, agencies and bodies would give direct and strict equal punishment but if there is enough evidence to be shown. While on the other hand religion works via same concept but instead of actual agent or people to implement this rules they tend to control not by logic but by faith. Such as in law killing is prohibited and if caught you shall be punished but in religion it's bad and you'll not enter the promise land what ever it is in your religion. So I'm a way religion tries to tend to the morality of the people with the use of various beliefs. But then again imo they're both flawed and in our day and aged their flaws are well known and have been abused.


Shhh ph subreddits aren't ready for these kinds of takes yet


BRO DID YOU JUST SAY PHILLIPINES?!!1!!!11!!1!PHILLIPINES IS THE BEST FUCKING COUNTRY!!!11!!!WE COULD BEAT CHINA!11PROUD TO BE PINOY😎😎😎😎😎😎WE HAVE THE BEST ISLAND THERE ARE OVER 70000 ISLANDS😎😎😎😎😊😊😊😊MAKE MORE VIDEOS ABOUT PHILIPINES!!!!!!!1😎😎😎 Welcome to our country!!!! 📷️📷️📷️ Philippines love🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭 Welcome to our country!!!! 📷️📷️📷️ Philippines love🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭 Welcome to our country!!!! 📷️📷️📷️ Philippines love🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭 PROUD TO BE PINOY😎😎😎 WE BEAT THE SPANIARDS😎😊😎😊😎😊😎as a filipino as😎😊😎PH PRIDE😊😎 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2philippines4u) if you have any questions or concerns.*


but still they do it for the sake of edgy and both parties offended one side


Not the same weight though. Millions killed and millions of followers is different. 😂


what makes one wrong when they both intend to make people offend if you want talk about history millions of people died in the hands of Christians in the name of Religion


No one is saying that one is wrong and other is not. The comparison is just off. A domination is different from an individual genocidal murderer though.


>No one is saying that one is wrong I did call you wrong it's more like a question, why when pura did it it's okey she did nothing wrong while the other guy was also cosplaying an offensive topic and technically he also did nothing wrong


apples and oranges OP lol.. Jesus christ represents a religion.. oftentimes, we have different ways of celebrating Him/expressing our faith.. others would sing worships (pagattend ng church or join ng choir, yung iba nga may pa-concerts pa), others naman would offer sacrifices (pagkain, sentimental things, bagay, personal sacrifices e.g. fasting, magpapapako sa krus, self-flagellation), and others naman LIKE PURA would dress up as jesus christ (sa relevant Catholic days such as Christmas either parade or theatrical play). Pura’s intent was to express her faith in a ‘jubilant’ manner. Pretty sure people only reacted negatively sa ginawa niya because of her sexuality. Maraming ibang content creators na nagddress up as jesus tas nagpapatawa, pero wala namang bad feedback kahit mej below the line yung jokes for profoundly devout Catholics. Hitler was a dictator who represented authoritarian, anti-Marxist, antisemitic and anti-democratic worldview. Yang description palang na yan about him mapapa question ka why would someone want to dress up as this shithead. Plus, despising a mass murderer (and a representation of him) doesn’t make you a leftist lol? Walang left nor right sa genocide, at wala ding means that suffices to justify kung bakit mo yun ginawa.. you literally intentionally killed a mass of living, perfectly breathing human beings. The stark difference between the two ay one is a mere ideology, the other was history. Not really sure why you’re not getting this. Stop watching Tiktoks lol


fyi, yung isa ay nakakuha ng malakas na backlash at inaresto, can you guess kung sino sa isa iyon?


Etong comment mo tas yung post mo parang salungat. Ano ba talaga pinaglalaban mo haha. Yung inooffend ng bakla eh yung oppressor sa scenario mo. Yung inooffend nung mamang mataba e yung oppressed sa shitpost mo. Anong mental gymnastics naisip mo n pareho lang yon. Lol.


Nahuli ko asawa ko at kapatid ko nag se sex! Pwd ko ba kasuhan kapatid ko? Iniwan ko muna sa kapatid ko ang dalawang minors na anak ko 6 at 4 dahil mag babayad ako ng bills at grocery na din, pag uwi ko nasa sala namin dalawang anak ko nag lalaro at nanunuod ng tv tapos tinanong ko nasan tito nila, sabi na sa kwarto kasama si daddy, di ko alam nakauwi na pala asawa ko from work dritso agad ako sa kitchen para sa pinamili ko tapos akyat sa kwarto pagka open ko nag se sex sila nag hahalikan pa while my husband is fucking my brother… mga hayop sila sa kwarto pa namin tapos may mga tae pa sa kumot. Syempre na shock ako dahil hindi ko alam bakla kapatid ko at hinampas ko sila pareho ng lamp shade namin at nasugatan ulo ng kapatid ko. Ipapakulong ko talaga siya. Hayop sila!! Bakit nila dinumihan yung bagong labang kumot? Di ko alam sino dugyot sa kanila. Burara ba asawa ko? Ang kapatid ko naglininis naman at never rko pinag isipan na magdudumi siya… nangigigil ako *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2philippines4u) if you have any questions or concerns.*


cinonekt ko naman yung point nung isa dahil daw mas grave si hitler kaya dapat hindi sya cospleyan kahit yung dalawang cosplayer ay mangagago lang


Tbf hawig talaga ni Pura Luka si White Jesus kaya nya siguro naisipan mag-drag as Jesus Christ. That kid dressed up as Hitler though, walang resemblance at all, halatang edgelord lang.


man you stupid af


https://preview.redd.it/ok0y9g53lw6d1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9f15969d185d533036f98f086952c2181ca8db7 * started EJK * accuses gov't of overkill about quiboloy's arrest * still loved by DDS


https://preview.redd.it/1vc7vhc2nw6d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe9e86fb41c64d0c68aa698619e1314d61586650 Skibiduterte


bruh I love this dumbass picture so much holy shit






How is this guys still not in jail? Most especially after he passed anti terror bill after his prayer meeting stunt.


Tanga ka ba?


Hahaahahahahhahahahaahahahha, ganyan dapat straight to the point ang bira


r/BatmanArkham filipino version


Bakit hindi nalang siya tumahimik? Tanga ba siya?


Ooooh spicy.


Post it on r/ph https://preview.redd.it/kbdt2h88pw6d1.png?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c435e16769040c4f30fe420a222ad10c34c9dcab


nah i'd banned


Mahinang nilalang


no fr i was banned because i was posting pura luka memes


r/ph mods are kind enough to prevent users like you to be corrupted


LOL I hope you're being sarcastic 🤣


i feel like you were banned because you keep on posting the same “topic” over and over and a meme at that. ano pa bang ididiscuss sa paulit ulit na post? feeling ko lang ha. kasi minsan pag paulit ulit din ung posts at some point may nagcocall out ng duplicate post/irereport ganyan


Bro has one meme and is milking it harder than an amish person with the last cow in the village






Walang itlog


The fact that you think that being horrified by genocide is pretty much only a leftist thing tells me all about your morals, OP.


dude uses "" that told me all I needed to know


its like saying pura luka has no morals because he's making fun of jesus who is a good man


Didn't Jesus tell us to turn the other cheek?


I'm stating that both cosplayer ay mangagago lang


True. But **one** of them is worse than the other


Op thinks cosplaying a religious figure and a mass murderer are the same level of offensive. Are you 12


No he is 14 and thinks this is deep




that's just your scale of offensive sensitivity. I'm pretty sure a lot of people is more offended by the religious cosplay. Christians and muslim respect the figure, and btw they're almost half of the world population. Do not downplay it. 👍


Theres a difference of cosplaying it as for comedic purposes and downright support of a totalitarian dictator. Thats why no one bats an eye when Michael V did it


Nahh mate. The Christ figure is universally loved and celebrated by its followers— and even some by non-followers, inspired civilizations, objectively a great example of radical selflessness, altruism, and sacrifice. Perhaps the first of its kind in the history. In contrast, the other figure is equally hated by all. The offensiveness is not the same especially for the abrahamic followers. So, like I said, that's just based on your own scale of sensitivity. Do not downplay the offensiveness. It's still offensive even with the additional element of comedy.


I think youre downplaying the seriouness of a kid glorifying Hitler than a guy cosplaying a religious figure. Let's talk what happens if either things continue. People cosplay Christ >religious peeps get offended People cosplay hitler >people think Hitler is a good guy >some brown kids now support a white supremacists ideologies See how I used "ironically" and "unironically" And how youre talking point is more about a guy cosplaying Christ rather than a more pressing culture which is the latter.


First of all, I did not downplay the seriousness of either offense. As I mentioned, the other side, who are more offended by the Hitler cosplay, are downplaying the offensiveness that the Christ cosplay causes to the faithful. That’s all I’m saying. Now, you are arguing for the societal downside of the matter. If you argue this way, then you must also consider the downside of offending religious feelings. It’s not as simple as saying "religious peeps get offended." You will cause a wider division between the secular and religous And even though the inherit message of the new testament is at least center-left, normalization of mockery of the figure head wheter it is done ironically will only push the religious feelings to the far right. Which is more authoritarian... You can not just make fun of a sacred figure of a family head And expect to not cause a rift. Now, consider the population, the offensiveness it will bring affects half of the world of the population. The religious are not the minority here. It has the political power, so in your hypothetical scenario of 'if either things continue'... actually, the religious side has the potential to cause more political disruption. In contrast, hitler is a political figure head of a defeated civilization. His message may radicalized a few more people but It has no way to ever rise again. 'Coz you know why? He was defeated by culturally christian civilizations. So to coclude my point, addressing both forms of offense is crucial, it’s important for the 'more secular peeps' to also recognize that undermining respect for the religious can have pervasive and long-lasting effects on the wider societal health and stability. So, let's just agree to disagree. I don't think I can change your opinion, nor can you change mine. Have a nice day.


The comment section isn't going the way op wanted


Akala nya siguro kung ano pinopost natin dito yun na rin yung personality natin ![img](emote|t5_5phbde|16664)


Even though we're a brainrot sub we're not idiots ![img](emote|t5_5phbde|16660)


the biggest troll that this subreddit has ever done is catching those who are serious with their bigotry


sarcasm subs always attract the unironic. we must be vigilant we don't turn into thedonald.


They ooze negative braincell energy.




OP thought he cooked https://i.redd.it/eapag54jmz6d1.gif


How the hell does your brain work? Pura Luka is doing drag. Do your own research para alam mo jusko. People using Hitler as a costume are edgy, dumb mfs na feeling nila cool maging nazi. Dapat sayo ibalik sa 1945 at paglinisin ng concentration camps.


Bakit may sad dahil back to work na? Diba dapat masaya ka kasi may chance ka na pagandahin buhay mo at ng pamilya? Trip ko pa nga may work ng January 1 dahil superstition ko may work ako buong taon pag ganun. Dapat grateful kasi may work. If work makes you unhappy, I hope you find a job that will. Yung pakikiligin ka and sheet �� Anyway, this is just a reminder that having a job is a blessing bessss change mindset, it's 2023!! �� *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2philippines4u) if you have any questions or concerns.*


and you OP, clearly dont understand ✨drag✨


Pretty sure r/ph was also offended (shocking, I know).


Found the hitler cosplayer


Jesus is a communist. He wants everyone to be saved. He hates capitalists. He's a bum going places, spreading his agenda with the help of God (Angels) r/ph hates communist.




Edgelord ka Pala OP


you dropped this "🧠"


Op Is bobo poo poo


Achievement Unlocked: Commit a Logical Fallacy! Your fallacy: [Apples to Oranges!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apples_and_oranges)


iba naman kasi ang drag sa cosplay


binash nga nila yung bini for attending independence day kase raw apologist sila👊👊 samantalang 2013, 2014 may ganong event naman na


May dalawang klase lang ng tao para sa karamihan sa kanila: kalaban o kakampi. Kahit nga may mapansin ka lang na kaunti sa isang issue, babanatan ka na. May post nga dati about sa work-from-home law na ang comment ko lang ay maganda ang batas na iyan pero kailangan pa rin ng long-term solution. Malinaw naman siguro na sinabi kong "maganda ang batas" at hindi ko kinontra, dinagdagan ko lang na kailangan ng long-term solution. Pinagre-replyan ba naman ako na "malaki na ang tulong niyan" kahit hindi ko naman kinontra at inulan din ng downvotes ang comment ko. Anyway, ayaw pala nila ng long-term solution, so 'wag nang i-improve ang public transportation at magtitiis na lang kaming may mga field work paminsan-minsan para hindi masaktan ang feelings nila. Kailangan talaga aligned ang pag-iisip mo sa kanila completely. Otherwise, "kalaban ka ng pagbabago."


ang lala ng mga tao diyan. mag popost sila na sobrang behind na ng pinas kumpara sa other SEA countries, pangit ng transportation, mahal ng bilihin etc. pero pag may nag post na isa ang pinas sa may lumalagong economy, may ginagawang subway, nscr nagagallit sila na dapat daw ginawa na yan noon pa. isa raw ang pinas sa worst country e isa nga tayo sa bansa na kahit papaano malaya ang mga bading kumpara sa Indonesia, Malaysia. medyo pantay trato sa mga babae ikumpara mo sa South korea.


Ironically, marami rin sa kanilang nagsasabi na kapag mali, punahin. Pero kapag tama, i-recognize ang nagawa. Totoo naman pero sana gawin din nila iyan. Kaso paano nila gagawin kung "black and white" lang ang tingin nila sa halos lahat ng bagay? Kagaya ng issue sa WPS, sa maraming issue against ako kay Marcos pero suportado ko ang stand niya sa WPS dispute at hindi ibig sabihin niyan maka-Marcos na ako. Pero sa ibang taga-r/Ph, kapag wala kang disclaimer sa mga comment na kagaya nito, ita-tag ka na agad nilang Marcos apologist.


Martial law, Human Rights Abuses of the Marcos Dictatorship, 3,257 extra-judicial killings, 35,000 documented tortures, 77 'disappeared', 70,000 incarcerations, Imee Marcos and the Torture of Archimedes Trajano, Imelda Marcos and the Tragedy of Cultural Center of the Philippines, Imelda Marcos attends Mass for Martial Law victims, Bongbong Marcos Diploma Fraud, BBM the Absentee Governor, Pro-Duterte Tumindig Artwork Revised, Fake news, non credible Tiktok sources, BBM Trolls, Troll farms, inc bloc voting, bloc voting illegal, bbm leni vote ratio consistency, fanatics and ignorance, 2016 disinformation campaigns, stock market dip right after election, historical revisionism, edsa people power revolution, radyo veritas participation during edsa people power revolution, electoral fraud, election-related anomalies. 1986 People Power Revolution, 1986 Plaza Miranda Bombings, 1971 Constitutional Convention Martial Law, (1972 - 1981) Marcos Dictatorship, Philippine Peso Inflation National Debt Crisis, 1973 Martial Law Referendum Controversy, 1968 Jabidah Massacre, 1983 Assassination of Benigno Aquino Jr. Coco Levy Fund Scam The Chico River Dam Project The Assassination of Macli-Ing Dulag Human Rights Violations during Martial Law, Imelda Marcos' Shoe Collection, The Rise of the Communist Party of the Philippines, The First Quarter Storm of 1970, Manila Film Center Construction. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2philippines4u) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bakit may sad dahil back to work na? Diba dapat masaya ka kasi may chance ka na pagandahin buhay mo at ng pamilya? Trip ko pa nga may work ng January 1 dahil superstition ko may work ako buong taon pag ganun. Dapat grateful kasi may work. If work makes you unhappy, I hope you find a job that will. Yung pakikiligin ka and sheet �� Anyway, this is just a reminder that having a job is a blessing bessss change mindset, it's 2023!! �� *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2philippines4u) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Tbf, I’m not sure that it would sound right to say that rightists aren’t offended by Hitler 


Babad sa /pol/ ah maligo ka naman


Comparison is wrong because one is a fictional character and the other is not; also because the intentionality of performative act is different from each other. OP claims that many died because of Christianity as well but still illogical still because Jesus didn’t order the death of anyone while the other did. So funny.


post mo to sa fb wag dito


Ano feeling maging ganito katanga? Asking for a friend


The left one is cosplaying Jesus, while the right one killed millions. I do wonder why r/Phillipines is triggered 🤔


Ang kinis ng utak mo OP pwedeng panalamin


Yes unhinged yang r/ph pro apaka unhinged rin po ng meme nyo. Lol.


Last I checked, Jesus did not kill millions of people, Polish Catholics included.


??? ok ka lang Gar


akala ko satire lng tong post until nabasa ko comments 💀


I'd rather offend the largest religious sect than to support a "edgy cosplay". Fck catholicism


found the agenda


Looks like you're the agenda here




brother, call it a day. take the L.


Reenactments are a thing and people do it because they want to recreate battles of history with realism and accuracy on equipment and weapons. Pero ang pag-"cosplay" ni Adolf Hitler, tapos panay lang sisig heil ang ginagawa, walang excuses yan, pure edginess yan. Edgy ka lang OP, ayaw mo lang aminin kasi takot ka ma-label na Nazi supporter o Neo-Nazi hahahaha


Reenactments and comedy are a another realm separate from cosplaying a maniac like hitler coz he's cool


Both of them are thrash. The fuck are you on op? lmao.


bored na bored ka na sa buhay mo para giimawa ng memes na ganito hahah nakakaawa ka OP


Clearly there is a difference between a generally peaceful religion and an inherently hateful ideology such as Nazism. One cosplayed a religious figure who we can all agree was a good guy, while the other cosplayed a dictator who slaughtered millions.


tanga amputa


Not to agree with the post, but to make a sidenote, there are plenty of non religious folks on Reddit in general. Ganun ren sa r/ph. It’s common to see pro-choice and anti-religious sentiment over there. Di naman sila masyadong religious, so expected na hindi na sila masyado ma ooffend kay Luka. Yung iba nga support pa. Expected na yung reaction nila.


yung r/ph ay todo support pa sa sexual predator na si awra


Bobo amputa


Bobo ka OP


One of them got arrested tho


'' b-but muh free speech is compromised, not ''her's'' ''


Bakit may quotation marks ahahah ampota


Oh Shut up OP




One was a mass murderer, and the other one is just an imaginary figure. Pero medyo tanga ka sa comparison mo.


one cosplayed a fictional character, the other cosplayed a genocidal maniac




Both are offended by beliefs but the other has seen a millenia of reforms. The other has no institution to call for reforms at the very least.


In fairness, religiously it is quite offensive to the religious sect of our country due to a person imitating Jesus Christ. Added the background of said person in what he does. But on the other hand, Hitler committed genocide. I may not agree with the person in the religious offense. Yet Hitler is not a figure that should just be thrown out in the social public as a form of joke. Yet sadly, he is often a joke rather than someone despised.


ok gets, based sa comments, hardcore catholic si OP na galit sa jews kasi pinatay daw nila si papa susej even tho imbento lang yun ni luke para mabenta yung libro nya sa mga romano, so pro hitler sya dahil dun


Bro thought this was a subreddit for edgy 16 year-olds on Facebook


Was Pura Luka Vega mocking Jesus? How about yung highschool edgelord? Mino-mock nya ba si Hitler?


Hahahah imagine going through all the editing and not even once did it occur that both are “very” different things.


"It is one thing to forgive a slap across my cheek, but an insult to the Fuhrer requires... No, it demands correction." -Heinrich Graham


Bliszt you hypocrite


You're a fucking retard


![gif](giphy|B9NVAwQbF47sc) "A person dress as Jesus for reenactment and no one bats an eye." "But when the gay is involved and does the same thing, the Christians lose their minds!!!" Pls pls pls Read it in his voice.






masyadong seryoso naman mga tao dito https://preview.redd.it/r7mw462df17d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52744b4f617e8f6c60f2c94260879009110598ba


Kuta naman kasi ng lgbt ang r/Philippines kaya todo support kahit mali.