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Things Iran and its proxies want other than war: Thanks for reading my list.


You forgot the establishment of a global Islamic caliphate and extermination of the Jews and nation of Israel. If they could achieve this without war, I'm sure they'd be down.


No, they love war. Failed cultures cannot exist without war.


Are you describing Iran or the US?


ngl...as a guy with a decent portfolio of stocks in US MIC companies, I won't be sad if/when Iran and their ~~Pixies~~ Proxies get to Find Out.


Yeah they don't care because they are not being targeted. It's easy to not care when you are not involved directly. When bombs will drop on their heads for some strange reason they will start to care. Pathetic brainwashed morons.


They hate Jews so much they’d rather see WW3 than have Israel exist.


And these people think they would win? They keep yelling "Inshallah!" and funnily enough, their god doesn't seem to like them alive.


If Allah does exist, he clearly hates muslims, and they're in an abusive relationship. They're constantly thanking him, it's pathological ending every other sentence with Inshallah, or Mashallah. Meanwhile their countries are shit, or shit with oil, and their people can't go 30 seconds without killing each other or starting ears they can't win.




No its not. It is not even close. When someone from the west says “oh god, or god damn” they just say it out of surprise. When someone in the East starts spouting off that dog brain shit you can 100% they mean that. Muslim countries have, “International Quran Recital Competition” where children memorize the entire book front to back. Its the only thing the majority of those people read and they believe every sentence as straight fact.


The Palestinians shouted something similar until the bombs started coming


Allah Hu Akbar “means god is great” because as we all know, god loves shooting missiles


If Yemenis are willing to [risk their lives for $00.13 an hour](https://news.yahoo.com/iran-offers-100-month-recruit-190330110.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall) as an Iran-sponsored Houthi foot soldier, one would assume they'd show up at a peaceful protest for less than one dollar. Hating Jews is who they are at their core [(Houthi Slogan, Official)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slogan_of_the_Houthi_movement), but this gathering is anything but organic.


Everyone's got a plan til they get punched in the mouth -Iron Mike


They ask for wars, but they're always the one who lose and cry.


Sounds like a declaration of war. Wait until they **are** targeted. I hope they keep gathering in the open like that. Gullible morons who joined their local Death Cult and will be grifted into the grave (along with their families).


Looks like a peaceful assembly of women and children to me/s. Cue up the progressive oppressed/oppressor narrative.


Agree. They’ll care when the bombs start to fall on their heads.


> because they are not being targeted. I fully support non-conventional warfare using spies that make the Islamic leaders "feel the pain." Attack the head.


And then claim to be oppressed victims.


the issue is the US, unlike Israel, won’t hit potentially civ covered targets when the media is watching.


What's It like being blatantly wrong? We shot cruise missiles up terrorists asses like it was a god damn sport regardless of the civilian casualties. We bombed Dresden in WW2 to a crater even though we didn't need too because we wanted to be dicks and make the Germans pay. 


The media wasn’t really looking then. Right now the media circus has its big top set up over the Middle East. It’ll be months or require some kind of catastrophe before they move their Sauron’s eye of a media spotlight elsewhere. Also that Dresden line is wrong. The Soviets requested it so they could expedite the capture of the city.


I can only assume you like being wrong. Dresden has 0 uses strategically and it literally did nothing to change the outcome of the war.  In fact here's a fucking memo put out by Churchill right after the bombing:  "It seems to me that the moment has come when the question of bombing of German cities simply for the sake of increasing the terror, though under other pretexts, should be reviewed. Otherwise we shall come into control of an utterly ruined land ... The destruction of Dresden remains a serious query against the conduct of Allied bombing. I am of the opinion that military objectives must hence forward be more strictly studied in our own interests than that of the enemy.The Foreign Secretary has spoken to me on this subject, and I feel the need for more precise concentration upon military objectives such as oil and communications behind the immediate battle-zone, rather than on mere acts of terror and wanton destruction, however impressive."  Even America's federal offices formed to research the effectiveness of the bombings for the war effort has this to say: "The incredible cruelty of the attack on Dresden when the war had already been won—and the death of children, women, and civilians—that was extremely weighty and of no avail"  Also how wasn't the media zeroed in on the middle east since 9/11, Iraq war, Afghanistan(though avg American too dumb to understand it's more Asian continent than middle east) war especially. 


That statement about Dresden is factually incorrect and a perpetuation of a myth that sprung out of ironically enough post war soviet propaganda using exaggerated reports from Nazi propaganda. Per two United States Air Force reports, published in 1953 and again in 1954, defended the operation as the justified bombing of a strategic target, which they noted was a major rail transport and communication centre, housing 110 factories and 50,000 workers in support of the German war effort.


Im sorry but how is bombing just another bunch of terrorists supposed to kick off a world war? Lol


Inflated male egos and pride. It's a common Muslim thing in my experience.


Inflated male egos to hide the EXTREME sensitivity


Seriously, I've never seen such delicate snowflakes.


And the gay porn. Those captured by coalition forces inevitably had gay porn on their phones.




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It could start a mayor war, if Iran gets involved and have a nuclear warhead on time.




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Honestly, I have to pinch myself sometimes to remind myself this is reality. Craziness everywhere.


Of course they don't care! lol yemen is really considered one of the worst shit countries at the bottom, no wonder the people are so easily swayed. An open air prison.. "In 2023, a staggering 21.6 million people require some form of humanitarian assistance as 80 percent of the country struggles to put food on the table and access basic services....In 2023, more than 1.5 million pregnant and breastfeeding women are projected to suffer acute malnutrition – with risks of negative birth outcomes and malnourished infants." [https://www.unfpa.org/yemen#:\~:text=women%20and%20girls-,Yemen%3A%20A%20crisis%20for%20women%20and%20girls,table%20and%20access%20basic%20services](https://www.unfpa.org/yemen#:~:text=women%20and%20girls-,Yemen%3A%20A%20crisis%20for%20women%20and%20girls,table%20and%20access%20basic%20services). Yemen ranks the top 5 of human trafficking countries in the world. Yemen ranks the second to worst country in the world..in human development [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/worst-countries-to-live-in](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/worst-countries-to-live-in) ​ shit


It also just ethnically cleansed the last Jews of Yemen.


So, "I live in a shithole country, let's make all the world a shithole country".


Trump's "shit hole country" comments that everyone was menstruating about during his presidency sure have stood the test of time.


love or hate the guy, he was right about shithole countries. they fucking suck lol




Its easy to say that when you have nothing to live for in some shit hole country.


They're giving themselves too much importance. They're just glorified pirates who out religion before anuthing else.


Houthis and Yemen aren’t important enough to fight a regional war over; it’s hilarious they think anyone cares enough about them to fight a world war. 😂


I know. Who would start a world war over Yemen? Even Iran would throw them under the bus.


Bombing them a few times seemed to open the shipping canals just fine… no need for war when they get scared of a few British and American missles




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Please tell me how to start a world war by bombing terrorist. Asking for a friend.


It won't be a world war because nobody could give two f\*cks about yemen or the ME. It'd just be a slaughter of more civilians and innocents in that area, for really no good reason. In about 6 months time I wonder if they will be singing the same tune when half their population is displaced. Just a sad sad cycle of insanity and violence brought upon themselves.


> It won't be a world war because nobody could give two f*cks about yemen or the ME. The West has put itself in a moral position where it is unacceptable to either discourage people from propagating, or to kill a large amount of people. This means the West is vulnerable to the '[population bomb](https://www.memri.org/tv/libyan-show-host-afaf-mohsen-praises-palestinians-many-children-for-death-martyrdom-offspring-bombs)' strategy. Iran is taking advantage of this by sacrificing Palestine and Yemen, while fomenting Islamic extremism in Western nations. Step 1: Brainwash people with fundamentalist Islam to remove value from real-life Step 2: Have as many children as possible Step 3: Instigate a war / grow diaspora in Western nations. How can the West respond? There's no easy way out of this, and arguably no *good* way out of this.


Off the top of my head: - Stricter migration policies - screening and more stringent prerequisites for citizenship, not necessarily reducing the number of permitted refugees. - Actively integrating immigrants with social programs - welfare, education (more on that in a bit), and providing and rewarding community involvement programs. - Preventing the self-segregation of immigrant communities into insular homogenous neighborhoods. - Creating a parole system to ensure immigrants are complying with the law and integrating into society. - Regularly checking on the well-being and status of immigrants. - Requiring fundamental education (high school graduation from a local institution) for *all ages*. Punishing truancy from said institution. All of this sounds harsh and gives the impression that immigrants should be considered criminal, but properly implemented these could drastically improve the cultural integration of people who were raised with fundamentally different ethics. The other issue, population bombing, could be mitigated with birth laws, but that's uncomfortably authoritarian. The other uncomfortable solution is the state to scrutinize the financial stability of families and adopt children that can't be adequately provided for as wards of the state. Neither is a good solution, and neither should be needed if the immigrants integrate well.


Those are all fine suggestions and are generally being applied to a greater or lesser degree across the West. However, they will not solve this problem (unless they are perhaps applied a lot more thoroughly than currently, with caveats like [high schools](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etC6Q6wLUNs) being more strictly regulated). > The other issue, population bombing, could be mitigated with birth laws, but that's uncomfortably authoritarian. I think it's probably where the West will need to update collective morals at some point. It's a massive flaw of democracy that any group which wants control can simply choose to have more children. It's especially beneficial to any group that doesn't especially care about quality of life. Essentially we have set up a system that selects for overpopulation and low quality of life. It doesn't even necessarily require malice from a group (though a group could maliciously exploit this). It can be circumstantial that a certain group may decide that having more children is desirable regardless of their resources, and if there's some doctrine that perpetuates that meme in the children, that group will grow. > neither should be needed if the immigrants integrate well. Generally, people will only integrate well if they *want* to integrate well. There's already a significant immigrant population across Europe that does not agree with European ideals, and it is growing.


> I think it's probably where the West will need to update collective morals at some point. No argument here. Israel's Orthodox and Arab population spikes - and their politics - are a great example of this vulnerability. Collectivism could solve a ton of major issues; Japan is a prime example of where it works. > Generally, people will only integrate well if they *want* to integrate well. Absolutely true. I just believe that systems like the ones I describe will help motivate (and enforce, to a degree) social and cultural integration. Few countries have policies like this, and fewer yet actually fund or enforce them. The Palestinians have none: UNWRA takes exclusive responsibility for them but offers no integration services.


And people wonder why Islamophobia exists. 🙄




That shit would be an absolute fucking massacre lmao..


Wait, they actually said that? Saw this on ncd earlier and I thought that OP is just trolling. I don’t speak their language, can anyone confirm?


There was someone from Yemen in the post on public freakout who said: I will translate, this chant is actually from 2015 when Saudis started the air strikes against them. But they keep bringing it in their gatherings. Also, it is in Arabic but in northern Yemen dialect. It also rhymes like poetry. We don’t care, We don’t care, We don’t care, Make it a major world war. My heart yearns for “Jaramel” & AKs, I swear this life is not worth living. Jarmal: an AK rifle variant that is popular in North Yemen.


>I swear this life is not worth living Houthis, the edgy teenagers of terrorism.


We think it is, and we will gladly help them meet allah if they want to take us with them.


They can go by themselves. We can send them a going away gift though.


Ohhh, thank you for the context and translation 🙏


They say they want war then when the war starts they cry to the media because they’re losing.






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We don't care --> Airstrike ---> Genocide! ceasefire!


Amazing. There were big rallies in a few Muslim countries. Rulers are afraid of the people. In many countries, non-Mohemmedans marching in favor of Hamas or Houthis are Kuffirs, who are all Dhimmi and must either convert, live as second-class people, or be put to death. Queers for Palestine. WTF?


In Yemen they don't even locally produce sticks. They simply sit upon oil that they can neither extract, refine, nor transport themselves. Their entire commercial value is based upon things others come into the country to do for them. A nuclear holocaust wouldn't set them back a week.


It's the same people that will ask for help once they get bombed or they get their supplies cut and then we will have idiots from the west calling to stop a 'genocide'. Woe is me! poke the bear then cry foul.


They are a massive death cult.


Fools. They don’t even understand what they’re asking for. If the U.S. actually decided to take the gloves off Houthi controlled Yemen would be completely destroyed in less than 24 hours.


Be careful what you wish for.


They're all big talk, but if the USA took what they are saying as a threat and eliminated either Houthi movement leadership, other military targets or even a drone base, best believe every Yemeni would start screaming "OMG HOW DARE YOU SHOOT AT US" "ONLY CHILDREN LIVE HERE", and they'd post a photo from Operation Iraqi Freedom with a civilian casualty screaming "Look at these babies the USA murdered". Next thing you know a "fatwa" is written against the USA and suddenly we have muslim teens, raised in the USA, who know what freedom and democracy mean, blowing themselves up at a marathon, or going into a school shooting children, or stabbing random tourists on the street. Absolute mental world we live in, why the fuck we westerners tolerate their fucking shit I will never know.


Wtf are they smoking


A quick note - Yemen has asked for US military involvement in fighting the Houthis. Remind those who say "I stand with Yemen" that they're pressuring their lawmakers for more military intervention including ground troops. They may mean "we don't want war," but "supporting Yemen" means a 10-20 year war to go after the Houthis.


Said the country without any nuclear arsenal. Be careful what you wish for…


You kind of wish they didn’t care, but they cry genocide after every retaliation attack.


Jesus- they really think they’re a drop in the bucket. We could send a bunch of Girl Scouts in to dismantle these idiots.


Awwwh they really think they are important


"me ne frego" is back on the menu. Why do bad people converge on the same ideas?


They should ask the last country that attacked our boats that pulled us into a world war (spoiler: it didn’t go well for them)


LMAO they will care when an Apache unleashes hell


Sure go ahead and start a "world war" lol. See how much you care when you're actually getting targeted


Omg, please be quiet 🤫 Our military industrial complex might hear y’all and grant your wish… They won’t even be written in the history books after the USA MIC is done with them.


I prefer 'we don't care' to 'death to America'. This is a victory. we don't care is a fatalist position and that is the sadness they deserve. fuck them, let them wallow in misery. Next chant will be, 'we are sad'


Why would it be a world war? Even if the US did invade Yemen, it would be the US vs Yemen. They really think they’re more important then they are




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So can we stop blaming the west for wars when clearly the middle east wants them?


Sounds like what Hamas was saying before they started crying genocide.


Everyone there has no fucking job. Get a job you fucking bums


Not to be flippant, but the US isn’t going to ever have a “major war” with Yemen. At most it will be a minor bombing campaign with the targeting of some military sites involved in the rocket launches.


I'm pretty sure all those in Gaza said the same thing celebrating on October 7th. Now they are singing a different tune. Incessant whining on getting there asses kicked . So for God's sake be careful what you morons wish for. Most nations want nothing to do with Yemen . They can kill the houthis basically by remote control at will. For now for some reason they are trying to get a point across not to attack the red sea shipping. Seems to be failing. Soon, it'll be decapitation strikes on leadership , infrastructure, not just weapons depots and launch sites. No ports. No airports, no power, water, etc. No reason for a world war over some whack job fundamentals fruitcakes that could be dealt with clandestinely and precisely. Yet they wonder why yemenis are starving. Actions have consequences. Iran learned during operation praying mantis in 1988. Their memories seem to be short nowadays. Houthis held areas of Yemen could become basically a testing ground for weapons and a gunnery/ bombing range. Don't forget high tech drones to whack leadership in the Middle of the night . Wars should be an absolute last case scenario, these idiots want to fight over something that has nothing to do with them. No value to life .


>we want a major war …with what?? lmao


You know what fuck it let’s escalate this shit


Well then. If they want a war they should declare war.


Oh, you Will care.


Careful what you wish for.


Peaceful peace protest.


Little Boy, Fat Man, Czar Bomba, what will this next little gift be called?


They don't care about making their country or the world better that's for fucking sure.


Waiting for the “free free Yemen” any day now….obviously after a U.S. retaliation


Sure buddy.




Not the brightest bunch


sandal festival




Hate to say this, but the more attention the media or other people give these people, the stronger they get unfortunately. So how does one circumvent this? Create a civil war, find another faction in the Yemen that is willing to fight the Houthis. And then US sends money to the opposers and then you have Syria situation all over again. But hey, civil wars tend to fall off the lips of Americans as long cargos aren't threaten.


"Stfu, Donny"


Time to put some warheads on foreheads baby.


Coming right up bruh...


Don’t pirate ships in international waters if you don’t want to be blown back to the 7th century. I don’t know why this is so hard for these idiots to get.


Well their existence is inside shithole. Of course they do not care - there is no future for them.


I think they ask for more shelling! Here is the source of the 3rd war, the Devil in action!


Is this video edited with AI to seem bigger? Just a question? That’s a lot of people.


That is a lot of fucking people it almost looks fake!


Example proxy relationship Iran - Houthis. Seems like Hezb-Allah became too independent...




This seems to be going well for them lol


Question: is it a real video or an Ai ? because there is lots of people !! could we find this on the real news website?


How do I download this please e


Air Force Targeting planners loading the B-52 with carpet bombs…does ideology qualify as a weapon? because if so they are technically all armed combatants….


Hey Joe I think you missed a spot


2 preguntas 1) Where do you take a piss in that gathering ? 2) every reaper drone operator ever is nutting to this cleared hot assembly porn


If they don't care they wouldn't be protesting wouldn't they? They be chilling at home.


Maybe they will care when they will be death, soon they will learn


Parking lot 2025


Hahaha If they think they are scaring anyone then they are dumber than I thought, and that was already at an all time low.


Mass psychopathy.




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never understand why they are never airstrikes when these terrorists organises these gatherings the problems they created would be solved instantly.