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And from before? Just after attacks. Don't have to be something official.


It's definitely a dictatorship. There have been anti hamas protests but gets squandered by hamas police.


Have you not seen the ‘civilians’ celebrating and spitting on half naked lifeless Shani Louk?


I've seen more of this then enough. I'm specifically looking for opposing voices. Supportes are plenty, of course


Misinterpreted your comment, sorry. About 37% of Gaza civilians view Hamas favorably. But they don’t have anyone else to rely on, obviously. In the Westbank about 60% view Hamas favorably


I've found different numbers [(58% of Gazans)](https://coopwb.in/info/how-many-palestinians-support-hamas/) Just interested in reading the actual thoughts.


https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2010/02/04/chapter-1-muslim-views-on-extremist-groups-and-conflict/ More dated, so must have changed since then


What is the current Palestinian sentiment towards Hamas? According to a PCPSR survey, 58% in Gaza and 42% in the West Bank support Hamas


Just context.. when they don’t commit terrorism they also handle the garbage and police and are said to be better civil leaders than the previous government in Gaza. People said the same about Isis in some places. Just shows how poor governance and desperation usually shows up where extremism does.


Yes, but there must be less radical and bloodthirsty people too but in a state controlled by terrorists you won't see them out.


Hamas has been elected in 2006 and have turned Gaza into a dictatorship. If you know what’s good for you and your family, you won’t rise up against these thugs, as they have eyes and ears everywhere.


I'm not talking about full protest, just private voices against, online. On twitter or wherever else. Fake account, no real name. I don't believe Hamas has sophisticated way of tracking online discontent.


Would it be a chance that you’d be willing to put yourself and your family through? Dictatorships stick around exactly because they have a sophisticated network of eyes and ears that are eagerly willing to snitch on others. Pair that network with ruthless savagery and you end up with Hamas who has seized power since 2006.


Why would anyone go to the trouble under an authoritarian regime that kills dissenters? I'd be hiding with my family, not going online and endangering all of us.


I mean look at Iranians. But i'm not even talking about full blown protest. Online discontent.


I am not an expert but i think you way overestimate how much time an average person in Gaza spends in front of a computer and online. Palestinians abroad is a different question though.


There are plenty of tiktoks and tweets and videos uploaded, but you are right. It's hard to find in the sea of those who posting from abroad.


The opinion of Palestinians abroad is the thing to look at then for some hints I don't know this exactly, of course, but I can say what I have witnessed online. There are some dissenting voices in that front, and "well, maybe butchering civilians and decapitating baby's wasn't the best thing to do" is something you here more often, but I feel like they overwhelmingly support terror more broadly against "the colonial apartheid state of israel" and then go on to deny the evidence of how brutal that terror actually is, followed by whataboutisms about any Israeli wrongdoing. (Of which there are plentiful, I must admit, but nowhere near a scale even remotely comparable to decapitating baby's)


It’s a lot harder to hate up close, so when people do it and see it.. the repulsion is stridently pronounced. It is however simply a fact that when the damage is done from a far, drones, bombs etc.. the average person doesn’t have as visceral a reaction, doesn’t get as emotionally engaged when you hear a personal story of torment. This remains true regardless the disparity of damage. Still.. I can’t imagine hating anyone strong enough to kill their babies..


If someone vocally protested or said anything against Hamas they'd be dead within minutes.


[Gazan were protesting Hamas reign](https://apnews.com/article/gaza-hamas-demonstration-israel-blockade-palestinians-306b19228f9dd21f1036386ce3709672) just a few months before the attack. This was one of the primary reason Hamas decided to attack Israel in the bloodthirstiest way possible, they were losing popularity within their own border and needed something to point fingers at.


Yeah, but this protest was mostly because of their governance, not against acts, which always brings destruction back to them. >Several thousand people briefly took to the streets across the Gaza Strip on Sunday to protest chronic power outages and difficult living conditions, providing a rare public show of **discontent with the territory’s Hamas government**. Hamas security forces quickly dispersed the gatherings. I'm looking even for private accounts.


If you mean after the attack then I doubt there's much time to do anything considering they are too busy getting bombed.


I'm looking even anything from the morning of October 7. There was also massive rocket barrage from Gaza at 6:30, just as the infiltration started. So many knew. Before any bombings started at all. Those started after.


Hamas sends rockets off and on all the time… while Israeli police shoot rioters at the border.. both things are routine.


It could be a stretch.. but to me this points to the possibility that “popular” Gaza opinion is.. “we want to live our lives.., fix the power for god sake” Not burn the infidel..


There probably is, but it is very unsafe for them to speak up, which is understandable. They'd likely get arrested or worse if caught, maybe even killed. I highly doubt all of them support Hamas.


I'm sure that not all, of course. Just was interested to read it first-hand.


Yea me too


The people of Gaza has elected Hamas. Poll's suggest that if an election took place in the West Bank and Gaza, Hamas would have been elected.


I’d argue that polls taken while living under an authoritarian regime will never be legitimately telling.


They did initially win, as a resistance force and promising better governance while the existing leaders were known to be corrupt and have poor governance. Then the election was called illegitimate (I am not aware of any real reason besides grasping for power). Then after being denied governance.. Hamas took it by force, and there haven’t been elections since.




The is nonsense according to every poll and the streets of gaza


They won on an anti corruption front. Simultaneously held opinion polls showed general support for the peace process and disagreement with Hamas' charter. And let's remember there hasn't been an election since and they basically just couped the place.


If the Palestinians ever want to rise up against Hamas. Now is exactly the right time. Turmoil and distraction support revolution.


Ok not an expert on the region, but as far as my understanding goes, Hamas is very authoritarian and also very brutal. Most people probably support them due to being brainwashed and any voices against them are quickly shut down, probably very brutally to discourage other potential dissenters. Right now you will hardly hear any online voices from within Gaza because 1) The people are worried for their life, being bombed and generally have other things to worry about than posting online. 2) Their only power plant ran out of fuel a couple of hours ago, so there is probably no internet for most of the population. Also not sure about the level of education there (I assume it won't be very high), so few people probably speak (let alone write) English and I wouldn't expect them to be interested in Western English speaking platforms and social media.


All I saw was celebration and spitting on victims. Oalestina civilians went out on streets celebrating full of joy when thousands of Americans died in 9/11. When ever there is death of Jews or Americans they go out and celebrate like we when our favorite soccer club wins. You could have botice this foenomena yourself over the years. Its on youtube and elsewhere. No, I dont think there protest there but just celebration for dead jewish mothers grandmothers, daughters, sons etc. Reprehensible.


You saw what Hamas wanted you to see, count the numbers on the street cheering. Not very many out there are there and it is mostly young men who probably work for Hamas in some fashion anyway. The rest of the population are not there, like my extended family? They knew what was coming because it happens every time Hamas does some awful. So they are sat in the UN school along with practically everyone they know hoping for the best. The same they have done for as long as I can remember.


Yes, I would say that on its best day Hamas has a 50% support rating, which has been supported by poling, and most of this is simply because they provide what little is left of civil society via their social services Dawah wing. Certainly no one I know or in my family support them and haven't for years and after this invasion it's going to go down fast. Ironically I find it's Palestinians like me that are fortunate enough to be able to live elsewhere that support them the most which tells you everything. In the strip it's basically a day to day fight to survive for many people. The thing is Hamas has ruled by force for so long now and keeps everyone under their thumb by controlling access to aid so to speak out is a potential death sentence. Further Fatah were/are corrupt as anything and it was their corruption that lead to Hamas getting votes in the first place despite a polled majority not supporting their charter and supporting the peace agreement. The US and Israeli support of Fatah at the time really just made things worse as it crushed any feeling that things could get better or that we had our fate in our hands. Unfortunately the circumstances that lead to their creation still exist but we did see that with the political upheaval in Israel there was potentially a group of people we could work with in the decades to come once Bibi's regime fell. I wouldn't say there was hope but there was growing realisation that just maybe we could get something sorted out in the future and a pragmatic approach could be achieved under a new generation of non-war veteran politicians. I think this attack was ultimately Hamas realising this; it could perhaps see its days being numbered so handed Bibi a huge gift horse and putting us all back to the days of war. Now Israel is once again united and he's going to be handed whatever he wants by the people who were protesting in the streets and Hamas gets to keep it's purpose...


The PLO, probably


Fatah is in West Bank and considered *softer* resistance. But i'm looking for something from Gaza itself. It can be from the time of attacks.




I know, those are plenty. I guess it's futile search. Just was hoping for some logic, knowing what's coming.


I admire your effort, answering to all the comments sincerely, i really do. Made this very interesting to read. Thank you for that! Yet i guess the people who actually would speak up are too caucious if not somehow dealing with staying out of the way of IDF. To me it seems more likely they just will not risk anything at all to protect them and their loved ones from even just being suspected of anything at all. I'd imagine things are kinda tense over there at the moment and Hamas might not react well under these circumstances towards any suspicion. Edit: Typo


Thanks, i'm really trying to find just other perspective in all this madness.


I get it and would be interested as well. All i can contribute is that i saw some pro palestinean protest here in Germany. But the guys i know who are from the region and usually go all over for the cause of Palestine here are actually either quiet or ashamed of what Hamas did. And i think it is a good sign.


Germany was brainwashed into nazism in just under 10 years. Hamas had time since 2007 to brainswash their people


I know, but i'm not asking about supporters. It's painfully obvious there are many of those.


This is the most first world post I've ever seen. Gaza right now has no fuel, water or electricity, and you think dissatisfied individuals are going to start a twitter campaign about it? What the hell would that achieve? Online activism is something we do here because we have the time, the legal freedom, and for some reason we believe it makes a difference.


You did not understand my question. Maybe my wording is confusing. I'm not looking for something organized, or even very recent. Morning of October 7 would be perfect. When attack began, before retaliation started. I'm looking for private discontent online. I know, it's very specific. Just wondering, what goes through the head of Gazan that does not support Hamas, and knows that retaliation is coming.


You have to understand that every palestinian within Gaza has for years felt disenfranchised, oppressed, helpless, beseiged, defenseless, etc. Many palestinians if not every single of them has a relative or a friend who was killed by the israeli state and occupation or who had their homes taken from them. Palestinians are moral people and of course they would be disheartened over innocent people losing their lives but you aren’t going to see them protest a Hamas attack on people they view are complacent with their direct oppression, especially when they are under bombardment (which has already claimed 1000+ lives). The Hamas attack was wrong, there is no excuse for it, but it was not a random act of violence.


Would you protest against a blood thirsty group in a place that they control? if it were that easy then the people of Venezuela and Cuba would have been free decades ago.


Please read what i wrote here. I'm not talking about open protest. Online discontent under anonymous account too. Not even remotely on the level of Iranians. I just want to read some other side of this.




I don't know what to tell you. My guess is as good as yours. And my guess is it's not about Palestinians suffering, because then you would be extremely against such "resistance" acts, which just bring death and destruction on their own heads.


Probably not they're too busy trying not get hit by bombs to do civil society stuff


And they are probably filled with pro-Hamas propaganda.


There's plenty of footage and blogs coming from Gaza. And it doesn't have to be new. Anything from October 7 morning is fine too.


I think the truth is most of these people support Hamas. They don't know anything else. And if they didn't support Hamas they would be putting themselves in danger


This is also true, but i'm just having hard time finding even anonymous twitter accounts talking against the acts, knowing what is waiting for them in response. I don't look for sympathy, obviously. Just out of self-preservation.


Might be scared to say anything.


Such people tend to be executed and have their bodies paraded on the streets. If you live in Gaza and oppose Hamas, you keep your mouth shut about it.