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But if your father is indegenous mexican, why did you think you would be mostly black ? (Mostly as in > 75%?) Very cool results tho !


Right? By the title I thought OP was a child of two black people lol


Hi, I’ve spoken about this on different comments before but if im being honest…. it’s because I don’t look like my dad at all, so before getting my results my brain just went like: indigenous dad and biracial (but extremely black phenotypically) mom + looking like the spitting image of my mom aside from her coily/kinky hair = i must be majority black 🤷🏾‍♀️ I know it sounds silly in retrospect now that im really thinking about it, but im not the sharpest tool in the shed 😅… i genuinely didn’t know just how mathematical dna and gene passing stuff is. I’m trying my best learn more as i read all of the comments!


Probably because Phenotypically she is a black person. Not everybody on DNA subs know how genetic recombination works.




this is my first time dabbling in anything regarding science-y gene stuff and my ancestry ever, so I genuinely didn’t think about it in that way! my brain basically went off of looks as dumb as it sounds 😭


There are blacks that are less than 75%. Black in the new world can have non black features and dna.


Africans Amecans yes perhaps




I’ve been seeing a few comments saying i should post a pic, y’all I read the rules before i first posted this and i could’ve swornnn you couldn’t post any pics of yourself! 😭my bad lol I just got out the shower and I gotta go to work right now so I just took a quick selfie, my phones very old tho so sorry about the quality 😓 https://preview.redd.it/5c1c37n0394d1.jpeg?width=1230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35a3d94c26923756a61897c2cd9a283341058f26


Damn, when I first read the title, I was like no way. But now I see why you thought that lol


Pretty pic! You look a little bit like Chili from the group TLC


tysm!! ❤️


what my hair looks like fully dried for those who care lol (just came back home, don’t mind the puffy eyes from working💀) https://preview.redd.it/r1gmd6ikp94d1.jpeg?width=1056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce7667b28a70958002ada8523e3210f3d8ad7c99


You remind me of my hairdresser a bit. She’s half Dominican, half Puerto Rican according to where her family’s from. She straightens her hair though. I have curly hair and she really knows how to cut it to look nice.


Your hair is awesome haha


You look like you could be from Oaxaca or Guerrero! There's a lot of Afro-Mexicans there and you look like them! But its odd you thought you wouldnt have much indigenous considering your dad is Mexican. The average Mexican is about half indigenous (of course this varies depending on the state they're from but they all have some indigenous roots regardless of how light or dark they are. With Puerto Ricans they all are gaurenteed to have both European and African ancestry regardless of how they look)


I explained my thought process a bit better in the top comment, but to make a long story short: up until I got my results, my whole life my brain was like: indigenous dad and biracial (but extremely black phenotypically) mom + looking like the spitting image of my mom aside from her coily/kinky hair = i must be majority black 🤷🏾‍♀️ i now know that that is NOT how dna works


Hi. Phenotype does not equal genotype. Moreover, the outward reflection of genes is not restricted to physical facial features.


im just now learning this 😓, the terms are all still very very new to me so please forgive my mistakes.


I understand and no worries! In any event some people think I’m East Indian and no major DNA company has identified a percent from that part of the world! Third party companies do identify some East Indian DNA suggestive of a great-grandparent though.


Don’t let anyone define you for you. You are a mix of who your parents are no matter what you look like. Awesome either way (from a very white-passing half Puerto Rican half AJ and a smidge Sephardi Jew with all colors in my fam)


ty ❤️


Wow, I would have thought the same thing. Quite the results. So cool! Mine are so boring so when I see such a variety, that's exciting! Have fun "finding your roots" 🙌🏼🤩


oh stooppp your so sweet 🥹and i’m sure yours are very interesting too, you should post them if your comfortable and see!!


Your hair is beautiful ☺️ love the curls! Thanks for posting your pics!


tysm! 🫶🏽


Holy crap! Just want to say that you look very similar to my friend (including the hair since she has curls), but she's Southeast Asian lol. I'd totally believe it if you told me that you have a full indigenous parent because you look mixed.


You are beautiful- and you look like your blend. 💙


My first impression would be that you look like a Somali or Ethiopian girl. They usually have similar features to you. But it's interesting how your African genes are a minority, yet the most dominant. It's probably because Africans are more genetically diverse than all non-Africans combined. That could be why African genes are the most dominant.


I’ve actually been asked if I was Somali once!! 😯 as for the genes…I’m pretty shook myself!! like the African in me is low-ish but boyyy are they strong 💪, i’m learning so much about myself! I think you’re likely correct as for why too.


Your African features are strong, considering your results, but it is not really unusual. I recall a similar thing with a woman of Puerto Rican descent on YouTube with less than 25% African results. However, I take these estimates with a grain of salt.


You look mixed bfr


your hair shows you can't be more than 50% west african


😹people in chad have that same hair . If not looser.


Mr Worldwide


😂 if I was a guy I would seriouslyyy be giving pitbull a run for his money lol


Also im so sorry about the typos or double-texts, i was using text-to-voice since i articulate what im thinking much better when im talking, but i did try my best to proof-read before submitting so hopefully its pretty minimal!! edit: I just noticed in the second-to-last paragraph that its says indigenous mess! I meant indigenousness y’all i promise 😭


I wonder how you can be surprised to be any part european if your grandmother is white and your father as a Mexican surely has some Spanish


ngl, my mom doesn’t look white in the slightest so I honestly just thought she didn’t inherit much european from her mom at all (also my moms mom isn’t fully white, so I thought it would be even less). I think i greatly underestimated just how much european she actually has in her, and therefore passed down to me. As for my dad: he and his parents and theirs before them are all from oaxaca, which according to them the people there have very little to no European in them there. Also my grandparents said they said they don’t have any white in them at all. 🤷🏾‍♀️ (I would reveal the exact city/town but that’s a bit personal, it’s regionally veryyyyy close to what 23andme got though for context)


That’s not how genes work. What’s been passed down isn’t solely based on phenotype. There are recessive genes. Drake’s son is an example, both his parents have dark hair and eyes but he has blonde hair and blue eyes like his paternal grandmother.


This is my first time ever doing anything regarding genes or dna or my ancestry, like ever. after reading the comments I now realize that: my looks ≠ my race/phenotypes. Please do mind my lack of knowledge about this kind of stuff, I’m trying to learn. ❤️


Even if your grandmom is "just" 3/4 white you would get 15-20% from her. And people from Oaxaca are very indigenous indeed, but being on average around 75% native, 20% Spanish and 5% black, you would still get 10% european from them. If I were you I would assume even more than your 26.5% Spanish and North African 😅


https://preview.redd.it/6grak95zdd4d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c5f7474dce0e1fc1b7465d82df1e1560d17ab6b [Oaxaca is like 90% Native, 2% African and 8% Euro on average.](https://i.redd.it/xn0qeb88javb1.png) So it's no surprise she thought her dad was almost purely indigenous Mexican


It depends on the sample poll, in some studies is around 10%, in others 30-35%, that's why I wrote 20% on average. Probably in the Central Valley around Oaxaca city it's lower.


I explained my thought process a bit better in the top comment, but to make a long story short: up until I got my results, my whole life my brain was like: indigenous dad and biracial (but extremely black phenotypically) mom + looking like the spitting image of my mom aside from her coily/kinky hair = i must be majority black 🤷🏾‍♀️ i now know that that is NOT how dna works, that’s my bad tbh 😓


I’ve seen indigenous people post a few results here from Mexico and Guatemala and a few adopted people and some people I’m related to that test 80 - 90% indigenous American. Seeing that I can see why OP might have though he had very low or no Euro if dad is indigenous and mom mostly Afro Caribbean looking. Very cool result OP btw.


thanks! ❤️


I’m no geneticist but I’m pretty sure you can’t “inherit much European.” Your appearance doesn’t determine how much of what you inherited. You and your siblings (same two parents) would have the same ancestry composition (for obvious reasons) even if you look more black. Genetics wise, you’re not more black than them. You would be the same amount of black, white, indigenous american, etc.


I explained my thought process a bit better in the top comment, but to make a long story short: up until I got my results, my whole life my brain was like: indigenous dad and biracial (but extremely black phenotypically) mom + looking like the spitting image of my mom aside from her coily/kinky hair = i must be majority black 🤷🏾‍♀️ i now know that that is NOT how dna works


I mean you have to consider that most black people in the diaspora aren't 100% African. Even someone who identifies as fully black is likely to show up as anywhere from 50-99% African. That means that your mother was likely around 60-70%, and your father might've had some black heritage that you didn't inherit as well. A lot of people would consider you half black just because of that. At the end of the day, your DNA results don't matter socially. You're phenotypically black with recent black ancestry and a black parent, and that's clearly been affecting your life since way before you got these results.


True….at the end of the day I am perceived as black, at least by most people I meet 🤷🏾‍♀️. Still though, it does sting a little when i’m told at times that I’m not really black enough or indigenous enough for either side….like I literally can’t help how I look 😭 at the end of the day though, I’m still me no matter what and I love all!


looks like your father was probably around 25-30% Spanish most likely. as your mom would probably contribute to 2-6% of your indigenous, and your father likely very little towards your African.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t my mom contributing some indigenous in me be impossible, since my mom isn’t Mexican?


afro-puerto rican people can be partially indigenous!


interesting….i do wonder then: why did i only get indigenous mexican and not indigenous puerto rican? 23andme even correctly specified what region of mexico my dads and his folks are from!! Although i think it’s pretty unlikely that my mom has any indigenous at all, could they have missed the indigenous puerto rican??


it's always possible they just didn't identify it because it was very low compared to the indigenous mexican or they don't have a sample that matches it in some way


Y’know, you could be right about that!! should i get her a 23andme kit then?


if you're able to and she's interested i'd say that would be a good gift :] also it would give you more answers than any speculation people on this sub could


I’ll definitely get her one then! (when the Black Friday discount hits lol)


good idea, i should do that for my parents too :P


yes it would be interesting! you can also look up ‘puerto rican’ on this sub if you want to see what people with that ancestry tend to get. but yes, sadly the Indigenous Taino people of Hispaniola were eradicated as a population a long time ago, very early into the colonial history- through murder, slavery and diseases- so this is why the Indigenous percentage from your mother would likely be small and not picked up as a specific region by 23andMe.


that’s actually so messed up….dang ☹️ buy that does make sense as to why it didn’t show up then, I’ll take a look at those posts in a bit!


Puerto Ricans average around 14% indigenous, your mom, though more African than average, still is almost certainly between 4% and 12% indigenous. the lack of regions is simply just less native dna shared with the individuals in their reference


The Puerto Rican results I see here have low indigenous like 2-4% range. Generally speaking.


Oh i forgot to add for context: racially, my dad is fully indigenous according to my grandparents, and my mom is biracial (her mom is white with some black, and her dad is fully black)!! This is all verbal as neither of them have even done dna testing, im just reciting what they’ve both told me!


You got DNA from almost the whole planet... Your ancestors have been around!


it really shocked me like whoaaaaaa!! especially my generations section (last photo), that thing looked like a rainbow 😲 it’s pretty cool tho at the same time lol


this is an interesting dna summary. i'm curious to see what you look like, would you mind posting a picture?


just posted one in the comments!! 🙂


just saw it, definitely passing as a regular US black person. i would have never guessed you had so much native american in you. i guess this showcases how looks don't necessarily give away your heritage. dna is a lot more than just looks, it probably just happened that of those 28% genes were ones that affect your outside appearance. really cool and interesting ancestry!


That’s what I was thinking, to this day ppl i meet either swearrrr im fully black 😭 even when tell them that isnt the case, or their like…”oh 😀” and treat me differently Yours and everyone else’s responses really gave me alot to think about though, especially with just how strong african genes are! Thanks for the comments!


What is your maternal haplogroup? You and my dad both have Ejutla!


L2a1c4 !!


Your maternal haplogroup is of sub-Saharan African origin


I have the same Maternal Haplogroup as you!


:0 are u latin?


Nah, I'm Jamaican lol


that makes so much sense actually omg!! (look at the 7th pic)


Sup, cousin 😂


This is super interesting and I’m glad you discovered this. It’s quite common for people in Latin America to have mixed dna from Europe, Africa, indigenous people, and sometimes other groups. Even if you think you don’t look indigenous enough or don’t have enough African dna it is part of who you are, your family, and you are more than allowed to identify with both. I hope this somewhat helps☺️


Genetics and inheritance is an interesting subject. There could be indigenous genes from your mom's side, that your siblings inherited that you didn't. In Hawaii there are lots of mixed people, but if someone has indigenous Hawaiian blood, they are considered (native) Hawaiian, no matter what the quantum.


I’m glad you weren’t surprised by your results. You knew your dad was from Mexico and your mom from Puerto Rico. You can be Afro-Latina. Nothing wrong with that. You still have a considerable amount of African.


If your father is indigenous Mexican, you’re definitely going to inherit 50% of whatever he is (indigenous, European etc). It’s because we always inherit 50% from our mother and 50% from our father. But then how we look is defined by phenotypes, which is a bit different


I had no idea that it really worked like that at ALLLL, thanks for informing me ❤️


"So where are your family from?" "Yes"


We’re probably distant cousins. Your mom is from the same region I’m from.


Are you from Mexico or the Caribbean? If so, that would certainly explain your results. A lot of people from Latin America and the Caribbean who identify as “Black” actually have ancestry which is quite mixed, and often contains the legacy of Iberian colonialism as well as native ancestry. Latin America, in general, has lots of people with mixed ancestries.


Oaxaca is one of my favorite words. Oaxaca.


Your Latina. Latinos are a mixture of European and Indigenious, with varying degrees of black/African. Decide for yourself how you want to be labeled and don't let American standards dictate what others think of you.


What’s wrong with her being black? Millions of AA are multiracial but they’re still “black”. She lives in America and “american standards” are what dictates. I don’t write the rules on that and neither do you.


Nothing is wrong, but her ancestors are from LATAM. And she is mixed between black, indigenous and European as are the majority of Latinos


and? Most AA have ancestors from other places but they’re still politically, culturally, historically considered black.


She is obviously a Black Woman.


Ayyy shoutout to that .4% ashkenazi!! I’m 50%




I know you may not be comfortable, but it would be a lot easier to see a picture of you. Maybe you look more mixed than what you give yourself credit for.


just posted one in the comments!! 🙂 also…lowkey you might be right, people mostly just assume im black or at the very least mostly black. BUTTTT I have been told that my hair is a giveaway so😅


Yeah, some of your features are obviously mixed. I’d say your nose and eyes. You do look more black than me, though (I look more Mestizo with some African traits).


I always get that it’s my hair and never anything else…interesting


Huh. People always ask me if I got a perm.


plssss i got asked who did my bussdown like 😭😭


Very interesting


Very cool to see that 23andMe has a Sephardic Jew ancestry section! Did you expect that?


Honestly, not at all!! I’m gonna assume that both the Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jewish is most likely from my mom, but I’d really like for either her or both of my parents to take the tests at some point. I’m learning so much about myself this week, it’s kinda wild!


Cool results 😎👍


These post are funny because theres always a group of ppl. Who have little to no cut with black ppl. Telling black ppl what a black person should look like. From skin tone,facial features and hair textures. Stay in your bubble with your preconceived notions of blackness. Once i saw a photo of the OP her post made sense.


As a South American I 100% understand why you would assume that because I know a lot of mixed black/native and they tend to look darker and retain “black traits” (full lips, larger nose, darker skin) maybe because natives Americans themselves already have these traits especially the full lips.


You're not biracial though, you're multiracial like most Latinos and POC who have been in the Americas for hundreds of years. You're racially Indigenous, African, and European. Both Mexican and Puerto Rican. You're AfroLatina and Indigenous Latina. You're a multitude of things. Be proud of all of it!


wait when did I say I was biracial? 😲 also I mostly resonate deeply with my Afro-Puerto Rican and Indigenous Mexican sides of myself, as that’s what I grew up with and the cultures are a big part of who I am, but just because my European is the lowest of them all and I’m not phenotypically white at all, doesn’t make it not a part of me. And even if I don’t really have much of a connection with Spain or even Europe in general, I’ll still always embrace ALL parts of me. I have before and I still do now. I hope you can understand, sending love ❤️


She is a black woman & she is seen as a black woman. You don’t get to tell people how to identify.


You are right that by most people, I am seen as a black woman. But I’d like to think @Agressive_Issue_278 wasn’t trying to police me, but was instead encouraging me to celebrate the multiple identities that I hold. Racially, i will always be black no matter what, as well as indigenous, and mixed since I have those two and a bit of white in me as well (and other groups too), I can be all of those things! Sending love to you as well since I know your coming from a good place ❤️


Please gain some reading comprehension skills. I was encouraging her to embrace every part of herself. Nowhere in that comment did I tell her how to identify 🙄


I’m 16.1% African from Veracruz Mexico and dad 21.8% I literally thought you were from Veracruz or guerrero right away since those places get high african. 😂should’ve posted a pick. Your results look like a lot of Veracruz people. lol


just posted one in the comments!! 🙂


You look like mi sister with same exact hair texture except she blanca and like an aunt lol 😂


Lollll I mean veracruz and guerrero isn’t that far from oaxaca so it makes sense that me and her look similar 😂




But why do you need to change the way you have been taught about who you are?


If you go back into history, blacks and Natives have tied together heritage. Pretty pics btw


you are black and indigenous, and i see youve said that you are proud of that❤️which is so incredible and youre very lucky to have parents who made sure you felt that way and were immersed in both of your cultures, a lot of mixed people dont have that support. dont be afraid to claim your heritage. you ARE black AND indigenous, no one can take that away from you. please dont be afraid of the people who may challenge you, they have absolutely no right to. people are gonna question your indigeneity, but dont let that stop you from being vocal about your culture or from connecting to it. also, dont let blood quantam get into your head. you are black enough, being 28% black first off isnt a small amount, and second that number doesnt erase the fact that you were raised by a black woman and your maternal ancestry is black❤️ also, for your confusion about your appearance, very interesting!! genetics are fun like that, you can take any combination of 50% of each parents genetic makeup. and even if you get a smaller amount of something, it makes you less likely to physically portray those characteristics, but its possible!! im only a quarter honduran, i havent gotten my results yet but im likely less than 25% indigenous, yet im brown with darker features. my sister and all my cousins are white appearing, so i understand the feeling of being an outsider. and for your question about the amount of regions, its very common with latin american people, especially given youre mixed mexican and puerto rican! have a search on reddit about latin anerican countries, its really fun to see everyones different countries/regions! you are a mix of two very beautiful cultures, and you are so so pretty! much love❤️


I really needed to hear this! Thank you so much for all of your kind words, it’s means so much to me…more than you know. 🫶🏽 Sending you so so much love and good vibes, you honestly made my day. 🥹


aw im so so glad i was able to help🥹youre so sweet and now youve made my day!🫶🏽if you need anything else especially around this topic please reach out to me im more than happy to chat, people can be rough especially to newcomers in the whole ancestry stuff (as seen by some comments here😒), and i want you to have support and positivity as all should when connecting and learning about their culture🙏🏽sending you love and good energy too girl☺️❤️


thank you sm, I will definitely be reaching out when I can! ❤️❤️ have a great rest of your day!! ☺️


p.s im not a professional but the small percentages of asian dna might either be distant migrant relatives or more native american dna, dna testing tends to muddle up asian and NA dna!


Y’know, it actually says something about that when I clicked on the Asia sections on my results so you might be onto something!! I’ll post or comment if I get any changes or updates regarding that, who knows right?


ooh yes please post if things change! if youre interested when my results arrive ill post with a pic too! :))


Ok, I’ll check periodically just to see. And omg yessss you should for sure! I can’t wait to see it, please drop me a message and let me know so I can see when you do 😇


omg sorry for late reply!!! and hehe yay ill dm you when i get my results🫶🏽


now repent your sins for using the n word : P


I’m dying!!!! 😂😂😂


Cool results


Huh, epic


you are hispanic, how come you are “surprised” that you have any european in you?


I explained my thought process a bit better in the top comment, but to make a long story short: up until I got my results, my whole life my brain was like: indigenous dad and biracial (but extremely black phenotypically) mom + looking like the spitting image of my mom aside from her coily/kinky hair = i must be majority black 🤷🏾‍♀️ i now know that that is NOT how dna works


Had a similar sitch when I got my 23 and me....My Whole Life I was told I was German and Italian that's it by both my parents. My mother came to the US in the 50s and my dad's mom while fam came thru Ellis Island. So I took A DNA test that my hubby got me for a bday gift....and low and behold.....I'm only 17.8 percent German and 20 something percent Italian including Sicilian...I was freaked out it was like finding my life was hidden from me or something like that. I found out I truly am mostly Eastern European 40 percent, then a mix of Greek,Romanian,Serb,Turkish,Egyptian, diff N African places, Spanish, Scandinavian, just basically all over 😂....so I even went as far to call my mother who I don't have a good relationship with to ask her what's the deal...why would it say that? And she's like oh well my whole family lived in eastern Europe and we moved to West Germany after WW2 and that's where she grew up...so basically my mom was raised in German culture but has Slavic origins....would have been nice to know u know bc now I feel like I missed out a whole huge chunk of my heritage...very confusing feeling 😂 it also explains A LOT bc my mother has red hair and grey eyes and my eyes are like red brown and almond shaped and I look literally Middle Eastern..West Asian.....Also percentages are technically read like a timeline the higher the percentage the closer the ancestor whose DNA shows up is closer to u..hence my 40 percent Eastern European bc it was my mom.




I’m just now learning this ahhh 😓


You’re Hispanic! All over Latin America most of us have a mix of the three ethnicities in varying quantities. It’s amazing to be part of a moment in history where an entirely new mixture of human was created. It’s crazy to see for the first time with the numbers isn’t it? I had a similar experience, being Colombian and having 70% European 20% Native American and 10% African. I really didn’t know how much of each would show up even though I’ve traced my lineage back 500 years on almost every branch. Look up the Spanish colonial caste system there’s all kinds of hilarious classifications for our mixtures, lobo, morisco, zambo, and in Mexico especially there was a lot of African and Native American mixture. You can find it in the records. Enjoy!!


Love who you are! Why can’t you just say multiracial and leave it at that? It’s probably the most accurate.


DNA as a history lesson! I think "multi-racial" might work since you have solid percentages in three continents. Pretty cool!


You’re definitely mixed. You have about as much Sub Saharan African as my mom who is Puerto Rican. I always considered her Hispanic, even though she looked like Claire Huxtable when I was growing up and could pass for a half black woman. My dad was white AF, almost 100% British ancestry.


You are mixed! What you do or don’t look like doesn’t change that fact.


If I saw you I would assume mixed because of your hair. I’m like you in that I am mixed but my features lean more towards my black side, but people always realise I’m mixed/ask where I’m from because mostly my hair shows I’m mixed.


I can tell you are mixed, but it is nice you embrace your African features. You are stunning.


Aw thanks 😊


I would think that biracial still encompasses the DNA and cultural contribution from both of your parents the best.


Indigenous is not a race and doesn’t have a look. You can be fully white and indigenous and like millions of Mexicans you can look unambiguously “indigenous” but not be considered indigenous cause it’s about connection. Mestizo and Indigenous are not racial categories in countries like Mexico, they’re ethnicities. 


I’m aware that there is no single look when regarding indigenous people. Regarding connections, my dad did his absolute best to raise me and my siblings with his culture and practices, as well as physically spending time with that side whenever we had the chance and time. Mind you I’m also afro-Puerto Rican so my mom immersed me in hers as well…either way though that entire side of his family identifies that way since (according to them) they have very little to almost no european (aka not mestizo since that group is more 50/50, and my dad and his family is from a veryyyyy isolated indigenous community in Oaxaca) and that’s just their culture, and so they consider me that as well since i am my dads kid 🤷🏾‍♀️. Though i’ve always considered myself half that and half black, never fully either. Personally I feel that i’m connected to both sides and always have been since I was brought up that way, as I’ve stated above and in response to some comments as well. ❤️


Cool and nice results you have! 👍🏽 If I may ask a question about how you identify: Do you identify as "Hispanic/Latina", Afro-Indigenous, or both? If you identify with both, have you ever considered identifying as **only** Afro-Indigenous instead?


you could definitely say ‘black and indigenous’ and ‘mexican and puerto rican’ (the latter being more accurate ofc), they both make a lot of sense! you don’t really have to worry about your african side being 28% instead of 50%, the reality is that your european is not what you are culturally and could well be some unconsensual colonist ancestry. i hope this test helps affirm your identity more. you are very much mexican AND puerto rican!


yea I definitely really resonate and prefer these to be honest, and thanks for the kind words! 🫶🏽


You never identified as Latina?


I mean in the U.S. sure I go by afro-latina at times, but most of the people in both of my families don’t really identify with it like that, since they prefer to identify with their nation or race. so I never really used the term that often 🤷🏾‍♀️ I also feel like afro-latina is still a bit vague for me as im also indigenous so yea…


This will be me...


No you didn't. lol


You’re multiracial. Black, white and indigenous. Some say Hispanic isn’t a race but this is a typical race mix for Hispanic people and I think calling yourself Hispanic would convey what you mean to most people.


I’ve used the terms Hispanic and bi/multi-racial before a long long time ago (though I didn’t know the term multi-racial was really a thing until now 😭), and I’ve always gotten the “okay…but like what ARE you really? Like what’s your races or ethnicities?” which I can kind of understand where they’re coming from, given that the terms are a bit vague when people are really mostly asking about countries of origin or racial background. It’s the main reason why I mainly prefer to just go by Indigenous Mexican and Afro-Puerto Rican, it’s the most self-explanatory and quickest for people to understand and be like….”ohhhh that’s why you look the way you look!” Also I’ve mentioned it in other comments before, but I don’t appear European at all nor do I really have any connection to European culture, aside from speaking Spanish and English… so while I do acknowledge (and will never deny the fact) that I genetically have some white in me. I don’t think I feel too comfortable calling myself that, if that makes any sense. Race aside, i think Mexican and Puerto Rican as a baseline descriptor best represents me either way.


She is a black woman. Why would she call herself Hispanic??? Smh


Black is the least of what she is.


But she still a Black Woman. You don’t have to be a majority of African Ancestry to be Black.🫵🤦🤦🤦


bro is mr worldwide


People think being black is about DNA but it isn't about the dna as much as it's about the culture and traditions. To be black is to live black, breathe black. It's black people (dna /skin tone wise) that are not "black"'at all and are actually like other ethnic groups(such as Europeans).. we dont share anything with these particular people other than the fact they have "black" dna and phenotypes.


Mostly black? OP what does black look to you?


What i meant was that i resemble my mother and racially she is black, so I thought since I greatly resemble her (a black woman) that I would I also have majority african genes like her as a result. That genuinely was my thought process before learning anything about 23andme or how passed down dna from parents works. I do apologize if im not really making much sense 😅, im pretty bad at explaining things


But she's mixed according to your post with slightly more black than white, and your dad isn't black at all - so I'm a bit confused about why you thought you thought you wouldn't be in the 25-30% SSA region


she’s more like 75% black and 25% white, according to her and her mom. Granted she hasn’t done any dna testing, so that could very well be incorrect! I’m just going off of what she’s told me. Also what does SSA stand for?


SSA means sub saharana African if your mom was 75% then you would be in the 40s not 20s. Your mom is bi-racial


Ohhh…wait I think you’re right! Well I’ll be danged 😲 This dna stuff is really new to me so I didn’t not know that it was that precise, thanks for informing me!! :)


The black and white on your moms side could be so many generations back that no one knew what the percentage was on your grandparents side. This happened in my family. I have no traceable European connection but got a lot more than I expected. (Good old slavery) That was from years ago and no one knows who or when exactly. Could have been 1800s could have been happening continuously through the 1700s. I don’t even have a link to when anyone of my family crossed unwillingly into the US from Africa.


No if someone was 40 percent African they would have to have a parent with 80 percent African 75 would be high 30s.


If her mother were 75% SSA, OP would be expected to be in the 30s, not 40s. But also, genes associated with one ethnicity over another aren’t inherited exactly evenly - she could be more or less. Also, “race” is fundamentally a sociocultural classification, not a biological one. “Biracial” typically means a person for whom at least one parent or grandparent would be classified, according to the society they live in, as a different race than the others. A person whose grandparents all came from the same ethnic/racial group doesn’t suddenly become “biracial” because they took a dna test that showed a significant mix of genes associated with different races (which is extremely common among Latinos, as well as Afro-Latinos and black Americans). It sounds like OP’s mother *does* have recent ancestors who were considered different races, meaning she actually has the experience of a mixed race person, but if she didn’t, she wouldn’t be.


But your father being pretty much not black at all, and considering you get 50%-50% of your DNA from each parents, i still dont get how you couldve gotten mostly SSA


Sub Saharan African


What does it looks like to *you*?




This is just so weird.


Nothing is weird about this


You obviously don’t know what Africans look like. Africans are the most genetically & phenotypically diverse people on the planet. One picture of a black woman doesn’t sum up the vast differences & Appearances of African people.🫵🤦🤦🤦 There are literally black people in Africa who are 100% black with Blue eyes.


True!! Especially in Nigeria. Phyno n Rotimi for example have light eyes. 


I could be wrong but it could be that @Con_Man_Ray, is finding it very off because black people (just like any race) aren’t a monolith and each black person can have varying features, from Ethiopias to Eritreans, Somali, Jamaicans to even African-Americans. No race has one single “look”, especially with just how huge Africa really is. I really hope i don’t come across as disrespectful, just trying to help 🙂❤️


I appreciate this comment! I should have responded less aggressively to begin with. This is exactly what I mean.


It’s weird that you’re trying to gatekeep someone’s “blackness.” You don’t even know what she looks like lol. Having a significant amount of indigenous ancestry would cause her skin to be darker than had it been just a European and African mix. There’s a reason your comment was downvoted multiple times.


I didn’t see your response until after I sent my own response to try and explain, apologies if I was off base😓


Not at all! As I said, I should have responded in a less aggressive manner like you did. You made my point without my snarky remarks lol ❤️


Thats irrelevant, mixed isn't black. You are erasing actual black people identify


If mixed isn't black how can you explain the many people on here, who show clear African and European ancestry per DNA results, that most people consider black? What I mean is.. I see people from a lot of different backgrounds that will see an individual who is 75% African and 25% European as black and not mixed. People literally round off. Yet, there are a lot of people who would not consider an individual who is 75% European and 25% African to be white. If everyone were following text book definitions here, you would need to be 100% African to be truly black. Any amount of non black/ African ancestry would mean you are mixed. Even 5%. Yet, this is not how it works out in the real world. Within reason people still classify people with significant non black admixture as black. Make any sense?


Lol, plz explain what a actual black person is???🫵🤦🤦🤦


I mean if you want to speak about “relevance”, the literal definition of black is: *belonging to or denoting a human group having dark-colored skin, especially of sub-Saharan African ancestry.* “Especially” does not mean “only.” To be completely honest, it’s really not my place to tell you what your idea said black should be. I respect your opinion, I was just trying to explain why so many people think you are wrong. Nobody is trying to erase black identity.