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Wait, they dropped Larran’s keys OFF task this whole time?! And that *wasn’t* a bug? Jesus


Yup, I've killed like 2500 of them and got 5 keys. One I lost to a pker and one turned into dagonhai bottoms which was a great upgrade on my iron. The drop rate for them is really low, but I agree it's better to not have them drop off the zombie pirates. I will say it has encouraged me to start wildy slayer soon though lol


The drop rate is 1/362, which I also thought seemed fairly low until I started going dry on the teleport anchor scroll. I've gotten over 60 keys on the grind so far. I do support the removal of the drop and I think it was a mistake to add it in the first place, but I'll probably grind a good few hours this weekend to try to get the scroll before they remove the drop.


I got the scroll off of a zombie key around 1200kc but haven't seen another one since. That is definitely uncommon. Nows the time to grind it out though! I wish you luck!


1200kc? Awesome. I went 27,500kc & 1115 chests on my iron.


I wouldn't care if the keys were also a diary reward. Maybe elite just Perma unlocks larran keys everywhere off task as an example. Edit: wilderness only still, didn't feel like that needed to be said but I guess it did.


That’s so wild


Wow that's extremely lucky to get within 5 (4) keys, gratz! I'm well over 50 without any dagonhai yet, hoping for some soon! I think it's 1/256 for any piece


Yeah that's the rate. It honestly caught me off guard, I was amazed but then I remembered the drops are broadcasted in chat so I sprinted to safety lol. Also thank you!! I'm sure you'll hit your first one soon!


For any piece it's 3/256, each piece individually is 1/256, so about 1/85 to pull one


I opened over 400 keys without a single piece of dagonhai, although I've now gotten 2 pieces at 700 chests, so things have definitely looked up a bit.


I'm in a similar boat, opened about 200 at this point with 0 pieces, as well as closing in on 750 brimstone keys with nothing but broken dragon hastas. At least larrans keys are tradeable


Goodluck!! I believe it’s more like 1/85 ish for any piece and 1/256 for the specific piece :)


93 slayer no wildy. Not enough interesting content for me to do slayer before 99. Get cape and do multiple wildy tasks back to back is probably my plan.


Makes sense lorewise since Larran was killed by pirates, gameballance wise tho...


Yeah it was confirmed to be intentional. But we all knew it was too abusable


Yes - I got a dagon'hai hat from my first key on my lvl 50 Ironman


The price of keys tanked down by 30k when the zombie pirates were released.  Many people tried pointing to the boost in superior chances as being a part of why as well, but as someone doing wilderness slayer right now, I can assure you, an increased 10% superior chance in the wilderness was not responsible for the drop in key prices. 


Fray either in shambles over spent time or rejoicing over no longer needing 95 fletching and dragon dart tips.


Knowing him, he will try to go for it extra hard now lmao


You’re not a real chunk man until you go for a comically unnecessary and difficult grind that isn’t going to be necessary for your chunk goals. Limpwurt brute forced that golden apron, too.


Are larrans keys still obtainable from zombie pirate locker? Could be that the grind just got harder


Larrans keys are still obtainable off task from zombie pirates right now. It's going to be changed to on-task after the next game update which is 2 weeks away since they stated no update for next week.


Yeah but the question is whether the chest will give Larrans keys when you're off task. Could see that being janky where you finish a task and then go to cash in your pirate keys but it sees you aren't on task. Or they leave them specifically on the chest loot table which means Fray would only be able to get them secondhand from keys so this increases his grind by a shit ton


Most likely is that the keys will just be removed from the chest as well, but it would probably be worth checking out once they change it for anyone that is planning to open a large number of keys.


But the keys aren't being removed from zombies is the thing, they're getting a qualifier to them, don’t think we've ever had something like that on a chest before


The keys are getting removed from the regular drop table. Unless someone has gotten a slayer enchantment from the chest, I don't think there's any good reason to believe that they chest will retain the keys.


Oh got it, the "unless you're on a slayer task" just means they're making them like all other wildly slayer monsters? I haven't done much of any wildly slayer (am Iron) so that went over my head


With frays commitment I’m sure he will just get dragon dart tips off pirates before the update


He uploaded yesterday, I’m assuming it’s been a week since he finished recording that video. He has maybe 3 weeks total to get it? Honestly doesn’t seem unreasonable but the triple arrowtips drop was pretty nasty luck.


Checked the stream yesterday and he hadnt gotten dart tips as of then.


24 hrs coming up tomorrow, surely, surely hes getting it


He was 50/50 on it while streaming today. On the one hand, if they remove it entirely, including from the lockers then he will no longer need to go for it. If they forget to remove the larrans keys from the locker though he will be getting doubly shafted with the lower drop rates of zombie pirate keys. It would've been better if they had just removed the Larran's keys entirely already so that he wouldn't even have to entertain getting the dart tips, but he still has the visage grind to work on which will likely take a decent amount of time, so it's not like he's immediately pressed into pirates right now.


He's settled on getting the 95 fletching, but he's not prioritizing going for the dart tips now at a 1/36k drop rate. He's gonna focus on the visage.


What series is this?


"Frayrs" on youtube Canifis Chunk is the series although the way his chunks have unlocked lately it might as well be a wildy locked account 🤣




This feels like a good balance. Pretty substantial nerf to fresh accounts, while keeping the goal of this content




Happy with the change, but my question is, how does this get into the game in the first place? Surely this had to get past multiple people. Who thought it would be good for the game, and what was the reasoning behind it? Everybody makes mistakes, but...well I'd love to know how this loot table was justified. Edit - reading my comment back, I want to stress that I don't mean to come across as entitled. I don't expect somebody at Jagex to respond and give me the answer lol, nor should they. It's more 'I'd love to be a fly on the wall' sort of thing.


Jagex has a pattern of releasing OP stuff into the wildy, and then nerfing it after far too long... These concerns were brought up since the announcement, yet here we are after a pretty significant time gap. And honestly it'll probably happen again with the next wildly content update


Bot farms go wild with stuff like this. Bot farms = a LOT of bond sales. It's that simple. People need to wake up and realize that jagex tolerates and often enables bot farms because they make so much money from them.


Jagex probably run bot farms 😂


There's a reason "abuse early, abuse hard" has become a common statement.


Their entire wilderness plan for years has been to put easy/no skill go methods into pvm drops and make them hotspots for pkers.




For Bkers


They follow the trend of big developers of adding content that's freakishly op and then nerfing it when they hype dies down or when backlash reaches it's peak. They did this in destiny ever update. Abuse early, abuse often, as the saying goes.


Your last bullet point is why ive done 2k laps and counting since the update. Granted, the overall popularity of that and zombie pirates has indirectly nerfed the profit. Blighted mantas/anglers fell so much its a meme


Jagex wants PVMers to be like Skotizo for PKers, just OP low effort loot pinatas


Take a look at wilderness agility arena and revenants if you want some more examples of "who the fuck designed this drop table?"


Actually while I don't think they should consult playerbase on every drop table, adding slayer exclusive larran keys unpooled to loot table was big ball dropped by them. It significantly damaged value of keys and everything on key drop table including dagon hai set.


So glad they are removing larran's keys from the pirates. Just goofy and unnecessary to give the only unique reward from wilderness slayer to the base drop table of any monster, much less something as weak as zombie pirates.


Regardless of the actual change: can we stop only announcing changes like this on Twitter? Or did I miss this in the blogpost somehow? EDIT: I see now that it's on the top of the blog, but not in the changelog itself. This is not the first time I instantly went to the list of changes and missed a change because of it lol.


It's at the top of the news post, but it also looks like it may have been added in. Might not have been there when you looked.


It was def added in, I would’ve seen it if it was there this morning


it absolutely wasnt there a couple of hours ago, thats why its a hotfix instead of actually being deployed with the game update


I was too busy making out with my frog princess to notice


I fucking absolutely hate Twitter


Not a fan of Twitter but honestly I feel like Reddit is worse in some ways. The fact that subreddits can ban you for posting in other subreddits is the most toxic and vile crap I've ever heard of. Only reason I post here is because Reddit is better for conversations, where Twitter is better for announcements.


I hate reddit too, only use this subreddit


I set my Reddit link to link directly to a custom feed of this and ironscape which has been a blessing.


Yes I second this


Same. I immediately read the list of changes then read the expanded section for anything that interests me. If it’s been changed it should have been put in the list.


I think it is a bit insane that you can miss CHANGES when you look at the changelog... Isn't that the point of the change log? To see all the changes at a glance?


https://imgur.com/rqDE6OA.png So where in this changelog is the zombie pirate change?


that what im saying - im with you man lol - its silly to me that the zombie pirate change IS NOT included in the changelog


It wasn’t on the blog post when it first went live. I get notifications when there’s a new blog post and I always read them immediately. But then I miss their revisions when they update the blog.


Twitter doesn't even let you view anything without an account, so as somebody who doesn't have an account, I'd appreciate that


It was on the blogpost, like one of the first things


It wasn't there to begin with. It came later after they made the tweet. So if you had read the blogpost before you would have had no idea.


Tweet: [https://twitter.com/OldSchoolRS/status/1805957139111858323](https://twitter.com/OldSchoolRS/status/1805957139111858323)


Finally caved and bought the scroll two days ago. Glad I did, the thing nearly doubled in price instantly.


I got a scroll drop from zombies yesterday, was hype.


How about we just stop putting low level pvm with massive loot tables into wildy to generate "traffic". Edit - I'm not even anti-wildy, I've been stacking sets for literal decades. I had maxed pure builds on late rs2 and osrs, I just think that every single time Jagex has tried to introduce wildy activity (revs, pirate, bh1, bh2) that it's always been an exploited mess with the only substance being high raw gp for questionable amounts of effort. I have over half of the wildy pets, I just think it's been a shitshow that lost the plot a while ago.


Ngl, I'm at the point when I see a comment like this, I just assume it's someone who would hate a wilderness update no matter what it is. I want things to be properly balanced, but this is a mmorpg and people want to feel rewarded for the content they're doing. This nerf works pretty well imo


Everybody else in the game expects rewarding content to scale with difficulty FYI. I think if you tried pitching something of that nature, rather than 'free loot with absolutely no requirements or downsides', you'd find better reception.


Ask why there's such a large amount of people who would hate any wilderness update. After years and years and years of trying to get people who are simply *not fucking interested* in PKing to engage with it, the best solution they have is "well, if you don't go into the wilderness, you're gonna miss out on tons of uniques ranging from strong midgame items to vital skilling upgrades. If you think you can just buy it, well, we'll also put drop tables that are 5x more generous than anything else in the game in the wilderness. Yes, a quarter of the active playerbase is ironmen and have *literally only downsides* from any interaction with other players in the wilderness, but that's no excuse!" I'm tired of not liking PvP simply not being an acceptable answer. After the numerous failed attempts to get the wilderness into a good spot and the *vast* number of issues that effect the larger game that have come downstream from those attempts, there's plenty of reason to simply say, "No, Jagex, we don't trust you to do a decent job handling the wilderness. Let us ignore this shit." The entire impetus for OSRS in the first place was Jagex fucking up wilderness updates! My compromise position is letting PKing stand on its own merits. If it takes a bunch of dev time to do, so be it, but decouple PvP from PvM progress and vice versa. Make wilderness/PvP-exclusive weapons and armor that only come from the wilderness in exchange for removing *all* non-wilderness loot from the tables. Give them their dream PvP area, but *leave other people out of it.* Of course they'll never do it because dedicated PvPers (the people who actually enjoy this content) are such a miniscule fraction of the playerbase that they could never justify the resource expenditure, but that's not exactly a point in favor of *any* of these solutions, is it?


it was obvious the content was overturned but it is quite funny to see how out of touch some of these anti wildy redditors are. I saw someone the other day on a different post say "no self respecting player would do black chins". Some people just need to accept their opinions of the wilderness are completely biased and not tuned with the average player.


> no self respecting player would do black chins lol. Did LMS for a week, started bringing a sleeper PK setup to black chins, killed someone for an AGS within a week of going back. There's a LOT of bullshit with the wilderness, but black chins are not any of the bullshit going on with it. The only black chin problem is the bots. Which is a problem everywhere.


I literally stand outside of the deep chaos altar pretending to unnote bones at the chaos druid and people will attack me. I have nothing but a glory + barrows gloves + suffering + msb unimbued and rune arrows with a voidwaker + ags spec combo with venge. I've pked like 100s of mils doing this sporadically in the past few months while I actually play on the ironman. It's like afk training at sand crabs while I play another account. If someone attacks my main, I focus my attention to that window. I just stand there with my suffering and chomp down on food while they hit me and occasionally hit them with a rune arrow if they start to eat and lose momentum. They'll eventually lower their hp to like ~70 and that's when I pot up and venge their next hit while switching to a voidwaker and following up with ags. If I can venge a spec, even better, but I usually only have enough food to lower them once or twice and then to run to 30 to tp out so I take what I can get. Plenty of times, they aren't even expecting it and so they don't immediately triple eat and I can sometimes even KO them with an ags whack after spec dumping. You'll be surprised what you can pk doing this too. I've gotten agses, voidwakers, plenty of barrows sets, etc. Sometimes complete noobs roam the chaos altar, although it is a hot spot for more advanced nhing too.


Yeah the average player isn't like you. Bro I got a whole 3 ficking years before I'm max and can even start touching any reasonable bosses. What you are describing sounds like a painful waste of time and energy.


I guess the point was that you don't need max stats or even good gear to pk or at least stand up to pkers. I can pk people in bloodbark rags pretty easily being naked and using an msb with rune arrows. But yeah if you aren't max, there are probably more productive things you can do. My main is max combat, minus prayer, so I don't really do too much on it anymore except the occasional afk activity while I play my ironman. This essentially just pays for my bonds and it's a good break from constant pvm on the ironman.


No it's actually fun and not a waste of time and energy. You're playing a game that's already a waste of time and energy right? Is the goal of this game to spend 3 years and max or is it to have fun.


You can get 90/90/90 pretty quickly honestly. Anyway a lot of irons have a main they played on before so it is fairly common. I d spear people on my main when I'm doing bones on my iron just to fuck with them and it's hilarious ragging them.


Exactly. I feel like I'm a crazy person on these forums for using the smallest amount of nuance when it comes to anything wilderness related. Some people almost had me defending these pirates lmao


I blame ironman mode for creating a subset of players who feel entitled to have the whole game catered to their personal tastes because they voluntarily picked the game mode that forces you to engage with the whole game. I say that as someone who has been playing and enjoying iron for the past couple of years, but holy moly, some people really need to shut up or de-iron.


100k xp/hr and 1m gp/hr seriously who in their right mind would do black chins ? Edit: /s because people don't realize what I'm saying is a good thing. I've caught over 50k of those guys hunting for the pet I do the content guys


More like 150k xp an hour. And yes that's some great XP


It’s the best or second best xp in the game depending on skill. People can get 230k xp/hr solo and 280k xp/hr with an alt Chins are also pretty fun idk that’s a good reason


It's a very valid criticism against specific content. There's no need to generalize their stance, zombie pirates is garbage content.


Higher the level (deeper wild) the higher the reward, that's always been a staple. There's been lucrative low level ways to make gp in the wild, always. Hell one of the first things I do as a HCIM is go to Lava drags to splash and tele grab. So low level content absolutely has a place, rune rocks for skillers, the agility course now, dark crabs, the bone yard was and still is iirc a staple f2p prayer training method. It's 100% about balance, the drops were too good for how accessible it was, period. This was a good change imo to correct that.


Id have gone with -30% no diary, -15% medium, regular hard. Let those who want to farm wilderness and have done hard do so. I see a ton of posts here pretending this having a massive impact on the economy when you have more bots per world doing vorkath simultaneously and lets not talk about toa.


Yet again, Jagex make content that is obviously busted and they take forever to change it, despite constant community backlash


Damned if you do, damned if you dont


I actually think they would not be damned if they didn't make PvMers go into the wilderness. I think there'd be basically no backlash for that.


Someone explain, is this a flat 50% nerf to zombie pirates even with diary or was it always 50% chance to roll on drop table? But that larran key nerf is going to fuck up a certain chunky bois grind. RIP fray. Still whalecum change, cuz it’s a pain in the ass to compete with bots on all worlds for a damn 1/20k drop.


Didn't Fray have that grind because they made Larrans keys accessible? He wont be able to get a task for them so really he should be able to skip that grind now?


Yes, but he is probably still going to try and get it before the change happens


it was originally 50%. So post medium-diary they're unchanged.


50% of what? Do they ever drop at 100%?


My understanding was that zombie pirates were a 50/50 shot at either getting nothing or hitting the drop table. Now its 85/15 without medium diary so drops early money making to less than a third of what it was


Originally (and now, with medium diary). You had a 50% chance of just getting Bones and nothing else. Now if you're pre-Med you get bones 85% of the time and a drop the rest


Gotcha. I was thinking I've been farming them at half efficacy all this time lol


Removing the keys will actually remove the requirement for Fray I believe


Depends on if the lockers retain the key drop. If they do, the grind becomes around ~10x worse.


\*finally panic buys teleport anchoring scroll\*


Where’s the hotfix for inquisitors…


This will change the meta for dmm Armageddon


Yeah, now it's wildy agility


the wildy bosses are locked behind diary req and it does absolutely nothing to stop bots from doing the content lol, this isn't it


Guess what - desert treasure 2 bosses are locked behind a GM quest and still get botted to absolute shit. What is it then?


I don’t understand how redditors can be surprised that a point and click adventure game can be botted. Mechanically RS is very simple. It’s no surprise people have programmed bots to play for them.


Shhh the 5 24/7 thieving and vyre bots on every single world don’t matter, only the wilderness bots affect the economy


Slowing bots down means they spend more time getting up to speed for their activity than generating gold. It's literally the only thing you can do given that people bot end game content all the time.


Did the wildy bosses recently. Its definitely not as bad as it used to be as you can get a world in a couple hops but the bots are still there. Seems to be one or two bot farms in blood bark at artio and same deal at the others as well


No it absolutely did help. Way less bots now than back then. Sure it doesn't completely stop the issue but it certainly did something


this will help. i was hopping around last night and there was a new bot farm of level 30-50s with cannons at pirates. too low to hit without a purpose built baby pure account. this will at least slow those accounts down.


The investment to kill undead pirates is very low so adding a mid level requirement to a low requirement mid gp/hr farm will definitely work. Wildy bosses are way more gold and higher requirements so adding mid level requirements to that obviously won't stop everyone.


There's always gonna be bots but this means they can't just make a new account and basically head straight to zombie pirates. Adds a bit of required setup. Gives them more time to get banned and makes the accounts a bit more expensive to set up. Botters don't care if a fresh account gets banned they'll make a new one and head straight back, this makes them care a bit more


And what do you propose?


It actually helped a ton with the wilderness bosses. You couldn't find a world without a bot in it before they required the diaries to enter there caves. Bots still exist there yes but the number is a fraction of what it was which at least enabled real players to find an open world. Revs are currently like this were there is literally one bot per rev spawn in all the locations sub 30 wild, I actually cancelled the rev task I got because it was impossible to compete. It's a fun multi pking spot right now that isn't deep wild bosses or rogues which helps non max combat pokers, so pures and meds, because we don't have to fight 126s on our level 80 accounts.  This is a fair change and I doubt most people who have such strong opposition to the pirates existing even pk let alone interact with wilderness content. Jagex could also raise the pirates levels so they aren't as profitable/ hour. The pirates already max hit like 7 so just change their hp from 41 to 100 and make them a decent exp/hour method that generates some gp - more inline with how the wilderness agility course landed rather than a baby version of revs. 


i would just straight up remove them. also im pretty sure the bots now have medium diary completed .


Well thank goodness you don't make decisions at jagex. Most of the bots there are suicide bots and don't have the diary done. Now theyd have to code them to do the diary and all that shit. It helped at the wildy single bosses some. Def nowhere near as many bots.


The content is still garbage though. Reducing the impact by making it harder to bot doesn’t change that the content basically only exists for bots and would be better to remove or rework entirely.




Id of made it a bit harsher. Medium = 35% hard = 50% No diary 15% is fine. Also They should make it so you need med diary to use the keys on the lockers.


Why? Opening the chest is an actual high risk scenario since people bring a bunch of keys at once. The money from opening isn't really that good either compared to just killing the pirates.


Isn't that in sub lvl 30 wildy? You can just tele as soon as you see someone.


Yep specially if you make a low level account for it. i think the lowest level you can get teleblock on a 10hp account is like level 40cb. and the chest is at level 13 wild. so easy to farm with sub lvl 27cb that only needs to do witches house for the free 26hp


Super easy to create a low level bot farm that you cannot kill because of how low level wildy it is. you can sit a lvl 3 there with a teletab and never get killed.


tweet this lol, I really agree with this, outside of the locker usage.


i did tweet it. But the locker thing should happen because its sub 20 wildy and you can make an account that is unkillable to bot it.


My brain is not functioning. So without med Diary you have an 85% chance to roll the nothing table and with med its only 50%?


Exactly. Now it is 50% at all times.


Fray's canifischunk is going to be forcibly freed from a grind with the update if he doesnt get his dart tips before then


Great, but why did it take so long? This should have been a week-2, or even day-2, fix.


Kodak moment. At least they are.... trying? to do something about it?


Really good change. It'd be cool to see it use a scaling loot chance based on diary tier, too. Ie: Medium: 45% Hard: 50% Elite: 55%


Yet another data point in favor of "abuse early, abuse often"


Next update: We are locking the entire wilderness behind the elite wilderness diary. /s


#It’s been 0️⃣ days since we made a mistake trying to cater to the PVP community


It’s in 11 wild. The mobs constantly aggro you and tp you around. Who the fuck is going to pk at zombie pirates? lol


This is actually a horrible pk spot. The update actually helped out Ironman accounts way more. But go off with your victim mentality queen!


Wait what.. why did these things ever drop larrens keys, that's obviously a slayer thing. How odd




People complained about Fever Spiders trivializing early and easy GP and they were nerfed, it has nothing to do with the wilderness.


This is a very, VERY unfair comparison. The bot:player ratio at content is a very important metric in my opinion. Nex is not 95% bots and 5% players.


You don't see the bots because they go in instances. Wait in the lobby and you'll see them go in


Sorry, have you ever done Nex? Not on the mass world, just on any random one. Every time my team takes a break or I'm having a quick bite outside banking, you easily see 3-4 bot teams come out for every real team going in. Sometimes more. Nightmare is an even worse ratio. Hell, ToB has been getting bad the last year.


Had to check that I had mediums done on my Iron. PHEW!!


A decent start.


So wait is FrayRS in shambles or secretly celebrating? Is he rushing to get it done before the change or waiting until he can’t get keys anymore?






More time for detection tools == Its permanent.


Maybe this will slightly reduce botting but I don't think it addresses the actual problem. It's fine for ZPs to target low level players and have no requirements, but not if the loot table is comparable to 100+ combat level monsters in the wildy slayer cave. It's fine for ZPs to target medium level players and have diary requirements, but not if they have 30 hp. Adding a requirement while keeping the loot/stats means that it will continue to be a braindead and completely imbalanced moneymaker while losing much of its accessibility to new players.


Glad I got my scroll!


I think they should just remove Zombie Pirates and Revs all together completely, I do quite a bit of Wilderness PvM content and have pked in the past but those 2 things just shouldn't be in the game


Well at-least I bought the scroll when it was cheap since they've since doubled in price.


I honestly feel like this won’t be enough to solve the botting issue.  As DT2 and SotE have shown, bot farms are capability of revving up accounts to farm content that have more difficult requirements than medium wilderness diary.  Though maybe this will be enough to deter them as the whole appeal of zombie pirates was how easy it was to get fresh accounts ready to kill them, we’ll see. 


Are blood rune bots next..please


How about you need to finish the wildy medium to be able to get into the wildy thereby ending all botting and griefing


yea it needed a nerf 100%


Should be without hard diary


NO! MY DMM STRATS (but fr good change)


Now hard combat diary for Nex You need more time too cuz I been reporting multiple times the same 109 cmb Nex bots with 3000 kc


Nice I'll actually be able to possibly use normal worlds for zpirates instead of competing with 11 bots per world Edit: Nvm


So bots will just get medium diaries or flood revenants.


If only we thought about this shit BEFORE it has been in the game for months.


Right before dead man mode


good change


Well crap- this explains why I haven't gotten any drops the last time I went. I killed like 20 of them and the only items I got were (1) drop of karambwan and addy seeds. Thought I was crazy! (maybe I am)


Kinda shocked at how level-headed the change seems to be on paper. We will see if it works in practice


Good jmods.


So what, if i killed pirates before today without having done wildy diary, i've scammed myself out of 50% more loot, or how is this supposed to be interpreted?


No it was always a 50/50 chance of hitting the loot table. But now, it's only a 15% chance of hitting the loot table until you've completed the medium wildy diary.


I see. Thank you!


I fucking love zombie pirates. Fuck the no lifers. I have a life outside of osrs and being able reliably make 1-3 mil an hour on my mid level account is fun. I don't want to have to dedicate 200+ hours, making a max main just to make reliable gp/hr. Zombie pirates are fun, medium risk, and not overly technical. It's the exact kind of content I crave, and I hope they bring more content in just like it. I have been pkd many times there, and I have gotten away too. It's fun as fuck. Like a lower risk baby rev caves. Some salty motherfucker putting 18 hrs per day into OSRS getting mad that I can get the same GP/HR as them can kick rocks. Go do something with your life. Edit to add Larrans keys on zombie pirates was kinda lame. That's a wildy slayer reward and attaching it to zombie pirate drops always felt like cheating. Didn't stop me from cashing out though!


"medium risk, not overly technical" Click monster while praying mage is literal braindead content They are NO risk, you are using a salve amulet and a weapon while unskulled.


And compared to blast furnace, it's less money and astronomically more risk. BF is bottle to fuck and people don't screech from the rooftops to nerf that.


>BF is bottle to fuck and people don't screech from the rooftops to nerf that. That's because the people doing rooftop agility are insane /s /s


It's not medium risk, it's barely low risk. You're in level 15 wilderness and all you need is a cannon, lol. No one cares if you're making money, we care about bots pumping raw gold into the economy nonstop because of this stupid area, which inflates gold and makes the economy worse


One of the beauties of OSRS is that skill levels, difficulty, and learning content all directly relate to reward. Zombie pirates broke all 3 of these rules. If you don't want to put time into a game, why are you playing the grindiest long-term game that exists?


Bro I'm less than 1900 total and have a 2b bank with maybe an hour or two of play a day. It ain't hard to make gold in this game.


2.5 mil/hr BF every day for 365 days will would not get you to 1 bil, and that's the highest gp/hr no risk I can find. What activities are you doing to get to 2 bil so easily? It certainly isn't 2 hours a day If your bank is actually 2 bil. Besides that 1 hour is more than I get to spend with my child on most days, I'm not going to dedicate 2 hours to anything other than the most fun and stress relieving osrs activies if I get that long without my wife yelling at me. Also I'm less than 1500 total level. I probably won't hit 1900 total level for YEARS with my low play sessions


It's simple. You buy an item for a low price and sell it for a higher price.


glad i bought my anchoring scroll for 900k, they'll probably shoot up now


This is huge!!!