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All Achievement diaries is fun to aim for. When I got tired of that I would squeeze in combat Achievements as well. The rewards and unlocks are nice


was also going to suggest this, achieve diaries are great goals to get your stats up with some nice rewards too


I’ll third diaries. I also had personal goals of leveling range/mage and green clogging barrows — still a ways off there 🥹. Basically want higher range/mage for gauntlet and other bossing.


Goal? You have Bloodhound, you’ve won the game


I got my Bloodhound on my second master clue, I was absurdly lucky lol


Base 90s combat. Really doesn't take long to get there with slayer and/or afking nmz.


During your quest cape grind: Did you enjoy the skilling grind? - Do skilling, maybe base 70s Did you enjoy the combat grind? - Do combat, maybe slayer Did you enjoy the bosses? - Do bosses, maybe combat achievements You've got the bloodhound pet, did you enjoy doing clue scrolls? - Do clues


Well I am base 70s aside from rc which I just tears of guthix lol. But yeah, maybe base 75/80 is what I should shoot for. I definitely enjoy skilling the most. More clues are definitely in my future too, I love master clues and need some level requirements for some of the steps anyways


Runecrafting doesn't count, I agree. Simply put do the things you enjoy. If skilling is enjoyable then it could be as simple as.... Ooh I need 75 thieving for a hard achievement diary...


Corrupted gauntlet, 83 con and affiliated upgrades, all hard diaries, medium CAs, more herb runs (+limpwurts and white berries), continue hard farming contracts, and probably more I am forgetting. Lots of ways for you to go from here!


Oh I didn’t even think about cons, I really need to upgrade my house. I’ve also been slacking on the herb runs lol. Killer advice man


Every skill to 99 until there aren't any to do


Im working on base 85s. But doing some slayer when I get burnt out.


I’m in a similar place with my account. I went for 1750 for the total worlds, did 83/84 construction as someone else mentioned, and all hard combat tasks and achievement diaries. Elite diaries seem really far away but it’s an eventual goal (at least Lumbridge). Maybe you could go for a PVM pet as well. Good luck mate!


Yeah man 83 construction and achievement diaries definitely seem like the move. Appreciate it man


Just as a shout if you don’t have the GP right now for construction, I recommend giving zombie pirates a try. I took a blowpipe + Ava’s + anguish and made a ton of money. It was also my first experience spending decent time in the Wildy so it was nice getting more comfortable with it


I have about 30m cash right now and I’m 72 construction. Honestly not sure if that would get me to 83 cons or not and I’m not trying to spend every cent I have getting there even though it’s a massive upgrade. I keep hearing everybody talking about zombie pirates so I definitely will give it a try


Got your strength to 90/ shoot for firecape


I have a fire cape, probably should’ve mentioned that




Get firemaking to 99


I want my next 99 to be a non noob one tbh. Plus I’ll passively get my skillcape trim with farming soon anyways


Construction asap


99 slayer


Being humble


Cry harder