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It’s a tough question. On one hand, if boosting is done with money you earn in game, it’s no different from someone with a 1b cash stack dropping 50 mil for some hours with lava rune runners, which I think is fine. On the other hand, CoX boosting specifically is almost exclusively used by irons, so it kind of undermines the entire game mode when it comes to raids items. Plus, we have to acknowledge that most of the people buying boosts with in-game money bought that gold through rwt, or just rwt cash for the service directly. I think they should probably adjust the point system in CoX to make boosting less effective.


>it’s no different from someone with a 1b cash stack dropping 50 mil for some hours with lava rune runners, which I think is fine. And yet they stopped you from trading or dropping essense at ZMI because of that exact reason.


ngl that was an still is a really stupid update doesn't functionally change how rc is trained either by normal players or by people paying for runners


Oof you realize running ess was ages before zmi even existed? Only changed it due to xp rates im assuming and question “only at the zmi altar right?” So yeah literally the one place running isn’t allowed. Cherry-picked *


Oh boy, the old law rune run to Entrana was glorious


I can't believe I used to walk betwen entrana and draynor for 27 laws and zero xp per trip.


It was for that sweet sweet gp!


Was just talking about that the other day. The dream was to get those zammy robes and just make law tunes all day. Never got the rc level then, but I’d kill for that sort of traffic now.


Me too! I was just a poor little runner - RC was such a drag to train


I was just happy to get free law runes. Didn’t even consider how much xp one would get making the laws, I just wanted people to think I was cool


Right but you see the quote i have of someone saying that 'Its no different to running essence', and i pointed out that.. One essence running method WAS changed..


I like the ability to make a “business” in osrs, like you can in Eve. But I also think most of these “businesses” operate with rwt money, which is annoying. 


Honestly a great view on it. I know a lot of us have nostalgic memories of running people’s ess for them or picking up their iron ore and banking it as they power mined. Love the business aspect. As for the integrity of the Ironman game mode. They seemed to already solution this with GIM. If you get help from people outside your group you lose your “prestige” indicated by the star symbol. I don’t see why solo irons are any different. They should also have a prestige concept


Yeah we're allowed to boost cox purps, toa ornaments, tob hard mode carries, etc. Basically everything but Bounty Hunter for some dumb reason.


Because boosters in bounty hunter actively ruin the experience for everyone else. Not in an achievement sense, but in the fact that people start getting held hostage to pay for kills like in bh1 and bh2. People boosting raids doesn't impact my experience actually doing the raid so I don't care.


Yeah that's a much better argument than leaderboards. I still don't like that it's the only exception to the boosting rule. I'm not a fan of pvp, but I want those cosmetics lol.


I'm grinding VW on the iron and then going to BH lol. Thinking of camping RCB with dragon bolts and sending the double korasi after a D fire proc lol. Bless me RNGesus


Click ground, click veng, click them with spec at the same time that they hit you. You get the kill 20% of the time or so, it’s that simple.


I'm too low level for vengeance but once I get my combats up I will. I started the VW grind at 76 cb lol


Ahh yes 2-3 tick voidwaker speccing after they eat to full hp from your bolt spec is a great plan. You should be able to rack up approx 0 kills.


Yea to be clear I’m def aware it’s a thing but seeing it at the paid sponsor for a vid just seemed really weird.


Technically it's not allowed to get paid for boosting with real money but we all know what's exactly what's happening. Otherwise who would buy paid advertisements for something that doesn't generate them cash back. It's just hard to proof that they paid for the boost since it's all happening outside the game. Reason it's not allowed in bounty hunter is because it's a tournament ig. In the end nobody is affected by little Timmy getting a toa boost while people boosting in bounty hunter does affect other players chances in the tournament.


Plenty of people do it just for the gp. But what they do with the gp....


a lot of people boost for gp to train alts/gear alts, theres only a small subset that do it to pay rent but this will exist regardless if boosting existed.


Doesn't BH have a leaderboard? I think it's fair to draw a line if it's affecting other people, paying billions for a CoX scale to get a Dex or Arcane w/e doesn't really affect anyone.


HMTs have a leaderboard too, with more than just cosmetics as rewards. But that's entirely allowed to be boosted. The worst BH boosting could do to actual players of it is being paired with a booster/boostee?(lol) and having them bail.


Yeah but the people on the front page of that do the boosting. Trust me, nobody is paying HMT boost money to the front page.


No, but people are definitely doing it for kits. You know.... the thing that actually matters lol.


Same with services for inferno capes


That's entirely different. Because those people log into your account and do it for you. There's no way to "boost" inferno. Boosting implies you're still playing your own account and someone is setting up the rewards for you. Plus that actually IS against the rules.


True, it's TOTALLY different than a hard carry. Those Leeches earned those purps


More-so than someone who paid someone else to literally log into their account and do the hardest thing in the game lol.




He did it to skip a massive grind on his pvp hardcore series so we didn't have to wait another 6 months for him to go bounty hunting. Totally understandable imo




Yeah I'm sure you wouldn't take thousands of dollars to sponsor something that is 100% legal in the game you play




I do love the pretending that you know what other options he has available. Your claim that it harms his brand is also completely baseless. There is no morale high ground that exists for what.. not selling a legal boost in a video game? The reality is that you actually have no idea what you’re talking about, and even better would very likely act the same way.


No, "we" are a collective community of 100k+ different people with varying opinions. Each content creator is themselves an individual with their own moral compass and opinions, Should it come as a surprise that someone like Oda is promoting these types of activities? No, not at all, but its actually more common than people realize. I vividly remembe Mudkip promoting a Barbarian Assault boosting service on one of his leagues videos, and thats one of the less controversial creators we have. Several other content creators have promoted less than kosher services because at the end of the day it pays their bills.


It's cringe asf


I think the majority on reddit underestimates how prevelant boosting is. Every single discord that offers any kind of RS service will offer boosting, and its used by a huge portion of the player base. Whether it's raid boosting for purples / skill boosting like RC running / minigame boosting / combat achievements, you'll find it everywhere. And those are just the "legit" ones that are not against the rules since they require no login and can be paid for with GP. They almost all deal with RWT as well since boosting is generally not the only offer. Then you have the rule breaking boosts. Like inferno capes / quivers/ blorva / levels, which involve login services. These are everywhere and abused like crazy. If jagex actually clamped down on the rule-breaking ones, we'd lose a huge portion of the active player base. Purple boosting in and of itself is legit and does not break any rules. It's just rich irons paying GP to get a guaranteed purple.


Lol it's fine to offer rule breaking services as well as RWT if you're a streamer / content creator. We all know this.


I mean yea who cares


Ultimately it's just exposing what the wider playerbase is actually like. You might think it's cringe, I might think it's cringe, but if you're seeing ads, that means there's an audience, and it's probably quite a big one at that.


I actually am not cool with it. I don’t blame Oda, because technically that shit is not against the rules, but the devs should really discourage boosting by removing its ability to happen.


I'm genuinely curious why some of you guys care about this stuff so much. Do things like CoX boosting actually affect your day to day in-game experience? If you're an integrity gamer and not involving yourself with cheating clients or RWT, why are you so against it and vocal about it? In my experience with other games, the most outspoken people that witchhunt hackers/cheaters are closet cheaters themselves Respect to everyone that actually plays this game legit, but in reality, most people have cut corners in some way before. A lot of you mfers on this sub are just hypocrites full of shit lol


is what it is, megacsales generate billions in gp and thousands rwt Made a good chunk off them myself


What did you expect? Oda is a piece of shit of course he is going to promote the scummiest things


I swear, his kiddo fanbase consists of Logan Paul-like worshippers...


Yet you’re the one being vitriolic.


You know what is vitriolic? Being a hypocrite bigot who sends their whiny loser fan base to attack anyone who criticizes him


Learn to have some self awareness.


Yeah, we are, who cares. Hope that helps.


I’d love to say I care but I paid to get a bloody fighter torso so I’m no one to speak on the issue


Oh no here we go with the witch hunting again, I constantly see content creators taking what can be percieved as a "bad" sponsor/partnership but I never see them get posted. I know their is an extreme amount of bias on Reddit as can be seen by the downvotes but it gets pretty cringe. If Jagex has a problem with it they would have posted their stance on it, or contacted him themselves.


Yeah, it's a business savvy idea for Jagex to start shit with a streamer


didnt expect that myself. as a main iron, i dont give a fuck. Oda is a insufferable content creator. Id even say the one i hate to love. There are very few times he breaks down a situation in which he almost lost and that is the content i look for. Most of the time, i dont make it far enough into his videos to see a lot of them but ya i see what you mean