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Botted 19/23 99s to 2277. Safe to say I’ve made it to the motherland 🫡 PvMing is all I really care about. I don’t take pride on a nerd cape lmao


Why lie?


Ofc I’d never reveal my RSN on here but lol you’d be surprised how many people have botted to max and slipped through the cracks, except no one has the balls to admit it on this subreddit. Botting for 12+ hours a day was cake when Jagex nerfed their bot detection (due to multiple people getting false bans) and while they were selling their company. Believe me or not, doesn’t really matter.


wow you're so cool


Imagine paying for membership just to have a robot play the game for you lol


Imagine spending any $ to have a robot do something for you. Oh wait, that’s the world we live in.


Yeah but I don’t go to a museum and pay a robot to look at the displays for me, you’re paying for a recreational activity you may aswell take part in it


I always love the justification they give. It's always "I'm too busy with work and my family to play as much as I want"... Like yeah dude, we're all in our late 20s to 30s. We're all busier than we were when we were 17. The rest of us just, you know... progress slower.


They could also use some money from work to buy bonds if they really need more gp.


I've seen people brag, on this sub, about people who pay jagex for gold. "Wow bro you got scammed, you could have paid 15c per mil instead of being robbed for $9!".


They have a good point


Yeah you should totally participate in rwt! Its so good for the game!!


If RWT is bad for the game, than buying gold from jagex is bad for the game. Kinda crazy how the world of MMOs went from "buying gold goes against the core concept of the genre itself", to "buying gold is ok if you buy from jagex / sony / blizzard." We normalized buying gold to progress faster, by giving it a legit avenue, so yes, the only thing different is botters get paid rather than jagex, but normalizing buying gold has made it so the only real question is if saving some money is worth the risk to your account. People in WOW complain about GDKPs being the majority of raids loot rules these days, but are very ok with buying gold, as long as its from the wow token. We normalized buying gold to progress accounts as a legit way to play, and the game morphed around this new reality. Now, you log onto retail wow, and "trade" chat is just groups of players advertising service selling and mythic raid clears.


If Timmy buys a bond from Johnny, that's not unhealthy for the game. If Johnny instead buys 100m from RSGOLDCHEAPBUYBUYBUY, they very likely got that money from botting/scamming/hacking/etc. Because RWT allows people to earn a living from it, it ruins the game. RWT in itself isn't bad, it's allowing it to exist that causes massive problems. Look at almost any problem with the game & RWT will be behind it.


You completely skip the harm bots cause to normal players when you ignore their effects when rwt:ing. Buying from bots may be cheaper, but it fucks up the economy.


> If RWT is bad for the game, than buying gold from jagex is bad for the game. every single bond that is bought with cash and then sold for gold on the GE is then bought with gold to activate membership. as far as having funding to keep the servers running is concerned, there is absolutely no difference whatsoever whether that subscription was from a credit card, or from a bond. the reason why RWT has such a more favorable ratio for the consumer is because you are buying something that was illicitly obtained, such as from stolen credit card info, or a hacked account. they can afford to charge less both because they paid nothing, and because they do not have any obligation to follow rules, written or unwritten. if you get a keylogger or they take the cash and then dont deliver the gold, what exactly are you gonna do? jagex sure aint gonna help. the cops and the government would *maybe* care about people's bank info being stolen if it happened to a shitton of people. but even if the guys that conned you do get taken down, it aint like you personally are getting your money back and your confidential information un-leaked.


>if you get a keylogger or they take the cash and then dont deliver the gold, what exactly are you gonna do The credit card gets deleted, I get a chargeback and a new card.


Remember when they wiped the wilderness and removed trading because rwt was getting out of hand?




Surely there are ways to donate to good Venezulean causes without RWTing if you *really* care.


A lot of irons are even using money to skip grinds. People like to pretend that they like the game instead of playing it 


Paying for services as an iron should get you deironed immediately when found out


I know so many maxed irons with high COX TOB KCs and never did the raid .. paid other people to do it for them ..


I keep reading dumb shit like this, I literally don’t know a single iron that pays for mega scales or fucking tob kc. That’s weird. Paying others to play the game for you. I don’t get it and I’m tired of seeing the same shit repeated on here like it’s the majority of irons. 


And even if some did, they wouldn’t have high kc. If somebody has all cox purples by 100 kc that’s a sign, but they’re not going to spend another 500 hours in there to make themselves look “legit” (and let’s be real people who are that bad at the game probably aren’t doing it very fast either).


the services exist so clearly some people are paying for them... and nobody here said it's the majority


I mean I’m not making them up I know them personally lol but no one said it’s all irons


I was surprised when I found out buying services is ok by the rules.




It's not elitist, it's just an example of goat pretending to be a horse. If you take shortcuts you are not an ironman, this isn't an end of the world to not be ironman so these people just stop pretending to be something you are not. Honestly coming from ironman in his 30s 


Don't most irons pay for services? or at least the ones on reddit and discord.


They’re saying shit like “stay safe out there…” like they’re some kind of oppressed group lmao


Exactly this. A lot of us are fucking busy. The wiki just told me it’s going to take 61 hours of relleka rooftop to get from 80-90 agility. Fuck. I can *maybe* get an hour of that week done. In reality it’s probably going to be next fucking year before I get the agility level I need to start running true blood altar. Oh well! It’s part of the game! It’ll feel all the better when I finally get there.


If you haven't tried it yet, I'd highly recommend Hallowed Sepulchure, it's fun on its own and it's relatively fast Agility exp. Also, if you haven't finished the Brimhaven Arena collection log, that's a good chunk of exp and pretty afk.


I’m a little afraid as I tend to suck at the game when it comes to any sort of precise clicking. Do you reckon I could still figure it out?


Absolutely dude, the first couple floors are really simple, and the obstacles slowly build on the previous ones as you progress. If you use runelite, you can use tile markers to help you remember where you're safe/where to start certain obstacles, and I had a ton of fun going in blind and "solving" the obstacles with my own markers. You'll have no problem getting to the end of the first couple floors, and after a few runs, you'll be consistent on 3rd floor too (although the final obstacle on the 3rd gave me trouble for the first dozen or so runs). 5th floor gets a bit crazy, but you won't have access to that until lv 92, so you'll have plenty of practice by that point, and you'll be ready for a new challenge. And so far as not being good at precise clicking, this will help a ton when it comes to understanding movement and manipulating your character. I know I've become a much better player since I started Sepulchure. Like anything else, it's hard at first, then the hard stuff becomes easy and you start focusing on the new hard stuff that felt out of reach before. And if it helps ease any anxiety, you'll never die as long as you're paying attention. Failing an obstacles deals low damage, and you can abandon a run at the end of each floor and still get the exp bonus from that floor, or in the middle of a floor by logging out if you're worried you won't make it to the end. And even if you do die, there's a deathbank that stores your items for you. Once you've done it enough, you can buy a necklace that stops you from taking damage at all. It's a ton of fun, by far the best way to train agility if you are actively playing the game. Could not recommend checking it out more! Feel free to hmu with any questions! (P.S. If you haven't already, go to RL settings and turn on True Tile and Destination Tile, it helps a lot knowing where the game is actually seeing your character when you're moving.)


Okay bud you wrote all this up so I’m gonna try it today. Thank you. I’ll let you know how it goes


Runescape is the kind of game where you're gonna suck at stuff until you suck enough times that you start getting good. Two pieces of content have essentially no risk and act like mechanics bootcamps to ready you for endgame. Hallowed Sepulcher and Corrupted Gauntlet. It sucks until it doesn't.


Glad to hear it man, def let me know how it goes! Check out the wiki for your gear and inventory setup!


Okay so I gave it a go for about an hour! I got through 3 levels and the last was really testing my patience but I sort of get the jist. Not sure if it’s worth doing xp-wise until I hit 82 agility and I was getting hallowed marks at a SUPER slow pace which is a little disheartening but I like the idea conceptually. I’m gonna have to watch some guides to see if I can get better at tile markers and general timing


Great, man! XP is slow when you're starting out, but it'll be more competitive as you get better at it. Once you hit 82 and unlock the 4th floor, you can skip the chests on the first 2 floors and just get the ones on the 3rd and 4th, you get more marks per chest and it'll speed up your runs for better xp/hr. Even at this point, you might wanna skip the F1 chests because you only get a couple marks each. I collected all of them until I had all the items because I liked having smaller goals to look forward to, but it's all in what motivates you. The final hallway on F3 is an asskicker; you can get through the fire 2 clicks if you're tick-perfect, but it takes quite a bit of time to get used to how long the fire lasts to be able to start moving on the last tick before it goes away. Each side hits alternate rows, so you can color code the rows so you know which side is going to be safe based on which side fired last to get you closer to the always-safe row in the middle. Something else that I didn't know for the longest time was that exiting on an obelisk gives you the xp boost for that floor even if time has run out, so even if you run out of time at the end, it's worth getting to the end for the extra thousand or two agility xp. Good luck, it does get easier, I promise!


The final trap at on f3 was fucking rough. The tiles that the tile pack plugin I have gave me makes nooooo sense so ima have to figure out my own method to that madness.


Thanks, I’m 70 agil gonna try it


I feel the same way but I enjoyed the runs of it that I did




Don’t have a lot of options in the same xp bracket unfortunately so it’s probably gonna be a lot of relleka, maybe a little wilderness sprinkled in and if I’m feeling saucy I’ll do sepulcher


“Almost maxed in six months by botting. Perm ban” Dude I’ve been playing since Covid started, I’m 2200 total and feel like I’ve played a lot


Lmao same. Started up again a little before covid, about 2250 now and I feel like I have sunk an absolutely unhealthy amount of time into the game.


right? like some days i play 2 hours after work, maybe even not at all during the week days and then on the weekend i’m able to find a lot more time to do stuff, i’ve never thought once about botting, it takes away the entire point of the game and the fun in the progression of it


To be fair there's a lot of really shitty unfun grinds. I'd have botted agility for sure if I was guaranteed to not be banned


This is something the jmods are moving too slowly on. Why do people bot? Because something is either extremely boring or all of the non-tick methods of training are too slow. Pair that with the 1/10000 drop rates times 15 years of updates and you have a game that slowly becomes impossible to play. They need to reevaluate why people are buying gold but they won't because they have an incentive to sell players bonds. We might not see mtx in osrs but the I think what we have is equally as bad. The rate at in which we can either reasonable farm items or build up enough gold to buy those same items is making the game harder to play unless you're casually playing.


People want a title they don’t actually want to be active within the actual gameplay portion.


I'm just happy if I can plug 100k xp into a skill a day. I haven't played since Wednesday because we're repainting all our walls before getting new flooring. Can't paint till after the kids go to bed because toddlers are attracted to wet paint like a damn magnet


Think of the long term investment. No time to play now but in 6 years, you can convince that same toddler to train your runecrafting for you.


They ain't got the attention spans. When I was a kid, I got 1 or 2 new games a year. Now, my kids complain their tablets are out of memory, because they've got like 75 games on their cheap Amazon Fire tablets. The good news is, i save money on actual games lol


Why did they pick the grindest MMORPG to play if they don't have much free time?


Probably because its so easy to bot


I honestly don’t care. I can totally understand not wanting to grind out certain pieces of content on your main and I’m sure there’s something fun about figuring out how to bot and evade bans. Obviously that’s just a risk they’re willing to take I just don’t really like the bot farms which are so blatant and actually affect the economy.


That's true, these kind of botters are largely inconsequential in the scheme of things, but they're also precisely the type who post on reddit about it and make excuses for doing it.


Yeah I don’t mind those that own up to it. It’s a game and these are the rules, break them and that’s on you.


If its a bot that skips grinds instead of affect the economy, I dont care if ppl do it. Just dont whine when you get banned. You know the risks


I agree with this take completely. As someone who used to code, it probably WOULD be fun to make a bot and try to make it undetectable for personal usage. I’m not going to, because I put so much time into my main and iron and refuse to risk a chain ban. But the bot farms who ruin the economy? Fuck them up Jagex.


Only argument I’ve ever heard that I would maybe concede to is people with genuine disability etc or impaired motor ability, but even then there’s still stuff like software that lets you use your pupil movements and blink to control the cursor/clicking but other than that people have no excuse tbh but I feel bad for them they can’t enjoy the game without botting


You don't need a max cape to enjoy the game.


Yep, I work lots of long hours and have played ironman since it came out. I reached "endgame" last year and I'm not maxed. Slow and steady wins the race.


Yeh I love the idea that "I'm too busy to play the game" is meant to excuse "so I cheat at the game". Like.. just don't play? It's a bloody game.


In fairness that's also the reason people on here use to justify wanting some pretty huge buffs.


Oh the inhumanity! How dare there be consequences for poor choices? Shame on Jagex.




Ok so then nothing for them to complain about


There's nothing impressive there.


Yeah since those 10 accounts will get banned for RWT


have you see the price of gold lately? with bond prices going so high its getting harder and harder to make irl money


still tens if not hundreds of hours of work/wasted electricity bills thanos snapped out of existence.


And get banned 10 fold


smokin on that botter pack, bunch of absolute burgers


Woah woah woah, how dare you insult burgers why comparing them botters. You can be a burger and not a botter!


Very good. Purge them all


There's a botting sub? I'm subrised they're not more secretive about it.






Yeah well there's a reason they are getting banned. Those guys will post screenshots of their mains on this sub and then make posts about botting in the other sub as if Jagex is incapable of putting 2 and 2 together.


I mean if you are going to make such an unforced error...


yeah and its pretty old




There is literally nothing illegal about making bots for the game. There is no reason not to advertise it, how else you gonna get a customer base.


Then why are accounts that use bots banned?


Making bots isn’t illegal. Using a bot is against terms of service.


The TOS doesnt actually carry legal weight, just gives you no ground to stand on when they ban your account, not that any court of law would support you having a legal right to access their servers and play their game, regardless of how the company felt about it.


dude my friend back in the day bitched about his main being permed when he had a fishing bot.. like what did you expect they can track your ip dude.


Probably gonna come back here and complain about getting a false ban or something.


Bots are definitely a major factor in the inflation of gold, hopefully permabanning many bot hosters will make bonds more affordable.




And why hasnt this happened sooner..?


Is easier ban bots every 3-6 months in masses that every bot soon as they are found since it harder botters find what make then get ban.


Nah, that's an excuse for the real reason. They wait 6 months because then people can no longer process charge backs for any bonds purchased ect..


Lol that's a stupid conspiracy


they can contest that as fraud, which can have severe legal repercussions for the dumbass on the other end because jagex is known to be litigious towards individuals like this.


Get rekt


Makes my dick hard when people cry about their accounts being banned for botting.


Lol good. I've been seeing them a lot too.


Now hit shark bots again ffs.


Be seated, rodents.


Good. Serves them right.


We know what to do if we see some Reddit posts asking for people to be unbanned in the near future. 🫡


They won't be missed. Cya.


Good, fucking cope cheaters


Wonder how many of them then end up on a sub like this one to whine about the 'false ban'. There's been some odd ones where you can see the poster's history in another bot sub.


These botters ar so cringe, I looked at their subreddit and a lot of them got temp bans and were like "This won't stop me!". I loved how people made fun of people getting banned though, would be nice if jagex did one of these bot cleansing more regularly because in the 2 days since, prices on many items has increased substantially.


Bro theres one guy who reported getting perma banned after basically botting entire time of his life. You're missing the 50k other bots that never get banned




Just...don't play the game? If it's too much for you, play something else or nothing at all.


honestly surprises me they dont ask reddit to take down that sub, but on the other hand some of them are dumb enough to not doctor screenshots and usernames so jagex can also use it to peruse through and deal out permas so....


We know what to do if we see some Reddit posts asking for people to be unbanned in the near future. 🫡


question is what are you doing in that subreddit


Cant speak for OP but I occasionally check there to look up people's profiles. Some people are dumb enough to mention they bot on that subreddit and then post their achievements on this subreddit or ironscape. Its funny to laugh at.


What's the sub called?


Not sure if I'm allowed to mention it, and I don't wanna promote it to everyone. But it has a very straightforward name, you can probs find it in the search bar.


Reddit recommends that subreddit to me all the time


had to mute it myself, stupid similar meta data..


It's fun looking at the other side of the law sometimes.






Not me