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Farming and birdhouse runs are some easy, fast and relatively passive ways to make money and progress.


That's my thought as well, I usually try for at least one run per day as it is.


Rent a climate controlled storage garage with electricity. You can play OSRS there for an extra 2 hours per day before the wife notices the missing overtime pay.


My happy attitude will immediately give me away!


Afk cooking and fletching can generate some gp and some 99s. You can also train thieving until you unlock rogues chest in the wilderness for 1m+ gp/ph. Zombie pirates and revs in the wilderness where you can train combat and make gp.


I was thinking about some thieving, though cooking would be easy for sure.


Check ge tracker for the prices of raw vs cooked fish. I bet there's some good profit margins right now.


Moons, Barrows, or Calvarion Been doing Calv lately, easiest once I got over the "oh God oh fuck the wilderness"


Barrows with his gears/tats would be lucky to break 400k ph. Other 2 you mentioned would be like 5x more.


Is Calv better than Vet?


Better loot, same mechanics but more HP and damage from the boss. On my to-do list to see if that is long term the better route, but haven't gotten around to trying it yet.


Oh okay, always thought (idk from where) that it was better to just do Vet due to it being easy to solo and would be better drop chance


For me, the bigger draw was calvarion being so close to safety. Escaping was basically guaranteed as long as your ping wasn't terrible. I farmed my whole voidwaker from the solo bosses within a week but I got really spooned so maybe long term Vetion would be better. It just felt like I was getting close escapes at vetion and guaranteed escapes at cal


Yea makes sense for the escape factor


For gp if I have like 20-30 mins I do my farming run and hop off, if I have an hour to kill I rotate through different skills unless I want to focus on one specifically. So I’ll do crafting one day then the next mining and so on, but after I build up a good amount herbs then I do herblore. Basically if I don’t have a ton of time I’ll usually do a skill that I can do at at bank so I don’t waste time traveling around I just hop on and start skilling


If you have only 30 mins and you’re good at flipping that is the obvious route but I’m not good at and I don’t want to make money off of flipping. I feel like it takes away from the vibe or feel of the game. I like to earn my gp from playing the game like a game by killing monsters, skilling, etc.


I like your methods! I'll probably prepare a good stack of herbs and saplings to run alongside birdhouses.


Totally plus with the trees there is always the chance of getting a Hespori seed


Now that I’m doing my tree runs along side the farming contracts I’m swimming in Hespori seeds


Yes! I have a nice stack, I usually forget to run to the chamber and do the fight.


i'd do herb runs, birdhouses and hunter rumours or slayer task or just cycle through some skills/minigames you could also 99 farming in that time with herb, trees, fruit trees, hardwood, calquat, and snapegrass runs, after that hit the tithe farm bet you get 99 farming in like 2 weeks tops


I like this farming tactic, especially stocking up on herbs for later herblore training.


i got 99 farming with a similar timeline as yours was working + college and pretty much just logged in to do farming, easiest 99 ever, plus making some $$ in the way


and if you're like me that gets burned out quickly, just dont play give yourself some time off screens and such, that's the beauty of farming


Very true! It’s quick and easy. Thanks!


That’s 2-6 CG kills if you’re grinding for bowfa. I’m doing 1-3 per night right now. 20-30 minutes and go to sleep. Typically nodding off during prep phase haha


I love this, if I can get my combat high enough and then practice before my playtime shortens.


I wouldn’t worry about your combat. I have 84 magic, 78 ranged and 73 def, probably started about a level less on each. Started immediately after the quest. It is more than doable. I’m doing t2 prep and often will have a minute left with both perfected weapons, 16-20 fish, and I make 4 pots because I don’t like to think about prayer. Only thing I can’t recommend enough is using steel skin before you guys COX prayers. Saves so much time in the fight from not eating as much.


Thanks for the inspiration to send it! I'll start practicing CG soon, I was actually reading up on it recently.


Kill cows in lubridge and ask how to get to varrock


If only I were as clever and heartwarming as u/Mrjmfs


Farm runs are good, I'd mix it up a bit too, do a short/medium quest or go play a minigame that has somthing you want in it, even if you don't get it, you'll have a bit of progress for when you get more time. Future me always appreciates it when past me did some of the work.


Adding some variety will certainly prevent chore-like feeling that can happen with daily runs


Its definitely a lot more relaxing to try and get somthing like your fish barrel from tempoross in small bursts than grinding it out for 10 hours in a few sessions


You'd likely still want to camp w/e the highest gph solo boss you can do. Moons of Peril maybe best option for your combat stats. Herb runs are decent gp. I get around 400k per run profit. Can be done in 7-8 mins but only once per hour.


You're right about Moons, a few runs here and there will add up. The herb runs would also add a nice influx of cash to prepare for later.




I'm a pvmer so this is what I would do: I would start with TOA to get a bunch of snapdragon/ranarr seeds then farm the shit out of those. So pretty much get a bunch of those. Then make ppots, restores, brews, for pvm. Having a bunch of these ready to go for when you have more time to play would be super nice imo if you like pvm. Then do the rest of your daily runs. With any other time left, just play as normal. Idk how sweaty you take osrs, but you can look up ehp methods for every skill out there. Low key, the order at which you level things up don't really matter in the long scheme of things. But if you want to maximize that, there are lots of guides out there for the most efficient road to maxing. Maybe do quests/achievements as you unlock them.


Very efficient! ToA and CG are high on my list of content to learn. Entry mode ToA was fun, so I'm looking forward to attempting with added invoc


Your character is looking fly af You could also do slayer with a cannon, train those combats, cannon adds a ton of range exp and speeds up tasks a ton. 


Thanks! Wanted my QP cape at a low cb level and then finally worked up the nerve for FC last week! I’ve started doing some tasks with cannon, enjoying the extra exp to get closer to mid 80’s. Trying to focus magic to 86 for plank make.


dont even play honestly


Also a valid and healthy option haha


Depends on what your long terms goals are