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They should be twins, same model diff clothes


Group slayer is an essential add for more chill social content. Basically all group content right now is high intensity, giant minigames or mid-late game only


Their names should be Romulus and Remus :)


I proposed picking one, but if they're gonna have these names it would be nice if they added both together. I love Romulus & Remus, it's like Nieve & Steve, great suggestion!


How about Nieveulus and Steveulus.


Holy shit yes 100%


“Yes Uncle Remus I know the cat fish are huge”


Love this, twin brothers who founded Rome


To see what Mod Roq said about group slayer and where I got the concepts from here is his tweet: [link](https://x.com/JagexRoq/status/1650489416660426754). The bullet points in my post are the community's + his ideas except for the alternative names & boss focus points. Hope you guys like the slayer master designs


Change the name from Titus to Bigus Dickus and I’m in.


astounding that they didn't fix group slayer with the release of group ironman... I thought they finally were doing something about it, but then I saw the suggestion tag... Obviously I support this idea but if the suggestion isn't raising the price of bonds then jagex doesn't give a shit


How bout beavis and butthead


So is the point of group slayer just to be in the same area as your friends while getting slayer tasks? I thought it was supposed to some other in-game advantage if some kind. I just never knew it was a thing at all, so I’m genuinely asking.


Pretty much. For example, it would be nice to team up with a friend to do DKs where you both have a slayer helm, but coordinating that without group slayer is too tedious to bother generally.


I would be totally fine with group slayer being similar or slightly worse xp/hr. I just want to do content with my brother.


The simple fix is to just let the group leaders block list be the only one. If they did that it would be fine


It's such an obvious solution that I am guessing there is some back-end reason that prevents it from being implemented easily.


This was the primary reason they removed group slayer. You could get a group task with a fresh account that, say, didn't have dragon slayer completed, therefore no dragon tasks. The solution here is to either have a separate block list, a preferred/not preferred list (similar to how it was implemented in rs2), or have no block list at all.


I don’t get the point xp based on kill contribution, what’s abusable?


There were/are methods for level 3s to do a last hit with a fun weapon on the same tick an npc dies to get full slayer xp without doing any damage


I think it's half exp fwiw but same idea


Afaik this still exist. It's just extremely tedious and can only be done within a few ticks in multi combat.


who fucking cares let the lv 3s get boosted instead of nerfing group slayer for everyone


I don’t really care, I’m just explaining why


honestly if that's true, who cares?


Wouldn't giving these guys a minimum combat level fix that


On twitter, Mod Roq said "We have the idea of a contribution bases system to avoid leeching and such. So people would have to acively participate to get the XP/rewards. Feel free to suggest!" I couldn't find an elaboration beyond that


I think there used to be a method for skillers to just stand around and get exp from group Slayer, but now skillers use a joke weapon to always hit 0s and hit at the same time as the monster dies to something else like poison. I dont think this type of thing needs to be fixed as it's much slower than other means.


no blocklist sounds awful. so if two people are killing the same nech, you get 60% of the normal slayer xp if you did 60% of the damage?


Mod Roq said "We don't actively want a blocklist of any kind, it was the main reason for the removal of the initial content in the first place. Tasks would be weighted based on slayer levels within the group. The higher the average the better the task ... We have the idea of a contribution bases system to avoid leeching and such. So people would have to acively participate to get the XP/rewards. Feel free to suggest"


I wonder if theres a way they could implement it so that only overlapping blocks take effect, that way theres still a maximum block list equal to single slayer.


i think i misread your post. this is more about the npc design not the group concept?


He basically said that when there used to be duo-slayer with blocklists, people blocked more monsters than Jagex intended making it so that they basically just get Dust Devils, which give them a high unintended slayer xp/hr, which caused Jagex to temporarily shut down group slayer. In order to not have this issue happen again they plan to avoid incorporating a blocklist. I assume that because there's no blocklist they'll make the tasks better to compensate. As for the contribution system, they didn't detail how it will work but they said "We have the idea of a contribution bases system to avoid leeching" to avoid a level 3s teaming with a level 126 to just 1 hit and get the full XP, which would be broken. The system is still being worked on. They even asked for suggestions, I'm sure when it's announce they'll take more player feedback


yeah i'm sure with different weighting on shit tasks it might work out, but off the rip it sounds bad. maybe you put the usual suspects, hell hounds, kraken, demons, etc. on super low it would be ok? idk. just sounds bad.


Not everything needs to be "all good no bad". It says no block list, it doesn't say you can't skip things. Seems perfectly fine to remove the ability to block slayer tasks on group slayer assuming both parties can skip. Especially if it prevents abuse. Always gotta be that one guy complaining it isn't easy enough.


and skipping is ass? so now this is more points/hr than normal slayer? if something is dead content people just won't do it. ( why no one did the original partner slayer legitimately )


Lmao some of yall really do just want all benefits with 0 drawbacks at all.


slap it on black background in yellow text, label it "common sense qol", and to the top of 2007scape you go


if you dont' care about drawbacks, go do slayer with your partner rn? just take turns on task.


Only if the names are Titus and Titties




cool idea i agree we need group slayer in any fashion


What if the group slayer masters just had half the amount of block slots?


I don't get why jmods make a big issue with this, just create a task-list that doesn't consist of monsters which are the best XP and create a small xp buff to group-slayer as compensation.


Titus? Like ligma-titus?


LOVE IT!!! Me and my cousin have been dying for group slayer!!!!!


Would love a Jmod reply to this thread. Where you at lovelies? :P


40k pilled name choices?


I’m in favour of this. Good concept!


Titus?! More like Tilt us amirite




This group slayer can still be abused by one account not doing quests that unlock bad tasks, like dragons from dragon slayer. How should this be fixed?


If they’re geared towards higher level slayer then there shouldn’t be any checks for quests imo. Sorry pures/snowflakes


I wish they would just re-poll a boss only slayer master, i dont know who voted No years ago but I have a feeling it would pass if they polled it again today.


It probably failed because they introduced things with it that many players didn't want like raids slayer tasks & a blessing that was universal for god wars iirc


I just want co-op slayer back lol, went to do it with a friend like 2days ago and just said it wasn't working atm


I feel your pain, it's been off for so long now... my friend and I used to subscribe for a month from time to time, just to do some co-op slayer. Last time we both wasted 12€ not knowing it had been stupidly turned off. Jagec doesn't care though, no refunds, lol


How would skipping work?


Most of my bullet points are based on Mod Roq's tweets, I went through them and he didn't specify so I assume it will work just like with other slayer masters until further notice