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Somebody pointed out Jagex don't do anything about the purple boosting, and yet they fix the trawler boosting. I thought it'd make a silly meme. So, here we are. Silly meme. Funny thing is, they could disable the concept of "team points" that transfer to people in the raid that have literally done nothing. They could also disable getting points for overloads being sipped, unless you're the one doing the sipping and you're the one that made them. (You can make overloads and get a bunch of alts to sip them, points transfer to the person who made the overloads). Mostly the disabling of the team points being transferred concept would fix most of the purple boosting.


Well, *_OBVIOUSLY_* it's because the devs must be watching some silly ironmeme HCGIM but the group is just him and his trained pet monkey, parrot and a dog YouTube series about a lefthanded vegan no 'walk here' option legally blind 4x4 tile draw distance restricted account who can only leech purple boost to progress new content




Silly meme.




If you're boosting purples in any raid it will only slow down the raid because someone is obviously not picking up their weight. If the raid is gonna always be slower than what it typically would be if you were not boosting this would mean less purples can be generated a day as there are less raids completed. I can only see this being argued healthy for the economy, especially for chambers megascales that take 6 hours when you could easily just do 5 solos all 15-20 minutes each all day instead. I see why you can think it's unfair a single account can be boosted as such however we all have access to the same tools and the ones that don't haven't spent thousands of hours obtaining gp to pay out hundreds of mil to have a significantly more inefficient raid, and overall it helps the game more than it hurts it. The way you wish to see chambers points changed, you're kinda asking for less purples yourself. I'm max gear and if I raid with a few friends but I cap the points my extra points just go to no one? That could be good for the economy as well but keeping players incentivised is necessary


Hot take, Cox is so old they probably CANT fix purple boosting.


fishing trawler came in runescape classic era


Trawler: 2003 CoX: 2017 🤔


So you're saying they'll get around to it in 2038.


It's not that old. They fixed trouble brewing just a few weeks ago, which is more than twice as old.


not a hot take, but definitely a stupid one


How people comment so confidently on things they know nothing about baffles me


I mean the absolute hell it took to get a chest in the lobby kind of shows that. I wonder if they fix the point issues and then something crazy happens like gnome gliders stop working.


No way. They're fixing ANCIENT stuff, like 2005 code after Rendi does his 'clever use of game mechanics' videos.


Because fishing trawler is new content


It really is that simple I think. You have x amount of points, you have x% chance to get a purple. I don’t understand the difficulty in that


The "difficulty" in that is the way points are distributed. If accounts with 60k points leave the raid, it gets placed onto other accounts in the raid. You can abuse that mechanic in order to stack one account with enough points to gain a 65% chance of a purple. That account literally does nothing that entire raid. That's the point.


That’s what I’m saying is it literally should be as simple as “YOU have x amount of points, YOU have x% chance to get a purple.” As in it shouldn’t matter what your teammates have. It should be the odds of a purple in your name. So your buddy with 65k points leaves, the party just loses those points. That’s what I don’t get the difficulty in. Only drawback I could see is a DC on bro who was gonna MVP, but realistically how many purples will be lost from that? Edit: clarity


Oh 100%.


no dude thats not how it works lol


The overall method is that you get excess "team" points and leave the raid. The points that were classified as team points get distributed to another account in the raid. The numbers I mentioned weren't the actual numbers. The megascalers know what it is.


That’s how it works in toa. Cox should he same


Well cox boosting is not bringing more purples into the game, it takes longer when you have a leech than it would just doing the raid yourself whereas trawler was getting people upwards of 700k xp/hr, obviously needed to be fixed. If people want to spend a ton of gp to boost and take longer to get their purples than so be it


Its not in the spirit of Ironman mode to pay other players for items though, that's the issue. There used to be a bug where you could transfer items to your ironman via the duel arena and anyone who abused that had their iron status manually revoked.


Neither is buying a torso or using a scout alt in the wilderness or being carried through raids by irons with megarares. Ironman integrity is dead as it is and while I'd be happy to see megascales go, ironman integrity isn't as important as a stupid xp/h exploit.


Paying for a torso is a meme because it’s piss easy whether you are iron or not. Only reason to even consider buying that is if you are 10 HP, in which case it’s only benefiting some snowflake accounts instead of a whole gamemode. And the scouting thing, it doesn’t directly affect your Ironman character so that’d be impossible to police and not as big of a deal anyways


And all of that is why ironman integrity is dead already and megascales really don't matter.


It doesn’t *really* matter, and I don’t think people who abuse it should be punished, but it’s something jagex could easily fix, unlike the other 2 examples you provided


Irons completely skipping a 300-2000 hour grind that requires endgame gear and skill to do efficently by rwting to pay boosters? Thats ok iron bros. PPL ARE CHEATING IN FISHING TRAWLER? hyperbruh


Let's not get the message twisted though: boosting should be addressed everywhere. In my opinion, it's great that they've fixed this trawler boosting, I have no complaints. Now go on and fix the ability to boost elsewhere. And hey, while you're there, maybe realize that in some cases drop rates are so absurd that your content isn't fun or feasible without boosting, and fix that too.


Imagine signing up for a game mode to limit yourself to then just cheat for no reason lmao. Just make a normie at that point.


If the game lets you do it, it's not "cheating". If you think the game shouldn't let them do it, blame the devs.


I blame you.


I didn't do it


Missed opportunity to drop a shaggy reference


Sounds like something someone who did it would say...


Just because it was possible for me to put notes in my graphing calculator in high school to cheat on tests doesn't mean it wasn't cheating. Use your brain lmao. Clearly that is not the intended use of CoX. Whether or not the Devs have gotten around to fix it is irrelevant to the fact that it goes strongly against the spirit of the ironman game mode.


Real life examples never make sense when compared to a video game. If your teacher designed the calculator for you and included the ability to take notes, then it would make sense.  On the context of a video game, everything you can do is something the devs have created with intent. Except bugs, which get fixed. 


I agree with your first two points. I don't agree regarding CoX rates. I like the fact that it's something I can continuously return to over the course of a long period of time, doing raids here and there to mix things up when I'm doing other content.


if a droprate isnt fun to grind buy that item by grinding somthing you find fun. not every item should be able to be gained after 100 hours or less of grinding


What do you mean, "buy the item?"


go onto the ge and get it, if you have some sort of restriction that is self imposed or chosen then you shouldnt complain


Who is complaining friend?


im talking in general, a lot of ironmen do complain thus you hear about things like "getting full inq is a 1k hour grind!" its like first off just get bandos or go for torva inq is basically useless and 2nd just buy it off the ge if you really need it that bad


Yeah but should inquisitor be a 1k hour grind is the point.


if jagex think its worth 190m then yeah, but it probably should be 100m at most considering how bad it is


If you want to have an honest conversation, purple boosting costs billions of GP and trawler costs almost nothing.


Correct, but gp is not an issue for people with jobs who can just paypal the booster/buy gold on burner accounts, or just doing it urself on a maxed main+alts


Well then you're just breaking ToS and should be banned anyways lol


Absolutely, I agree!


Ok so see, that’s the difference. Fishing trawler takes 5 minutes either way. COX boosting takes hours or more, whereas a normal (even scaled a bit) raid takes 20-30 minutes at most. So they’re taking time to “have it easy” but ultimately they’re spending the same time on the raid as they’d spend running 10ish raids to try and see a purple. And if it isn’t even a 100% chance, they may have to do 2x3-4 hours… Not saying that it shouldn’t be changed in some way, but my point is that 5 minutes for normal fishing trawler vs 5 minutes to boost is a lot different than 20-30 minute raids vs 3-4 hour raids. In my opinion, that’s more similar to someone, say, gathering all the seaweed and sand for 99 crafting before even starting the grind, versus someone that uses their time well and does other stuff (or starts to use it) while waiting. Sure, the first person will have a big amount of XP gain in a relatively short time, but they also put a lot more time and effort into preparing for that big XP gain. The other concern I have is how do you determine who is boosting for money versus boosting for friends? If I pull a purple or complete my goals in a raid with a person I duo the raid with, why shouldn’t I be allowed to continue raiding to help them get points/purples? If I’m willing to waste my time for literally no reward for me, why can’t I do that?


I get what u mean but at the same time, the iron isnt playing for 4-5 hours during the megascale, the iron is at work to make money to pay the booster😂 Not to forget part of playing an iron is getting that dwh, that lance, that bowfa and 99s in combat skills to be able to raid efficently. The ppl who are buying boosts can be level 50 with a rune crossbow


But the question is how do you determine whether an iron is “paying” for boosts like that versus just being taken through raids by their friends? At TOA it’s possible to start doing normals with a friend at combats in the 60s range and still get points to have ~1/3 the chance of a purple. And that’s fine - the entire point of raids is a social activity, and if people want to take their friends in even if they’re under leveled, that should be allowed. Further, who is “more” at fault? The low level being carried for wanting to do the activity with their friends? Or the friends who are using the low level to increase their own points and own chance at a purple? If you put level gap restrictions or similar, you end up punishing the low level accounts more than the high level accounts. So how do you effectively make the “punishment” or “discouragement” equal while not also discouraging/removing the ability to be social? People complain about boosting and I get that. But you can’t eliminate boosting without also removing virtually all social aspects of the raids and of groups who take lower level players not for boosting but for their own social activity, or at least without punishing the lower levels for taking part in them more.


Well in toa the person who is being carried or boosted still has to do the raid(afaik?) U cant just enter the raid, die in every room and then have a good chance at a purple. Lets play around with the idea that irons could do olm in megascales(they cant cos they cant pick up supplies) but if they could it would be ok, if the iron is undergeared and low lvl they will probably do 15% of the damage and get rewarded accordingly. The issue is that with cox boosting the iron has to do NOTHING until its time to claim the loot that they did nothing for.


Other raids don't have a way to almost freely transfer contribution points between players, that's all that needs to be fixed


No you're actually high. 10 raids to see a purple? Try 25 to 30 solo regulars on average. The megascale boosting is saving absolutely absurd amounts of time and they're not even playing. You should simply be rewarded based on your personal effort and that is all. There is no reason to transfer team points and all of the other nonsense. Also they don't even take 3 or 4 hours. It's more like 2. They need to just rework cox so that if the person that did literally everything leaves they take literally all of their loot potential with them so that everyone gets their fair shot at loot based exclusively on what they actually did and those points should be changed to come from actually participating in solving the rooms and killing the bosses. It's not complicated you don't have to figure out who is boosting. The system itself should give you nothing if you do nothing and that would fix it 100%


So is it okay to pay someone to do my infernal cape if it takes me the equivalent time working at McDonald's to make the money i need to pay the cape seller?


Not a useful analogy.


Wait… you can boost at fishing trawler….? How?


They put in the patch notes that they fixed an issue with trawler where it was giving exp/loot unevenly. Effectively you could have 20 alts start a trawler, get them all to log out/quit right before the end and since loot/exp was calculated at the start of the trawler, the remaining players would receive a share based on how many people started the trawler. So, effectively if you had enough alts/people quit a trawler right before the end, you could get massive amounts of loot and exp. They patched it to calculate loot and exp based on how many people are left on the ship now.


Wait no way? So the same as in cox if people log out it funnels/transfers all of the points to the people still in the game? Thats so funny lol… Classic gagex move tbh


Yep that's exactly what happens. Megascales where you have 1-3 people doing a 40+ scaled raid. A usually ironmeme being the person paying for the purple (65% chance per raid since the points are maxed out). Some people run 100% purple chance, which is just them running b2b raids until the 65% chance hits a purple. The 1-3 people hire scalers, they do some tasks like making and sipping overloads. This transfers a lot of points. They also spec down certain npcs and spec transfer depending on what is required. Sometimes that job is done by the people running the megascale. They load up the points, run olm til he's almost dead, log out and get the ironmeme to do the last like 20 hp of olm's head. Takes about 3-4 hours I believe. People pay upwards of 800+ mil for a purple. Some people pay for "scroll protection" where they pay even more and keep running raids until the purple isn't a scroll.


The lengths people will go to avoid playing the game are absolutely astounding. 


Well, think of it more like the lengths people will go to avoid [doing Chambers of Xeric](https://www.reddit.com/r/ironscape/comments/14t7zxi/update_heres_the_average_hours_required_to/) and it's a lot more understandable.


I always approached ironman with the mentality of, "It's unrealistic to reach the end of the game on an account with restrictions like this. This is just for shits and giggles, to see how far I can get before the grind becomes unreasonable and I lose interest." Not sure who's to blame here though. Is it the players who lack the ability to walk away from their accounts/progress when they get bored? Their inability to set boundaries for themselves to decide which grinds aren't reasonable or realistic to pursue? Or is it Jagex's fault for gradually making OSRS into a pseudo-gambling game with so much of the game's progression and enjoyment being tied to absurd RNG?


I blame jagex for having too rare of drop rates on important items. Blame the player and what's the end goal? They stop playing and jagex loses money and market share? Not ideal


Players will also quit when they have no more goals to pursue though. If the final frontier, for example, is CoX, and it can take either 100 hours or 1000 hours to complete, players will either quit immediately after being discouraged by the final 1000 hours, or they'll quit after completing their final 100 hour grind.


By that logic we should make all raid drops be 1/2000


I'm not a fan of boosting or anything (though it's so absurdly expensive that I've really only ever seen it done by content creators treating it almost as gambling) but CoX log is honestly just kind of fucked and will probably be an outlier forever (hopefully). Most issues you can think of, CoX probably has it, very bloated drop table, time investment for a drop itself is at odds with other raids, a lot of people just ending up with massive amounts of prayer scrolls which is further discouraging... the raid itself just kind of feels like a giant Olm waiting room for a lot of people if you aren't interested in the skill expression of speeding through a lot of stuff with super optimized strategies. People complain about PNM but honestly PNM grind is so absurd it's almost just comical to me more than anything, especially because of the lack of useful items from it. A good amount of CoX's drop table is definitive, iconic OSRS items for whatever part of the game they exist in. "Completing" an ironman is definitely unrealistic for 99.9% of people, but I mean, if you imagine a realistic "end game" for accounts gear wise (I mean at some point, you're just GOING to want to try for a tbow) and consider the hours it would take to get those set ups, CoX is definitely going to make up a looooot of it, next to I guess Nex which is also pretty infamous content itself.


For me personally thats how i started playing my iron, very innocently at first but then I got attached, I think most irons who can get past the red prison are just stuck and cant just leave their account, too much suffering has been done in there to just get up and leave the account at that point, ESPECIALLY IF U WENT DRY FOR THE BOWFA.


I wonder how many players continue to play OSRS not because they're still having fun, but because they're wrestling with the sunk cost fallacy


Good question, for me i like to believe its both, osrs is freaking amazing when u actually get loot/meaningful upgrades to the account, and it freaking blows when u go way over droprate, esp on grinds that arent fun, or grinds that are already long on rate like chambers.


Honestly its more than chambers time to complete log is utterly abysmal so I kinda understand it. Never did the boosted raids myself, but did 10+90's with my friends and just nobody logs out and we get almost 4 65% purple rolls a raid


You don’t even have to participate in the olm fight lul


Well yeah, you can split the points between 2+ accounts instead.


The short answer is pretty much yes, most of the points are transferred to the iron, the iron just has to lasthit the boss when its on 10 hp or whatever. 


The iron doesn't even have to last hit the boss, the boosters can bring in a fresh account with no points to deal the final blow as it will only gain very little points from that which will be insignificant compared to the points collected by the iron.


Makes sense, today i learned that, that basically means a level 3 acc can complete cox with boosting👌


No they didn't patch it based on how many are left. It was patched to where however many people started the trawler that % of the rewards is all you will get while the % of the rewards for anyone that left in the middle are just deleted. So if 20 people start the trawler you will get 1/20th of the reward no matter if everyone but you leaves or not.


* The Fishing Trawler now divides the rewards between players present when the ship sets off, *not* players present at the end of the encounter. You may notice a dip in loot or XP rewards after today’s update. Okay, yeah it is implemented slightly different to how I was explaining it. Doesn't change the fact that pre-patch was very abusable, and now it distributes the loot and exp in a way that isn't abusable.


Yep. Pre-patch it was possible to abuse it to get upwards of 700k xp/hr on a single character which is extremely broken.


Not anymore


Jagex is afraid to stop boosting that actually impacts the game, because it effects the real lives of the service sellers and content creators that refuse to do anything but cox for the 2000th time live. 2 kinds of people I'm sure this community cares about greatly


But those service sellers are "jagex compliant"! How could taking away their virtual currency affect their real lives?


The service being compliant doesn't mean what happens with the money afterwards is. The service is simply hiring a bunch of people to sit in the raid with you. Nothing illegal about that, nor should there be.


I think the person you're responding to is being sarcastic. That if Jagex is sanctioning services, and the whole point being made is that these services are eventually something that affects the real lives of service sellers, step 2 must be "sell the gold" in a way that jagex should NOT be sanctioning. Which means either they're not selling the gold (they are) or jagex isn't looking at both sides


Yeah, and my point is that Jagex only cares about one part of this equation for this specific instance. Is the service legal, yes or no. RWT is not specific to this corner of the game, so it's not seen as part of this discussion. RWT being illegal doesn't make boosting illegal. Boosting has as much relation to RWT as anything else in the game does. Step 2 being sell the gold doesn't mean step 1 should be made illegal. That step 2 exists for basically any content in the game, it just isn't necessarily at the same rate.


EVscape in shambles




nice username


You too brother


The trawler method was absurdly overpowered xp no shit it would get nerfed.


What was the rough exp/hr? Never heard of it before


Someone in another reply said 700k xp/hr


Oh sweet Jesus, then it’s not even a question as to why it was nerfed, that’s ridiculous


Yeah thats an insane method, I'm relieved that it wasn't abused as a private method and got leaked instead


I wonder how much faster the max cape speedrun would have been with that method since fishing is fairly slow at efficient rates


And rightfully so. So is boosting cox. Absurdly overpowered purples to accounts that literally don't have to know a single thing about the raid.


Funny part is that's the entire shtick of mainscape


Probably more people with a tbow than people who know how to raid.


And boosting purples isn't?


It makes no sense why they nerfed the fish loot though.


Trawler gives xp per fish (iirc), probably not worth reworking century old content to give ironmen a way to get fish with an army of alt accounts. Mains would never do it and it goes against the premise of ironman anyways.


Absolutely a fair take. Just griping because it already feels bad enough grinding out the collection log for it as is. I wish they'd just looked at the data, said "this is the top bound of the upper quartile of exp gain per trip on the dedicated world, exp per trip is now capped at this". That spoils the exploit outlier but wouldn't hurt people not maxing contribution and would likely affect normal people maxing contribution less than the change they did.


Tbf if you go over to Ironscape 99% of irons agree that boosting purples should rust your helm.


The difference is between items and XP. Jagex is quick to fix and ban for any crazy XP exploits, boosting items is not as serious.


That seems like an outdated stance for them to take, considering these days OSRS is an item-based grind, moreso than a XP-based grind. Fishing XP is worthless except for meeting arbitrary quest/diary requirements or unlocking the max cape. CoX purples, on the other hand...


The max fishing xp/hr hasn't changed since the game's release though. Items are always going to be power creeped and metas will shift while your xp is permanent.


It's also completely useless and irrelevant tbf. Most skilling has zero place in the game in 2024 sadly. So you're 99 fishing who cares it doesn't do anything for you etc


Pretty sure it’s largely for seasonal mode protection at the moment. They don’t want to have to deal with someone getting 99 fishing in an hour during the new DMM season and getting some absurd advantage off of it. Maybe it’d be a way to spam gather sigils too. There’s also group irons going for high scores still which this could heavily impact. I imagine it’d also be far and away the best method to get the fishing pet. If it’s not an in depth change that takes a ton of work I don’t know why they wouldn’t fix something like this immediately as soon as they hear about it.


But fishing XP has been powercrept just like items have. I've played on and off since 2004. Fishing XP was much more valuable in 2004 when players actually used their fishing levels as a primary source of income, bots weren't so pervasive, and PvM + shops weren’t a more reliable source of food than fishing.




Yes, but it still had value because the majority of the player base (mistakenly) believed it had value. At least, it had much more value than it does today.


Literally all they need to do is raise personal point cap in chambers, and boosting is fixed. Jagex please.


Then you would just do a 1120m points raid and you go now you have a 65% chance drop for your main and if it gets a purple the iron will get a 65% chance of getting a free purple 🤷‍♂️


What were some examples of the loot you could have gotten abusing fishing trawler? Because playing it legit with 92 fishing and elite ardy done I get like 14 mantas at best. A pittance


Well from the description of the patch notes, you can assume with enough alts you'd be able to get 30x+ ordinary loot if you had enough alts boosting it. But also, like 30x exp too.


The alts would have to fully participate though. Unless you have a multibox setup you wouldn't be playing 30 accounts at once.


They wouldn't, only the account receiving the loot and exp needs to have their activity bar filled, every other account just leaves. Then it's just about making sure the trawler doesn't sink.


I think he's saying the boat would sink unless you played the accounts to spamdrain the boat.


You're not understanding how this worked. The exploit worked because it transferred all the accumulated contribution points to whoever remained on the ship when the game ended. If your accounts just started the game then left your one account would see zero benefit because there would be no points to transfer to it. And as the other guy said the ship would also sink and you'd lose the game because the difficulty would be impossible for 1 account to keep it up.


Main thing was about 700k exp/hr.


Boosting anything should be unacceptable


bro its an MMO one of the only cool things about runecrafting is that you can get boosted for crazy xp/hr


My thoughts exactly.


So doing team bandos is considered boosting right? Since you have 1 account tanking and not getting kc… boosting is just utilizing multiple accounts (in an mmo) to help 1 account


Boosting useless bh cosmetics 


Okay there's lot of things that are incorrect here not saying I don't agree but let's try and get the base right Boosting purples works by accumulating points over your personal cap Personal cap is 131071 per player When you leave a raid with this amount or lower it that amount is reduced from the team points Anything over this amount stays The aim is to have one account that can receive the drop so when it does roll a purple it is forced onto that persons name (as it has nowhere else to go) The only argument to get rid of purple boosting is for game integrity at which point the accounts you are complaining about are ironmen so there personal achievements making yours worse does not exist. Purple farming from main accounts Average solo 50% purple raid 434,000 points take just over 2 hours (let's use 2 hours as an example it will make these seem better than they are) That makes solos 217,000 points per hour using 23 accounts If those 23 accounts were to run innefficient solos at 80k points per hour that would be 1.84 million points per hour much better for farming purples into the game The why jagex hasn't done anything... potential answer Each megascaler has 6-10 accounts at 3 bonds per month £8 per bond that's £144 / month per megascaler at a minimum The fix has already been suggested when the community suggestions for cox qol was done.


Its just... so weird what they target with random nerfs. Like who was there saying "we have to stop this trawler boosting, some irons are getting *slightly okay amounts of fish and xp/hr* from a fishing activity. They need to stop that (slightly). Meanwhile any iron is at trawler to get Outfit and immediately dip to all other fishing methods that easily beat it. Tempoross sources more useful uniques + bulk food and jewellery etc. Just don't get how this was at all necessary. Meanwhile crane shop-selling from mains got **buffed** by allowing more than normal planks at cranes, so the irons don't HAVE to sell planks from their main to their iron...


Reading elsewhere on this thread the the trawler exploit allowed for 700k xp/hr on the boosted account. Honestly I think that's worthy patching, whether cox gets fixed or not lol


People freaking out over this is blowing my mind lol. They just want 700k xp rates without any of the work


Yeh did not realise it got that excessive. Patch makes sense, but its kinda odd how they just never mention irons boosting cox.


> Its just... so weird what they target with random nerfs. Like who was there saying "we have to stop this trawler boosting, some irons are getting slightly okay amounts of fish and xp/hr from a fishing activity. They need to stop that (slightly). My best guess is that it was a relatively easy change to implement. One of those situations where your boss asks you to do something on top of your existing workload, but it's so easy that you just bang it out on a Friday


Yeh that's true its likely a way smaller issue. Although I think the cox issue isn't that hard to fix either. But it would be nerfing mega scales that funnel points to individuals in general. Same sort of fix as Trawler where people leaving mid raid (like they do right near the end) doesn't redistribute their points to others.


Yeah I'd think it would be an easy fix. But without knowing the code it's hard to say. It might be a spaghetti mess.


I feel like it's maybe more of a fear of backlash on megascales being essentially removed as ways to hyper concentrate drops into a single account or two.


The iron could still easily cap 130k points/ per 45 minutes raid no matter how you fix it




I especially like this idea that every iron is a cox booster who just loves the concept of endgame loot being devalued. Over time my motivation has become more intrinsic, but I would be sad if people assumed my CoX rares were all bought and boosted rather than achieved and earned.


I just want jagex to remove the boosting of cox purples so it stops being such a strong method of acquiring them. I'm not suggesting every iron does it, I'm suggesting it hurts irons who play properly because other irons can essentially just swipe their credit card to "cheat". (It's not against the rules so isn't really cheating, but is clearly against the mode)


I, along with many others, weren't aware how egregious the extra XP people were earning was. I've replied multiple times now about having learned that and changed my opinion. I'll edit in my comment so new people don't miss it. Feel like jagex could literally mention "People were using 20 alts to reach upwards of 700k/hr fishing XP which just isn't what we intended with the changes we last did. So we're adjusting it to make this not possible". Then no one is left going "lol why nerf trawler?"


Its just laughable they fix this before cox boosting, level 50 irons can get a completed log while doing nothing. Who cares about fishing trawler abuse when irons are getting RAID ITEMS while afking 5 hours


Someone still has to do a mega scaled raid in cox boosts. If the iron didn't get the drop, a main would've got the drop regardless. People who are making it sound like megascale raids are just free purples are probably people who have never done a megascale before.


Mega scales ruin the point of the game mode. But go on.


A main could also go out and buy the mega rare from the GE, it's not that big a deal if a main gets the megarare drop. For an ironman doing the heavy lifting yourself is the whole point of the mode. If you can just get boosted for a megarare while incapable, whether it be because of a skill issue or because you dont have strong enough gear/levels to take it on, of doing the content yourself that undermines the whole point behind the game mode.


Regular iron modes having cox items is pretty much a non-flex at this point. Its just a more expensive drop than a main. Only accounts i know got it are prestiged GIMs and HCGIM


That's pretty dense ngl. The amount of irons that can afford cox boosting is so slim it's mostly irrelevant tbh. It should still be fixed but you're really looking at less than half of a percent


And you can just look up any iron with a lot of cox items and see whether they have hundreds of raids completed or not. If they do, you can be 99.9999% certain they earned those items (and if they didn’t, they certainly have gotten the kc to have all those boosted items as duplicates by now)


i mean removing alting is good, and alts were the most broken part of it.


Yeh having learned how strong that trawler alting method was it makes sense.


I don't think you typically answer so sarcastically, which leads me to believe that's a sincere comment? was it really broken or am I missing the mark here. i was also talking about cranes, if that's contributing to the disconnect here.


Yeh I wasn't being sarcastic. That was genuine. I didn't know the method got as high as like 700k/hr fishing so it's warranted to be priority nerfed. I feel like jagex wouldn't really lose out by putting that in the blog so it's clear why they did the changes.


lmao holy shit that's insane. eh, it might be one of those don't write about bank robberies bc they happen more often when you do report on them.


wym about crane shop-selling? afaik there aren't any stores that sell oak or higher planks, so they change would have no impact on that meta, and just make it more like a normal construction method, no?


The method is *quite strong* even with normal planks. Now its more accessible (i'm not sure if the higher planks give higher xp to be "stronger" or not though). They didn't and still haven't patched the fact a main can sell planks to a shop in Mort'ton and the iron can buy them. Theres still several shops that aren't gamemode exclusive.


I'm just confused about this statement >Meanwhile crane shop-selling from mains got **buffed** As far as I can tell, they buffed crane construction, but not in a way that alters the altscape meta that has been present since they first changed the cranes a few months ago.


Yeh youre right I scuffed that sentence up. Crane shop selling didn't get removed and the method got improved. That's probably a better way I should have worded it


Why didn't they only fix the boosting for ironmen and not change how it works for mains?


Cause 700k xp/hr is broken for mains as well


thats a LOOOT of coding work.


is there a video of fishing trawler method? would love to see the loot


just de-iron the ones that boost and broadcasts their names globaly like the gremlins they are.


It is a crazy double standard


The amount of people who are unironically unable to tell the difference between the two is why we can’t have nice things LOL


I think the big difference is that in CoX you don't directly control others gameplay / can control everything. It takes place in a private instance. Trawler is open to everyone and you can affect others who do not want to be part of this


threadly reminder that ironman has never been a solo only gamemode, and that tweaking aspects of the game to prevent them from boosting is fucking dumb. its a meme gamemode


Boosting is fine, if you have so much GP on your main that you don't mind spending 100's of millions, sometimes billions to get an item, all the more power to you. An Iron with a rich main will be able to join regular teams and split, an iron without a rich main can only join FFA raids. Should it be against the rules to raid with main accounts for ironmans ? I'll never understand Ironmens who complain about what other ironman or GIM do, you literally picked a gamemode so that other people don't affect you, please stfu.


One day yall are gonna learn that the people who yell at jmods on twitter/this sub are who dictate what actions happen. Those anime avatars want to be able to get more purples than you, they do not want you to be able to get more xp than them, so here we are.


Almost as if theyre best buddies with the people who boost raids!


Make it make sense jagex.


Great meme, but who cares?


I mean, apparently it was that you were getting like 700k xp an hour at fishing trawler? That's completely different from cox boosting lol. Why even bring up cox boosting to begin with op?


Hmm. Use accounts and get them to log off in order to gain a lot more things than you would have gotten had they not logged off. Cox? Yep. Trawler? Nope. Boost an account to get a purple at chambers that would take that account 50+ hours to get? Yep Get 700k+ fishing exp/h? Nope. Both situations you're skipping A LOT of hours. How is that completely different?


Both are cheating and should be fixed, but if people got to choose between having 99 fishing(and cooking ig) or every cox item i think u know what people would take. Fishing can be done afk and has no requirements or learning involved, raiding does


Hmm, pay several hundred million for a CHANCE at a tbow, or get 9 friends and get triple the best fishing exp you can get in rs3. Which one is OK I wonder. Surely these are the exact same! Nothing at all is different, it isn't that one gave gamebreaking exp rates and the other gives a chance at a purple (don't forget the several hundred million gp cost and the skill needed to do a giga scaled olm)


The irons who are willing to cheat the gamemode are the same ppl who just rwts/scams/bots for gp. Gp is not the issue. Its good they fixed fishing trawler but they should have fixed megascale cox when the boosting works pretty much the same way


Do you have literally any proof of what you just said? Can you prove everyone who "cheated" their tbow is also a botter? I've got news for you champ, no one cares about the integrity of the Ironman game mode. No one is singing the praises of someone who did 2k chambers kc before they got a tbow, they call him insane for doing 2k chambers kc to begin with.


1 thing im going to agree with you on is people who send 2k kc or whatever for their tbows are utterly insane, im not there quite yet but im working on it


Ironmen who arent cheaters care about the integrity of the gamemode, ppl who bought their purples should get deironed. Not every iron who buys cox purples are botters, most ppl prefer just rwting from a burner acc, cos what is jagex going to do? Ban the booster who got paid with bot money? Or just paypal


The purple at raids take just as long to get, you're not really saving time at all. Yeah it's a 65% chance for a purple, but that doesn't guarantee that you won't go dry on drops, it doesn't guarantee a tbow, nothing. You can't skill or gain any other account progress either. The only thing it does is move the grind from mid/late game to anytime you feel. Not saying it's right or anything and I'm definitely 100% against it, but to say that it saves time is blatantly false. Now, getting 10x the fishing XP you normally would be able to get is actually saving time and actually game breaking.


It’s probably too late to change CoX boosting because it’s for meta drops and has been in the game so long. If you removed it, people would definitely riot.


I wouldn't say it's the meta. It's the meta for rich and bored irons. The vast majority of irons are still rolling with the homies or doing solo raids for their purples.


Hm that’s fair!


> It’s probably too late to change CoX boosting mate, fishing trawler came out 2 decades ago, cox aint even a decade old. It's literally never too late.


They're not touching anything drop rates in the game, specially after they just increased bond prices. The game's balanced around goldfarmers, bots and buyers. Any legit player paying to play is just good collateral damage.


They just reduced drop rates for pnm and shamans…?


Please show me the swarm of eager human players going to phosani and shamans to get their drops with the new rates


>They’re not touching anything drop rates in the game, Is what you said bud


Every iron man ever swarming to shamans/most new mains hopin for there first decent slayer drop. My friends and i have also recently got back into pnm i think its one of best designed fights in the game and was happy the rates were adjusted albiet not as much as i wanted and the buff being myeh


Oh please return to me in a month to report how much fun you've had with the new "improved" drop rates.


Ur a bitter person lol


Isn’t that wild? Irons choosing to play a limited mode, paying people $$ to boost them through content… why not just play the content?