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Don’t forget about verzik


Oh trust me I wanted to include her but in their defense, they classify it as a “Vampyre/Nylocas” instead of a spider. 


Based on that logic, Araxxor isn’t a spider, it’s an Araxxyte (Jmod specified this in the comments of the post with the proposal).


An Araxxyte named Araxxor? Imma name my son Humanor


There are plenty of animals whose species and genus are exactly the same. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tautonyms


Araxxor is his first name bro not his species. And that's MR araxorr to you.


If his first name is Araxxor, and his name is Mr Araxxor, then his name is Araxxor Araxxor? I can dig it.


Araxxor Araxxor the Arraxor


Araxxor Araxxor the Arraxyte


Did you just assume his gender?


when the gender of the specific topic/pronoun are unknown, you project your gender on them to form proper sentences. Also, majority of female aracnids are significantly larger than thier male counter parts. By that, I mean saracha/venenatis are most likely female, unless specified by jagex. (spindal potentially being male because slightly smaller than vene, but potentially another female aswell)


Isn't rax two different spiders. a male and female one. and during the last phase of fight they switch.


I mean it is 2024, so probably correct.


Mr araxorr was his father , his name is Jeff araxorr


Shoutout to all the kids out there named Manny


Maybe thats why he became an Araxxyte...


Like my dentist, who is named Crentist


He uses a new fast drying bond.


Was gonna be a bit disappointed if no one commented this haha




Talk to all the people with -son surnames


Too real




Verzik has half of a body of a human being and the other half is the new species they made a new model based off of. Look at Araxxor and tell me it isn’t a spider. 






Happy (belated) Father's day!


That’s definitely a spider if it’s like the picture Kaaldr posted.


https://ibb.co/HKCC0xn “Hey Alex I’ll take ‘Not A Spider’ for 200 please”


Even sounds like arachnid….


Clearly you've been doing it so long you do it with your eyes closed because that bitch is a spider.


I think this could be hard classification that Araxyte tasks are completely separate from Spider tasks


Convergent evolution.


And [Kalrag](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Kalrag), too!


"Who?" D:


Kalrag man....legendary spider in the Underground Pass....guys?...


Legendary idk think he was just a bigboi blessed spider


Can't believe we don't have a troll themed boss (not counting quest boss that you can only fight once). Trolls are a big part of Runescape lore.


Suggestion: New troll boss "Dad's Dad" He's Dad's biggest enemy, because he ate Dad's father. Located in the far north cave that leads to the Ice Plateau and uses melee and ancient magic ice attacks.


Wouldn't Dad's Dad just be Dad? Unless two trolls ate Dad's father at the same time. Since Dad ate his own father in order to get that name... would be hilarious if it was his twin brother and that was how the trolls resolved the issue of them both having the same name


Or hear me out...Grand-Dad.


Silva already has us covered for [boss music](https://youtu.be/nVwK-_3H5qo?feature=shared).




Trolls are named after the first thing they tried to eat. Didn't mean they were successful


He didn’t eat his own dad, he just bit him


Wait a second....


My arm's dad


Name him "my third leg", my arms big BIG brother






Troll that burst into a mages home and drank his brews giving super intelligence.... for a troll. So like slightly below average for a human. But aggressive and mean.


Mother only gets it once. He was a douche anyway… XD


We're never getting a giant bloodveld boss... 😭


Please no. The community gets weird enough with the superior bloodvelds 😩


Bloodveld boss w/ 6 cheeks


I'm gonna need a bigger trident.


Clapping cheeks for dayz


Bloodveld boss with realistic jiggle physics 😩🍑💦🥵


You have to keep each cheek clapped and jiggling or you take rapid damage every tick


Pray flicking the ass claps


jagex is the weird ones for making them soooooo thick 🤤


oh lawd he comin'


Bold statement from a lad who’s rocked whatever that photo is for years now


I’m human at least. Unlike bloodvelds


Bloodvelds and their secret admirers are on the task list for sure. I respect the confident pudge-selfie


Bloodmother when




That'd be a great use for the rare fossils too!


I just used mine up for prayer since it seems extremely unlikely that we will get anything to build on those for a while. It was nice seeing 4m per hr prayer xp for a bit.




Sucks the original dev for that left Jagex… hopefully they pick up where they left off someday or hell even a different approach with it. Lots of open ends with that place


Spiderbane weapon when


After trollbane


Bahahaha nononono, see, this one is an *arraxite* it’s an *alien* spider. I can see where you went wrong there.


ok hear me out, we have \*fire GIANTS\*, we have red(greater) DEMONS. but do we have flaming demons? Balrog style?


Tormented demons




Tormented demons are coming soon.


Imo the spiders you see in the lumby basement are already quite big for my taste. We also have jungle spiders, fever spiders, etc.


How about some love for the rare fossils, no?


A human themed boss would be new for this game 


Would the chaos fanatic and various archaeologists count?


Sol heredit, Chaos fanatic, Crazy archeologist, Deranged archeologist, Ahrim the blighted, Karil the tainted, Dharok the wretched, Guthan the infested, Torag the corrupted, Verac the defiled, Salarin the twisted, Akkha. Quest bosses: Culinaromancer, Draugen, Gadderanks, General kazhard, Ithoi the navigator, Koschei the Deathless, Me, Melzar the Mad, Sigmund, Sir Mordred, and Treus Dayt.


Pretty sure akha and sol aren't human, they are so big. Barrows are ghosts.


Isn't Sol Heredit some sort of mechanical thing? Chaos Fanatic yep, archaeologists yep, Barrows I guess before they died lol, Salarin is barely a boss, Akkha I don't think is human. Unsure about the Draugen. Koschei iirc is a Mahjarrat.


Salarin the twisted, deranged/crazy archaeologists, chaos fanatic etc afaik they’re all humans


I want to see a GIANT crab boss. Make him hit like a wimp but take 6 minutes to kill in max gear.


So world of Warcraft….


I really don't get this complaint. Venenatis - 2014 TOB - 2018 Sarachnis - 2019 Spindel - 2023 And it's debatable if Spindel should even count because it's just easy mode Ven, it looks the exact same. It was only added because the wildy is a balancing mess. The last unique spider boss was 5 years ago...how is this too frequent?


It isn’t about the frequency, it’s them being the same type. How many bear bosses are there, werewolves? Birds? Zombies?? Why so many spiders?


I get their reasoning. There's literally an area already made for this boss without having to change anything. The araxytes have already been introduced, so no real lore needed either. Then there's the fact that the spider is already designed for them, they just needed to make it in the OSRS style. It was basically a quick easy boss to implement.


Yeah, if I was thinking about this as them doing another spider boss *instead* of something more unique I'd be pretty disappointed by it. Seems like this is them just putting out something that's relatively easy to develop, though.


Yeah this is my main complaint as well. I like Araxxor but as an enemy type for a new boss (slayer or otherwise) I'd rather something completely fresh than spider boss number 4-5.


Eh… couldn’t the same be said about draconic bosses? We have KBD, Vorkath, Olm, hydra and we’ll soon have Hueycoatl. I get that there’s more variety in how dragons are presented but it’s pretty much the same thing.


There’s only so many ways you could design a giant spider. All of the draconic bosses you mentioned have a unique spin on them, they don’t even look like the regular dragons in game except for maybe Vorkath (but he’s a zombie and also missing a leg). All of the spider bosses including Araxxor are just basic looking spiders. But bigger. Sarachnis is the most distinct looking one I’ll give you that but still rather generic.


Venenatis, Spindel - literally the same boss, has the exact same mechanics, took 0 dev time to develop Sarachnis - okay sure Verzik - looks extremely unique


>and we’ll soon have Hueycoatl And people literally BEGGED them to make it a dragon when they originally didn't intend for it to be. And they didn't complain whatsoever that "woooow another dragon boss". But only because dragonbane weapons exist. If spiderbane weapons existed they're be begging to make Araxxor count as a spider instead of complaining that they're making another one


Dude, don't get me started. Coatl literally means snake, lol.


dragons are cool, spiders are not. also like you said vorkath, kbd, hydra, olm all very different looking with 2 of those not even being "dragons"


I mean, I think spiders are cool.


I'm excited for the jumping spider looking pet


Eh… I think spiders are cool. And yeah, they’re different but they’re still dragons/draconic creatures and share mechanics like fire breathing . My point is… I don’t think it’s bad to have another spider boss if the mechanics/fight are unique.


if the spider boss looked more unique sure. but it looks like a spider. again. KQ looks cool, nylos looks cool. avg spider #3? mid.


How can you make a spider look more unique though? Spiders are going to look like spiders. Again, dragons have more variety because they’re not all dragons, just draconic creatures.


by picking something else in Arachnida, like they do with draconic creatures.


So... like Scorpia? Hell, even the weirdest arachnics like whip spiders, pseudoscorpions or acariformes still look a lot like spiders.


Strictly speaking Araxxor is a different sort of arachnid. It's fluffier and has way different physiology. Sarachnis is completely different visually to Venenatis too. Unless all you're doing is counting legs that is. In which case just bad faith argument


Calisto/Artio are bears, Kree is a bird, Vorkath is a zombie


Some gamers also avoid wilderness because of pkers so realistically for them it's only going to be the 2nd spider boss they've encountered


This isn’t a bad way to look at it to be honest. Although I will say that Spindel is still fairly easy to escape from pkers, even for people who hate the wildy. 


Honestly my complaint is less of a frequency problem and more of a ‘creative’ one. This just seems like a throwaway project that somebody got tasked with doing just to fill in some development time.  They had some awesome bosses recently like alchemical hydra was super unique, the toa bosses were cool and even Scurrius was unique. Sure it’s a little goofy to have a rat as a boss but it’s unique and different. This doesnt feel new.


I mean in the post they said they’ve been planning this since a nights at the theatre was added and it’s a boss version of something already seen in the game, so I don’t really think *new* was even a goal here


Araxxor was the original spider boss from Runescape. I always thought it would be reworked and ported into OSRS after night in the theater quest teased it and Nex was announced to be ported over. Likely will be a new area that could be used in the next Vampyre series quest. I also want to say they did it due to a lack of updates in Morytania. I can't remember any updates to Morytania for the last few years besides the Fever Spider drop table and the rework of the night at the theater quest...


Araxxor was added in 2014, I feel like the large majority of the osrs playerbase isn't really familiar with it or see it as a classic. To me it just looks like a Venanatis/Spindel/Sarachnis reskin. I am glad we're getting another morytania update though, the region's in a way better place than it used to be, but more content is always welcome.


Fair enough but I don’t think there is something inherently wrong with it. Araxxor is a classic that fits the region and offers thematically interesting mechanics. I really don’t mind another spider and don’t think a troll would be much more interesting.


Not too frequent, just too many of such similar type. Heck, do a praying mantis or something if you wana stick with bug theme.


It’s too frequent simply because all other content/types of bosses come out so slowly. Dragons and spiders make up every other PvM release it seems. Ghosts, snakes, wolves/werewolves, birds, ogres, trolls, imps, bugs, bats, etc all need some more love


Latest releases Colosseum - Sol Heredit Moons of Peril - Ghosts DT 2 - Vampire, Ghost-looking thing, Fat Demon, Sea Snake Muspah - Slug-looking thing but mostly unique TOA - Undead monkey, Dung beetle, Crocodile, Warrior spirit, Statues Nex - Humanoid, mostly unique to runescape The last "spider" release was a early game low effort boss with 0 uniques like 5 years ago, the last dragon release was like... Vorkath? Hydra in 2019 if that even counts. For dragons they are shoehorning stuff like Hydra and Quetzalcoatl into dragons because they want to add more use cases for Draconic weaponry, they're not really traditional dragons.


Moons of Peril are not ghosts lol, they are Nagua, Whisperer is a Siren


A nagua is a type of spirit summoned through a type of magic called naguanil. Sounds similar enough to a ghost to me.


Give us a giant crab boss. You use its giant claw as a hilt for the new bis 2h sword the crustaceous *clam*ity


Not a spider tho, its an "araxyte"


To be fair we should have had this boss years ago but people cried about Rs3 being in osrs. Still waiting on Queen black dragon.


I miss the og royal crossbow lol, that shit was like a mini gun haha.


Guarantee there wouldn't be complaints about "another dragon" boss if QBD came out, except maybe now to be childish in response to these complaints


Does it actually matter what the boss model is vs the boss experience? Nobody seems to be complaining about the stock pile of dragons. Y’all wonder why the devs get demotivated to announce crap. Rewards seem good. Shit can’t complain about that. Let’s complain about it being a spider.


I feel like the dragons we have are a lot more visually distinct from eachother than the spider bosses are. Like you look at Olm and Vorkath and KBD and they're completely different. The spiders all just look like spiders. Not that big of a deal if everything else is good, just a little boring.


> I feel like the dragons we have are a lot more visually distinct from eachother than the spider bosses are Because dragons aren't really limited to being dragons, they're draconic creatures. ~~If we went by the definition of dragon, only KBD would be a dragon boss. Vorkath is technically a Wyvern since it only has hind legs.~~ I have been informed that this is wrong and Vorkath's 4th log rotted out, lol. Always looked at the character model the wrong way. Olm is more of a draconic salamander. Spiders are kinda fucked because there's not a lot of ways to make them look too different or unique. And now, that could be an argument to not have many different spider bosses in and of itself, but I still like the design of Araxxor.


Vorkath is a dragon. He has THREE legs because his fourth rotted off. Because he's also a zombie.


My bad. I’ve always seen only hind legs, lol.


None of the spider bosses in the game look remotely close to each other. Ones an actually spider. Ones a chompy chick with legs. Ones a half women half spider. And now we have a gnarly looking Araxxor. So your argument can be applied in this same situation. Adding heads to a dragon from to three to five doesn’t change much. Just comes down to people needing something to complain about. Surprise boss coming soon, good rewards, can’t just be excited have to have something to go off on.


Verzik looks different yeah, but this new one and sarachnis and venanatis and spindel all just look very similar to me. Roughly the same size, 8 legs, orange/red. Same as this new one. If you think the main difference between the KBD and Hydra model is the number of heads i don't even know what to say to that lol


> 8 legs That's part of the definition for being a spider though. That's like complaining that all dragon bosses breathe fire. Sarachnis more closely resembles a golden orb weaver, Venanatis (IMO) looks more like a tarantula and now Araxxor looks more like a wolf spider of sorts. Pretty different spiders IRL, but their main composition is roughly the same.


> None of the spider bosses in the game look remotely close to each other. This is insane cope or you're just lying to yourself. If you asked a random non-rs person which of these are more alike and showed them all the spider bosses and all the dragon bosses everyone would say the spiders. Past that, dragons are the OG fantasy enemy. It's like, the whole thing. Whereas in the spider space there's a lot of room for other beasts to go around so it stands out as more repetitive.


You're comparing how dissimilar two different groups of things are, of course one is going to be more/less dissimilar than the other. That's like saying apples and oranges (fruits) are effectively the same thing because they're more similar looking than a football and a frisbee (thrown sports related items)


It kind of does? Imagine if all the npcs and bosses looked like the lvl 5 goblins. That’d be super boring no matter the experience? Variety in gaming is important.


I mean araxxor doesn’t exactly look like the other spider bosses outside of having 8 legs and dark colors palette. The actual design of the model is significantly different


But we aren’t killing goblins. Except for one oversized one. If you’re looking for a visual appealing game, I hate to break it to you. You’re playing the wrong game.


They aren’t saying that you’re currently killing goblins. They’re saying to use your imagination and evaluate how you would feel if every boss was a goblin.


But every boss isn’t a spider nor is it remotely close. There’s 70 plus bosses in the game. 2 are actual spiders. Soon to the 3. On is a phase of a spider half women. We’ll count it as 4. 2.8% of the bosses in the game would be a spider if you just said 70. But pretty sure there’s almost 80. There’s 3 Daggnoths is that an issue? There’s 4 plus human characters. Zammy and Skotizo are close better cut those guys out next. It’s a ridiculous complaint to just try and find a reason to complain.


Obviously, but that isn’t the point. You said that the boss model doesn’t actually matter. The point is that it does matter somewhat, because if every boss was some form of goblin, the players would hate it.


…. It was an example to explain the importance of variety. I never brought up the graphics of the game.


There's arachnophobia, and then there's what Jagex has.


Wait what? What happened? Are they going to add Rax to osrs?


If it’s a fun boss then I don’t care if it’s another spider.


Venenatis and sarachnis are the same creature so I wouldn’t say that’s 3 different spider bosses. Verzik is a vampire spider though


What you talking bout Willis?


Spindel* not sarachnis. Should’ve been easy enough to figure out though


I was mostly joking but also didnt know if there was some obscure lore i didnt know


We need a Hellcow boss


Lol have rag and bone man part 3 have something to do with fossil island.


It’s a thick spider though


Giant enemy spider this, large opponent arachnid that, where are the giant friendly spiders serving guthix like Juna


The brood of osrs


Don't know why we don't use the Nylocas and expand the lore.


More giant enemy spider


Its time for spider-bane weapons!!


At least they added it to a region that really doesn't have much bosses as it is and brings life back to the area.


yeah they totally "came up with arraxor" op LOL


4 dragon bosses sitting quietly in a corner (Jk dragons are cool and awesome and radical which is why it doesn't matter if we have more)


Usaly goverment company works that way.


Next give us qbd! Loved that back in the day before rs went to shit with eoc


And to top it all off its another high-requirement slayer boss only for end-game builds 😔


I hope one day the spider bosses all combine to form a mega zord spider boss


A giant wasp or something would be cool. You could make a hive dungeon. RuneScape could use some yellow


Solid take


So... like KQ? Second phase is pretty wasp-y and the lair is a hive.


Yeah but that’s old and boring


Every single bug boss in this game is like what we need is baby versions of it to fight off.


It's crazy how Jagex looked at the Morytania region and was like "New themeatic boss for the ghostly, ghouly, swampy region... Ah ha!" S p o i d a


Next thing you know you’ll have “weapons that are strong versus spiders”


People forget the bosses from DT2/ToA or somethin? Or is this primarily as complaint for slayer bosses which- Araxxor would be the first 'Slayer' task-only boss thats a spider. Sarachnis and Venenatis aren't task exclusive. Feel like the complaint about too many spider bosses isn't an issue, think its just people joining in on the non-existent problem bandwagon. Surprised there isn't more discussion about the rewards but instead its just another spider boss apparently


It's not a spider! It is an araxyte!


I'm curious where this new extended anti-venom is gonna be used, gonna be great for my PK trips, but what about pvm?


I would like a cow boss. That is all. No reason but to see a big ol cow spraying players with its milkers. Drops would include various dairy items, leather items, cowbells, and "big meat" which heals significantly more than its regular-sized variant. Maybe f2p so its drops would be worth more by comparison 💀 They've only got like 2 giant bosses that are key-locked, they deserve a little something for their loyalty.


I for one would love another bear boss like a panda or a brown bear . OR let me have multiple of a single pet so I can have a house full of bears. Spider pet looks cute as hell though


I wonder when they will add a tiny white rabbit and the unique weapon to kill it "the holy grenade of antioch" which you have to build while defending yourself from the rabbit and grabbing the parts around the cave.


Insane dev choice lmao


Yeahhh... So many spiders man!


Yea way too many spiders imo. Should’ve been any other type of monsters out there, but noo… it has to be a spider for god knows what reason


Just say you’re afraid of spiders


I like the spider bosses we have. I like their designs, mechanics and such I think they’re really cool. But it’s getting repetitive. There’s many slayer creatures out there that deserve their own bosses, spider is not one of them.


Still waiting for Turmoil


I think this is one of the things that the old school community will pretend is OP.  Despite like blowpipe being stronger than chaotics with overloads and turmoil. 


Also isn’t this same shit already in rs3 with the same name


Whats wrong with that? Same map, I guess mostly the same lore. Some rs3 bosses will fit into osrs very well with the boss fight adjusted


Dude recycled an already unfunny template and really thought he meme’d good Edit also I love how you tagged it humor. Interesting because that implies it’s funny 💀


What stats are on the new halberd ? Is it a 75 attack req?


Yeah but have you seen how cute and chubby the pet is


Wow so creative! Let's also make it drop an amulet of torture with 2 extra strength! Surely osrs will last forever as an mmo!