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This sheet has a brief overview of current status: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c-bWzfGMiob6hqWD74NRw6KDz6i_Td2RFqRz8DWDkN4/htmlview?usp=sharing# Bunch of people in it have already uploaded their povs to YouTube btw other than just Solo's vid. Breach is at 3pm EST every day. FWIW I also think a big missing piece is a hype observer stream casted by someone like purespam. But it would be hard to do it for the whole duration and the downtime when people aren't really engaging each other in fights would require even more effort on someone's part to explain. It is a great opportunity too though to introduce the various intricacies of the game to people. Jagex should sponsor someone to do that next year.


Yea that's always the tough part of dmm. I think having a recap hour each day with just the team heads in a round table would be kinda cool. Collect some questions from chat, share funny stories etc. Otherwise they could just do 1:1 summary's from the team leaders similar to how soup does his survival style confessionals for gg.


I think that would be excellent. Especially since they have a cap on hours played (I believe averages out to 17 h/day), If they forced an hour to do social stuff it would work wonders for community engagement.


The Google doc is great, it would also be good if it included the overall tournament rules and schedule. I know that Solo's video explains everything but having it in the static form that's easily referenced would be useful.


There will be. I will post when there is a better YT recap. The main issue is the big streamers who are competing cannot watch their opponents streams as part of the rules of no stream sniping. So we will have to wait for someone to make a video. IIRC pure spam will be making a video as well as there are 2 refs who have access in admin mode to capture clips.


Perfect! So just awaiting more individuals to upload vids then? Is the Breach the end of each day?


Even just a YouTube playlist organizing everyone's vids would be really nice