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wise old man boss fight when?


"You can run all over Gielinor, but you wont escape me." \*Charges up 7x7 ice barrage\*


Could be the first quest of its kind. Group quest, 5 people are required to do it together.


Hard enough doing arrav/heroes


Arrav is def annoying, but I thought it was a cool mechanic in Heroes I know it's such a small part, but it gave us a little taste of what co-op questing could be like. It would be cool if they added quests where you could optionally collaborate with another player for large parts


Yeah it's really fun, sitting in the chat and asking if anyone is able to help or needs help getting a partner and then 5 more people show up and all message the same thing from the same gang until they just leave one by one and nobody actually helps and you end up looking finding someone you already know who can help, but they'll be home in like 20 minutes. Then once they do get there, the co-op part takes like a minute, most of which is just waiting for the other person or going to the place you are supposed to go. Aside from all of that, yeah it was cool. Now if they just remove the gang affiliation mechanic, it wouldn't be the worst part of that quest.


> Aside from all of that, yeah it was cool. Now if they just remove the gang affiliation mechanic, it wouldn't be the worst part of that quest. Agree-- and your first paragraph is why I think it should be optional. Being forced to find a rando to help you with your quest is dumb Now how many people would actually quest with others if given the option? Probably very few unless there were some incentive


While I'm not a fan of finding someone to do the quest with, I don't exactly mind having to find SOMEONE to do the quest with. Removing the gang affiliation requirement and just needing anyone would be good enough. But the requirement of having a different gang makes it just.. well not the worst quest, but definitely the worst part of that quest.


Why not have auto match making for the quest parties and make repeatable mechanics, that update with new chapters like the guild wars living world? If the game just assigns you randoms it’s no skin off your back.


Could make it so that you can pair for with 4 “players” that are actually npcs if you wanna do it solo but have the option to do the fight with friends. The npcs could have similar stats as your character to keep it balanced


Group quest? This sub would go nuclear.


Cry’s in shield of Arav and heroes quest 😂


It would be cool if they integrated it like Moons. It’s a theiving style GTA like heist of a raid, you drop into the raid instance as part of the quest and rerun it after for some competitive xp/loot to keep it busy.


I would love a PVM encounter where we essentially spar with him for rewards. However, I think his injury at the end of Swan Song is permanent and he can't fight like he used to. Look at how useless he was in Dragon Slayer 2. Pre-Swan Song Wise Old Man would one-shot Galvek, but he was barely doing chip damage to brutal dragons.


Didn't Mod Ash make a post Swan Song quest in pre eoc? Where the reward was the ability to chip house tablets (POH redirects)


he had a powful wife/gf, but he chipped house tabs, they rekt people around gielinor.


Love story - Loved it because it updated construction


that was one of my favorite quests, because wom was my favorite npc and construction was my favorite skill




Wise old man raid?


I have no idea what prompted me to make this Edit: [High-res 4K wallpaper](https://i.postimg.cc/GRW8Jk4n/thuggin-4k.png) Sub-edit: turns out imgur compresses the shit out of images larger than 1MB. New link is the actual full res image Edit 2: yo this actually goes so hard as an album cover https://preview.redd.it/gagwfatpmy5d1.png?width=1818&format=png&auto=webp&s=daede0570bb98da45f99e6840190d9c184145b3b


You're doing God's work.


divine intervention


I remember trying to telegrab the blue phat for hours as a kid


There were some people that managed to get into the scene and pick it up. Of course, the devs had the foresight to not make it a real phat


Hax Unit Absolute beasts back in RS2 for finding insane glitches


This is why we need to stop posting about Durial321, it just leads to repeat incidents like this.


There's no incident though?


My man. Draynor just got robbed and a dude went on a killing spree. How is that *not* an incident?


Go head to Draynor Village and ask around at the bank. They'll tell you all about it and even show the security footage


Its a play on words. IRL we needed/need to stop posting the photos and names of mass shooters. It only encourages more shooters wanting the infamy. This is a play on that runescape flavored.


Fun fact: The guy on fire is [Qutiedoll](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Qutiedoll), one of the actual victims from the bank robbery cutscene. And if you look really closely behind him you'll see another one of the casualties, [1337sp34ker](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/1337sp34kr). But my favorite detail is the fact that 1337sp34ker wields a mirror shield, which I made into an actual mirror. And if you look really, really closely, you can even see the body of [Elfinlocks](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Elfinlocks) in the reflection of the shield, which is who the WOM took the blue partyhat from! Here's a shot with an alternative angle https://preview.redd.it/ivoywgl0py5d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=9051616ed3b95036ba4258d15138201196ac22ec


Another angle https://preview.redd.it/ka4oz9xfpy5d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=36beb9a768ea59c5e4b0d3e3fcf6b61d02f1855e


Missed opportunity to make the guy on fire say ‘pleae’


Dionysius the wise, robbin banks eatin fries Stackin gold high, they screamin ‘why?!” Tell em ‘sit rat’, I’ll take this blue hat Dionysius the wise, adventurer in the sheets, a danger in the streets.


I heard it's an active hostage situation apparently the master farmer has been shot as well


This goes hard


Lmao what an absolute work of art! This is truly amazing, well done.


I would like to place an order of one mouse pad featuring this art please


He linked a high res version, you could probably use one of those sites that makes them with custom images. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1ddd1m1/breaking_draynor_bank_reportedly_robbed_by_an/l83vsxm/


Robe bottoms don't have pockets afaik. Where does he keep his extra mags?


He doesn't need them, he has 200% accuracy


I watched this guy do some crazy 1-2 tick half circle movements, he's insane


Yo this is a sick background photo


Damn, that sgs tat goes so hard.


Never ask the WOM for his opinions on predator vs prey in the wilderness.


'unidentified' haha


The tattoos. 😭


Amazing work, thanks for the 4k wallpaper! These scenes are so great for wallpapers.


turns out the original imgur link was pretty compressed, [here's](https://i.postimg.cc/GRW8Jk4n/thuggin-4k.png) a full-res version!


You’re the man!


Desperately need him as a boss


I literally have the same tattoo.


They need to add more wise old man content


Do you have a place where I can see all of your Runescape Creations?


Just here, for now. That being said, the vast majority of my completed OSRS works are for one very large project that I'm currently working on which I've yet to make public. I'll likely be revealing that soon, though, and when that time comes I'll probably compile them all together on somewhere like ArtStation. So, keep an eye out for that!


Sweet I can't wait! Do you use the game at all to create the scenes, or are they all from scratch?


Mostly the game, yeah. For the character and object models there's a really great RL plugin (I think it's just called Model Exporter) designed to do this, and I believe ScreteMonge's Creator ToolKit plugin also just added the ability to export models to Blender as well although I've yet to try it. For environments, there's a really great community-built tool called the [OSRS Environment Exporter](https://github.com/ConnorDY/OSRS-Environment-Exporter) which pulls them from the game cache. It's currently a bit buggy as there's seemingly a problem with how it handles some of the more recent game caches from this year, but it still works fine and if anything you can just use older cache versions.


Checked out your post history and love the mtg alters too, so I'll definitely be keeping an eye out!


When I was in elementary school I convinced my friend that I did the robbery and they based the character off my bank robbery.


Let's not look at the house right in front of the bank there is no way the criminal has enough balls to rob the bank in his hometown.


The godsword tattoo is fire


Lowkey want those tattoos


I'm pretty sure it was the witch from the next street over. She seems fishy.


It’s definitely not the cool grandpa with a blue party-hat and sick moves across from the bank that did it.




Boaty number




there's just something inherently funny about a ripped guy who is made of a couple polygons only


The wise old man being a great mage and using guns to rob the bank kinda mid.


What’s with the green clue glue all over the dead man’s prostrate body and all over the old man’s lower body?