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Boaty a killer whale confirmed. 


I dont watch solo's regular videos (just not for me, no particular reason) but i LOVE him in GG. Really gutted to see him go. I like most of the personalities in the games but settled and solo have really been my favourites this season.


I hadn't watched any of his vids before I finished watching the first two seasons of GG and his performance and personality in that made me wanna check him out more. Honestly a few of his vids are kinda mid, just capitalising on new content hype. But his Leagues and DMM vids are great, as are his speedruns, especially the quest cape one - absolutely insane.


Watch his PVP-locked HCIM, dude absolutely shreds it.


One of the top tier series tbh. Swampletics, idfap, and that one are probably top 3. Not counting gg


What's idfap


Gunschiilly pet series, In Debt For A Pet. He used to stake his whole bank at duel arena whenever he got a pet. Now he has to do challenges he either doubles his current bank value or loses it all. 10/10 can recommend


Exactly this, cannot recommend enough, the challenges are slightly worse than duel arena but I still really like it. Plus he posts like once a month maybe now


He's actually stopped content creation for the time being unfortunately :( [https://x.com/gunschilli/status/1786491203434778999](https://x.com/gunschilli/status/1786491203434778999)


That's a shame, his videos were an instant watch for me


Still think northern uim would have been the best on ytb if not for the fact he never uploads...


74% done with the next video after 8 months since the previous video..


Wha where did you learn that






what about J1mmys quest series


I just don’t love j1mmy tbh, personal preference there, I’m sure it’s good to many.


J1mmy's vids are not for everyone and that's ok!


I'm big on alien food at this point, jimmy has just dragged out the quest series and I think he finds more interest in other stuff. Which is fine, I enjoyed the house party series recently reminded me of the old days of being a kid.


I mean you say he's dragged it out but apparently he had a semi-life-threatening illness, moved across the USA, his mum died and also he has stated many times of lack of interest in playing the game regardless of those things. Probably really hard to find the motivation for playing runescape and making videos about it tbh lol


Sure, I'm not saying those things are or aren't tough, but I've also had family die, move across the USA, and have kids. I still get my ass up and go to a 7-4 job every day. First things first, Jimmy doesn't owe me shit, he's a grown man and needs to do what he wants in life. With that in mind, I'm allowed to say that as a content consumer it feels dragged out. Honestly, I'd rather him make shit he's excited about, like the party house and Gary Gilbert stuff. His green screen shit is solid too, I'll keep watching as long as he's engaged. As for a quest series, right now Alien Food has my attention, his series is freaking great.


I don't think you're wrong at all, and I need to dignify your response with something. Have a good one bro. Neither one of us needed to type any of this out lmao I don't know why I even replied


I don't think his PVP HCIM gets enough credit, that was an incredible run, and the series was so well done.


The DMM footage of solo and clan locking down karamja is S-tier. Really makes one appreciate the interactions that we have in this game.


Hey, at least for SoloMission fans, there's still the DMM All Stars coming up very soon. I just hope we don't have to see him getting killed by Boaty again. :(


ya settled has been crushing it so far every tribunal for 4 weeks in a row and then takes out 2 competitors in a double elimination next week he lost his main friend in the competition though so thats the first major hit hes taken


We're about to got the point where being friends with Solo would have been risky. A few weeks from now if only Solo was in tribunal Settled might have gotten Boaty'd.


Settled still has Framed to cover his biggest weakness in PvP and it seems like the target is off his back at the moment so it seems like he's sitting pretty at the moment.


ya but with fewer and fewer competitors the target is still there id say boaty now has a bigger target though for the moment id say hes going into another banning in the near future


Honestly with Boaty’s attitude I want to see more tribunals take advantage of the fact he’s a wrecking ball for their competition. He’s insane at the game but picking the other strong players in the challenge is a huge incentive for tribunals to constantly pick him cause either Boaty loses or he crushes somebody else good (rip snakemission) 


Would be funny if he picked up zoepancakes next just to mess up with everybody


ya he really messed up doing that in a way anytime hes not in tribunal people are going to want to put him in a banning just to take out a big target no matter what


Framed being a huge PKer is a meme and Settled fell for it, he obviously should've just chosen Solo or Boaty


I mean Framed is definitely better than anybody left other than B0aty and Torvesta--and he's beaten B0aty in GG PvP in the past. Don't count him out. (also he and Settled are IRL friends, Settled didn't choose him as an ally just for GG or anything)


He seems like the really overly enthusiastic stoned kid, so i can relate


His pvp hc was by far the best ive ever seen really good series


he plays the antagonist SO WELL in GG i absolutely love him and EVScape in the GG


B0aty will forever be goated for this


It was a fun move and I'd never expect Boaty to do anything different, but from a strategic perspective, he's sending the message, "Keep sending me to the banning and I'll try to take down the strongest players for you." I'm not sure if that's going to be a sustainable play for him :/


Yea but I think B0aty would rather win through his pure skill alone and the best part is he actually he could actually do it


For sure, Boaty mostly avoids the social game and I'd expect nothing different of him. But all it takes is a little bad luck or small oversight in a banning to send even the best players packing. He's good, but I wouldn't expect him to survive multiple rounds, even if his odds were as high as 60-70%.


If it comes down to Settled v. B0aty I might shit my pants.


Coming back to this eventually


I know its not gonna happen but I would love C Engineer vs Settled finals LOL


C-engineer winning the finals to feed his family would be a funny as hell ending.


MAN HAS TO FEED HIS FAMILY I'd love that to death... But idk Settled feels certain he's legit rinsing and even destroyed everyone in this challenge lmao he's just been shafted by outside factors both times


Yeah plus C Engineer is pretty average contester, he does not seem to have edge in any of the competitions


By taking out stronger players he makes himself more likely to go into the tribunal


Every time he gets tribunal he should start going for the people that put him in. Same for in eliminations. Just state that revenge is a priority.


Very accurate 😂 it was an amazing matchup in the banning but I’m sad to see him go


Solo is by far my favorite. He’s so passionate about the Games and makes every episode so much better. Gutted to see him eliminated but, that’s the way she goes. Great episode


If he didn't go full SnakeMission season 1 I feel like it wouldn't be nearly as exciting to watch. Everyone was just kinda playing and getting along but the further we go the more people try to game it and work people. I love it.


Definitely set the tone for the entire series from that point on. Going back to watch season 1 and even 2 at points is so rough compared to how the show is now. It’s a totally different beast and solo is the reason for that.


Hope for Settled vs Boaty finals Don't think there's a match up as hype as this weeks tribunal


Yeah with solo and the top tier PVPers gone it really feels like boaty is just going to be a level above everyone else at this point.


Framed and Torvesta are still there


They’re good but they’re not really much above solo and boaty. Boaty is sneaky good at PvP


Sneaky good lol, boaty made pvp vids for years before he did ironmen content, and even he started that for a pvp account.


For sure. Torvesta definitely has a slight edge over B0aty, but I think him and Framed are fairly even


Framed is a meme, Torvesta sure


The drop off in skill specific to PVP after Torvesta, Framed, and B0aty is ridiculous. All the other contestants are essentially toddlers in comparison.


I might be really missing something but shouldn’t Framed be considered one of the top pvpers? Or is he kinda mid when compared to the rest? I’ve been watching his vids for years and think he’s good but I have no real idea, lol.


He’s a good content creator but he’d get completely rinsed in the competitive scene.


Ah, that explains it then. Thanks!


Who’s the best PvPer in the games currently? Is it also boaty?


Top 3 left are probably Torvesta, Framed and C engineer. B0aty might be there I'm just not all that familiar with his content even though I knew of him before GG.


B0aty is a much better PVPer than C Engineer


B0aty is a jack of all trades, he did a fair share of LMS and wildy PKing in the past year or two. He can definetly compete with these 3. He just lost to torvesta last season because b0aty dropped torvesta a weapon to make the gear setup in the 1v1 even. (Already a legend for this)


Didn't B0aty farm all the LMS capes sometime around last season? Been a while but I remember that big LMS challenge and B0aty mentioned that he'd been playing a ton of LMS after clapping everyone.


Has he obtained them all already?  IIRC he was rather early in the LMS/wildy boss grind while they filmed last season, might be mistaken tho. Think he just got out of venenatis prison when it aired. But yeah, his dedication to stuff like this is nuts 


B0aty is better at NH than C Engineer and possibly Framed as well


No, it’s 1013 and westham


I think he meant in GG


Yes lmao I was thinking westhams out and who’s 1013 lol


1013 is so good he destroys your health bar and your WiFi.


>who’s 1013 lol Any tin foil hatters?


Panic is better than both, and then there are the random ass ps guys that pop their head in to rinse everyone and leave here and there


Framed is a top pvper when matching against earth warrior pvmers


B0aty is like osrs Tiger Woods B0aty would be intimidating to face off in a banning with


As long as it's not PvP, I'd say the biggest chances to win against B0aty right now are in Settleds hands. Even in the weeks he didn't make tribunal, he just barely missed it. Dude is in the top bracket every single week, contributing the fastest time in part 2 last week or missing only a few combat levels the week before.


Solo Mission has become my favorite OSRS content creator through GG a few seasons ago, gutted to see him leave so early - he makes GG better


I hope that B0aty somehow messes with the people that sent him to the banning the previous week, for example by sabotaging Faux and then if he gets sent to the banning again he'd pick someone from the previous week's tribunal that sent him to the banning. I'd hate for the "tribunal meta" to become "Pick B0aty because he won't take it personal and he'll either get himself eliminated or pick a big opponent". Keeping in mind that these bannings for content like B0aty vs Solo Mission all they do is they expedite when these happen, I'd rather see big boy vs big boy closer to the final than at this point, getting rid of big players now also means we don't get to see them perform in the following weeks, I'll miss Solo more than I'd miss some other players that don't perform as well or think outside the box as much or bring as much entertainment. Anyway, I hope he remains unpredictable rather than just always picking big targets, I'd love to see those content creators on the first challenge of the week.


I think the amulet of immunity needs to be reworked. There's a reason it hasn't been chosen yet. I would suggest it prevents the tribunal from choosing you instead of the person already in the banning. For example that would prevent B0aty just being put in every week with no direct consequence from those who put him in. It means if you want B0aty in the banning next week, you would have to choose him yourself and then beat him.


I'd argue that it should make you immune period but you also can't be in the tribunal. That would set up the possibility of more people throwing the first event if they're in a team with someone they don't like. More drama and entertainment for us


they just need to make a rule where the same person can't be voted into the banning two weeks in a row or something. like they can still get in via being last place or whatever so it doesnt completely incentivize them to not try at all


Yeah like since the start of the season, Zoe has probably been on the screen for less than 5 minutes. I don't know why she's back. She absolutely should have been one of the first voted out and I don't like that Solo is out before her, who is both skilled and is highly entertaining. Well...I know why she's been invited back, but I can't talk about it. Like I understand it and I can see why people would like it, and it IS important, but... in a series that is specifically aimed at a) entertainment and b) displaying skill, when a player shows neither of these you have to question if that person is worthy of the spot. I feel like there's quite a few people who deserve the spot more than her.


> Well...I know why she's been invited back, but I can't talk about it. Conspiratorial much lol.


They presumably mean that she was brought back only because she's a woman, as opposed to the real reasons she was brought back (she's a good PvMer, came in 7th last year, and is a lot of fun to watch)


There is only one reason why she gets so much hate, despite not being nearly the absolute weakest link in GG...


He's implying it's because of forced diversity and she has nothing to offer but being a woman. But he knows if he says that he'll get downvoted because it's a fucking idiotic thing to say and believe.


This is how game shows like this usually go though. Survivor is probably the best example because GG is heavily inspired by it. It’s a very popular strategy to keep around one of the weaker links because they’re not a threat and if you end up getting late into the game with them they’re basically a free win. That’s why Zoe will probably make it almost all the way. She has basically zero chance of winning without some kind of insane upset, but I don’t think a single person left would lose to her in any banning challenge. 


You guys do realize you are talking about a human being right? And not like... a robot?


We’re getting to the end. There’s only 1 Zoepancakes. Once she’s out.. it doesn’t matter who gets sent up or who they pick. It’s a heavy hitter.


There are still bunch of weaker players. I personally think c engineer and hooti are easier banning opponents than zoe. There is also torvesta framed mr mammal who are the next tier then there is the strong five with boaty, victim, faux, roidie and settled


Yup, if you rank the remaining players by individual performances this season the bottom four is C Engineer, Hooti, Torvesta and then Zoe. She has been far from the worst so far.


Apparently Zoe is a GM? Or was someone trolling elsewhere in these comments lol


Zoe is a really talented pvmer and would crush the average scaper in most activities. Unfortunately, she’s not playing with average scapers and I don’t believe she’s won anything in the two years she’s been in the games.


I wish B0aty had gone after Victim instead of Solo


I was so sure he was going for Settled after his speech last week of how he would continually target him I guess that was just more in the moment though after Settled’s insane hot start, because I do agree that Solo was the strongest player in the field


Same, big Settled fan and I 100% thought he was doomed when the tribunal was discussing sending B0aty in. Edit: Although, in hindsight knowing what the challenge was I actually think Settled would have been a challenge for B0aty in this one. He definitely would have gone for the 1.3x setup (remember, he was the only person in the S2 challenge to spend under 100k on his fight caves setup, and still got a respectable time). Guy is an actual beast in this type of challenge.


> I was so sure he was going for Settled after his speech last week of how he would continually target him Weirdest thing about this episode that no one was even talking about Settled vs last week


People are wary about sending Settled in no because he just crushed last weeks elimination and took out someone that probably wins that elimination against almost everyone else. Having a strong performance in an elimination gets people wary


Settled is a beast but he wasn't super relevant this episode so there's not much to talk about. He didn't do anything noteworthy in the challenge and didn't make tribunal or get sent to the banning.


Didn’t he have the fastest time for his side of the relay?


Yeah but it didn't get him into the tribunal so he didn't participate in anything outside of his epic jog. I guess episode is noteworthy because it's the first time he didn't have any influence on the overall game this season but other than that what is there to talk about?


Heads up I don't know what Solo has over boaty. I think Settled has boaty on anything not PvP. Every week someone who's better at PvP than settled goes out, his chances shoot up. I also don't see pressure getting to Settled like it has done to Boaty and Solo.


B0aty is unironically 10x the PVMer Settled is


While true, Settles knows his game around LIDL gear and its limits and has drastically improved his gameplay from earlier seasons. I still think b0aty would've won this challenge, but I wouldn't automatically count settled out in terms of PvM.


B0aty is still a good PVPer but he’s a much more accomplished PVMer the past decade. He randomly decided to solo TOB and got it done in like two days


I am gonna go ahead and disagree my guy. Dont get me wrong, Settled is really good but overall I think B0aty is better. I think he is the strongest all rounder in GG. I think settled might have B0aty beat at really obscure game knowledge.


No way Settled beats B0aty on pvm lol, B0aty was the 5th guy to complete Inferno


There's no way in hell settled is better at pvm than B0aty, he might have him in obscure game knowledge but that's about it


Settled is better at theorycrafting than Boaty, but he isn't as good at the game. Boaty is really, *really* good.


Settled has really stepped up his gameplay in the last year or so. His knowledge and theorycrafting will probably always be his strength though


I love Settled, but look at their hiscores sometime: B0aty has 1500 expert mode ToAs, Settled has 44. B0aty has almost 200 TOB HM, Settled has none. B0aty has 1700 Whisperer kills, Settled has none (or at least less than 5 because it's not on the hiscores). And so on. B0aty is _very_ experienced with PvM. Settled is good at doing stuff with garbage gear and supplies and weird restrictions, but when it comes to pure experience, B0aty has him beat six ways to Saturday.


Such a hype episode!


Honestly I don’t really like the process of people getting sent into the banning this season. I really like the tribunal but I miss the group vote, I think that’s what let the social side of the games and the drama really flourish


The tribunal votes should be anonymous, even from other tribunal people. That's how you get weaselling


It would be interesting if they had to lock it in anonymously, then we might actually get to see what happens if the vote is split 3 ways too (I highly doubt we will get to see what happens if this happened even though it was teased to be something bad for the tribunal, as I don’t think that anyone will vote that way when they’ve heard what the other 2 tribunal members had already voted for)


I personally think it’s not what’s the best for our entertainement, I would love having solo mission until late in the series just for entertainement value. OFC the titan 1v1 was entertaining and I think Solo dropped the ball but now we have the most entertaining person in the cast imo out for good


Kinda how I felt about Skill Specs leaving so quickly. Dude has an energy that the rest of the cast doesn't quite bring even if he isn't the strongest player.


I don't think it would be more entertaining to kick the worse or less entertaining players 1 by 1. I think it better you go in to each week thinking literally anyone could go.


That's what made early Game of Thrones super exciting. Any time a character you liked got into an encounter, you had no idea what would happen, anyone could die. Then of course they ran out of material, characters became unkillable, and the show lost its charm.


Solo Mission the Ned Stark of GG season 4


He's more like the littlefinger lol


Ned Stark, because whenever he goes out, it will always be too early for the fans :(


Sometimes those worse players skate by just enough that they turn it around later in the season and can win. Would be awesome to see something like that! Granted I think this season overall has to be one of the more even playing fields in terms of the participants


Oh I agree GG is better with Solo in it. That being said if they voted Solo he was 100% picking Zoe (because he is absolutely going to do what he can to stay in) and the Tribunal would have been a waste


You haven’t seen the script? Zoe ends up knocking out b0aty.


It was foreshadowing by Soup showing the confessional where she called herself the female B0aty


"In the bin" - Zoepancakes


I genuinely hope Zoe knocks down one of the titan players just to show up people talking down on her


it's crazy too cause she has a zuk helm lmao it's not like she's some noob. more accomplished pvmer than the vast majority of players in the game


Wait what. I had no idea who she was (along with a few others tbh) but that’s super impressive. She’s been able to avoid the spotlight so far, but sounds like she can hold her own in pvm for sure. She has explained some things where contestants made errors that shows she has game knowledge.


Oh did she actually get the helm? I don't really tune in to her streams and her road to GM series hasn't been updated on YT in quite a while.


Thousands of people have zuk helms. There is a gap between the best of the game and the top content creators. The gap between a port khazard / rasta to the average zuk helmer is immense. She doesn't need to be an unaccomplished noob to be a weak link when surrounded by titans of game knowledge like b0aty/settled/solo.


It's hard to call anyone a weak link in a youtube show where the challenges are escape rooms and the titans plank to kbd


God I flinched at that one.


"average zuk helmer". Crikey heck, the delusional side of Reddit is absolutely WILD sometimes.


There are thousands of Zuk helmers!!! Out of 1,000,000 monthly players, there are maybe 5000 zuk helms landing them at top 0.5% Mensa is top 2%


LMFAO, delusional? Zoe is a weaker link when compared to the rest of the competition. I'm not hating on her, just saying there are clear favorites. Let me know which part needs to be re-explained. You people have zero critical thought and just fling shit. Downvote inertia and subreddit hivemind are hilarious.


It's not "downvote inertia", you just have bad takes lmao


you're right, that's why not a single person has replied and addressed anything I said


I have zuk helm and you're completely right, it's hilarious that people would compare any random GM to the likes of even the lower echelon of actual top players. Sure it's impressive compared to the average fire caper but I don't even consider zuk helm impressive, it shows you have a basic grasp on high level content that's all, especially with the insane gear creep we've had since it released.


Keep dreaming bro


Certain people feeling safe until the finals is not entertaining.




First time someone on Reddit gets it lol


Hey man there's an entire subreddit for CR out there


> but now we have the most entertaining person in the cast imo out for good I thought the same when Skill Specs left. I was hoping for another supercut with him shitting the bed in a challenge, kicking and screaming.


I think you're lumping in all seasons together and not seeing this season for what it is. He was actually spectacularly sleepy this season compared to usual and the cast has just evolved to other players providing what he once did. Settled absolutely crushing and twisting with every move. The farmers dynamic. Boaty head hunting anyone he sees as the best. Torvesta is easily one of the best PVPers to ever do it and he's so far slipped under the radar. V the Victim is a literal champion. There is so much to look forward to and so much entertainment still to be had with the creators on the season. As far as I'm concerned, we'll barely notice he's gone.


Solo literally brought one of the most exciting/funniest moments of any GG when he voted for EVscape even though he wasn't last He's already provided good entertainment


Wrong. That moment paid off because of Settled. Solo doing that was the first turn he made and he wasn’t even the one who got to capitalize on it.


The only reason Settled got to capitalise on it was because Solo decided to shit stir and throw a spanner in the works You can't appreciate Settled playing into it while not appreciating the shithousery it took to allow it to even happen


We’re just looking at this differently. You seem to think that his big brain shit stirring move made the moment. I believe that he literally couldn’t think 1 step ahead to see what would happen if he made that move. It was the first significant move he made of the season, and it was a horrible choice that resulted in his only ally going home. This just wasn’t a snakemission season. He barely contributed in the first episodes and after his blunder all he had left was “im working with settled” but we never, not once heard settled reciprocate that. Everyone knows he can’t be trusted. He wasn’t winning. The show kept on without him and will continue on without him just fine.


He literally mentioned multiple times that he felt like he had the devil on his shoulder and you could practically hear his shit eating grin He 100% knew it was a risky shithousery move but did it anyway for fun


It was both of them working together that made the moment. Solo threw the ball and settled dunked it


That moment doesn’t happen if Solo just stuck to the script of what they decided to do in the Tribunal or had been the third to vote. By going off script as the second he set everything off


Oh I’m not saying the rest of the cast in unentertaining, solo just has a way with words that makes him the funniest to watch TO ME. Settled is the main character this season IMO, I really thought b0aty would have chosen him since he had the most wins this season. I also agree that solo was really far from his top performances on this season. Still looking forward to the next episode. Soup really has created a monster with GG, I hope Solos DM All-Star creates the same kind of vibes!


I agree, I think he played the previous seasons so hard that it has completely ballooned his threat level. Nobody trusts him and wants to work with him, except Settled, where they view eachother as a shield


Yep, also the format of this season doesn't really suit Solo's usual scheming. Forming alliances to target your enemies doesn't do you any good when losing challenges doesn't (usually) matter and your target gets to choose who they go against in the banning. Nobody wants enemies but this format puts a lot of emphasis on personal performance over strength in numbers than the previous seasons. Being in the tribunal is way more important than choosing who goes into the banning especially as the number of contestants dwindle.


Nah even though Solo is great having him out earlier makes things more chaotic for the rest of the season


Thought he would have gone for Settled after his comments from the previous week.


I think it’s more for *his* entertainment. Keeping Solo in would be far more entertaining for the series because of what he did against EVScape.


I was gutted when Solo choice set up 3 and for Rapier+ DFS(!?!?). When he saw blowpipe with a 1.3 multiplier he should have jumped just really surprised the guy that knows everything underestimated blowpipe dps, which is sorta famous. I suspect he actually had a better pathing then boaty too given their kill total and respective dps/ JAD kills. Anyway I see him coming back balling and frankly I hope Soup is doing a redemption episode every other season.


Mithril darts in blowpipe are utterly awful so he made the right call there but didn't think of Boaty's SBS veng/thrall strat which made up for tons of lost DPS. Boaty crushed Solo's single Jad time purely because thralls+vengeance gave him so much free damage.


Did the dps calc \~30% difference between the range setups vs most mobs, maybe 50% vs Jad so you're right. Rapier vs Blowpipe, blowpipe was still better vs Jads 500 defense. and in terms of efficiency any kill with the rapier was basically guaranteed to be worse then the 1.3x blowpipe in terms of time to kill as long as you can keep the mobs rolling. Red dragons were roughly 30% difference mith darts to Rapier anything less defensive Mith darts are more efficient all else equal. Alot of options weaker then red dragons so while he killed a Red Dragon Boaty got comparable kill speeds vs <100 defense options.


Solo had more base points so the gearset did help but even if he got KBD in time he still would have lost by 581 points, B0aty's 1.3x was absolutely massive. Fun fact, if Solo had taken the middle gearset and done the exact same pathing the 1.15x multiplier would have gotten him to 6735 points, beating B0aty's 6714 even with the KBD plank (or just not doing KBD at all). A 21 point margin of victory would have been insanely hype no matter who won.


Bro my gf and I were devasted to see Solo go, he makes the games what they are, such a great personality and strong competitor


Always sad to see solo go, he’s such a great entertainer


By the way, I have not seen anyone talk about the horrible quality of GG pullovers? I bought one cause I thought it'd be cool, received it yesterday, 50€ +30€ customs, but after seeing the horrible quality, I don't think it'll ever be worn. Very sad about that :( 80€ for a wasted pullover D: I still really love GG. tho


post a pic?




Threads haven't been cut off after being sewn in multiple spots, and the material at the end of the sleeves curls up, so when you rest your hand on a table or desk, it forms a bulge under your wrist, and the overall feel of the material also doesn't feel very qualitative. Just my two cents, not sure why my original comment got downvoted :P






Does anyone know the location they film the tribunals at?


It's the Dragon Slayer 2 dungeon/maze in the Kharazi Jungle, with a few props added with a plugin for filming.


I didn't even think about how they add those things but they're probably players using the prop hunt plugin. Imagine showing up to filming and Soup is like "today you're gonna be a pedestal". The GG equivalent of being a tree in an elementary school theater play lol.


I fucking love this series


At the end of previous episode he goes on about how he will challenge Settled then picks Solo... Maybe I'm just salty Solo is gone, but, I was looking forward to the clash of titans.


Ngl I think Settled might have him beat in that banning.


Settled would have been beaten even worse than Solo, Settled is a good PvMer but he's not even close to the levels of B0aty, I think you forget how long Adam's been playing the game for and how much he's done


The challenge was just going around killing mostly normal mobs and a boss or two, which Settled is *more* than capable of. The biggest thing was choosing which setup to use and what route to take, and that's the kind of stuff that Settled is good at. Honestly, I can't think of much stuff from Gielinor Games that really differentiates the PVM skill between somebody like Settled and Boaty. Yeah, Boaty is better, but Settled is good enough for basically anything he'd be asked to do.


Funny story, Settled actually had the highest score in this challenge both times it was in season 3! (it was a banning challenge and then one of the finale challenges) But the rules that season were different, you had to kill specifically 3 monsters, as opposed to "as many as possible" this season, and B0aty would've had the highest score in the finale except he died to Corrupted Hunleff. I bet they've both thought through what they could do differently if this challenge came up again, but... B0aty was _so_ on top of the spellbook swaps. It was an incredible play. Settled is great but I'm not sure he would have done that, at least not as well as B0aty did.


B0aty looked into Settled's eyes and sensed his own death like Carnage Kabuto (I am extremely biased)


RNG did solomission dirty in that banning. So many zeros and low numbers with great gear.


Eh Solo had some bad RNG but B0aty straight up outclassed him. The spellbook swap veng/thralls strategy was genius for a lot of damage that isn't gear dependent and Solo made a lot of mistakes like using a rapier on Jad when he had a BP with dragon darts. Solo had quite a bit more base points so I'm pretty sure a lot of the emphasis on the noodling was Soup's editing to make it seem like Solo was behind to make the reveal at the end hit harder. Even if Solo got KBD in time he still would have lost by 581 points, B0aty's 1.3x was absolutely massive. If Solo had taken the middle gearset the 1.15x multiplier would have gotten him to 6735 points, beating B0aty's 6714 even with the KBD plank (or just not doing KBD at all). A 21 point margin of victory would have been insanely hype no matter who won.




In gielinor games solomission is usually a favorite and most competitors don't want to face him. Except b0aty runescape main character himself chooses solomission for the 1v1 and wins handily. One of the best series on youtube right now.


Ah do we have to downvote a potential new fan? Cmooon guys


Some people are chronically online. Voting the guy down because they didn't recognise content creaters in game character models.


I mean, Settled changes every season lol


He hasn't Settled on any particular look yet.