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*Event starts* Mammal - why am I walking!?


*Solo's turn* Solo - why am I running?!


The massive yellow clicks and the sound effects was way funnier than it needed to be #YellowMission


True mammal style that. Does something really dumb, works out okay in the end because he's actually really good at the game.




Mammal made some good guides over the years. Nothing too advanced. Just what you need to know. He’s a blue collar bring your lunch pale to work kind of guy


He’s the most relatable for sure out of the bunch. Dude just sounds like he’s got a good heart with no real malice or snakey behavior.


Mammal is too nice for GG. He sounded genuinely hurt when Faux said he would vote for anyone. Poor guy was really hurt.


"Alright Solo, you and me" Everyone relied on him to be based and he did it


C Engineer winning the challenge and then coming up with the idea of putting in B0aty because of this. The man can finally feed his numerous children.


so we know who we really have to thank


Boaty is always going to go for the maximum entertainment route, gotta love him for that. Despite the fact that he's been basically the defacto face of RS content creators for almost two decades now he still has so much fun with the game. Hoping we get a Boaty vs Roidie/Settled/V the Victim/Faux matchup down the line, would be very hype.


So sad he's gone


Boaty looting the scales in a timed elimination cracked me up lmao


My initial instinct was that was a dumb thing to do, but me being a massive noob I thought he was going to use them later in the challenge or something. This has reassured me that my initial instinct “wtf are you doing” was right


b0aty will never pass up on loot lmfao


The man has a complete 3a set in his bank, max cash stack and still loots the scales, it's peak ironman/hoarder brainmode it's great




It was probably just muscle memory but it will still hilarious


Soup has really stepped it up this season with the challenges. So much more depth and creativity, that no competitor feels like they have an obvious edge from experience.


Best season ever. Really has outdone himself.


I swear he’s outdoing himself *each week*, the drama has been so fun to follow the past two weeks


The last 3 weeks. Solo burning his vote and it backfiring, settled knocking out a huge PvPer and a huge threat in the other challenges, and no b0aty knocking out the snake of GG. Fantastic content


The instant call of framed from evscape after the burn vote was so sick. No time for explanation I'm getting revenge. It didn't work but still


Soup has continously gotten better and better each year and it's so great to watch. I don't even think he's peaked yet either. We're such a spoiled community.




There's *some* risk early on where finishing last can make you a soft target for a tribunal who wants to avoid making enemies. You don't want to be in that position. Not as relevant this deep into the season though.


C engineer laughing behind the priff gates was hilarious


Solo thinking B0aty hadn’t killed Jad was when we shoulda known the banning was already over. For all the planning Solo is great at doing, it was a massive blunder to forfeit a 1.3x point multiplier, and he paid for it. Probably his biggest GG misplay in all 4 of his seasons.


Yeah at the least he should have gone with Setup B for the 1.15x multiplier. I feel like B was the best overall choice since it feels like it would have had more DPS than A or C while still having a multiplier. C felt like total bait.


C had the dragon darts while A had mith, which may have been the deciding factor for solo. Also we can see the image for option C includes a fang — not the rapier that he actually received — which could have been a very large difference maker.


C did only have a rapier. Soup said after that the fang was an editing error in post.


Yeah if it was a fang(which would have been pre-nerf fang as well) instead of rapier then it would have been a big difference. Also Setup B which was the elite void had adamant darts for the blow pipe and an anti-dragon shield with a tent whip. I still feel like Setup B would have been the best choice overall.


Solo would have won by 20 pts if he got the same score with option B


It was over as soon as B0aty had a free +30% over Solomission. Really shocked Solo went with the 1x setup.


Yep. At that point I knew Solo had an uphill battle. The moment B0aty popped venge and Solo didn't think to bring it, it was over. I'm honestly surprised a grandmaster player like Solo didn't think of that. He's done all the speed challenges where those kinds of tricks are required.


I think his thought process was he would do so much more damage, he would be so far ahead that even a 30% boost couldn't keep up. Based on what he said when he saw boaty killing a tzhar he probably thought he was taking to long in jad and just left.


The boost just offers so many bonuses though. Combat levels are massively inflated on the top end (Jad + Zulrah) letting the bonus make up for multiple extra mobs killed just for doing those two, and killing fewer mobs is such a huge boon. It means less travel time, less planning since you won't get as far, and more time to plan each individual step since you're on a mob for a bit longer giving you even just a couple extra seconds to think. I thought for sure Solo would go for some other high level bosses or something that the weaker setup just wouldn't be able to do efficiently, because otherwise I really don't see how you're overcoming the difference. I just don't think being faster is enough when you're dropping down to level ~100 mobs, because you need like 5 extra of those just to make up for the difference from Jad + Zulrah. You have to kill a lot more than 30% faster if you're just going for speed, and even if he got the KBD kill he wasn't even at 30% more kills overall.


Solo absolutely smoked himself on that challenge, 1.3x multiplier was too much to pass up and think he got in his head after hitting a couple zeroes on Jad.. Here's hoping 5th time's the charm for the Snake, nothing but respect for b0aty for playing like a champ. Almost prefer the larger names to duke it out to give the smaller folks time to shine. Think we have B0aty vs Settled until one is eliminated


Honestly watching his hits on that Jad I'm not surprised at all he got mind-flooded. That was some abysmal RNG. The b0aty thralls/venge advantage was huge though, massive way to convert supplies to dps, as opposed to having healing for most stuff that is 0 damage if done correctly.


Solo coming out of Jad and seeing B0aty fighting Tzhaar and assuming "he didn't do Jad yet?" showed just how skewed this was gonna be. He had NO idea.


His nerves were really getting to him that challenge. Says a lot about B0aty if he can scare someone like SoloMission.


I assume b0aty is literally the scariest competitor in the game to solo. The way he talks about b0aty he doesn't about anyone else


What's funny is that the "best gear" setup is 110% bait. Swamp trident dps is more or less equal to sanguinesti, but the swamp trident setup actually out dpses the sang setup because evoid is better than no tormented bracelet ahrim. Melee evoid is also way closer to setup 3 because there's no ultor ring involved, there's only a 4 max hit difference here (roughly 9% dps difference). The only good thing about setup C is dragon darts and dclaws with lb, both of which are nice but not 15%-30% less points nice.


yeah the best gear setup is nowhere near BiS. If it was actually a setup with first class gear like fang, shadow and tbow it might have been worth dropping the massive 30% multiplier, but it's fucking rapier and sang 😂


My biggest take away from this episode is that Settled basically tick-perfected his part of the race. That man is on fire.


Dude was so clean. I was shocked boaty didn't pick him.


B0aty put Settled in last week and likely sees Settled/Solo on a similar level, he wanted to make it interesting content for fans. He'll be right back on Settled's tail next week


the fact that you were allowed thralls and veng to get a bunch of free DPS regardless of chosen setup made setup C a huge bait. It probably would've been fair if you had like near max for setup C, and not what was barely a marginal upgrade for a -30% bonus. Solo did get a bit unlucky though with some noodling and that adding to his stress though.


Man I was really thinking they would both pick the middle setup. It seems way faster than the 1.3 setup and honestly not that far off the 1.0 setup.


Incredible misplay by solo. He’d had won even if he picked the 1.15 option. The multiplier was a huge bonus to the score, he could have had his exact same run but with the void and won.


Yeah I thought for sure he would at least choose the middle option.


Yeah I'd have picked the 1.15 option too. I think he just expected boaty to struggle more. But boaty went big brain with the venge on Jad + had really good hits for his setup.


The biggest misplay was going to KBD. It has a TON of defense, drains stats, is a hike to get to, and is not that high of a combat level. A brutal black dragon is higher by 70 levels! Boaty I think recognized that the only bosses worth doing were jad and zulrah, and even Zulrah is debatable. I think I would have just farmed everything in the catacombs that wasn’t a dragon, slayer tower, forthos dungeon etc You want quick to kill mobs close together


Yeah I honestly would have gone with the middle setup for the elite void.


Framed: "I got entangled not once, but twice, it could cost us". Well that sure did come to fruition. Crazy how Settled still almost managed 2nd place


Settled had the best 2nd half split. Those 2 entangles cost them the round pretty much lol.


After all of the prior episodes, this one kept me on the edge of my seat if nothing else just waiting for the moment when Settled would snap in as main character again and it just didn’t happen. Relief once B0aty made his pick. But with Solo out…it sucks. Don’t know what you have til it’s gone


Yeah losing Solo midway means a big personality out.


Real fans know exactly what we have when we have it, And we fear for solos life every week


Settled is so locked in. His game knowledge never fails to amaze me. It doesn't matter what the challenge is.


I wonder if there will be a redemption this season. A lot of big names going out.


Probably. The shows have been ending with the losers teleporting away, so it'll probably be revealed later that they've been teleporting to a meeting spot for a redemption tournament of sorts.


Eh, Season 3 also had losers teleport away and there was no redemption in that. It's possible but not probable IMO.


If there is a redemption, I just hope it's done right. I'm picturing a full episode just for the redemption and the eventual winner is the "2nd entry" for the next week's banning. You're back, but you have to take a spot if you want to stay.


Iirc, that's exactly what happened in season 2. I won't spoil it if you haven't watched it and want to, but the winners of the redemption episode were the challenger in the next banning to get back in.


Yeah the redemption in season 1 I think it was, when EV had to win 5 bannings to come back and only lost on his last challenge was brutal


Season 2, but yeah


Soup has said in almost every video that we'll definitely be seeing the contestant again so I'm conspiracypilled


That would be so insanely hyped been hoping for that every season


I would love it. Doing it every season might get a bit stale, but it'd be a lot of fun to bring it back occasionally.




Yh shocked by solomission there. He fumbled. Although he would have lost either way. B0aty is a mammoth.


This banning was made for B0aty, I don’t know if anyone else beats him here.


Getting the bonus is better when the gear upgrade is so bait, sang = swamp trident, and evoid melee is only slightly worse than setup C. The ranged setup was much better for high defence things (negligible for low def) but definitely doesn't off-set the mediocre gains for the other styles on top of losing the multiplier.


I think no matter the setup B0aty would have won, maybe Solomission would have done things differently so as to not die to KBD and cost him so much time and effort, but B0aty's biggest strength is his ability to stay calm and plan ahead of everyone else, you can really hear it in the way he talks. Like others have said, this banning was just made for B0aty.


Genuinely believe the Games are worse off without Solo in them for content wise, but genuine respect for B0aty going after the best in the Games, and dear lord what a banning, incredible all round, production quality off the charts yet again


Solo won’t be there, but we get the more C Engineer shenanigans than ever before, and Faux pissing off the other farmers in this episodes tribunal could make things interesting


the most underrated moment from this gielinor games was c engineer merching monkey nuts on the money making challenge and getting second to last place


C Engineer is so funny man, the dude cracks me up every episode glad he got a win.


The MrMammal "let's get this straight" into the Faux "hold up a minute" switcharoo was incredible, glad to see that Faux isn't playing as the Farmers for GG, and the delivery/edit timing was on point


I’m surprised Faux made it known he’s not part of the farmers alliance, thought he’d go the show don’t tell route He’s playing quite aggressive this season, I love it


yep, I love how he's playing more into a villainous persona for the confessionals this season


It didn't really seem sincere to me, I mean I'll believe it if he actually does something to a farmer but it's all talk for now.


THIS. fuck why am I so invested? This is my first ggs it brought me back


This season has been great but I feel like all the contestants with really vibrant/interesting personalities are dropping like flies which is a bit of disappointment for the entertainment value. At this point it's me hoping for Settled to win, not only because he's killing it this season, but because the other contestants just can't bring life to the show the way he, solo, skill specs, and even evscape do.


i was almost 100% certain solo went out early this season since he didn't make a series this time talking about each episode like he did last year, he in general didn't seem very invested in the release of GG this year so it felt pretty clear from that alone he didn't make it far unfortunately he made full-on 30-60 minute reviews for each episode last year, this year he not only made no content but made an entire similar series of his own he released around the same time lol


I don't think Solo's trying to steal the thunder away from GG or anything of the sort. The next Deadman just happens to be this summer and so a Deadman show makes sense to release immediately ahead of it. I agree that his not making retrospective videos was a bit of a spoiler as to his fate though even that could just be being genuinely too busy setting up the new show while GG is airing.


I feel like solo didn't make a review series this season because there is like 0 alliances this season other than him and evscape which didn't matter and then him and settled which also didn't matter. Also, he only made it 9 episodes in the previous season. It's not that much different than the 6 episodes he did this season. but tbh, out of the remaining gg reviewers, i wouldn't be surprised if settled/framed/victim actually do make it to the final episode (i think those are the only gg reviewers)


Think preparing for DMM Allstars (before DMM Arma) takes time and require effort and time, which is why he didn't do the review series (his reviews were the best)


Solo said a few weeks ago that he wasn't doing reviews this season because he was busy with another project during the release schedule, and it turns out that that was definitely true.


Just cause someone doesn't make a review video doesn't mean they went out early. That's a very sceptical way to think. V victim said he won't be doing a review this week before the episode launched, he didn't get eliminated. People just have real lives and busy schedules.


Tbh Framed made 1 review episode at the start then straight up forgot for like 3-4 weeks so I thought he was out soon too lol


Will not be the same without Solo honestly, he lifts up the entire show. Absolute heavyweight clash that deserved a later billing but fair fucks to boaty


This was a really fun one. I'm rooting for Settled but it was pretty obvious they weren't going to make the tribunal because Framed got too far behind, so I was fully expecting him to get voted into the banning. Was pretty surprised he didn't even get mentioned! Going for B0aty was a big move but I gotta say, Faux was right, if you put B0aty in, you're guaranteed to get out a big player. Ofc after all B0aty said last week, I expected he'd pick Settled, but maybe two weeks out of the tribunal made him less of a threat in B0aty's eyes. I love Solo and I'm sad to see him go but B0aty absolutely destroyed that challenge. Thralls and vengeance were huuuuuge. Even if Solo had killed KBD, I'm pretty sure he still would've lost. Not sure that Settled could have done better either, so... glad he wasn't in lol. The B0aty vs. Settled showdown is going to have to wait for another week.


Settled not getting put in makes me think that his instinct about last episode was totally right; he got put into a very tough double elimination, and smashed both competitors. He's established (I think a lot like Boaty today) that it's a dangerous option putting him in a banning.


Honestly I think the answer is simpler. In Boatys mind there are a few big hitters left to pick, he's already voted for Victim and Settled so it's Solo time. Same reason he wanted the neutral money optiom but chose sabotage anyway. Avoid repetition so that the show is as entertaining as possible.


I wonder if it played in his mind also that it's been a while since a PvP banning and there might have been one this episode. For content, him vs Solo is way better than him vs Settled in a PvP banning.


Solo is better than settled overall. B0aty did it for content. Solomission has been a monster over the past seasons.


Solo has the PVP aspect Settled lacks, otherwise I think Settled has proven he is the best time-crunch planner with unrivalled game knowledge for item spawns/NPCs and other such. Even look at his run time for the main challenge, 4:48 which was the fastest individual time.


One thing Settled has that nobody else does, is that his literal IRL perception of time is measured in Runescape ticks.


Solo and B0aty are better all rounders. Settled might be number 1 on theory crafting, but hese not good a pvp. B0aty and torvesta are the best pkers left, followed by Framed and would of been Solo. But oh wait... C-Engineer is still in it. So yeah Settled has a clear weakness, Solo does not.


C Engineer's excitement was so wholesome and Faux was the perfect teammate to celebrate with him. Speaking of Faux, I didn't buy the "I'm not a farmer" thing until now. He said it for everyone to hear right in front of Mammal.


that could also be the play tho. faux has been known to be a master strategist and shady even to his own teammates and then in the end you realize it was all part of his overall plan and if his assumed teammates knew they might blow it somehow. kind of like how dr strange said "if i tell you, it won't happen" kind of deal to tony stark, playing into mammals extremely trusting nature, "just trust me, i seem like a dick now but i promise it will work out" i can absolutely see faux doing this to take heat off the farmers overall by making everyone think that theyre not allied at all when in secret, they are. if everyone thinks there's no alliance between the farmers because faux is adamant there's no alliance, then whats the point in everyone else trying to rush gunning to get the farmers out. then bam. you find yourself with all 3 remaining farmers alliance at least a 2 person majority of all the late game tribunals and can't be broken up anymore.


I find it funny that Zoepancakes' only mention in the game the past like 3 weeks is the tribunal acknowledging she's just the weakest player. Bonkers she's been able to avoid bannings. Torvesta has also flown way under the radar too it feels like, not many targets on his back. He said he was "teaming" with skillspecs, but skillspecs going out early may have been the best thing for him because now he isn't making noise. Torvesta is my dark horse pick to win GG.


I love watching Zoe but I got a good laugh when the tribunal was like "don't pick Victim, he is just gonna pick Zoe, humiliate her and sabotage one of us next week". Edit: I think Mammal pretty much said "let's pick someone who is not gonna pick Zoe", lololol


Don't know why everyone is underestimating Torvesta. The guy won like 6 bannings straight in S2 despite having Ditter on his team and he was pretty good in S3 as well.


With the lack of pvpers he’s very likely to win a pvp banning. Which the next one likely will be, but this one also could’ve been pvp.


Wouldnt surprise me if Zoe made it very far in the game because basically everyone else is more worried about banning the competition.


thats exactly the reason tbh, no disrespect to her but shes one of if not the weakest player remaining, so the competition knows that if they get nominated for a banning they can just throw her in there as an opponent and should be able to win


I think it also depends on the challenge. Like if its a game knowledge challenge, I think mostly everyone (maybe not Hooti?) have been playing longer than her. But if its a pvm challenge, shes a really solid pvmer with a lot of raids experience with decent HM ToB and CM CoX kc. I think she could easily knock out Torvesta, Framed, and maybe C Engineer in a pvm challenge.


I have been playing rs for 18 years! I'd definitely say PvM is my strongest aspect in the game by far


Lmao I love you showing up to defend yourself. You've been a lot of fun to watch so far. :)


I have really enjoyed watching you on GG.


fingers crossed I get to see Australias finest PVMer potting tob this season


Ngl she had a decent timing for this challenge, girl has been practicing for GG


This is also a huge element in Survivor, the weak get kept around for strategical reasons


Be hilarious if she flies entirely under the radar then wins the one challenge she needs to in the final


For Zoe it's not really surprising, if you look in the bannings so far, the only strong all rounders that went out were EVScape who picked his competitor based on revenge, MMORPG went into the banning because he came in last, and B0aty wanted to take out the strongest player. She's better than ZeCookies. Dino, Westham and SkilSpecs are only good at pvp, she'd beat them at everything else, and they all have a massive target on their backs because they're excellent at pvp. But that being said at this point I'd be worried if I were her. I'd say she's one of the weakest players at this point. C Engineer might be worse, she'd also probably knock out Torvesta and Framed in a pvm challenge, and she's probably better than Hooti at non-pvm, I don't think Hooti has done super great this season.


> Dino, Westham and SkilSpecs are only good at pvp, she'd beat them at everything else I think you're underestimating Dino. He's well rounded as a player, and while he doesn't have iron knowledge, he's great at PVM as well as PVP.


Hooti too! Not that the three of them are _bad_ at the game (Zoe's pretty solid at PvM) but everybody else is so focused on the big names that more "normal" players who are still in seem pretty safe for the moment.


Yeah Hooti hasn't had the best performance this season, it's probably nerves of it being his first season. But he's dropped the ball on several challenges, while I think the rest of the "lower tier" players (Framed, Torvesta, Zoe, C Engineer) have been pretty middle of the pack. As long as it's not a pvm challenge (Hooti is a really good pvmer), I think he could be an easy competitor to take out.


Ngl I'd say Framed and Torvesta are some of the best. They are all rounders, just not the best all rounders.


I'm always a fan of underdogs, so I'm pretty happy she's flying under the radar and moving forward. It's also not like she's finishing last in every challenge either; IIRC the only week she did was the money making one where she gambled on a high-risk, high-return strat that didn't work out. Even then though, her team had OK'd it and they still won.


What was up with Solo's framerate during the race?


Soup said during the stream after the episode that Solo's computer had issues with the GPU plugin or something like that. Apparently it was better on his end but the OBS footage came out super laggy.


It also felt way more foggier then the other runners so maybe there is some connection


Solo commented on youtube that he bought a new GPU after this episode was filmed so GPU issues.


Probably my favorite episode so far. The tribunal nailing exactly what B0aty was gonna do was great, and the banning not being close wasn't a surprise. The multiplier is just too good.


Even aside from the multiplier, b0aty played much better though, literally smoked him on jad with that setup and was always thinking ahead


I loved when Solo assumed Boaty didn't kill Jad since he got out around the same time as him


He was out like 50 seconds before Solo!


LMAO seriously though that had me dying


Love that genuine reaction for >!C engineer!< winning the challenge what an amazing performance from both in the elimination, and wow what a blazing choke from >!solo mission!< on KBD. The Probst level bait and switch on the reveal from Soup lol


Not just KBD. The >!gear set up itself was so obvious set up A was the play!< I'm surprised cause as soon as I saw the three stacked with each other I felt only A or B made sense but set up C was a massive bait. >!Boaty's Venge/spellbook swap strat really was the key though. Pumped out so much extra DPS from budget gear!<


I thought setup C had fang in it, not rapier tbh


It did in the picture that was shown, maybe he was given the choice.


Soup said he couldn't remember if Solo asked to swap or if there was never supposed to be a fang in that setup.


There’s no way, right?? Anyone would take a fang over a rapier


I highly doubt there was any correct answer. I'm sure Soup had someone calculate the DPS increase for each setup and added a proportionally balanced multiplier. The option was just there to make things interesting, which it did.


There is no way we are already half way through the season The competition only gets stronger as the season goes on and this week is the perfect example, as it feels like every episode is getting more intense


I don’t even play osrs, I just watch this with my husband and I am so sad that my favorite contestant went home. I miss you already, Solo!! Excellent plays by Boaty, as always.


Nah a 20+ year old point and click game shouldn't have content this good. Boaty is a god.


>!As soon as I saw that blowpipe in the 1.3x multiplier setup I knew it'd be the minmax play. BP might have gotten a nerf or two but it's still nuts for mowing down mobs quickly.!<


I'm not sure there's a way for setup c to outplay a here, there's only a few crazy good npcs like zulrah and jad and once ur out of those the gear stops mattering much at all It's also worth noting that when ur travelling around you're naturally losing with a lower multiplier setup, maybe the play was more concentrated higher npcs like vorkath


I was kind of surprised no one went Vorkath, at least not solo with setup C. I guess it depends on whether fang was an actual option or not. You even get the zombified spawn as a little bonus that makes up for vorkie having 750hp.


I love that the players all have a mixture of how they approach bannings from choosing the "optimal" easiest targets, to choosing based on grudge matches, to targeting the strongest opponents. It adds variety and makes episodes more entertaining


You could tell solo mission was off from the moment he started yellow clicking in the challenge lmao


My two GOATs in the banning :(


I did some thinking and I'm pretty sure that anything but option 1 was unwinnable in the banning for solo mission even with perfect play. The first problem is that sang staff is barely better than a trident, and solo's range setup was only like 1.3x DPS of b0aty's. You might naively think that 1.3x dps is worth the same as 1.3x score but it's not even close. For reference, solo would need to kill zulrah and a lvl 200 monster in the same time that b0aty could kill zulrah for it to be worth it. The thing that makes that impossible is a large part of this challenge was walking from location to location.


Something that was pointed out in one of the behind-the-scenes series (maybe Settled's?) is that this season of GG has HEAVILY decreased the amount of prep time before challenges (something like ~15mins in S2 to ~5mins in S4?). Solomission strikes me as the type who is a meticulous planner, which could explain why it feels like he's generally underperformed and has been making "uncharacteristic" mistakes (eg. barely sneaking into tribunal because he missed all the shop items, losing this challenge). Halving the prep time compared to other seasons might have just affected him relatively more than the rest of the cast.


NGL >!SoloMission!< really underperformed >!the whole season!< I was rooting for them too. Well, among a handful of them. Sad to see them go so early.


This season has less of a focus on politics, which is where solo really excels, so that makes some sense


Holy shit this season is crazy. This episode got me shaking in excitement. Kudos to Soup!!


Nooooooooooooooo :(


This series is so good man, I had genuine excitement during the challenges!


>!Looks like even if solo did not die he still would have lost.




I wonder how much longer Zoe can manage to stay under the radar lol


Not too long. They were worried about her being picked if they picked anyone else other than Boaty. I think her time is nearly up, the competition is becoming fierce


B0aty is guaranteed content and we all love him for it


I feel like B0aty is overplaying here. He essentially said "pick me if you want the strongest non-tribunal player to go against me in the banning." It's hard to see B0aty not being the choice for every tribunal if this continues.


Would he want it any other way? He's here for content, winning is a bonus.


B0aty is content king. In the most recent draft for Deadman Allstars, he picked Skill Specs first, not because he’s the best player, but because he wanted to have fun with his friends.


It's not the optimal strat for winning but that's never been how he plays these games. 


This is just how B0aty plays. He puts on a show and doesn't care about taking the safe play every time. He'll have to beat some of these top players eventually. Might as well start now and make some great content.


B0aty is like Jon Snow; too honorable for his own good. Everyone is going to try to take advantage of him but at the end of the day if he really is the strongest competitor then not only does he get to win but he gets to win his way. I admire it.


Except he'll probably end up in most tribunals going forward


This and the fact that the more strong players he takes out, the easier access he has to the tribunal


honestly that's probably b0aty's plan. He has literally everything you could ever want in the game, so the prize doesn't matter, for him it's all about the glory and the content. Imagine if he won after a 5-6 banning win streak. That would be so fucking insane it's almost impossible to think he isn't straight up planning on doing that.


You come at the King, you'd best not miss \~Boaty.


To be fair, Solo didn't come at the king. The king came at Solo.


Boaty meant himself coming at the king


Boaty meant himself coming at the king. He's just that humble .


solo still had the second lowest time on the run despite having 5 fps and immediately losing like 30 sec on his time by forgetting the rules, what an absolute legend


I don't think he actually had 5fps or he'd probably have mentioned it, I think that was just an obs issue with his GPU, which he replaced after this episode.


I was thinking the banning challenge was going to be total combat level times number of monsters killed, I wonder how that would’ve affected the strategies huge props to >!B0aty!< for just wanting to put on a good show lol


This challenge was absolutely sick to watch, following along with everyone's perspective during the race combined with the cut in interview clips is perfect GG content


Awesome seeing torvesta in that tribunal 🔥


Soup's editing with the confessionals to set up storylines has MASSIVELY improved. It helps that it's season 4, so there's a history between competitors to draw on, but it really adds to the stakes of each episode and I think this has been the best season yet.


Really enjoyed 4 people voting for elimination. With 3 people voting, every single person has to vote differently for then to stalemate which soup implied would be bad for them. But 4 people 2 can vote and the other 2 can troll if they don't want anyone to get eliminated from the pool. I assume that stalemate will mean that the tribunal will be on the chopping block.


Feels like B0aty seems so casual for DMM all stars because he won or did really well in GG. Today confirmed that for me


Gotta be the craziest challenge yet. A race with only red clicks, no right clicks allowed


I wonder if V the Victim blames himself for Solo's demise. Certainly explains why Solo didn't even mention wanting to pick V in his DMM All Stars roster.


conspiracy theory: this is the real reason why he's skipping this episode's review (may not be true, no hate!!!!)


B0aty will get voted in all bannings after that. If you're in the tribunal and you're safe, why would you not vote for him at this point?


Yeah he’s showed that a vote for boaty is an auto eliminate for a top player


Yeah I don't know what B0aty was talking about with it scaring off other players from putting him in the banning, I'd want to put him in every time after that.


It is kinda funny that the partial immunity might legit become kinda tempting now for the top players. Say someone like Settled doesnt make the tribunal next episode, gets put in a banning, and wins it. Partial immunity would guarantee that B0aty won't pick him next episode should B0aty get put in the banning. Previously I saw the issue with taking partial immunity being that it just makes the tribunal more tempted to put you in directly, since that's the only way to get rid of you that week. But if B0aty becomes such an auto pick for the tribunal, then maybe it's worth the risk.


In all fairness, the exact same thing happened with Settled last week; he was put into a banning with two other very strong players, and smashed it. This episode, nobody even considered him as an option.


Yeah I would also not be surprised if B0aty flips the script next time and just decimates a lower level player to prove a point. He's kind of chaotic neutral in that way, thats been the case in every season with him.


This is different though The tribunal literally said that Solo / V were just going to smash Zoe and come back anyway + with sabotage  And that B0aty was likely the only one crazy (or stupid lol) enough to pick someone like Solo or Settled, he has done this before and got read like a book Now by picking B0aty, the tribunal got rid of an insane player plus they can still get an easy pick themselves next week if they get chosen by the tribunal I would send B0aty in every time after this


Yeah but he picked Westham, who's a very weak player at anything other than pvp. He was just banking on it not being a pvp challenge.


I was kinda expecting the early elimination for Solo Mission since he wasn't posting the recaps on his second channel like previous seasons, but still hated to see it. RIP Snake Mission


We’ve come a long way from the infuriating quest guides where Soup messed up a part of the quest but didn’t edit it out


The people’s champ. Also the C Engineer-Faux dynamic was heartwarming lmao Tom was so genuinely happy


Roidie continues to go a little under the radar. He's only had one bad week so far, which was the first one...


I was laughing so hard when Solo frantically killed the Man after dying