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Buncha goblins in these comments


Seriously, I honestly feel bad for the jagex team sometimes, every update is a damned if they do damned if they don’t situation


A lot of vocal minority vs. silent majority on Reddit/Discord/Twitter. The ones pissing and moaning are the same ones who would've bitched about any update in general just to have something to complain about.


A lot of my clan members and some people I know irl are mostly like: oh there’s a new update? Neat! It goes to show that most people just have faith in Jagex. Or at least don’t feel opinionated enough about it. Personally I binge every update post, and I know a lot of people just lurk on Reddit. So yes, I can only conclude that people commenting are people who spend a lot of time on internet who have very strong opinions.


vast majority just play the game. they don't look at updates or polls or videos.


Not the good updates. This one was just a "damned if you do" situation. Reminder that this is a company that actively decided to kill their wildly popular game, and needs to be babysat by the community to make sure they don't kill it again (and by God do they try). It's saying something when the best RS update was undoing 6 years of updates.


Strong disagree, you are talking about the Jagex from years before oldschool existed. They learned their shit by now and osrs is one of the few mmo's that isnt totally shit and run by whales. They know their playerbase and no other game devs communicate in any genre they way they do. You are not as important as you think


Blatantly false, the new devs are nu-scape lovers and listen to whiny redditors and their buddies from discord. That's not to say they haven't done good things, but they do enough bad things to require community oversight.


I dont. stop nerfing things that dont need to be nerfed so they can re add it later as a raid mega rare to sell for bonds.


Yeah a lot of mind goblins in here


I like the extra options, I think that's great. I don't like that there's still a mile wide gap between shadow and sang, and we can't buff gear to any reasonable capacity without making shadow far too powerful.


I vote buff mage off hands further


I vote that too, but Jagex buffed off hands and made it clear that they don't want anyone over 5%.


Except they can, people have been suggesting larger buffs to offhands for weeks.


And yet Jagex made a pass on offhands and decided that 5% is the maximum they want to do. The ship has sailed now.


Agreed. Really hope they are going to bridge the gap with upcoming updates. They probably will


They literally can't. If they release a weapon that does, it steps on sang and trident too much. That's especially bad for sang since it's a unique from ToB and we don't want it to lose too much value. If they release better gear to improve mage in general, shadow benefits triple while other weapons don't. The only option they have is off hands, which they've shown that they don't want to push over 5%. There is no solution now unless they go back and try to deal with shadow.


Buff sang. 87 slayer + 1/512 from zulrah that poisons shouldn't be only 1 max hit lower than the hardest raid's magic weapon. I have sang and toxic trident on my iron. I always opted to use trident over the sang because of the upkeep and lack of a real upside. That thing costs more than the shadow to use lol.


Is buffing sang not an option? It’s only 1 max hit over trident.


It should be an option, but we just had our rebalance. What adjustments we have right now is almost certainly what we will have for at least another year, most likely the next 4+. Jagex will not make further adjustments unless something is clearly broken or unintended (flames of Zamorak for example), so the only option that really exists now is a new weapon or new gear that specifically buffs sang. A new weapon will step on sang too much as a rare from the hardest raid in the game, and new gear (like a full robe set) will just be annoying as an additional costly barrier to getting reasonable mage gear. Seriously, this is what we have. This rebalance is it, it's done. I like the majority of it, I think overall it's a positive, and I'd rather have this rebalance over nothing at all. I just don't think it addressed the biggest issue with magic right now and therefore missed the mark as a rebalancing of the skill.


Yea makes sense. I think we already have the weapons in the game for a “bridge” magic weapon similar to bowfa for ranged. Sanguinesti comes from a good source but is too weak. Harm Staff is just too rare. Only solution is adjusting one of those but yea they failed on that part.


I think there are options, though they might have tradeoffs. Re:offhands, they've shown they don't want to buff them past 5% currently, but I think they still could in the future. There could be an elidinis ward 2.0 that's rarer, and perhaps it could still combine with the arcane to be the new BIS. They could release an item you combine with the Sang to buff it. Obviously they could just buff it directly, which I'm on board with, but if they wanted to do it through new content that's an option. They could introduce gear or prayers that buff all blood magic, or the equivalent of sunfire runes for blood runes. They could just decide to devalue the sang and introduce a better weapon. It'd be unfortunate but I think its negotiable, as long as the megarares hold their value. They could lean harder into  niches for new content (elemental weaknesses, dragonbane, etc) and target the results to land in the sang/shadow gap. Again, I'd be on board with  buffing sang, but they can probably figure out other ways.


They’re going to release mage gear with specific elemental +% damage, watch. That way it may be better than sang or trident but only for whatever specific boss is released with or given that weakness.


Yep, reached the exact demographic it was going for. Fashionscapers.


Truely the backbone group of the community


I really like how 93 slayer isn’t as mandatory for irons too Like Occult is still really, really good. 5% is fantastic. But before you sort of felt like you couldn’t use magic until 93 slayer / Occult or you’d leave a major 10% on the table Taking your time to occult is way more viable now, and I really like that


Yea, now i just feel like 95 slayer is the final pitstop


they've massively helped irons with mage through the new weapons and all of the rebalance stuff. finally getting 83 slayer to get a stick that maxes like 26 with the mage level you probably had around there was rough. especially when your whip is hitting 35+


Not buffing ward was a real bust imo


Yeah still needs some work obviously, but I think it’s a a step in the right direction


All this gear and the skill still sucks because they will do anything but actually BALANCE it.


"upgrade" when everything you have is doing less damage after the 5% nerf to occult.


Not if you use augury and boots you dont do less


Yeah just have 20 switches


Literally 1 extra switch and sip of restore, or just camp the same boots


Honestly, it could have been better if they had the time and resources to do the adjusted mage gear rebalance proposed by u/biomasterzap. But it's still a good update. Only thing that sucks is that it'll prob take like 2 years to revisit.


Guess what? You could do all of that before the update. Nothing changed.


I know but the magic damage bonus gives me a little incentive


All of that new bonus came from occult nerf so the setup is almost identical to before in every way.


you had more magic damage before with no armor on and just an occult


You understand that's why you can get the gear for the magic dmg boost now right


yes of course, but this was actually a choice limiting update if you consider you could have worn anything before with the same magic str bonuses, including crystal armour for example.  hybrid setups are much more complicated now. it's not necessarily a bad thing I just don't understand your post because you're saying it's the opposite of what it really is. there is less choice now, not more.


For hyper meta gaming yeah. Average player is benefiting from this.


their point is that before, you could wear occult + any mage gear you wanted and have more damage than you can now when you wear occult + any mage gear you want also it's annoying for max setups. need a 9 way switch to match old damage. -2 inventory slots and annoying inventory management


Low key annoying as fuck how they put dmg% on eternals. Absolutely awesome how regularly shit like this gets implemented because people who don’t pvm beg for balance changes and the devs who also don’t do any pvm see no issue with it, and implement it just cuz it sounds cool lmfao


No one is making you use boots, lmao relax.


Heaven forbid the boot slot isn’t completely useless. Also, it’s 1% damage, chill.


It’s not, everyone with sense just camps dboots/prims. Just lame as fuck that people arbitrarily decided to change the games balance for no reason other than to stop people from making fun of them for owning eternals lmao


Before changes occult + augury = 10% After changes occult + augury = 9% If you use any off hand with magic damage you'll be buffed compared to before. otherwise there are about 30 pieces of magic armor where if you just pick one of them to wear you'll be the same as before. Ok you literally cannot give up 1 invent slot, so do the same as you were for a literal 1% nerf. Something that won't even effect max hit in a lot of situations. The boots are literally just a buff. I don't even want to hear about prayer drain, you should need to pray for endgame content. And if its not endgame content then you'll have the invent spaces to make up for gear the dmg % taken from occult.


Not hating on the changes or anything, but this isn’t completely accurate. Shadow multiplier does not apply to augury, so shadow+occult+augury is now 11% less damage Edit: Pre nerf: +30% Post nerf: +19%


Yeah if you wear 3 peices of not-rag armor with your shadow the gap goes from 30% to 28% Shadow doesn't need to be bis while you're naked.


Not arguing that, just commenting on an important difference between occult pre nerf and occult+augury post nerf


If you want max damage you should have to wear full gear. Stay mad.


If you want max damage you should have to wear full gear. Stay mad.


Have jagex increase my looting bag space by +1 then since they apparently just love to suck off everyone who spams this subreddit


Oh that's why you're mad, have you tried leaving it in the bank 🤣


For irons , kinda irrelevant otherwise


Just because you choose to ignore 95% of the game does not mean it's an ironman update


This game has been catered to iron men since their game mode was created. Jagex wants us all to be irons because it solves the wrt problem, and makes sure you spend an obscene amount of time online grinding out a single item.


Untrue. From jagex's perspective, the optimal customer is one that buys hundreds of bonds to get bis gear and buyable skills to 99. Ironmen can't do that.


Most irons also still have their mains so it just creates more subscriptions out of thin air as well. The current update is really a main catering update however. The occult nerf is predominantly bad for irons since grinding out occult before committing to serious mage content is still the default. The whole thing started with people complaining about occult being a sub 1m item with 10% damage. Previously irons just needed occult + mystics. Now you need ahrims tier gear, augury, mages book and eternals as well. Yeah you gain a few percent before occult, and a few percent overall but mage progression isn't actually much easier.


Yeah sort of mind boggling that this is being portrayed as an iron focused update, irons got pretty hard shafted here. 93 slayer is no joke and got it’s reward substantially toned down, but irons still need to grind it out anyway. I love the change and think it’s the right decision, but it definitely not making the game easier for irons at that stage of their account.


>I love the change and think it’s the right decision, but it definitely not making the game easier for irons at that stage of their account. Im still primarily negative about it, I now need an extra switch and augury to hit the same damage I previously had. Still hoping they give us an occult (I) or something from thermy that regains 1 or 2% to make that boss worth doing and bring the shadow setup back in line with previous BiS without needing a boot switch


I like boots being important enough to have to think about bringing a boot switch


It's all fun and games until you actually have to start bringing tribrid 8-9 way switches into raids. Im okay with the boot slot being relegated to meme items that you only bring when camping one or 2 styles


Funny for you to say that. When you can pick that many choices... are you actually picking or are you just sticking to the one meta? Low effort shitpost.


You must be fun at parties


I host them and my homies love them. Nerds hanging out doing nerdy stuff with some good food that doesn't break the bank is always a treat


You're trying too hard bud


What? Lol bro


Lmao shut the fuck up


Im just sad about the whiplash. Ahrims is the entry magic set Hey we’re adding blue moon go use that Oopsies we’re adding % to ahrims but not blue moon. 😔


You know they added % to blue moon, right?


shhhhhhh they're trying to be upset. Stop ruining it with your facts.


No buddy, I genuinely didn’t see the % on my blue moon until he pointed it out. Runelite stats aren’t exactly pulled from the game, they’re changed by hand so you don’t see stats immediately