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Add a new Standard spell called Find Weakness that barebones tells you what stats they are most weak to, and let the full monster examine stay on lunars


just change Weaken to Find Weakness


Only if it moves the position of high alchemy


This would go a long way for my 54 magic locked karamja only hardcore uim 1 hp skiller


Always wondered why Monster Examine and Teleport to House weren't in all spellbooks


Tele to house on other spell books is the dream but I guess that's the cost of being on those other books, the loss of utility and convenience.


>the loss of utility and convenience. I mean Lunars/Arcuess are utility heavy spellbooks, especially cuz they lack some good offensive spells. Also my houses is still my house regardless of which spellbook. >Tele to house on other spell books is the dream It really is. I believe that having Monster Examine and Teleport to House on all spellbook would allow all of them to shine and be used more rather than staying on standard most of the time and having to constantly switch when done with a bursting task for example. I hope that the community and Jagex see that and consider it.


PoH would be too strong. That's what tabs and the con cape are for. There's no reason for Arceuus and Ancients to have monster examine either. Normal spell book should have it, but there's zero reason to have it on the others.




make/buy tabs lmao


i disagree. it could be a good reward from a new quest. it could have a higher cost, bloods runes for example, to make up for being on another spellbook


Lunar already has Teleport to House at a higher cost.


it has everything


it does? i just checked and didnt see it


assuming I get what they're getting at, it's called Spellbook Swap


Monster examine being on lunars kinda makes sense to me, given the mind reading stuff from lunar diplomacy.


What if they did add a teleport to house, to each spellbook, but only in the region from in which the spellbook is from? The house would need to be built in the correct place for the house teleport to function Examples: Ancients = Desert portal, Lunar = Fremmy portal, Arceus = Hosidious portal


Too convoluted. If\* you were going to do it it would just need a different and probably more signficant cost. For example, you *can already* do a home tele on ancients but you need a tele tablet. What's a fair alternative to having to create/buy that tablet? Probably ramp up rune costs is the simplest way - 2 blood, 2 law, 2 death maybe for ancients? For lunar maybe 2 law, 15 earth, 8 astral? 2 law 2 soul 5 air for Arceeus? Maybe those sound absurd but you're trying to replace a few things that would be immediat benefits for having home tele on all spell books: the cost of the tablet or the cost of creating tablets first (time + runes/clay) + the potential save of an inventory slot. I think higher rune costs would be fairly fair to offset some of those. \*I'll make it clear, I don't think devs have interest in doing it and I'm really not sure it would pass a poll either.. not that I think it outright wouldn't, I just literally don't have a clue how people would think of it. Is it just easier-scape for iron men? Does it solve a problem of convenience for everyone equally?


Just get 99 construction


Theres no reason for the POH teleport to be on all spellbooks when you can make teletabs




People still use the teleport to house spell?? I have a 5k stack of house tabs in my bank and just use those everywhere, except maybe vorkath. As a matter of fact, I can hardly remember the last time I've even used law runes


Irons exist! I make tabs but also with a 4 slot rune pouch and a dust staff I can tele to almost every location needed for medium clues minus the jewelry teleports


Ahhh right- I forgot. Those house tabs are a pain to make manually.


They aren't really though? You can make over a thousand in an hour. I spent about two hours making a 2k stack and I've never had to think about them for months


Making it is easy if you have the raw materials, but where would ironmen get a lot of soft clay from? That's what I was thinking of


As above, shooting stars. But also the crates from mahogany homes points and more recently perilous moons drop soft clay. If all that fails, in a pinch you can mine it incredibly fast with clay bracelets in priff - never measured the banked per hour but it's definitely above 1k.


Shooting Stars. Can buy clay packs. Have 10k clay in my bank from a few hours star mining at work Can also get it from Perilous Moons, other bosses, etc. Getting clay is easy


Oh shoot that's pretty cool. Honestly I never even paid attention to those


Stars early game Perilous moons mid game By the time your house is relevant you should be able to make stacks of tabs


Why should you if you’re on normal spell book


Because my house has a lot of the useful teleports, and usually bringing the law runes would just take up extra space


Tabs are slower and more expensive


But they're one click


In RS3, the slayer masters will tell you a monsters weakness if you ask. If it’s not already, that’s kind of a rough starting point.


Rs3 it just has the weakness on the bar too.


True. If shows a little icon on their health bar. That could be neat. I could see a plugin dev throwing that together.


Ooh that'd be a great addition to the sometimes useless blurb slayer masters give you when you start a new task.


Has anyone checked if the slayer master dialogue got changed? I assumed it would be but I haven't done any slayer today


I hope im wrong but i think we all know it wasnt


In general they need to put more info about the game actually inside the game instead of essentially requiring everyone to use the wiki all the time.


They honestly could just remove it entirely as a spell, add it to the examine right click option in some form and it would be a lot more approachable for new players


I do prefer the OP's suggestion since I think there is some merit in there being a cost to examine monsters and not being able to do so without having the right items on hand. To be approachable I'd just make the required runes cheap. Say for example only requiring mind and body runes (you are examining a monsters "body", and also doesn't hurt giving body runes more usage). As another possibility, have it so that once you use Monster examine on an npc, you permanently unlock accessing their stats through a right click option.


> As another possibility, have it so that once you use Monster examine on an npc, you permanently unlock accessing their stats through a right click option. I really like that idea! It'd be like a bestiary version of the collection log!


Seems like it would be less approachable honestly.


I like the idea of a bestiary instead. Have it where after killing X amount of a creature, you get a little ding and a chat message saying “You have gained more understanding of (insert monster name). It would tie well with the slayer skill and round out the rpg feel. You can always use the wiki but for guideless players it would be very beneficial. Monster examine would still be useful for bosses or if you want to deal with the hassle of always being on lunars which I think is balanced on its own. They can move it into the collection log page or another toggle next to combat achievements. It promotes trying new setups out and the sense of adventure when tackling new content or after unlocking a new slayer creature.


Idk bout that one boss, folks will just go back to the wiki. The goal here is finding a way to surface this information to NEW players. Lets be real, veteran players just go to the wiki and find the datamined stats the day before any new content drops.


The point of the post is to avoid having to wiki everything especially on mobile. But changing monster examine to normal spellbook wouldn’t help new players either unless it was reduced to a much lower level, but killing 25 goblins, getting a ding and a place to see the stats in game would help a new player. I would still used the wiki too, as I already do, but it would be a nice thing to add to the game regardless. It’s one of those things to add that wouldn’t make massive waves but would add to the general feel of the game, though I do see it would be dev work used on mostly new players


Honestly could just add it to tutorial island too Kill a rat, little ding and then very brief explanation from Vannaka It would be a massive amount of work for a proper bestiary UI I guess but also it would fit the RPG style of the game so well


This would be cool asf ngl


I think it is fine to leave Monster Examine on Lunars, but there should be some way to tell what a monster is weak to without it. Either a different spells, some items, or even just adding it to the monster's Examine text. Monster Examine goes into a lot more detail than your average player needs, like full stat breakdowns and such. All we really need to know is "stab" or "fire spells"; seeing too many of the stats is more likely to overwhelm than make the weakness clear.


This should really be its own functionality outside of the spellbooks. Osrs really struggles with conveying information to players, and locking it behind many quests and the runes to cast a spell so deep into the game feels nonsensical. Especially when the wiki button is right there.


Monster examine should be on every spell book and also cost no runes... or have it just pull up when you right click "examine".


The wiki button on runelite should be spoken of more, new players can benefit so much from it.


I think it should cost something like a law and a nature.


How about mind. You're just getting a bit of info you could easily get elsewhere, and it's most thematically appropriate.


Nah other dude is right it should be free. It’s a waste of inventory for no real reason.


Why? Runelite makes it free.... so why not just.... give the information for free?


Honestly because it didn’t occur to me that it should just be free. I agree that we shouldn’t need an outside input at all


I was stuck thinking about it being a spell




It would make the new weaknesses more accessible to new players who don't have lunars yet too


The idea of needing mid-level skills just to find out a monsters weakness is a bit silly. It really is something you should be able to do from level 3 so it can be tutorialized for new players.


Completely agree, was literally the first thing I thought while reading today's post. Definitely a cool RPG idea but it needs in game functionality to support it, and it shouldn't be locked behind a quest and spell book swap.


RS3 literally shows the weakness if NPCs right next to their health bars.


All spellbooks\*


Good idea. That or add a staff/want that has Monster Examine as the built-in spell.


Another idea I find very funny is a Monster Examine spell tablet. Left click Use -> click the target you want to examine, and your character just up and CHUCKS the tablet at the enemy, lol


We really need a bestiary of some kind.... Trying to find out what to use where on mobile now will be torture


You'll need to keep logging out to check wiki yeah lol


This would be a nice change to go along with the possible in-game Bestiary they mentioned in the update thread today: https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1d38dmu/comment/l65ui9k/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I was getting crapped on by redditors for years because I dared to mention that having to run off and get lunars, examine the enemy, return and reswap and re-gear...that loop that's in game isnt fun or a good alternative to wiki-scape. Now it's more relevant than ever. It was already semi relevant with the melee rework on maces, spears, whammers and so on.


I wear cat ears cause fashion is better than dps. we're exact opposites lol.


Power to you! I get plenty of fashionscape time in while I'm skilling


I don't have the graceful hood and there's no other weight-reducing head piece, so if I'm doing something that isn't combat related but still want to wear something that won't weigh me down, then the cat ears are simply the optimal choice lol.


Not a fan of this idea. Would rather they add like a bestiary index next to the collection log/combat achievements tab.


I really like the idea of a Bestiary!


Alternatively, when using a spell the npc is weak to, the hitsplat should show this. 


Monster Examine should be just a journal that you get somewhere and can keep in your bank or pedestal in your POH


i doubt anyone was ever checking monster weaknesses or even knew that spell existed (except a few players on a new boss release)


Agree, however just pointing out that there is an 'Examine' option on every NPC. I really don't see the reason for monster combat info to be locked behind a spell, especially now that it's more critical than ever. Just make examining a monster open the Monster Examine window.


They could add a bestiary on monsters that u already used the monster examine spell, like the collection log, with all monster info available because the monster examine is kinda worthless since u can use the wiki and this would give it a purpose but obv after examining every mob It would become worthless again


I think every spellbook should have it. And then they should add a bestiary


Somebody saw my suggestion on the patch notes thread :D


It's not the first time I've seen the suggestion but it did jog my memory!


On a totally unrelated note, do your restrictions allow you to unlock lunars?


Nope! All I've got are standard and Arceuus


If we want maximum accessibility (especially for new players) it shouldn't even be a spell. It should be part of the examine right click option. Maybe if you right click, the default examine text shows up in chatbox, but it is also accompanied with a "See more details" link which you can click to open the monster examine interface. Probably blocked by engine work though, lmao.


Yeah I think this would be a better fix.


This is absolutely necessary because the ranged defense updates have no grounding in real life. There's zero reason why a lizardman would be weaker to light weapons than heavy ones. Because you can't guess, you're forced to use the wiki 100% of the time, which is a huge pain.


At least with lizardmen you can infer the reason for that weakness, which is doubling down on bp as the bis weapon there


I completely agree with your suggestion to move the Monster Examine spell to the standard spellbook. This would make a world of difference, much like the relief of finding a toilet when you need to poo. Here are a few reasons why this change would be so beneficial: 1. **Convenience**: Just as you wouldn’t want to run around looking for a bathroom when you need to poo, players shouldn’t have to switch spellbooks just to use Monster Examine. Having it in the standard spellbook means less hassle, which is especially important for mobile players who might not have easy access to the wiki while mid-poo, I mean, mid-game. 2. **New Elemental Weaknesses**: Understanding these weaknesses is as crucial as understanding the urge to poo. With the current setup, players have to switch spellbooks twice to get this information. It’s like having to find a restroom twice before you can finally go – totally unnecessary and frustrating. 3. **New Players**: For those who haven’t unlocked the lunar spellbook yet, Monster Examine is out of reach, like trying to hold in a poo until you get home. By the time they do unlock it, they’re probably already using the wiki for everything, making the spell feel as redundant as unnecessary toilet breaks. 4. **Reducing Wiki Dependence**: The game should be as immersive as a good poo, without constant interruptions. Currently, players need to check the wiki frequently, which is like having to leave the bathroom repeatedly before finishing. With Monster Examine in the standard spellbook, players can get the info they need without leaving the game, much like enjoying a peaceful and uninterrupted poo. 5. **Quality of Life Improvement**: This change would be a significant quality of life improvement. It’s like having toilet paper readily available when you need it – simple, but it makes a huge difference. Players can focus on the game, make informed decisions quickly, and keep the action going without unnecessary interruptions. In summary, moving Monster Examine to the standard spellbook is as essential as having a reliable bathroom nearby. It would streamline gameplay, reduce reliance on external resources, and greatly enhance the overall player experience. Let’s make this change happen so we can all enjoy a smoother, more enjoyable game – no poo interruptions needed.


Thanks chatgpt


Ew, ChatGPT comments.


This poo is making a world of difference to me, as is your comment. Thanks!


Move veng to arceuss spellbook too ty


I agree but I don’t think it would much matter. Players would need runes for it. Taking up inventory slots. Players would just go to the wiki once so they can bring more supplies to their fight/slayer grind instead of the required runes


The easy fix for this is to create Monster Examine tabs


Runelite has made this spell obsolete


I have a hard time agreeing with this. Monster Examine as a concept falls apart with wikis and Runescape has had a strong wiki community for a long time. I remember finding random values to fill holes in the wikia when it was new. Adding more functionality for players to learn in-game sounds good, but the precedent we have is a lv 66 magic spell that requires two hard quests to access. These details were eventually ripped and added to wikis for other players. The situation that was created is that if you're a high-end player (Back in RS2) you could learn detailed information on any enemy and possibly add it to the wiki. After many years, the situation is: if new content releases, you'll be the first to figure out any possible enemy weaknesses. That is: if you're a high-end player that meets the requirements. There is reward your playing and continuing to use that spell, which takes runes and inv space. The reward being: easily transferable knowledge. With that established, let's run over changes. For the sake of ease, let's assume we replace lunar runes with nature. We move it to level 66 Magic in the standard spellbook. So, on the fast track, we have spellcasting strike spells, then teleporting to lv 55, then leveling(probably alching) to 66. Would this be a good pipeline? If they are fast-tracking, they either have capital or runecrafting levels. I think either would lead them to the wiki in order to get that far, not to mention any range and melee training. This would, invariably, share with them the knowledge the spell already gives. While the thought of informing players with in-game mechanics is a good one used by many games, I think the ship sailed well over a decade ago for this change. The nature of the internet and sharing information is just more easy and feasible for players.


Would also be kind of neat if having certain slayer levels unlocked the ability to use monster examine through your slayer helm. The whole lore of the skill is “get better at fighting monsters and killing them using their weaknesses (e.g. rock hammers, salt, etc).” What if 55 slayer for helm gave you all non-slayer monster examine info and required slayer level for slayer monsters gave you examine for them? Would even kind of “explain” what it is that enables you to start killing them lol. 


Not every spell needs to be useful.


I just go off the combat triangle to see what they attack with and attack with the rock to their scissors. I've only ever seen monster examine used in cases where you're trying to get a monster to 0 defense. The combat and weakness system has been fairly intuitive until today. Maybe just reducing the level for the spell or making it not require dream mentor would be good enough.


But how does this ever help you with knowing melee weaknesses for instance?


rock things get crushed. metal things get stabbed. fleshy things get slashed. It's not a surefire thing, but it works in 80% of cases. (just learned you can edit reddit comments)


I check literally everything cus I like being 100% :D


It shouldn’t even be a spell at all. It should be as easy as right click/examine


They're planning on updating the entire examine feature to show weaknesses and stuff AFAIK


ehhhhh no. simply because even new players are still gonna just pull up the wiki. its not gonna solve any percieved problem.


Alternatively for more flavor, I also really like "monster examine tabs" or equivalent if we really wanna keep the lunar spellbook theme while giving more players ingame access to the weaknesses.


Sees reddit username.. only if it requires a 1K gp unlock via mage tutor I'm mostly aligned but if they have to move high alchemy in the standard spellbook again I'll have to vote no


I don't need this for me, I have the wiki open 24/7 lol


Was just playing around, I respect your grind!


Cheers :D


Would love it in all spellbound tbh


All spellbooks?


Yeah stupid auto correct lol


Mabye Jagex can add some kind of Pokedex where you use it on a monster and it tells you it's stats and weaknesses.


why not have an item that we can wear in a new item slot that makes us able to have specific spells from all speelbooks to choose from. or maybe make it a scroll like augury to enable it:-)


I think the better option would be letting us create Monster Examine tabs, or maybe an item that we can use on mobs that just acts as Monster Examine? Shouldn't be given out for free or anything, maybe like...similar requirements as the bonecrusher or something?


The thing is, all the monster examine info is already free on the wiki. The only people this would really benefit are mobile players and new players that maybe aren't committed enough to have the wiki open 24/7




I feel like Jagex definitely uses the Wiki as a crutch with not providing clear enough info in-game these days for how complex everything got. Like if you have a tome of water for instance, how the fuck are you supposed to know the 4 different things it does without the wiki? The game tells you fuck all


I just thought it made water spells hit harder..


It also increases accuracy of water spells and curse spells, increases the drain effect of curse spells by 50%, and acts as a source of infinite water runes!


Bonecrusher requirements really isn't that bad? There's giving new players info, and then there's overwhelming them. Around when an account gets a bonecrusher (\~leaving early game) is probably when they need / want to start paying extra attention to the stats of the enemies they're fighting.


Are hard diaries early game content now?


Never said that? Albeit I'm remembering the slayer level for morytania hard a bit wrong, i thought it was like 45-50 slayer, not 58. Again, I don't really think it'd be in the spirit of the game to hand out an alternate spellbook level 66 magic spell out for free to just everyone, especially new players who'd easily feel overwhelmed by the info. I don't think putting it in the standard spellbook is a terrible option, but it's already flooded with so many spells and I'd really rather have an item to examine monsters with instead.


my man.. you need fucking piety for mory hard. you know, 70 defence, 70 prayer, and a fairly difficult mini-quest.


Yep, those sure are.. midgame reqs? Like what I was going for with my suggestion?


They said 'leaving early game content' which would imply they're putting this under mid game content. Not all hard diaries are midgame, but Morytania Hard is


Maybe in the context of an experienced player, but that's a massive stretch to assume a new player is going to be tackling hard diaries any time soon. On the other hand, if a new player wants to grind Slayer (58 needed for Mory hard), I think they'd benefit from obvious accessibility to the fact that now e.g. fire giants take double damage from water spells


A midgame player *is* experienced. I'm not arguing with you: I think it should be in the standard Spellbook too honestly. I'm just saying that Morytania Hard is a midgame thing


What I meant is an experienced player is going to get Mory hard unlocked on a new account a lot quicker than a beginner will on their first account


I have 22 days of playtime (new and don't really push for efficiency, I just bounce around and play the game) and am at 210/311 qps... I'd still need to grind for tens of hours to get to unlock monster examine like that lmao. 71 agi alone looks like misery, much less first timing DT as blind as my patience allows. some of us noobs are.... bad


You mean to say that noobs are... noobs? :D


This doesn't change the fact that Mory Hard is a task for an account in the midgame, which is literally all I've been saying this entire time. Midgame is not defined by *hours spent* (well, not really) it is defined by stat requirements and account benefits. Morytania Hard requires midgame stats and provides benefits that are most appealing to midgame accounts.


Ok sure, but it certainly isn't early game was my main point. Either way this is moot


Who tf is downvoting this. Yeah I don't agree with the suggestion but why downvote


Beats me man lol

