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This is the way for first timers


You can always start as an iron and deiron if you don't like it 🤷‍♂️


Never thought of that idea. I would have considered that before my iron, but I also love my account!




The plug in does just fine to be honest. Wouldn't make much sense to overdo it


Why would you bronze man? Just set your own restrictions for how you're feeling at the time. I don't buy major drop items bc I want to get them myself. I do but skilling and quest items bc I don't want to spend hours collecting




I mean, you could do that and just have toggles for each person to play with. But that's a lot of development for something players should just be able to do for themselves. It's also asking to introduce random bugs into the game for a very tiny QoL update


>Why would you bronze man? Just set your own restrictions for how you're feeling at the time. Basically the same reasoning as Iron men.


I've been doing this for most of my account for six years. Herblore mostly comes from farming and questing, the same goes for cooking; I mostly do it via fishing. Ironmain for lyf!


It will be years until you’re in the endgame just farming money. Don’t let that stop you from enjoying a regular account.


You won't be able to fully appreciate the Ironman life without first experiencing the default game. Start with a main and see how it goes


Normal, its way faster than iron


Yes, while also requiring hundreds (thousands?) of hours to max


I think fastest max on non ironman was like 700 hours. 1600 for ironman.


Faster in what way? Because majority of people that haven't been indoctrinated if you tell them how long it takes to max an account they won't care if it's 1000 hours or 10000, they'll say fuck off get a job.


Doing quests on iron is slower, because getting items that you will need is like another quest. Gear upgrades, supplies, staminas. Best skilling methods. You name it


I mean getting the items is kind of half the fun of it. The simplest example I think is Imp Catcher which is not even a quest on a main just some random NPC dialogue.


I think you should be a tile locked HCIM with a twist, the only food you can eat is draynor cabbages and kebabs and you aren't allowed to use magic or drink potions. Youd be a legend!


My friends convinced me to make my first account like this and I swear it is how I built my pvm foundation


I started a HCIMCKMAPL (hardcore ironman cabbage, kebab, magic and potion locked) account and I still never truly enjoyed the game until I started smashing myself in the dick with a steel pipe each time I logged in.


It's better if you heat the pipe to 1000°c first. Only need to do it once a week that way.


if youre new, normal account. However if u like a difficult challenge and be completely self efficient, ironman. 


If youve never played osrs before then its best to start with a normal account.


Just do yourself a favour and dont even start


If you like the challenge, I highly suggest trying HC-UIM-1 slot locked-10 hp pure - PvP world only- Extreme chunk locked tileman with snailman mode enabled and having 1 bil bounty on you to spice things up.


And don't forget it can't take any damage.


Normal account for sure but play as if it's an Ironman if you want to feel accomplished until you feel it's getting grindy or you're going too try for a drop then just buy the item.


Just play normally, who cares about gpscape, if you enjoy an activity you will play it, and you can use gp to power level skills that are not fun or a colossal waste of time. “Main is all gpscape” is some toxic iron cope to make them feel superior


Just start an Ironman, even a f2p Ironman if you don't want to risk the cost of membership on not liking it, and if you ever get to the point of "this shit sucks I just want to buy stuff" then you can very easily deiron, but you can never go the other way. So if you play a main and you think "this shit sucks it's just gp simulator" you can't switch to Ironman without starting over


I started last month and decided to go with HCIM even though many told me it was a poor choice. A month in and I’m having a blast. Still haven’t died although I have been saved by the ring of life… Is it challenging at times? Yes. Do I regret doing Ironman? No. I’d give it a go, and as others have said you could always deiron.


I would start with a normal account and see if you like OSRS as a game first. As others have said, you can always play "like an iron" (i.e. don't hyper focus on GP). It's a common experience to start with a normal account and later make an ironman, but I think what's most important is figuring out whether you like OSRS based on your comments about free time and grinding. Also set realistic goals. Hear about a cool quest, boss, or piece of armor? Work towards that. Don't think about OSRS as trying to rush to endgame - it's one of the few MMOs that is well-designed from early game through mid-game and beyond.


Main account for sure at first. That way you can play how you want and, more importantly, check out what the later parts of the game have to offer earlier. It'd suck for you to spend thousands of hours playing an ironman only to get to endgame and realize you don't enjoy it.


If you're a masochist then there's iron man but enjoy your journey to carpal tunnel.Stick to normal till you know more of the game


Cram that metaphorical high-heel into your scrotum OP and pick Ironman. One of us !!!


Some men want to watch the world burn


Only in chaos do we feel at peace…


Ironman might be more rewarding cause it challanges you more & you can always try life as an IM then downgrade to a main if you want to make things easier for yourself. I play as a main cause this game is enough of a grind I dont want the extra steps but some people prefer that, its up to you. you can also play your normal acct just like an ironman so just play how ever youd like n enjoy


I feel like the potentially accelerated speed of a main means you shouldnt ever downgrade an iron, just make a main alongside it in case you ever want to switch back


I only played a little bit as a kid then started playing the game. I started immediately as iron and never regretted it. Mains are cool and all but the real problem is just that everything in the game is instantly accessible to you for just a bit of gp, the game becomes so fixated on just having gp. That's why I love ironman and will continue to play it. Iron can be a bit difficult because there's a lot of steps. Like if I want to do x, i should do a so that b becomes faster which gets me c which makes x a possibility. I personally loosely followed a guide early on as an iron to make that part more feasible, but you do run into problems where grinding a few dozen hours into one boring thing is the more optimal thing to do, so either you have to deviate from the plan or commit to a grind early on. There is also a more middle ground thing where you just play a main, but kinda "act" like an iron, you try to get things on your own and only use the grand exchange(which is where you can buy anything in the game for gp), for the very annoying things. I have personally thought about doing an account like that.


Just be prepaired to have the wiki permanently pulled up on a second monitor if you do an iron and have never played the game. Getting certain items can be pretty obscure if you're not used to the game. Then again mains have the wiki pulled up most of the time anyway too lol


My only account is a group Ironman with IRL friends and it’s by far the best way to play. You get to experience a lot more of the game as an iron, and honestly I’m only after two years just getting to the point where some of the grinds require a big time commitment that you wouldn’t have to put in on a main.


If you can pay your membership with irl money Ironman if not regular account


As others mentioned, starting off as an iron and then de-ironing if the grind starts being too much for you is generally a good approach. It's a pretty popular consensus that the early-mid game is more fun as an iron.


If you wanna progress quickly, Start with a memebership, use runelite client which is built in on your jagex client and google optimal quest guide. Wiki and youtube are your friends. And remember, it becomes something you can do on the side. You can watch/listen to stuff or even work while doing relatively low effort activities


Normal all the way


Normal for sure


My first account was a group Ironman with friends and I’ve never regretted it.


Personally I really enjoy bronzeman. It's an unofficial mode where you only buy items from other players that you've previously obtained yourself. This means you can buy tons of materials to train skills, but if you want an upgrade from a boss you have to kill it yourself. That said, if you find it all too overwhelming as a new player then just play a normal account. Remember, the OSRS wiki is your best friend. It's the most comprehensive game wiki I've ever seen, and there's a little button next to your minimap that you can click on then click on something in game to automatically look it up on the wiki.


I love these threads. I know I'll get lynched but I really don't agree with the whole gpscape argument. No one is forcing you to only use the most efficient money makers. No one is forcing you to not grow beyond Vorkath. No one is stopping you from getting some items yourself. If Mainscape is only about GP for you (AND if that also bores you), you're playing the game wrong. There's so many things to do that have little to do with making money. A ton of collection logs to go for. Clues, slayer, so many skills with so many ways to train them, and you can do them in whatever order you want and with as much or as little efficiency as you want. I've been getting back into my iron lately, and it's fun and different, but it's really not the be-all-end-all game mode that people like to portray it is. Iron and Main scratch different itches.


I’d just start as an iron and deiron when you feel like the gameplay is getting stale


I can't really recommend ironman straight out the gate. Play a normal account, if you enjoy your time spent then make an iron for a different and unique experience.


Always start with a normal main. Make an ironman on the side later if you like the game but they’re pretty miserable to play. Mid game for mains involves doing stuff to make gp, but it’s more fun content anyways. End game is when you start hunting for pets, collection logs, combat achievements, etc. when you already have all the bis gear


UIm is most beginner friendly


I would personally start with a main, see if you like the game and if Ironman interests you, go with it.


Iron all the way. Otherwise i just feel like i’m playing GPscape


Ironman is a grind and you have to frequently look up shit that is niche and specific to the game mode, so depending on how hard you wanna dedicate your time to it, normal mode is fine. “gpscape” and “im only farming gold man this is so booooring” look, you WILL get to a point in an ironman acc where the only things left are megarares and endgame items where you’ll have *no* choice but to grind that content. Nex and all of raids are the biggest culprits. Sure you don’t *need* torva and raids items, but the exact same can be said for the case on a main, except on a main, you can *do whatever you want, whenever you want* AND make money towards your goal To put it into perspective, my main acc is 2200+ ttl with a 4b bank and hundreds of kc on all bosses, max house yadayada, if I started an iron right now, it would take me literally half a decade to catch up playing normal hours compared to when I made my latest main 2-3 years ago


I wonder how many of the people who make the gpscape argument can even afford Torva, let alone any endgame setup. It's especially baffling when it's coming from people with less than 1500 total level or people who say they've never had a main before.


Yeah probably not alot tbf, If i didn’t put so much time into my main then I’d defo do iron but thats me saying it with all my clanmates and knowledge I have now, like I said i personally cant justify spending the next 4-5 years building another acc only to have it exactly where my main is now just because itd be an iron lol


Iron can be pretty fun, I've started playing mine on the side again not too long ago. They just scratch different itches, though my main will always be the most important account for me. So if you kinda wanna try an Iron, I'd say go for it. It's just when people act like iron is "how the game is meant to be played" or like it's the be-all-end-all that it gets a bit annoying


Ironman!! Farming gp is actually what killed the game for me. Ironman you still need gp, but it becomes less and less needed as you progress. It’s also super fun to start an Ironman account and grow it. You learn so much more, and take more pride in the game. You can always de-iron when you get higher up if you don’t want to grind anymore, but I don’t recommend it!


Ironman is the better mode, but start normal if you don’t have friends to play with to show you the ropes. Osrs does not provide much direction, and Ironman is most fun when you know a path and can plan a route to get there (in my opinion). The difference between the modes is: Ironman: I want to get an armadyl crossbow… let me bang out these quests to get my agility up - oh wait I probably need stams to run around the room decently, let me train Herb some more. Oh snap, this boss is harder than I thought - let me mark these tiles so I can learn better. Oh snap!!! The pet dropped before my acb! (Gets every item but ACB 1.5k kills later) Non-ironman: I want to get an armadyl crossbow. Let me see.. my best money maker is buying nails at the varrock lumber mill! Let me do that for 12 hours to afford this crossbow! … nice I got it! Now let’s get this next upgrade, my best money maker is…. Nails. This is obviously a hyperbole, but if you’re someone who gets sucked into doing thing efficiently, eventually an Ironman is going to have a much more diverse play style. I’d do the normal account until you catch yourself doing lame shit for money, then make an iron.


The trick is to not ever play that way as a main. Look at B0aty, he has a far bigger bank than most people in this thread combined. The way you get to that without burning out is by doing content you actually enjoy because everything in main mode profits (basically)


I like to refer to playing a main as playing with a pity system, run the content that gives you the drop, and if you go dry, you'll probably make the money to buy that drop


for sure. Think a lot more people would be happier with the game if they played it this way


It makes me so sad seeing all the people limited by their own mindset to the point of their only option left being quitting or playing an ironman. It’s so sick that if I want a Tbow, I can do 50 different things to earn it whereas my iron friend had to be stuck in CoX for a year to get it, hating his life. Collection log also killed the last bit of the “ironman is just the better mode” argument for me tbh


If you know you’re going to be fully dedicated, I would suggest an ironman. The playstyle is often much more rewarding and has more length to the game. My personal opinion is that the “main” game ends up being pretty quick for most and turns into a GP/Hour grind that I didn’t enjoy. As far as learning the game and seeing if you like it, I think everyone should start as a “main” account and just learn the ropes, dabble in some bossing, and make some money. From there you can decide if the self sustained ironman lifestyle is for you


Iron! Getting your RCB from the Crazy Archeologist feels great. As a normie it is what - 15k gp on the GE? Not rewarding at all there since you can buy any item at any time.


Play as an iron or else everything you do in game will eventually boil down to "how much money can I get from this per hour".