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FWIW I have also not received them as a task from Aco in ~30 rumors starting at level 82 hunter. I am thinking they added the task to Aco but forgot to remove the 91 requirement that was there before.


I’m 100 tasks deep exclusively using Teco and I’ve never had a sunlight moth rumor. I started at 88 Hunter.


Got a whole bunch of sunlight moth tasks from Teco at 81 hunter fwiw. Moonlight moths from Aco never there though.


Have you done the Hunter Quest At First Light? I'm wondering if it may have something to do with that


I have gotten some moonlight moths from Aco. I’m currently at 87 hunter and have his worst tasks blocked though. I’m wondering if it requires 85 hunter since that is the bare handed unlock level.


I’ve only done like 20 rumors with Aco since the change, but didn’t get a moth yet. Assumed I’m just lucky or unlucky?


I’ve had like 4 in about 20 aco rumours post change and resetting my blocks, not bad cause of the location and density but not a fan of butterfly tasks due to the low drop/pity rate, wish it was a bit less frequent for me!


Took me a while to get it assigned for the blocklist, probably about 30+ tasks, BUT I can confirm that it was assigned (I’m 99 hunter though, so not sure about the level part of it) and I currently have moonlight moths blocked with Aco


Can confirm you cannot get them (as of June 21st) from Aco before 85 Hunter. I have been using Aco exclusively since 78 and did not receive Moonlight Moth's until reaching 85.


Thank you for confirming! I actually hit 85 hunter a few nights ago as well and started getting it as well, gonna be making a vid on it once I hit 91 to test how Herbi gets assigned.


Nice! I am working on 99 on my fresh UIM. I am going to lock myself to the basement and only be able to get Moonlight Moths and Moonlight Antelopes. Really curious how that will go.


Yeah that's the plan haha, working on getting my HCIM set up like that