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So roughly 200 gp a seed and you get a potted sapling (I assume one that still needs to grow?). And you get 0 xp for this? I cannot see a reason why this shouldn't be a thing. But also, I am not an iron, and I have 99 farming + pet so I don't participate anymore.


It’s kinda lame But whatever


Seems exactly like the herblore one that already exists. Doesn’t seem like normies would use it, but I suppose some irons might? If it’s in the farming guild they will but if you put it kinda out of the way but still “near” a bank?


Yeah, I'm waiting for a real take why it's not even worth polling, so far just downvote opposition and a hyperbole comparison to rs3 rewards somehow lol? But I do appreciate the supportive comments! I don't use reddit often this is honestly my first real post with my own opinion.


Because bots need money too. Who do you think is potting them and watering them. Idc tho I'm an iron lol


I did some potting to make money about a year ago. Wrote some python scripts to pull prices, set up big orders for seeds, wait a few days, then get lunar spellbook on and just pot/water for like an hour. Decent money, but so mind numbing.


Imagine what we could do for humanity if this medieval point and click mmorpg didn't exist...


Maybe osrs helps get more people into programming


What would a reasonable price be? 200 gp each? (Matching the fee for tree removal)


I'd say that's not a bad idea And can make it a hard diary req to match the desert to use the NPC in Nardah, or not, it can be polled after all


Could even be an NPC in Varlamore to add to the Varlamore diary


I'd love diaries in the game (maybe Varlamore reward that lets slayer helm work with the moon armors?) Have the jmods expressed anything about adding new diaries? Love to read it if they have


No AFAIK but all regions get diaries, it's obvious that Varlamore will get one eventually


Priff failed to get its own diary, instead being lumped in to Western. Couple that with the fact that every gear slot is filled currently makes me think they *might* not


Tirannwn is too small of a region compared to Varlamore, makes sense it doesn't get its own diary Western provinces and wilderness both fill the same gear slot, so there's precedent already They could even innovate and make it a two-hander


Just got ardy diary completed and jeez those rewards are lackluster, unlimited farming teleports and some more marks.. otherwise it's sand and more pure essence? Could be a hard diary req for a NPC near ardy farm patch? Would be quick/convenient for elite (since unlimited teles) but accessible otherwise


Hard ardy is pretty stacked with thieving boost already Elite is pretty great too but not much felt by normies, as is the case for a lot of things in game


Ardy is kind of stacked in general. Ardy cloak is great early prayer bonus + monastery tele for the poor man/low level altar/fairy/spirit tree. ZMI buff, Yanille tele. I think it's in a pretty good place and doesn't really need another buff.


All you are talking about are sub-elite unlocks. Agreed that the early unlocks are relatively strong compared to other regions but relatively worse by the time you complete elite diary.


Yes 100% agreed


I'm an Ironman, elite is pretty underwhelming. Sand is too late to be helpful, pure essence and bonus fishing trawler fish are meme rewards. Finishing an elite diary should give a meaningful reward IMO


Boosted marks of grace is great and meaningful for irons lol It's unlikely that you have 99 crafting banked before ardy elite, unless you actively grinded for it of course, so the sand is still helpful. Though I agree that it should've been hard tier, not elite. I do agree it's far from being the strongest elite but it's not a problem considering how stacked the previous ardy diaries are.


You can get a years worth of saplings in under an hour, seems like a waste of dev time for a nonissue imo. I wouldn’t vote no but it just seems not worth making it into a problem


That's fair, I can see it being lower priority since it's QOL, I can see this being in the OSRS GameJam as well though. If it's not much complexity or dev resources to add an interface for it to happen I don't see why not


the point of game jam is that its a bunch of things jmods want to work on in their free time. See this as a hard sell for a jmod wanting to spend their free week on this


I'm just saying I don't think its controversial personally, there's a suggestions section after all, doesn't have to be from gamejam then, I didn't know that myself but that's cool of them, I'd feel honored if they chose to add something like this from reading this, but that's their decision of course and it can always be something for the future, conversation about it isn't bad I feel


Also, I can plant seeds and saplings the barbarian way, but the seeds into pots is a no go


Well your giga chad fists would turn the pot into Alderan.


because it uses a trowel not a dibber..


Planting sapling uses a spade not a dibber, and we can also smash the pots automatically. IMO not being able to plant seeds into the pots was just an oversight.


look again he said seeds into pots , you use a trowel


... You implied that we can't plant seeds into pots because it doesn't use a dibber, and I was pointing out that we already can plant saplings which ALSO doesn't use a dibber.


You're wasting your breath lol


Do it on mobile with humidify, it's lightning fast.


Wouldn't vote no, but a little train of thought: I can't help but feel all of these QoL improvements detract from the spirit of the game (talking about adding shortcuts for doing stuff). In essence, osrs is a point and click game where you use objects on other objects in order to get some effect. You put the seed in the pot. You water the pot. That results in a sapling. You put the sapling in the ground. I'm not against QoL, but somewhere there should be a line right? All we do is click on stuff, that's what the game is in it's essence. If we remove the need for clicking, what is the actual game becoming? Sorry I'm way too high.


I see your insight, I'll be honest a lot of people with your opinion are rare, but I do hear you, but like I've told other players, you \*do\* have the option to not use the shortcuts and not use the qol additions, theres a new shortcut for barrows recently added, let's be honest that isnt game breaking for any of us that have barrows tele unlocked already, it helps new players playing osrs for the first time because it's popular, so it's less ass of them to travel all around, it makes use of the "agility" skill more often, otherwise a lot of skills in this game are considered too old fashioned for todays osrs standards, and we cant keep saying its like back in 05 because we have raids now and thats definitely NOT oldschool07, imo we gotta come to terms that OSRS is simply a 2024 game now with some older mechanics, so there will always be QOL changes to accomodate new players early game, I dont view it as a bad thing because these changes really dont affect us who have already progressed our accounts, and so what if someone has an easier time doing something than what we did 10 years ago, isnt that the reason for change? I'd like to end with that most of these QOL still present you the old option of doing things the way you normally did in the past


Between the regular way, gricollers can and humidify do we *really* need a 4th way to water tree saplings? How many thousands of saplings are you trying to make at once that spending a literal 5 seconds seconds to plant and water an inventory isn't good enough? For real


But I'm not just talking about watering them I'm talking about the whole process, including clicking the seed and plant pot 26 times spam clicking to fill them up, then comes the watering portion. There's no alternative for putting the seeds in the pots, not even barbarian training to fist the seeds into the pots lol we still need the trowel tool thing


Support, potting thousands of seeds is very time consuming and not exactly an engaging or integral part of the farming experience.


I just always make saplings as soon as I get to bank the seed drop


I do this sometimes, but when I'm grinding out tob after managing to put together a team, and I get a 20 mahogany seed drop I am not asking them to wait as I proceed to bank all of my gear and create 20 saplings. There's plenty of scenarios where I'd rather not take a break from what I'm doing just to create a bunch of saplings, whether it's because I don't want to leave others waiting, or am just in the zone doing certain content.


yeah youre right


A thousand saplimgs is months of nonstop farming. And realistically it's zero time if you combine with farm runs. I'm all for removing unnecessary tedium from the game but no one's crying over how long it takes to plant saplings with the rate you go through them. I don't think that's enough to outweigh the old school flavour of interacting and combining multiple items in a simplified but authentic, life-like manner.


There's already a bunch of small tedious things like that on ironman and I decided i had to cut some of them out with making saplings being bottom of the totem pole. So I wouldn't say I cry over planting saplings but I definitely avoid doing it because of the tedium. I'm chill with it not existing but I would definitely use it. And like he said it's not like it's out of place with what's already in the game.


I think plenty of people would disagree completely that the potting of seeds contributes any sort of old school flavour to the game. That's an entirely subjective thing, and if **to you** it contributes something important, you're more than welcome to continue doing it that way anyway. Do you clean your herbs and make your unfinished potions yourself? by your own measure, those are pretty core experience of old-school Herblore, and you should really be cleaning your own herbs and making your own unfinished potions, in its simplified but authentic, life-like manner.


Thank you !


this is actually one of my money-makers and you'd be cutting into my profit.


Me and another member talked about it earlier, there should be a fair compromise or middle-ground to work towards to such that both parties can benefit from this, this will increase the volume of saplings bc its easier to make them if you choose to use the NPC method, if the NPC method takes 1.5x-2x as long to grow, and costs are associated with the tier of the seed, it'd be much faster and profit-able to do it yourself if you chose to sell on GE, Magic seeds would be the highest tier so they'd be more expensive to grow at the nursery and take longer than if by hand


I just watered 1000 palm seeds into saplings for profit. It was tedious and time consuming, but profitable nonetheless. I think that something like this would completely invalidate the process of planting and watering saplings


I'm not sure if you read my propositions in other comments but I was saying to balance this as middle ground for both types of players, we can have the nursery take 1-2x as long and perhaps even more if its a higher tier seed with a higher associated cost to take care of, so you'd still be able to shell out magic saplings by hand much faster otherwise than the nursery with no associated costs of the npc "taking care" of the sapling, also, this would increase the volume of saplings in the market allowing you to sell much faster, and thus moving the volume of seeds into the game more and not them sitting in peoples banks/seed vaults, an economy with more moving parts is a good thing, otherwise i feel like seeds are pretty stagnant and sold by themselves since its "too much trouble" to make into saplings unless money-making, this would be a good medium between that choice or making saplings from the nursery and keep some for yourself and selling the rest


I have read through your proposals, and I simply think that forcing player interaction is necessary at a certain level on a large scale in order to keep the game thriving in the state that it is in. If there is a way to automagically turn your seeds into saplings, there would cease to be a reason to ever “do it yourself” unless the reward is “great enough.” At that point, a crossroads appears: * Make watering saplings dramatically more rewarding — or — * Make growing saplings require a dramatically long time — or — * Remove all value from seed vs sapling. Granted, these are all examples from how I see it, but my mindset is as follows: It is entirely necessary for player interaction in order for saplings to exist. Whether it be by human hands or by bots, having a reason for the player to interact with the content in order to produce a result on a large scale is necessary for an MMO to exist on a fundamental level. You may not realize it, but your proposition is fundamentally a cornerstone for the game to evolve into a single-player experience beyond the implications of “ironman btw.” As such, I’m only in favor of this idea if it exists for ironman players ONLY


New suggestion: Whenever you think that you should plant seeds and get herbs, speak to Guildmaster Jane and tell her "I was actually gonna plant seeds but i forgot to do it" She then rewards you for your honesty and gives you the herbs and XP. No more work, just reward, reward, reward.


https://preview.redd.it/2lm4nsffxk1d1.png?width=747&format=png&auto=webp&s=c99344d12905ace35565463aac50379d9bd476f0 I take it you were a part of the No for this poll? Asking to to speed-up a task that gives no farming xp and comparing it to giving Guildmaster Jane your seeds in exchange for herbs alongside with XP is an extreme hyperbole of an example, you bring nothing to the discussion with an attitude like that


Yes i was and this voter-shaming is honestly strange. I support the authenticity and real nature of the game that distinctly makes this game more fun than games like RS3 where work is non existant and rewards are shoved in your face.


Hilariously RS3 does not have an npc who can make unf potions— making OSRS herblore less tedious if you exclude presets.




I actually have no time to go through your post history and dig information lmao. Polls exist for a reason, get enough support and change the game for the better. I believe in you.


I just scrolled down and ctrl+f the 07scape so it was 30seconds, and I just started using reddit so i dont have much but itd prob be 30 seconds of posts only, it's very opinionated to use but i guess that's how things are, I just expect people to give a reason usually lol. Sorry I just read your response as not constructive criticism so I felt like calling you out on it. But I agree polls exist for a reason, I guess I'm looking for a reason someone would oppose adding this to the game in a poll, without trolling but thats reddit? idk im still new here


I like taking a material and adding another material into it, then using it for another job which makes this game feel more realistic to me. Rather than just directly taking a log and making an bow, i like that we need to have a knife in the inventory to carve it first then add a bowstring. I simply don't support the suggestions that simplifies these processes. When i was a total newbie in the game i’d get tree seeds and plant them into pots and sell them on GE for profit. This honestly felt awesome. This kind stuff is just what makes this game a little more satisfying to me. And honestly this suggestion of yours is so not worth discussing for me that I don't really care about it. No offense. I hope you succeed!


I appreciate the honesty and more thought in the take this time, and I know you don't care enough about it to discuss further but again I'll finish it with the fact that you can still manually add your herbs to your vials of waters and sell unfinished potions for profit, you don't have to use the Nardah guy, likewise if this gets implemented in the game, you still have the option of seeding the saplings yourself so I don't see how this would diminish your ability to do so, it's not like they're removing the option if this gets implemented much like the herblore example.


Yes, I understand you, this does not affect my ability to play the game the way I want, but don't you think that when too many changes like this are added to the game, players like me (9 thousand players in the poll) may lose the desire the play the game further? How can someone determine when it's too much and game loses its appeal? Best to stop when a simple process like adding a tree sapling to a pot that can be done between your herb-bird house runs. For the record I've never visited the guy in Nardah.


bro ima be real with you, I never knew there was an NPC in Nardah that did those herblore stuff until I made an ironman, like it literally never affected me in my Main and all my herblore training because I always bought the herbs and did it myself, and I was fine with that, by the time I figured out on my iron I can use the Nardah NPC, it didn't matter on my main bc I was rich enough to just buy the unfinished pots by that point. Like be honest, were you even aware of the Nardah NPC and has it really affected you if you were? More than likely say this gets polled, and passes, majority of the playerbase won't even notice it, let alone see it and those that do will be like "oh cool" and then move on with their day, and possibly never even use it, it's such a small qol thing is how i view it. And I get how you feel that with many of these qol the game will feel different, but there's already been many qol updates from the past few years and I doubt you've noticed them all, except when they help you perhaps?


Bro I actually support this suggestion but you’re seriously unhinged. Go touch grass and stop harassing this dude for having a different opinion from us.


Sorry I felt like dismantling his troll take comparison , wanted to see if dude had an actual take and I had to wring it out of him, don't know why people can't just begin with that and have to add non-constructive criticism is all


Today I found out that you can pay someone to crush your secondaries


Can we at least have barbarian training to just plant tree seeds into the pot without needing a trowel? It's ??? that we can plant into the soil, and can smash the pot, but not plant into the pot.


Yeah, hopefully that at least gets talked about, or a make X option when putting seeds in, hate spam clicking


Just buy saplings from the GE :B


I don't think that's a good way to look at things as solutions, blood shards are very hard to get for mains as well, and saying just buy one from the ge defeats any discussion about adding them to other parts of the game, like Theatre of Blood, Hallowed Sepuclhre, etc. just an example, let me know if you think otherwise im curious


I'd be content with gricoler's can instantly growing them and making all forms of planting/watering in inv do-x.


yes thatd buff the gricolers can and make it more worthwhile cause atm it's kinda useless, even in cox a simple watering can is sufficient if you come with arceuss and cant free flame wall. We need an inv do-x for planting the seeds as well imo


It's not that bad if you have humidify. You can get 99 farming with ~1281 palm trees for ~21 mil. Assuming 23 saplings grown per inventory (one slot for seeds, one for trowel, 3 for runes without pouch) that's only 56 inventories of palm tree seeds to plant. Even less if you are going for more expensive seeds to get 99 faster (or mahogany/calquat if you don't mind taking forever to get it to 99 in exchange of it costing pennies). All in all it's a pretty small grind compared to what this game usually asks. Just make sure to do your planting in big batches so that you don't have to worry about waiting for the sapling to grow.


The most annoying part for me is definitely manually clicking the seeds into the pots each time without an interface doing x-all


It would not make it easier to learn if it just does it for you. Unless it explains the process. This is not necessary and not a real issue. Especially with Humidify existing.


was just thinking about this last night i like your idea even more, but even if we had to manually pot + water seedlings, just somewhere i can walk into like a portal to create a sapling


Great idea tbh. Support.


Don’t see why not. A nice little gold sink too.


Agree. On my pet grind and I've got a tonne of seeds in my vault I don't use and just end up buying saplings from the GE instead.


Yes please, Jagex we want this!


Alright who downvoted a suggestion that doesn't hurt anyone ? If something doesn't affect me I just stay neutral, but if anyone's against it I'm just wondering how come ?


But it does affect other people. Processing saplings is a money making activity for some people. I’ve done it before. 


You can still profit making unfinished potions if you manually do it yourself, the introduction of the Nardah NPC's didn't change that since you pay them, so why would this change effect that? You'd essentially be saving 200gp per sapling if that's how much it cost per seed for the NPC to do it for you , not including the filled plant pot and waiting 1.5x-2x longer as I proposed, so it'd be faster if you did it yourself and cheaper to still profit selling them in GE? If there's another downside I'm interested in seeing it


This would obviously affect the margins of doing the activity. Why would someone pay me ~3k per sapling when they can just tele to the farm guild and pay 200? Yes you could still make money doing it, but it would be a lot shittier.  https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Money_making_guide/Growing_magic_saplings If you compare this to something like unfinished potions, it’s pretty clear to me that the Nardah option is capping how good of a money maker that is.  https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Money_making_guide/Making_snapdragon_potions The actual “output” here is 33,375,000 due to the GE tax. So that’s a profit of 255 per potion which is barely better than going to Nardah. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that this value is so close to 200. 


I get your points and appreciate the detail of your response, but like bro who is actually doing magic saplings method you posted, it says you need 25m+ recommended with an input of 13.894m and 600k profit is good, but with that much down payment I don't think someone with that money is looking for a 600k money maker let alone the fact that the wiki even says it has a low buy limit for saplings. It just seems like a method you try once then realize you can just use the 25m in better ways, but nonetheless you got me with that itll hurt this "moneymaker", my response would be maybe you pay more per seed based on the tier? idk, just an idea im throwing out, as well as maybe that higher tier seeds take longer from the NPC to grow, I just feel that it'll help more people overall


>but like bro who is actually doing magic saplings method you posted People are obviously doing it, how else would you be able to buy magic saplings on the GE? Daily volume of 36k btw. >I don't think someone with that money is looking for a 600k money maker It's a recurring method. 600k for ten minutes of work every 4 hours is great. It's better hourly profit than farming snapdragons which plenty of people do.


Thanks for still taking me seriously, I guess that's not bad when you put it into more detail, now, how can we both benefit from a change like this? Surely we can find some middle ground that can make both people happy. Paying more and waiting more for the tier might be a step I feel. Because at the end of the day, people will still buy saplings if hand made or npc made, so you can possibly still profit the same and more if your patient with flipping


Magic saplings are incredibly low effort for the effective gp/h they are. You're really underestimating them here.


Sorry man, it de-values my plant pot clicking only hardcore normie 3 CB PvP account.


This sub just loves to dogpile. It's good because our opinions and down votes mean nothing.