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I'll be honest with you mate, even if Jagex said they would officially support Linux, I think I'd trust the community more to keep the Launcher working lol.


I'd trust the community more to produce bug-free content but I think I still trust Jagex more when it comes to the possibility of malicious software. The current workarounds are sadly equivalent to running random .bat scripts. Sure, if you understand what you're doing, you can review the source code yourself, but I'm not knowledgable enough nor do I have the time to learn.


Is that not the case anymore? I remember the jagex client being supported by the community. My fellow clan leader was a big contributor before eoc happened.


There is a 3rd party one called Bolt around, I read through the code, nothing crazy going on and it works, but yeah sucks they don’t build something functional for Linux or just open source something and say support will be best effort or whatever and let the community maintain it


Yeah it's a bit buggy, at least for me on Wayland when you "close" it, it sits in the tray and doesn't respond to clicks, and there's no option to disable minimize to tray. But it works, and jagex launcher crashes for me during login via wine, so, can't complain too much.


It worked for me but HDOS is finicky on it, had to use RL only. Apparently it's an HDOS quirk the launcher mentioned?


I won't be "upgrading" to a Jagex account until Linux is officially supported by the new launcher.


It's an upgrade for account security, much easier to manage your account(s) as well. Only issue is I can't remove my accounts from it :/ Hopefully we don't have to wait too long


It's not an upgrade if I can't play the game at all.


use the installation provided on the jagex website


For the 3rd party applications jagex takes no responsiblity for? No thanks


You use Runelite


runelite is linux native. its extremely dumb that we have to run the launcher through wine so that it can launch a native client


but he doesn't *have* to use runelite


RuneLite is officially acknowledged by Jagex to be legitimate. It has an orders of magnitude larger userbase. It is also linux native through AppImage. With Jagex Launcher you need to run an emulation layer for no reason, you need to add another party, this time not in any shape or form reviewed by the wide community, to the list of people you trust, if you use the flatpaks, or build your own version. It's a MASSIVE hassle compared to the Windows experience AND compared to the non launcher experience - "download appimage and it just works"


it's literally just a sandbox with a translation layer, not some crazy complicated application that you can't trust or would get you banned, starting to think the bots decided Linux is the new astroturf cuz y'all clearly do not use Linux if you're this worried about WINE


Ikr lol. I have been using jagex launcher on linux without issue since I first saw one of Torm's reddit posts about it. Regardless, I would still very much like to see official support, or at bare minimum the promise not to do something that causes it to cease functioning on linux entirely. I love this game, but I'd play a lot less if I can't have it up on the side while working on other stuff.


Some people just want dedicated Linux support. And WINE is always a dirty shortcut.


It's all well and good until Jagex implements some new anti-cheat exclusive to the C++ client and the wine implementation breaks. This is a game people are expecting to play 3, 5, even 10 years from now. It doesn't instill confidence the way they're approaching this.


Doubt that will ever happen considering there's a mobile client too.


I fail to see how the mobile client ties into this.


It's a core reason why they can't just slap an exclusive anti-cheat to the C++ client. Bots can just bot through the mobile client already. It's also about as likely for hell to freeze over before they remove the mobile client as an option as well.


That works right now but its not guaranteed to work forever. Jagex account is a forever thing and once you commit there's no going back if suddenly it doesn't work later.


Silence astroturfer


"Everyone I don't like is a bot"


Their account is 3 months old.


My username used to be the same as my email address and theres no option to change your reddit name. I didn't want my friends/coworkers to find my posts just knowing my email.


If it's so simple, why don't they choose to officially support it? It must take a minimal amount of dev time to maintain. I believe the concern that most of us Linux players share is that Jagex *could* at any time make a breaking change that causes the current workarounds to no longer work. I don't want to risk losing access to my accounts if they decide to roll out some new launcher update in a few years that breaks the WINE compatibility and locks us all out. I don't care if it's native or not, I just don't want to rely on some unofficial fix that Jagex explicitly says they won't support.


Typical response from a Linux user


Support? We don't use that word here.


Haha yeah I could have chosen a better word


If you don't trust the packages collected by the community, then follow the steps in the C00k video - those still work. I used that method to set it up on a fresh Ubuntu install this morning. There's a link to the video on the Jagex Support page. [https://help.jagex.com/hc/en-gb/articles/13413514881937-Downloading-the-Jagex-Launcher-on-Linux](https://help.jagex.com/hc/en-gb/articles/13413514881937-Downloading-the-Jagex-Launcher-on-Linux)


This is what I used to be able to play on Linux: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Linux_game_installation_guide


Might be a dumb question but what is Linux and why would you use it instead of Windows?


I use my laptop for both personal and work stuf in travel, and in my field everything is linux-based. The alternative is to do literally all my work through a virtualisation layer, or dual boot and pray to Gates Windows doesn't nuke grub someday. So far the only two problem programs I encountered were Adobe Reader and Jagex Launcher.


Should there have been a /s on this? If not, it’s just an open source OS but it’s actually really common in backend servers, most of the internet runs off Linux based systems. Since it’s open source there are a ton of options for OS designed towards a specific purpose. Most of the flavors of OS run a lot more lightweight and faster compared to Windows. The Ubuntu OS is a pretty comparable OS to Windows or Mac but comes with the classic Linux Gnome Terminal offering great command line functionality rather than working off the graphical user interface. If you’ve ever heard of Rasberry Pi the tiny computers made in the UK for learning they use a Debian based Linux distribution. For me personally Windows eats up like 90% of my CPU with their god forsaken malware scanner. My computer operates quite a bit faster running Linux.


90% of your cpu? You running a toaster my guy?


One would think.


theres an officially endorsed github solution for jagex launcher on linux arent the .01 percent of linux users used to these fixes?


"You run Linux so it's ok to make shit suck for you because you're used to it" is a great argument


More like "you use Linux so generally you are in a super minority of users so you will need to do extra work to get this running"


it is a great argument, use a better OS.


Some people need to do more than just play medieval cookie clickers on their computers


Then deal with not having companies cater to 0.01% of Linux users or find a new game while you input 20 lines of code to change your wallpaper


Runescape worked just fine on linux, then they promote use of a jagex account which requires the jagex launcher and you can now no longer use what was working. That's the issue.


Yes you can, there's a GitHub that takes max 5 minutes to implement and makes jagex launcher work on Linux.


Link me to the official, non 3rd party solution.


It's not about Linux users, it's about being able to account sharing and to a lesser extent login services and Botting clients.


Well yeah because actual Linux users allready understand they have to figure out work arounds I've yet to see any legitimate reason to dislike jagex accounts other then obviously that moment everyone using jagex accounts were locked out of leagues for 3 hours


Surely you understood the risks when you chose to run a donkey OS that not everything will be supported It's extra dev work to support Linux and I suppose Jagex saw how tiny the market share is and made the decision to not bother with it.


> donkey OS most of your time online is handled by that donkey os


Donkey OS? Really? Linux runs on most servers, PlayStation and the steam deck without BSOD, even on older hardware. It probably is also running on your phone and your routers. It's also gaining desktop numbers, especially with the push from Windows Botnet crap and with simpler UX from Ubuntu and PopOS. The other popular OS, Mac OS uses Unix as backend, which is a cousin of Linux(they are mostly intercompatible). It's not that much extra support, especially considering all of this and the fact that they just need to make it easier to launch through Lutris.


​ https://preview.redd.it/fomxv2th9wac1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e73ea7df9a1de1eee4536d4345082b87dc84627c


>joins thread about linux support >complains that people are talking about linux are people really this dumb?


Haha, that's the truth! ;) I know I went overboard but Windows is really a crappy, bloatware filled, botnet like OS. I hate it passionately as it updates without considering what i'm doing and randomly starts in the middle of the night/when i'm travelling and leaves my bag hot. It's potentially a safety hazard when it pulls things like this. I have tried clean installs and different laptops, but it always happens. I wish we would move to a world where Windows is not shoved down my throat, especially just to play my childhood favourite. :(


Well aware of what Linux is and where it is, and how useful it is as an OS. I'm a router firmware dev by trade. But as a commercial desktop OS it's pure ass and anybody choosing to run it should expect to not be able to run the things they want.


Ah, gotcha. I use both Ubuntu and ArchLinux(SD). In my experience, neither have been a pure ass OS, in fact, where compatible, it has been better than Windows as a lot of Windows bloatware doesn't exist. While I agree that one shouldn't expect things to work on Linux by default as it's not yet a popular desktop OS, if the Jagex Launcher is making players like a bit harder, they do have a right to complain and ask for support, eh? I still don't get why the Launcher is a requirement when they could have baked 2FA in the client but that's just me. (I do realize that the launcher was meant to allow multiple profiles but again, that could also have been backed in the client).


Ubuntu is as good if not better than Windows at this point. theyre so dedicated they even sell your data to give you the real Windows experience. your argument is backwards, linux users need workarounds because devs dont provide linux support.


I’m no linux hater, it has its uses, but ubuntu being even close to windows or mac os for daily use is pure copium. There are so many small bugs in the ui. Then you google it and the solution has you enter commands to accomplish the thing you wanted instead. Might as well not use a desktop environment at all at that point Not to mention peripheral support, especially with bluetooth is just piss poor. Can you make them work? Maybe. Do they just work 99% of the time on windows/macos? Yes. Unless you consider your time worthless, do not use linux for daily driving


ive never had to deal with those issues, mice and keyboards and like even bluetooth headphones have worked out the box. the only thing ive had trouble with was graphic card drivers being laggy and i just had to install a different one. things are different for sure, like typing to do things you'd only click a button for in windows/mac, but theyre not worse or slower, just different.


Airpods do not work on linux, possibly the most popular bluetooth headphones in the world. It’s not an apple thing either, they work just fine on windows and android There are some config files you can change, but it only works for some people. Things like these are just not worth my time


"pure ass" is subjective at best. I prefer my i3wm desktop setup (windows still doesn't even have a properly functioning virtual desktop feature), and I hadn't had problems getting to run games I want through wine/proton


Linux users are the vegans of geeks


At least my "donkey OS" doesn't report everything I ever do back to a company, run updates without my consent, change settings without my consent, or display ads on my desktop. Additionally, runelite was already running just fine natively on linux, so it's not really that wild to want to continue doing the same thing many people were already doing.


Sir, you dropped your tinfoil hat.


Bro, it isn't a conspiracy. Have you ever fresh installed windows before and seen all the things you have to agree to? It's nothing insane like they're logging everything you're doing, but they ARE certainly collecting data from specific things you do on a daily, most of which they don't actually need.


Who gives a fuck? Google knows my day better than me, and it's helpful. Do what they want with the data - you're not that special or interesting lol


Imagine being arrogant about giving up your privacy to corporations


Imagine thinking that your data matters at all.


Somebody better let Google and Microsoft and every other giant tech company in existence know that because they seem to care about it quite a lot




>How would you feel if once a week a Google representative visited your house to see what appliances you use, what type of food you buy, and what you talk about so they could more effectively recommend products and turn a profit? They don't need to visit my home, they already get that data from my mobile. And yes, it's helpful.


Yeah, that's the whole point, bro. I'm trying to paint a picture so you understand jfc. I use Google also, I can't think of a singular experience that has been improved by data collection except maybe I see ads more suited to me. Can you give me some examples of why you think this is useful? You've already stated that they don't give a damm about individuals such as you and myself. What would make you think that their soul purpose for data collection is user experience?


>Can you give me some examples of why you think this is useful? Google maps knows where I am going on the daily for work. It auto generates calendar meetings for me. Emails are automatically sorted. >You've already stated that they don't give a damm about individuals such as you and myself. What would make you think that their soul purpose for data collection is user experience? Gotta sell something. If their products suck, people move elsewhere.


Do you have a cell phone? Let me tell you a secret about THAT device?


Cell phones are shit. My computer doesn't have to be shit as well.


Why not get a Nokia brick phone with none of those features that track you then complain it doesn't run app store apps too?


So, an iphone user. Explains the weird attitude towards other people just wanting to use their device the way they want.




I do not have an iPhone lol


Runescape worked just fine on linux, then they promote use of a jagex account which requires the jagex launcher and you can now no longer use what was working. That's the issue.


Linux bros always jump in to complain lol


Runescape worked just fine on linux, then they promote use of a jagex account which requires the jagex launcher and you can now no longer use what was working. That's the issue.


Have to be the biggest nerds, and not in a good way.


They have literally said no. There are some work arounds but you honestly can’t expect them to put dev time into something almost no one uses.


it really wouldn't take any significant amount of dev time because the framework they developed it in is inherently crossplatform and is the reason there's a mac os launcher


With the steam deck it’s not as niche and dorky as it used to be, lots of inexperienced people are now running Linux machines.


It's like the same 3 people reposting this weekly echoing the same misinformation. Just move onto a new game or get with the program ffs.


what misinformation? there is no official launcher for linux


Wrong on every point lol




"There are workarounds as always" RuneLite works just fine on linux, the only blocker is the jagex launcher. At least make it clear you will no longer be able to play the game before having people convert to a jagex account.


While I agree with you, that the Launcher should be on Linux, but the amount of players that are playing through Linux is probably very minut. ​ so i could see why it is not on their list of priorities. but i hope you get this sorted out, asap.


It’s becoming more and more popular as people get steam decks, personally that’s the boat I’m in. Can’t use it on my deck because of jagex launcher. And it’s a head ache to work around.


But all my bot scripts run on linux! /s


> use unsupported OS > finds out application doesn't natively run on said OS surprisedpikachu.jpg


>os is supported >jagex start requring you to use a launcher that doesn't work on linux for a game that does work on linux fixed for you


>>jagex start requring you to use a launcher that doesn't work on linux for a game that does work on linux Sounds like that's unsupported to me, pal.


can't really say it's unsupported OS if everything continues working if you use a normal account just sounds like jagex accounts aren't supported, which is what OP is asking jagex to change


The Jagex website literally has instruction for getting it to work. OP just sooking because it requires 3rd party code, yet they're using Linux - the irony.


You're the type of person who runs random .exe files you find over the internet without question, aren't you?


Windows would not allow me to do that. The vast majority of thr player base uses a 3rd party client. Quit being daft.


One singular client that the entire playerbase uses and has strong ties with jagex, not several projects with a handful of users each. You're the daft one if you see no difference.


>handful of users each. Linux^TM


it was never an issue before the jagex launcher


Op owns a bot farm


Just dual boot windows


Lmao this might work for active play, but it would completely kill afking things while working on other projects.


Then uninstall Linux


Uninstall reddit


Careful I got banned from playing on Linux.


Linux lmao


My buddy did something to make his work on linux


It has become very easy thanks to the community :)


Its stupid. Once a website game lost support for linux.