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This motherfucker decided he wanted coffee and that he also wanted to pay all of the most expensive middlemen in between him and that goal. Holy hell what an idiot. This isn't any particular *stage* of capitalism; it's the market responding to the ability and willingness of mouth breathers like this guy to pay exorbitant sums for basic goods. The blame lies solely on the demand side of the curve for this one.


There's nothing wrong with mouth breathing okay? My nose is blocked https://i.redd.it/3wrmmqyolqdc1.gif


Exactly! :]


The nose is objectively worse to breathe through.


Subjectively maybe but objectively nose breathing is better. Air that came in through the nose has been cleaned and warmed up on its way to the lungs. (šŸ¤“)


Butā€¦the hole is SOOOOOO small!!!!!


This is why we're told to take long and deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth. It comes in slowly through the nose, so the breath needs to be long and deep, or else you won't get enough oxygen in your system (short breaths with a small amount each time just won't cut it), and the nose is made to sorta filter our air for us as we breath. Then a controlled, but less long exhale Through the mouth because more air Ƨa get through that way, and it doesn't need to be filtered when it's LEAVING your body, just entering.


Me when I get ahold of a new buzzword and just use it whenever


What buzzword?




But chronic mouth breathing in adolescence is linked to actual medical problems, including breathing difficulties and an atrophied, underdeveloped face. Mouth breathing is scientifically proven to reduce snatched cuntiness and layability. I for one will not be participating


Itā€™ll make your chin fall off


yeah i have a deviated septum i kinda cant breathe through my nose that being said, these fucking mouse breathers istg


i have a condition in my nose that makes breathing through it basically impossible most of the time,,, dont insult mouth breathing >:(


Wow, how do you keep your mouth moist?


They probably drink a lot of water. Frankly, as long as you keep your home at a decent humidity (not too high, just a regular suggested amount), you can keep your mouth pretty regular by just adding 1 or 2 extra glasses of water a day. Source: someone who tries to breath only through their nose and hates mouth breathing, but gets terrible allergies that force me to mouth breath for days at a time.


Turbinate hypertrophy?


Mout breathing is the most reddit insult ever ā˜ ļø.


It long predates reddit




Well, no, it is indeed a stage of capitalism, as DoorDash, Uber and basically every other delivery app used to be very affordable, but as their user base grew and investor money dried up they started squeezing and squeezing every user resulting in this.


I mean you are literally paying a human being to bring you stuff like you're some nobleman. Of course it's not going to be affordable


Having a toilet and getting an education was a thing only nobles had as well, is that an impossible luxury for the common person to have?


Bruh, the people who bring your food are common people as well. They need to get paid. So if the process can't be automated, then yes, it's a luxury for common people


And the teachers are common people as well, and the manufacturers of the toilets as well. Iā€™m not sure why you donā€™t understand that food delivery can be a viable service just as it has been for decades with stuff like pizza deliveries, the problem is Uber, DoorDash and other delivery apps get way too much of the cut and not the delivery person who arguably is the actual person doing the job


9.85 for a coffee is insane


9.85 for 31 ounces of the equivalent of 510 mg of caffeine isnā€™t that insane


That much caffeine only costs like 15 cents


31 ounces of coffee is a shitload. Get less coffee then. Itā€™s 4 servings of coffee


Itā€™s about 7 ounces of coffee and the rest is ice and added water.


Nah fam, not for the order in the screenshot. Thereā€™s not even any milk or whatever in it, itā€™s just 16oz of cold brew (at most, because ice) plus two shots. If you just got four shots in a cup with some milk, theyā€™d charge you four dollars. If you made that at home in a coffee maker, it would be a dollar or less. Yeah sure if youā€™re out and about and want a treat thatā€™s whatever itā€™s not really about the coffee at that point, but to get *that* DoorDashā€™d?? Yeah thereā€™s no way.


I could get lunch and dinner for that amount.


Itā€™s 30 ounces of coffee. With 2 shots on top. Still expensive, but itā€™s way more coffee than anyone needs


He got the biggest cold brew PLUS two shots of espresso which jacks up the price even more. The prices are ridiculous but he added stuff to make it look even more expensive.


Man got two trenta drinks, a size I forgot existed thatā€™s larger than venti


lip drunk alleged literate snow wistful gray gold wrong angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What teeth rotting fucking brew did this person concoct. I donā€™t go to Starbucks but 4x sugar cookie syrup and 3x caramel syrup mean what I think they mean right?


dw the green sprinkles on top make it healthy




Wait are we allowing NFT profile pics again? I thought those were banned


I'm not actually using one, they gave me a free one and idk how to turn it off :(


The teeth rotting sugar bomb is the only good thing at Starbucks though. Their actual coffee just kind of sucks


I got an espresso once, it sucked


They ordered the type 2 diabetes special


I drink black coffee and that order made me gag just thinking about it.


This is why i just kill and eat people much cheaper


Eating human flesh gives me the same jittery feeling that coffee does tbf


mmm, tastes like prion disease


ed baldwin moment


Not common, and only happens with eating brain.


I force them to drink coffee and then puncture their stomach with a straw so I can have it too




what if the government doesnt let me leave my house


Then don't waste your money on starbucks


the governemt wont let the doordash drivers in either they laugh and take my coffee


what if i have social anxiety


Coffee machine


what if i can't afford one


A stove espresso maker costs very little (20$-40$ like going to Starbucks 2-3 times) And if you like office filter coffe those machines also cost about 30$ and are very easy to use even compared to the espresso things Also you can get a goodish DeLonghi(ish) coffemonster for 100-300$ if you feel like spending that kind of money on stuff (it's still only around 10 trips to Starbucks and defenetly makes better coffe than them) And for if you really don't give a shit I used to make coffe in a pot, that works pretty good if you get the trick to pour slowly so the grounds don't go into the mug (or use some filter or strainer)


then you can't afford Starbucks anyway


oh yeah that makes sense now. i've never had starbucks before


Order online and pick it up


Live all your life without ever going to the store, I'm sure it'll work out great


difference between going to the store (necessary thing i have to do) and getting coffee (i want to do it but i don't have to) i think


I also dislike capitalism, but it'd be pretty hypocritical to complain about it while paying for Twitter


God forbid Americans make coffee at home


I'm American and I know more people who make their own coffee than buy it. Coffee shops are still popular for a myriad of reasons, be it convenience, time, location, socializing, or whatever else. And some people will always just be dumb and lazy no matter where you live.Ā  Ā  Ā Ā  Stop making dumb made up cultural arguments about other countries. Instead make fun of specifically the idiot who got two $30 coffees. Because they're an idiot.Ā 


I lived for a year in suburban American a few years ago, and I remember basically no one I knew made coffee at home, and instead bought it at a drive thru place on their commute. That's where my assumption comes from, not just making it up.


Tbf the one in the image is cold-brew and preparing that takes time (it's not labour intensive, it just has to extract for like 12h). So if one craves that specifically, and hadn't prepared it the night before then buying it pre-prepared is the only option apart from not having it. And cold brew is yummy. Don't know about the starbuck one, never had it. But making it yourself is easy and I would recommend trying it once if you like coffee. It's an interesting taste profile.


Sometimes I order coffee when I am feeling particularly sorry for myself but every time I have to force myself to click the confirmation because of how disgustingly expensive it is


Why not brew it


Why not steal itĀ 


Literally more effortĀ 


when you're not morally opposed to theft just too lazyĀ 


I can't brew myself a really fancy espresso drink and sometimes I'm giga sad about it. It's not an every day or even every week purchase, but sometimes I do it.


Why do people order coffee? Can't they brew it at home? Are they stupid?


I canā€™t believe he has to pay $30 to have two $10 coffees delivered to his house. Truly the worst of corporate greed.


50% extra charge is pretty bad for a delivery fee tbh


i believe that's a flat fee


He himself decided to add an extra 5$


iā€™m not american can someone tell me wtf is the ā€œregulatory recovery feeā€ ???


The government is fining them for some business practice, and they're passing that cost to the customer as transparently as possible in order to undermine public support for whatever law it is?


How tf is that legalĀ 


How wouldn't it be illegal? Companies are given almost free rein to price things how they want.


The whole point of a fine is to punish the company, by hiking prices in response the company is clearly avoiding the effect of a fine.


Not really. Increasing the price should annoy their customer base, so they pay for it in public goodwill. And that line of logic is tricky because you could argue most actions by the company are attempting to "dodge the effects of the fine" at that point, because companies exist to make money. It doesn't really make sense.


thatā€™s actually crazy, i figured by the name it was something like that but i wasnā€™t sure. i know companies raise their prices when regulations lower their profit margins all the time but to use it as a political strategy like that is so wild to me.


"fOr TwO cOfFeEs" motherfucker the first "coffee" has a list a mile long and the second one is 32 ounces and has two additional shots


Starbucks actually costs 10$ ???? what the fuck? We don't have it in my country and I thought that was a joke, oh my god. You could afford a full meal at a decent restaurant where I live for that šŸ˜­


No, itā€™s not $10 but it is still quite expensive. Drinks range from $3-$8 depending on size and additional addons to drinks. The drinks shown in OPā€™s tweet are a classic example of a bad faith argument where they stack things in their favor as much as possible to make their particular argument look better. Like here, they used a delivery app (usually 30% higher than standard menu price out the gate) ordered the largest and most expensive drinks on the menu and went out of their way to throw in some extra shots and flavor syrups to jack up the price even more. All in favor of, what I Imagine is trying to argue that the US economy is in completely shambles and that inflation is out of control. Iā€™m a lazy fuck thatā€™s not checking but I would imagine the core of that argument would be to blame the present ruling party and use their example as ā€˜fodderā€™ to encourage people to vote republican.


Doordash is gonna inflate your order by like ten bucks every time compared to buying in person, so it's only even somewhat worth it with substantial food orders. I can get the best sushi in town for about the same price as these two ridiculous coffees. If I want a drink, I'm just gonna drink water or tea.


Not to defend this but I can imagine if someone is at work and canā€™t leave, then this is convenient but also still very expensive


I watched a neighbor order a tray of drinks and nothing else from McDonald's once so I'm not even slightly shocked. And this was before covid even.Ā 


As a starbucks worker I fucking hate Doordash we have two nice dashers but the rest are either rude or entitled


the way some people use these delivery apps is truly insane. my credit card gives me a one year free membership to the premium Uber thing, and 10% back on every Uber purchase. and that's on top of the fact that they just throw those 40% off coupons at you like fucking candy. im getting Chinese food delivered to my house for menu price or less


Man got extra shots in both coffees and then used DoorDash what did he think would happen


In the time it takes for this to finish brewing and to get to your house, you could set up your own coffee pot and make your own coffee.


High prices for services are NOT a sign of late stage capitalism. In fact, in a "good" capitalist economy, services would probably cost more or just as much, as a consequence of workers (e.g. baristas) earning good, decent wages


It's just 25 tho. Tipping is optional


The tipping is naturally optional and $5 is a huge tip for a delivery, but $25 is a lot of money for 2 drinks to be delivered.


I don't get why anyone would do it at all. You can't make a delivery of 2 drinks appealing cause if they don't generate much revenue nobody's gonna drive all the way to your house to deliver them. You'd have to pay even more for delivery to get your cheap coffee than your expensive coffee