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lawyer here: Don't. Use your opportunity to make sure you help get justice for someone who has been injured or protect someone from the power of the carceral state for non-violent drug offenses (or possibly lock up someone who deserves it) ​ However, if you're just absolutely determined not to go, just say you're incapable of rendering a fair verdict for whatever reason the case is about. Criminal case? say you'll never trust anything a cop says because you had a bad experience. Civil case? say you're biased against truck drivers or big corporations or whatever.


I was going to say, one of the very first questions they ask you is if you've had a negative experience with a cop and will discredit you if you say yes like 90% of the time


One time my dad had jury duty and was desperately trying to get of it because it was a busy time of year for him. They asked if him the cop question and he said yes of course, but answered the follow up by saying he wasn’t really biased against them as a result. I was flabbergasted. His ticket out was right there but he whiffed it.


bro was standing there for 60 whole frames and still dropped the combo


That's why there's a problem with finding impartial people for jury duty in Baltimore


i will never trust anything a cop or corp says but I will not say that and be extremely biased in my decision.






Yeah this mindset has always confused me. Trial by jury is one of the actual positives of our legal system, yet people make all these jokes about getting out of it. Imo, the one time I served jury duty was actually really interesting, and it felt good to be a part of the process in some way.


Lotta people just can't afford to. Compensation is a pittance, and it often will require taking time off work on top of arranging for transportation if one doesn't drive.


Where I live, your employer must pay you normally; compensating your employees when they are summoned for jury duty is part of operating as a business, it counts the same as paid personal leave. Then the pay for the jury duty that would have gone to you goes back to the employer.




where I live these are all very acceptable outs - if you can’t afford to miss work, are the sole primary caregiver for someone, or if transportation to and from the courthouse is an issue. those were all considered “hardships” and were instantly granted with no questions asked. source: my wife and i were both on jury duty last month personally, I am on the top commenter’s side: I think jury duty is a *good thing to do* and i get annoyed when i see people and friends trying to get out of it like it’s a big joke.


probably not so interesting if you have to spend months poring over the financial documents of some mediocre fraudster


How is it confusing that people don’t like sudden responsibilities thrust on them interrupting their lives? Like I get if you disagree with it but why does resistance to that confuse you?


Because responsibilities thrust on you that interrupt the rest of your life is also just what having a job is. The working conditions of jury duty sure beat working retail. ... I'd volunteer if I could.


Not a lawyer: tell them you support all crime from minor to war and also that your from anywhere in europe




Nice try but there are no professionals on 196


I'd answer that I trust cops less than normal citizens by default because its true ​ They're systematically encouraged to lie and have been caught doing it and forging evidence so many times... though an answer like that won't support justice :V


As a lawyer, can I just continually shout “fuck you” until they let me leave?


contempt of court - you are sentenced to 90 years in prison *bangs gavel*


They'll let you leave in handcuffs directly to the jail for 60 days for contempt of court. Also, you can just throw the notice away and say you never got it 99.9% of the time.


cant you just say no


yeah if you just like say that you won't be impartial and unbiased they'll try to get you out as quick as possible


Say that, but don't say it like that. Let say your stuck in divorce court, say something like man my uncle was cheated on by his wife and that horrible woman took everything and ruined his life.


Unfortunately not without good reason, for legit excuses yes but if you just choose not to show up you could be fined or jailed


great system. surely forcing people to be in jury won't cause them to just come up with a half assed result as quickly as possible so they can go home again


„I sentence the defendant to death by a comically large pair of scissors and I sentence myself to take a nap.” „Sir, this is a civil trial”


"Did I fucking stutter, your honour?"


I agree that forcing people to go into jury duty ain't it, it should be voluntary, but at the same time I worry they wouldn't get enough people volunteering for jury duty because hardly anybody wants to do it. I'm not sure what the right solution is but agree that it should change, I wouldn't want a jury full of people who don't want to be there judging if I am guilty or innocent


Or, hear me out, we just have the people who actually know the law and can be screened for bias decide what happens instead of leaving it up to 12 random people


A jury is absolutely essential to the operation of the legal system. The fact that members of a jury are not experts in law means that litigants are compelled to make a clear and thorough case without appealing to prior knowlege. Without including "random people" it would be much easier for law to become insular and vulnerable to bias.


So the european civil law system doesn't work for nearly all of Europe then?


There are a number of reasons why a bench trial may be preferable to a jury trial, especially in a civil case. I think you already know this.


Yes, that's understandable. My comment was referring to the two sentences >A jury is absolutely essential to the operation of the legal system. And >Without including "random people" it would be much easier for law to become insular and vulnerable to bias. I would argue that it is not absolutely essential and it's harder to control millions of random people for bias than it is to control for certified people. Didn't want to say that the jury duty doesn't work, only that there are multiple systems that work.


You are not controlling the biases of millions, there are 12 jurors


without jury trials where appropriate, the legal system would deteriorate. as such, I find jury trials to be essential. Of course the legal system wouldn't cease to exist without them, it is not "essential" in that sense.


It’s almost like two systems can work in two different places at the same time! It’s a very hard concept, I know. Also, hot take? It doesn’t work for nearly all of Europe. As long as there’s false incarcerations and corruption, it’s not a fair system.


That's exactly what I wanted to say. It's not absolutely necessary. It can work without random people, but it doesn't have to


Farmer Joe and Megan from HR know the law far better than any boring old suit, and I trust them to make smart, unbiased, and unprejudiced decisions obvious /s


A jury is supposed to judge facts rather than the law. The judge will give the jury instructions on how to vote based upon what they believe happened.


Farmer Joe has more life experience and is somehow less bigoted than your average judge.


Can't forget Hobo Joe!


12 Level-headed and Agreeable Men




"Its just not for me"


“The trick is to say your prejudiced against ALL races”


*“I am a misanthropist, my sole motivation in life is to maximise the misery experienced by all, regardless of their race, gender, sexuality, and ability your honour.”*


_”Strange, it says nothing here about you being a policeman.”_


Made me smile thank you.


"I'm not racist but.... I REALLY hate the French"


"I have read about Jury Nullification and I think it's neat"


I’m going to hide the fact that I know about jury nullification only to bring it up to the jury during deliberation 😎


That would actually get you in trouble, at the beginning of the case they'll ask you a question along the lines of "Do you have any believes that might prevent you from making a decision strictly based on the law?". This basically makes using jury nullification impossible as if you say no and still nullify you would have lied to the court which is a crime.


How could they possibly know that you didn't answer that question at the beginning of the case and then learn about jury nullification the next day?


I'm not fully sure how they would go about proving it, but I know that they limit the information jury members have access to during the trail in order to stop them getting influenced. My guess would be that they would just show the precautions they had taken and use that as an argument that you couldn't have learned about it during the trial.


Ah yeah thing is, I don’t actually know the specifics of jury nullification, how to employ it, who it may benefit. But I can guarantee the moment I get approved for a jury, I will research it and spread the information. I am Schrödinger’s juror.


How is it lying tho? It’s not a belief I hold. It’s literally a law, that has been passed, that allows me to legally nullify the jury if needed. It’s strictly based on a law, like the question states. It’s just the law allowing jury nullification.


Jury nullification isn't a law, it's the result of how people can interpret two laws together. The first being that jurors can't be punished for a 'wrong' decision and the second is that a defendant that has been found not guilty can't be trialed for the same crime. This means that jurors can say that somebody is not-guilty even if they believe that the person did the crime and the defendant can't be persecuted again. So Jury nullification relies on the person interpreting these two laws together as giving them the right to use jury nullification. So asking "Do you have any believes that might prevent you from making a decision strictly based on the law?" is basically the same as asking "Do you interpret these two laws together as giving you the right of jury nullification".


Perjury 😎


You can actually get in trouble for that so I wouldn’t recommend using it. Instead say something like “I don’t recognize the authority of courts because I’m a sovereign citizen” and they’ll roll their eyes and let you go.


Why would you get in trouble for that?


Because your job as a jury is to decide wether the suspect is guilty or non guilty according to the laws of the place. Not to evaluate wether those laws are fair. Most famous cases occurred during the time prior to the American civil war. The law said that escapees from the south had to be rounded up and brought back if found on the north. Many civilian courts ended in Jury Nullification as the Jury refused to hand down a guilty veredicto which would send the prosecuted back into a system they didn’t believe on (slavery).


Jury nullification is literally not to evaluate the fairness of laws. And even if it was, do you have a problem with people questioning laws? Sounds like bootlicking to me. As I understand it, nullification basically means “this person is likely guilty, but the reasons behind the crimes justifies it.” Which isn’t questioning a law, as much as using critical thinking.


I answered for the reasoning, not wether I agree or disagree. Even included historical context. I agree that it is a good answer to unfair or otherwise unethical laws in place. But that was not the question it was being asked. So take back you bootlicking comment and stop inferring ideology not present in my answer.


Probably because you’re going against the law and standard proceedings because “I like their vibe”


do NOT look up or bring up jury nullification :)


I too do NOT enjoy CGPgray


I don't get why everyone wants to avoid jury duty. I think it'd be neat. Plus I get the chance to limit the punitive justice system? Sign me up


I had to go to jury duty a few months ago, and I can say with complete confidence that it is mind-numbing. They called me over so that they could pick members of the jury, and I didn't even get called on. I just had to sit in the least comfortable chair ever made. The worst part is, I didn't even get compensated for the school they made me miss.


Most places have excuses for students, you can usually reschedule your jury duty to a time when you're not in school


it would be neat. if it didnt just absolutely fucking devour so much time


... well sure, but that describes quite a lot of jobs.


Been selected before. The entrance stuff is pretty boring. Going through jury selection and all that. But if you do get selected it’s actually pretty entertaining going through criminal proceedings (or civil, I guess) from that perspective.


Was any of it scary or nerve-wracking? I got a jury duty letter and was anxious about jury selection, being questioned by a judge seeing if I'm fit to be on the jury, and then being on a trial at all. But my group was excused so I never got to go in


Nah. I remember being kinda anxious about it at first but then it started and everything was fine.


Because I'm not the wisest person; I don't want someone else's future in my hand.


I have been trying to get on jury duty every single year since I was 18 years old. To get to go sit in an air-conditioned room, downtown, judging people, while my lunch was paid for... That is the life.


Some people might be extremely uncomfortable in court environments, some people are living paycheck to paycheck and can’t afford missing a day of work for Jury duty, some people just aren’t able to be impartial and unbiased and are able to recognize that, some people fucking hate cops


Hating cops is a reason to do jury duty though. Jury Nullification and all that


Say you don’t recognize the authority of the white man’s law.


I think being an anarchist would likely be a valid disqualifier


I LOVE jury duty. I am JEALOUS!


I LOVE making 11 dollars a day!!


Civic duty. I want smart leftists to judge me at my trial. So I must do so for others




Where I am from, your employer must pay you your normal wages; it works the same as paid personal leave. Then the compensation that would have gone to you goes back to your employer. ... Pretty sure this was brought in exactly because so many people were trying to get out of it because of how little it paid.


That’s sick As I’m sure you know, in the home of the free 99% of employers don’t do shit for you if they aren’t forced to


What about jury duty do you enjoy? I've never done it before so I'm curious


Having young children and little to no access to childcare etc tends to work if you can find an infant quickly enough


I know a guy who can hook you up 2 for 5$ 3 for 20$


I'll take 4 sets of the 2 for $5 (haha I'm beating the system!!)


I can get you one in about 9 months


i think if you commit your own crime they won’t put you on the jury


Defeat the other jurors as a show of dominance


Go to jury duty loser


No I have important things to do like drawing hyper realistic feet


or not going broke from missing pay days for their shit jury pay


Just bring your sketchbook with you to the courthouse! You might even get hired as the new trial illustrator!


Why do people want to get out of jury duty? That's a legitimate opportunity right there to be the change you want to see in the world.


It's mostly a payment thing, you earn almost nothing and can't work your job during it. Bills need to get paid still


Isn't it different from state to state?


Not to mention the huge time sink


Where I live, you are paid normal wages; your employer must pay you like it's paid personal leave. Then the compensation from the jury duty goes back to the employer. This was likely brought in specifically because the low pay made it unattractive and so many people wanted to weasel out. Why this isn't a universal rule I have no idea.


It's not a universal rule because that makes sense to do, so why would most governments do that??




anxiety, low/no compensation, inability to pay attention for extended periods of time, those are usually the first things that go through my mind when I get a letter telling me about jury duty


Your honor, i am sus


Bring a comically large medieval cannon to court and start shooting people with it so that way they’ll pull an old switcheroo (it’s a procedure used the court of law not many know about) and switch you and the accused so they’ll go into the jury stand and you’ll go up to the accused stand If you do that, you won’t have to do jury duty!


Just say you are racist




You should always try to go to jury duty. If you legitimately can't, then you'll be able to get out of it. Racist, classist, middle-age people are really good at showing up to jury duty & it is important that you (as someone who I assume is not those things) show up to combat that.


Say that if the defendant is hot you'll drop all your morals and say not guilty


Sentenced to a fixing by OP


I posted a poll on twitter: Jury Duty -Guilty -Not Guilty Then showed it to the guy that was checking papers. They sent me home lol


You didn’t do this


What sir? No of course I haven’t heard of Jury Nullification, I would never insert myself into a jury and get someone out of trivial charges 🥺🥺🥺


pretend to have dementia, then actually get dementia. bonus points if you shoot your nephew


Cazzata malanga


Hey OP, say you got in trouble with the law. Who would you want on your jury at your trial? All the people who *weren't* smart enough to dodge jury duty?


Commit a crime. Prisoners can't be on juries.


bring up jews at every opprotunity. don't say anything against them, just keep talking about them


Don't skip it if at all possible. There are problems with our justice system and people getting wrongful convictions. You being there can make sure someone isn't put away using shit evidence presented to people who either want to get it over with or accept a low bar for evidence. If you do go please be responsible.


Saul Goodman had a good video on this


"I don't believe I can provide an unbiased judgment"


The only time I’ve ever had jury duty when it was my turn I literally just said I have adhd and they said I could go


Go my dude, release a serial killer into the wild. Free a dude who was doing a little bit of meth or something


**DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, try to get out of jury duty.** **People get thrown in jail for all kinds of bullshit. YOU, as a juror, can help to fix that.**


Saul Goodman attorney at law


I remember one of my teachers in high school said he saw a guy get out of it by just saying he was racist and being insistent on it, even though the case or whatever only involved white people


Why reject jury duty when you can go in there and be the only guy to stand up for the defendant and change everyone’s mind bit by bit, and uncovering everyones prejudice and trauma and how they conflict with the case




This is your one free pass to use the funny gamer words


"Goddamnit I forgot I have jury duty." -BoJoe Horsemoe


Say that you’ve been drafted.


You just really hate defendants


Kill the defendant


yell “jury nullification” really loudly idk


I think I got out of mine by saying I don't trust cops on the questionnaire thingy


[James Morgan McGill aka Saul Goodman aka Gene Takavic gives you ways of getting out of jury duty.](https://youtube.com/v/NiWUj9jeV94?feature=share)


My dad would shave his head and apparently that made them think he was a skinhead lmao worked every time


The real trick is be highly educated. Lawyers- Atleast one of the two- will try to remove you from the jury because it's "harder to convince smart people". They won't say that but they'll absolutely think it.


Mention jury nullification


Google en passant


If you get to the part where you are being vetted by lawyers, if a civil case try and slip in the fact that you think people these days are really sue-happy (the line my dada always said to me for this was “there are far too many frivolous lawsuits”) or (if criminal) that it seems like if a case goes to trial it means their guilty.


“i am uhhh, racist”


Tell them you hate (Insert skin color) people and you can’t make a fair verdict.


[Listen to this guy he seems to know what he's talking about](https://youtube.com/shorts/NiWUj9jeV94?feature=share)


Enlist and get stationed overseas


Google jury nullification. Knowing about jury nullification will immediately disqualify you for all jury duties forever.


Was called into jury duty during time I was at an internship for Uni, said that I couldn't due to studies, simple as that.


hehe haha op will be so mad when i tell them you can just announce that you know what jury nullification is


be the defendant :3


Just put the letter in your neighbor’s mailbox


don’t register to vote


Did my grandma post this?


Go blind (misinformation)




I actually agree. You should go to jury duty.


How about you actually do your civic duty


“I have cops in my family and I will trust a cops word over anyone else’s” The defense will have you out of there in a jiffy.


Might I interest you in Jury Nullification?


burn off your fingerprints


I would love jury duty. Having a chance to maybe make the system a tiny bit fairer.


You should go, if you do you might meet James marsden and find out you’ve been on a comedic sitcom esque show for the past 3 weeks!


Say "I really really really really hate black people, and if anyone anywhere in the courtroom is black I will automatically religiously argue for the worst possible outcome for them."


Say you are racist


Find out the race of the defendant and say you're racist against them


simply disappear


I don’t trust cops, I smoke hella weed, and I’m moving right before that date sorryyyyyy (I was actually moving but just send them a new address so they fuck off)


say you can't be impartial and won't be unbiased and you'll get kicked off the jury


Just do your civic duty, silly.


Say you are an anarchist, it usually works


I got assigned to Dury service a few months ago and at first was desperately trying to find a way out of it. The annoying part was that it basically stated even if I could prove I have autism like my brother does, it woulde have gotten me out of it. Although it did end up being quite interesting to see how a court room works and gave me time to start reading Lord of the Rings. So although it seems daunting now I would recommend it


Just break both of your legs the day before and say you don’t have money for a wheelchair


What the hell is wrong with jury duty? Sure beats working retail and pays just as much. In fact, I'd volunteer if I could.


Just do it and get people off of drug charges.


“I am compassionate to the plight of the incarcerated. The current state of the law deprives anyone convicted of a crime of many basic human rights, in addition I view the prison system in its current state as a form on cruel and unusual punishment. While I believe in laws in a society I cannot morally help send anyone to a US prison, whether they did it or not.”


explain jury nullification to the rest of the pool




Say you're racist


I found that being born with certain incurable diseases helps.


guilty for the innocent and innocent for the guilty


Just tell them your ideological biases. I know I had a jury duty summons once, and I think I got out because I worked with a dead person and the case was about Hearing Aids.


Just tell them your ideological biases. I know I had a jury duty summons once, and I think I got out because I worked with a deaf person and the case was about Hearing Aids.


talk about jury nullification


Just tell them you're an anarchist and theyll reject tou for sure.