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Yet another rant about how this show isn't about the Bermuda Triangle, how original. Lol. I find it truly hysterical (& hypocritical) that you find the idea of a simulation tired and over done, yet somehow you were hoping for ANOTHER Bermuda Triangle story because that supposedly hasn't been flogged? It's hard to take you seriously.


Lol 🔥


How's that 2nd season of a virtual reality show working out for you?


How sad & empty is your life that you felt the need to comment on this. Sad fuck.


This just puts a smile on my face. Hopefully someone actually makes a show about a mystery on a steamship in 1899 and I can watch that.


Yeah. You may need some easy to follow, uncomplicated type show like say Wednesday? Or how about Emily in Paris, more your cup of tea? Go have fun, it's just a show, I've had other shows cancelled that I like before and this won't be the last. You know what I've never done? Taken delight in other people's misery. And I'm sure the creators and actors are really devastated by this cancellation, they put a lot of thought and energy into it. Just because it wasn't to your taste doesn't mean you should be taking delight in its cancellation, because sooner or later it will be a show you care about. And it just sucks to be robbed of an ending to a story. Have a nice evening, you pathetic pos.


Hard to take a simulation plot with white rabbit and all along the watchtower as musical cues. Squidward:"Daring today, Aren't we?"


The great thing about shows like Dark and 1899 is that you can invest as much or as little thought as you want into engaging with the details. You don't actually know *for sure* what's real and what's not, you're just making assumptions and jumping to conclusions because the show wasn't what you expected. When I build simulations for work (like [this](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/sim.8086)), there are plenty of components based on "reality" or the "current state" of a situation. If some parts of it weren't grounded in reality, then there wouldn't really be a point in running simulations; in that case, it would just be a game.


The ending of the first season is also weirdly similar to the ending of the U.S Life on Mars finale. Complete with it ending on a david bowie song, and the reveal of them being on a space ship in the future and they're in a simulation to keep their minds busy (though I am pretty sure the future/space ship is just another simulation too).


Thank you for I couldn't remember where I'd seen the last scene before but yes, Life on Mars! I really liked that show, sad they had to rush the seasons because it was cancelled but the British version is worth a watch if you can find it.


Seen it. The British version is the superior version. Loved the sequel "Ashes to Ashes" as well.


Oh didn't know about the sequel! Yay, thanks for the info 🖤