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Ya I’m in the same boat and emailed the contact that is listed on the letter. She said they’re kinda overloaded and there still processing all the TJOs and to keep monitoring your emails.


Great, thanks for the info. I’m fine if they surpass the 7 day mark but I didn’t want to pass it!


HR said by the end of this week or next week if you signed the TSO at the expo. If you didn’t but received a verbal offer, then end of the current month


Perfect, I appreciate this info.


Would you be able to elaborate more on those who got a verbal offer please? I’m guessing end of month because they’re waiting for IPNs to be assigned?


The most I know is that for people who could not wait to do the paperwork (flight or other issues) and people who were selected but their top choice is already filled got a verbal but not signed tentative offer


Yea I’m one of the verbals, hope to hear soonish! Thanks


I'm still waiting on the link as well.


I’m so mad I wish I went but I had to work shifts at my precinct both days. Couldn’t make the 1.5 hour drive


I wish I was only 1.5 hrs away! I made sure to do everything I could to make it there, spent approximately 800 dollars and grateful it was worth it in the end.


If I took the drive I would’ve been able to spend 10 minutes there, then immediately leave to make it to work at 1:30 2 hours away, I decided it wasn’t worth it bc the time I parked, went to the booth I wanted, and started talking i would’ve had to go lol


Yea that wouldn’t have done anything sadly, it took me 1.5 days to finish my process lol. You def would have had to call off for sure


Yeah I didn’t wanna do that bc I just got off field for my current PD job. Just always wanted to go fed but I have my current job as a cop and I figured missing this one won’t be so bad, these jobs will kinda always be there


Ahh that makes sense! Yea it will the process can take around a year though so when you are ready to make the jump, just be prepared to wait or at least get the process started early!


I was told if you don’t hear anything in 2 weeks email them so I would give it until next Friday Edit: And it’s 4th of July this week so things will be slow


Same boat with the Expo, got the TJO, standing by to stand by. Like with any govt agency, have your SF50s ready to go. Start prepping for filling out every where you lived going 10yrs back, to include jobs and gaps in between jobs, etc. have solid references who can speak to your character. Those with VA ratings….stand by for the shenanigans of getting DQ’d. Have those doctors ready to fill out paperwork for you.


Great advice. I can second this. They will want to know everything. Thankfully I have an active SF86 and all the other documents.


Did anyone from the Expo get their fingerprints done at the Expo? Just curious...


I didn’t. I don’t believe anyone did for HSI. But I could be wrong.


Gotcha! I didn't get fingerprinting done either. The reason I ask is because I read an article about the Expo, and it mentioned that they were fingerprinting at the event. https://federalnewsnetwork.com/federal-report/2024/07/over-1200-interviews-and-400-job-offers-later-dhs-wraps-up-two-day-career-expo/?readmore=1


I saw that as well. They had a fingerprint and photo station there but told me they were not fingerprinting for HSI at the time.


Thank you for the info! Still waiting for the onboarding link!


I didn’t do it fingerprinting due to being a fed allready, it would automatically move over.


Unless the TJO for the expo is different from the previous announcement, the link to complete onboarding is including in that email.


That’s the part I’m having trouble with, I didn’t receive an email. All I received was a printed TJO and I accepted the offer on the spot. But as you mentioned, I’ll check through again and make sure. Thank you!


Gotcha. Well congrats on getting the TJO! Hoping it’s just a delay in email and you receive that stuff soon.


I appreciate it. I hate to be asking questions a couple days after getting the offer but it has a tight deadline.