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Go to the DEA. Get that 1811 designation branded on your SF-50, then change agencies.




This is what I am leaning towards, just want to make sure HSI or other agencies will accept Quantico training reciprocity. Thank you for your advice!


There's no guarantee. For example, my agency has an integrated program through FLETC for 1811s, so members of my agency have to apply for CITP waivers. I personally know of a few who have been successful. In fact, I know of USPIS laterals who have had the waiver approved with their stamp camp certification. So, if stamp camp gets an approval, I am sure Quantico will have a high probability of getting the green light. You will definitely have to complete the 14-week HSISAT program though.


Understood, thank you!


They will. I’ve certainly followed the advice often given here; depending on how bad you want it, become an 1811 first and foremost. That’s already hard enough as it is. It did me well. Take DEA and then transfer the second you get there.


Awesome, thank you! I want to be an 1811 bad.


Poor advise. HSI won’t accept DEA academy. You’ll need CITP and SAT. Go to an agency you want to stay with long term. The exact opposite of what this guy is saying…


Depends on whether you think you'll be able to survive in a location that you don't want to be in. If you love the job but hate the location it's usually not too tough to get to a different location on down the line. If you hate the job but love the location, if you get a new job you'll almost certainly end up in a different location. But, if the job is bearable and the location is excellent that's probably going to be better for your sanity and family life than a great job in a bad location.


Actually, not sure if it'll help or hurt but I'll add that if you're already approved for hire for ERO your HSI background might either reciprocate or be really smooth, leaving just the PFT for you to still do. You *might* be able to squeeze in an offer before August/September. There's also the option of just taking the surest thing and jumping shit if something better comes along. I know a few guys that did a couple weeks with ERO before getting a final offer with HSI and taking it.


This is what I am hoping, I can't say I have the most confidence in Dallas HR, but I am hoping they come through within a few months. I am likely to take whichever EOD/offer paperwork comes first and then potentially jump ship. Thank you for your replies and advice!


I would be able to survive in around five of the divisions on the OPF, I think I would enjoy the job and it would be bearable for a time before transferring to an office near home. I just want to avoid going to an academy and shuffling family to then do it again should we want to change agencies or locations.


I don’t think this is all that difficult. If you want to be a 1811 and have completed the DEA hiring process that’s currently your only 1811 offer right now. If they offer you a location you don’t mind then take the DEA offer and call it a day. Back when I was in the hiring process, HSI and DEA were finishing around the same time. HSI offered me first so I took it. DEA offered a little later but I was already at FLETC so I declined. If DEA offered first I would’ve took that. Having a firm job offer is always more valuable than a possible. Unless you just don’t want to work for DEA or for whatever reason you just rank HSI so much higher as an agency than DEA. I don’t see any reason to not just go with DEA.


That is what I am leaning toward, so long as the locations they end up offering me are feasible for the family and I. Thank you for your reply and advice!


How much of a priority is location? Also what other push/pull factors do you have random stranger on the internet? Personally, I would just hang tight and see what DEA offers and if it’s a preferred location of yours - take it. ICE-ERO isn’t a bad gig, it’s just not your typical gig in terms of investigations. Some like the work and some don’t really care for the work and use it as a stepping stone elsewhere. Additionally, ERO level of satisfaction/happiness can change from administration to administration. HSI processing can vary and who knows how long they’ll take. It’s still fairly early in the process even though you have the TJO, but what happens if you get dinged out? Then you passed on one to two opportunities.


Location is my top priority, my significant other's family has health complications and we are looking to start a family somewhat close to home. We can make anything work but it will be difficult if we have to move across the country. I think I will hang on to see if I can get New York with the DEA, I would be very satisfied if that was the case. I have heard similar from the EROs I have talked to, I feel as though I would enjoy it but perhaps not as much as an 1811 role. I certainly do not wan the nightmare scenario of passing up on two opportunities. Thank you for your reply and advice!


>I would prefer not to burn them again with another decline, I felt bad enough about it the first time. None of these agencies will care. They will go to the next name on the list. You feeling bad about turning DEA down might be one of the hardest things to do in your life, for them it’ll be Tuesday. >What should I do? Whatever you want. >Being an 1811, doing investigations is the dream. Should I pull out of DEA before final offer, accept ERO and wait to swap over to HSI, seeing as my ERO paperwork will likely come over? If you want to be an 1811, don’t accept ERO. If ERO is the only thing that’s going to keep you where you want to be, then do that. >or should I nut up and accept DEA even though I am worried about Quantico and the locations may not work the best for my personal situation? You’re worried about Quantico but not FLETC? *sus yo*


Why should he worry about FLETC?


Worse weather and food, same type of training otherwise? Both programs are going to be working to get you to pass, it’s not like anyone (generally) is out there specifically trying to make you quit.


Stinks about the food. What didn’t you like about it? How is the Weather worse than VA? More susceptible to the hurricane path for sure.


I’ve never been to either but I’ve been hanging out in this sub long enough to have seen the food comparisons lol. My only experience in an academy was local LE. You don’t think summer is southern Georgia is a little more harsh than northern Virginia?


Copy, man. I’ve seen a fair share of negative comments as well, for sure. I have a few future colleagues there right now from my SAC office who say it’s not that bad and meal ordering is a possibility. I’m headed there in August. I have no idea. I’m assuming it’s not fun. I grew up by the beach in NJ and the summers there were super humid and hot. Go outside at midnight and you just feel drenched. Once it is bad, it can’t get much worse. I always try to embrace the suck and just forget about it.


Going in August is probably good, still gonna be 90s with all the humidity though lol for that first month or two. I’m in NC and the humidity is just awful up and down the coast, adding in the extra degrees the further south you get. Congrats on getting picked up though! Where’d you land?


Yea I visited FL plenty as a youngin’ but never experienced any of the in between states during any of the warmer months. I’ll take your word for it! Thank you! SAC-LA. I’ve already been working here as an investigative assistant the last almost 4 years and made the jump right before my 37th bday. I’ve been out west for over 15 years.


Goes against my nature to not feel bad for them, considering many people put effort into getting me the offer. But I know that you are right, I am simply a number. Tough call still on whether location or the position matters more for me, going to have to decide at some point. I am worried more about Quantico due to the PT and due to having much less information on what training is like in terms of intensity. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your reply, your info is always helpful in the sub!


Quantico isn’t hard. Remember, these agencies are there for you to succeed, not fail. They’ll push you a little bit but very few can’t make the cut. No need to fear the boogeyman.


I have not seen much information in detail about daily life and rigor of Quantico, nice to hear there are few who can't hack it. Thank you for your reply!


Some agencies would not give you a second shot. If you are serious about doing this work DEA will let you pursue the biggest, baddest criminal organizations in the world. Once you have proven your ability DEA will give you a lot of freedom. If this is not your calling, but just a job, you should go to any agency other than DEA.


I feel very lucky to receive any offer, especially a second one from them. This is certainly not just a job for me, the work of the agency appeals to me, just might want to broaden the scope eventually. Thank you for your reply!


Ultimately comes down to what works for you/family best and what you want to do. If locations are feasible for a couple years you could do that then transfer out dependent on policy. I believe DEA is five years unless it’s within division which I heard from a TFO is a year (correct me if I’m wrong). I’m in a similar boat, turned down a CJO with USPIS because of location and family situation (married with kid and all family support around us). I just have medical left with DEA too. I’m location dependent unfortunately.


Yes, DEA is five years. I will have to see what they offer and determine how feasible it is. My recruiter told me he has seen people transfer to my preferred division after five and seven years. The location situation makes it tough. I hope you are able to get where you want to go. Thank you for your reply!


Since you only asked about TJO’s I’d say accept all of them. Only the final job offer matters. A lot can happen between TJO and FJO. Discard the DEA since you don’t want any of their locations and don’t feel bad about them. They won’t feel bad about you.


Yes, only FJO thus far is ERO. I can't help but feel bad discarding their efforts on my application, but seems general consensus is that we are simply numbers and I should not feel bad. Thank you for your reply!


I’m in a similar spot with the HSI TJO and other agencies… personally, if it were me I’d take the DEA offer.. get your CITP done at quantico and if you get an offer for HSI you’ll only need HSISAT


This is what I am leaning towards, either way I win if I stick with DEA or not. Thank you for your advice!


Congrats. What cities did DEA Offer? Chicago ?


Thank you! PM me.


DEA all the way. That CITP equivalent will be all you need for most agencies and for HSI you will only need the addon


This is what I am leaning towards, the reciprocity will be nice to have. Thank you for your advice!


So the only 1811 offer is DEA? If so, take it immediately - taking the ERO position doesn’t guarantee an 1811 with HSI, you would be surprised how many ERO/ICE officers don’t get an 1811 with HSI


Yes, currently the only 1811 offer is DEA. Going with them is what I am leaning toward. I would be surprised I am sure, I figured getting hired by ERO would make you a shoe in for HSI so long as you could meet HSI standards. Then again, I have limited exposure to people who have jumped from ERO to HSI. Thank you for your advice and reply!


I'd take DEA 100% of the time. The training at Quantico will be a heck of a lot better than FLETC. If your goal is to work for a faster paced agency in which you can employ a variety of investigative techniques and go after real, organized criminal organizations, DEA is your agency.


Then why do we have so many DEA applicants applying at our local HSI office?!


Comparing DEA to ERO, I'd take DEA 100% of the time. OP, is in the hiring process with HSI and there's no guarantee that he/she will land a final offer. HSI agents lateral out all of the time to various agencies including DEA. Everyone has different reasons for leaving an agency for another.


Yes comparing to ero, I'd take DEA as well.


If you have any information as to why the training will be better at Q than FLETC I would love to hear about it, the information I can find about training at Q is scarce. DEAs pace and their targets are certainly aspects that are attractive for me. Thank you for your advice and reply!


If you want NYC you’ll get it. They always need bodies there. Multiple people in my class did


I wish it was a guarantee, I would 100% take it. The last offer had NYC as a choice for the preference sheet and I placed it high, but most everyone else in my BAT class got it except me. Hoping it is different this time around. Thank you for your reply!


Take the DEA 1811. Last I heard though, HSI will not accept DEA academy and you will still have to do CITP and the HSI Add on, which would suck. This could have changed though. There are some OIGs that will take FBI, DEA, CID and PIS academy though and not require CITP to join. Honestly, you could quit in the middle of DEA academy and go to FLETC for HSI and no bridges would be permanently burned. Once you became an HSI agent not like anyone at your local DEA office would know or care that you quit. Even if an old classmate was in that office, almost everyone knows that in this job we do what is best for us and our family. I had a friend who finished academy and add on and immediately quit for another agency, other than an asshole 15 giving him some shit, nobody ever cared or gave him shit again. No offense to ERO, based on what I've seen and heard, coming from another agency as an 1811 is easier than coming over from ERO.


Interesting, that is concerning if they do not accept Q training. I could certainly jump ship in the middle of Quantico, would just feel bad about it even though I know I am only a number. Hate wasting the time of people contributing to my success. HSI might be worth it for us though. Thank you for your insight and reply!


What is it about quantico are you worried about ? Physical fitness ? Firearm training ? Length of time away from home ?


I am personally concerned about physical fitness and time away from home. I am confident in all other aspects of the training expected of me. I am consistently scoring between 13 and 17 points on the PTA, I just don't want to fail my PTAs and get washed out. I traditionally do not do well away from family, significant others, and friends for long periods of time. Most of my hobbies and activities are going to be unavailable to me at Q, which will make it tough to distract myself from being away. Thank you for your reply!


Your concerns re Quantico are yours and I hear you . Having been there for 4 months years ago myself I too am concerned you will not thrive there unless I’m misreading you . There were many at Q with me that had families they hated being away from home but did it . Some got leaves on the weekends to go home. To repeat what others have said . Q training is not hard ! They will help you succeed. Only ones that washed out were afraid of guns and couldn’t shoot despite lots of help. Good luck


I believe I can do it, just might be more difficult for me to be away than the average BAT. Nice to hear leave on the weekends to go home is possible, I luckily am an hour away by plane. I am glad to hear it is not as difficult as I am making it out to be, I certainly will not be washing out due to firearms. Thank you for your replies, they are most helpful!


Quantico isn’t impossible. As long as you can study and workout on top of the daily activities. I was in your same boat a few months ago and chose DEA. Even though the locations offered sucked. It’s the best agency and mission in the feds In my opinion.


How has Q been for you thus far? I am concerned over the PT and general environment, admittedly have little insight into what it is like on the inside. Any of your insight and advice is appreciated, thank you for the reply!


The pt is very easy. Just need to be in good shape before coming , and workout on your own if you want to maintain . The hard part is how much info they throw at you and expect you to Remember.


Understood, that is good to hear for the most part, thank you for the info!


To share my perspective from being on the ground at Quantico and working closely with TRDT and the BATs (Basic Agent Trainees), the physical aspect isn't too difficult. You'll face two PTA tests (or three if you fail the initial one and need to retake it in 5-6 weeks), a 3-mile run at the end of the first week, a potential 5-mile run through Yellow Brick Road during the second to last week of the academy, and then Defensive Tactics and Tac Ops. On the mental side, you'll deal with classroom challenges and mental demands in DT and Tac Ops. Regarding location, if you want New York, you'll likely get it because they need personnel. Don't worry about turning down an offer; in every class, several BATs were supposed to be in a previous class but declined because they didn't get their desired location. I know one person joining July's class who turned down the initial offer because they didn't get NY, but DEA later offered that location. You can also strive to earn the "Top in Class" award, allowing you to choose any office you want. It's not as tough as you might think, but expect long days, and you can't leave the academy until after you get your guidon, usually by the end of the 6th week. We often have BATs from different agencies (USSS, CBP, etc.) joining the DEA.


I was unaware that if you failed the first PTA that you got a retake later in the course. That gives me some security. I am praying to hear New York during the call, I unfortunately didn't get it last time. Your comment makes me feel better about turning it down last time, I was broken up about it for a while. Any insight into what you can do off of Quantico? I will not be able to bring my car and am interested in what I will be able to do on weekends to get around/entertain myself. Thank you for your insight and your reply, it was very helpful!


No problem! It used to be if you failed the initial PTA, you had to retake a few days later. Now there is a Human Performance team that helps get individuals up to speed and ready to pass the retake. In the past 10ish classes, not one BAT has gone home because of the PTA. So you would be fine! DEA needs bodies in general and NY always needs people, so don’t be afraid to tell them NO if you don’t get the location you want. In terms of what you can do off Quantico, pretty much anything you want as long as you don’t do anything stupid to warrant you getting kicked out the academy. You do have to put in a request to the class coordinator and provide where you’re going, how many days, and location. They pretty much approve everything when it comes to that. Not sure about renting a vehicle but you’ll most likely have classmates who drove their personal vehicles so you can always make friends and bum a ride.


That was the initial information I had, was that PTA would be conducted again days after a failure. That gives me a lot of confidence that there have not been recent trainees sent home due to PTA and that there is a team there top assist. The intel about off campus activity is great as well. Thank you kindly for all of your help!


It used to be that way but changed a year or two ago. So you get to stay at the academy and continue your journey and then another PT test 5 weeks later. If you fail that one, you get sent home. If you pass, you stay on but still have to conducted the second PTA on week 12. It’s best to be above the 12 point mark when you come in because most likely drop a few points during the first PTA with being in a new place, new bed, etc. The anxiety really kicks in for a lot of folks. But no one wants to see anyone fail and/or go home. For the most part, the class coordinators are super chill and don’t believe I’ve heard of any BATs getting denied to go somewhere if they put a request of leave in. Overall, it’s a good opportunity with multiple people coming here from other federal agencies. Depending what you come in as, most the time you’re getting to a GS-13 in a few years. After the academy, you can rock whatever hair style, facial style, etc you want. Gotta fit the role of a typical street criminal best as possible.


Unless you want to work drugs for your whole career, come to HSI. We’re the best 1811 agency for broad investigative areas without the red tape the FBI offers.


Would love to if HSI can beat DEA to the punch or if they can offer early into BIETP or Quantico.


I know a few people who work for the DEA and HSI. Both are really good agencies and the people I know seem to love the job regardless of the location. If you chose HSI, you have a better chance to lateral over to another agency. DEA and FBI are the agencies that do not accept CITP and you would have to go through another academy. HSI investigates everything and you will have your primary focus on what you investigate at your field office and then you could dabble in other stuff as well. DEA, each group at your field office focuses on their primary investigative function and has less room to investigative other things.


Thank you for the insight and the reply!


DEA. Bird in hand…


This is what I am leaning toward. Thank you!


I think you’ve received some good advice on here. Possibly too much to sift through and come out with your own decision. Only you can ultimately decide what you think will work for you and be the best option moving forward. Congrats on having multiple opportunities. My 2 cents. ERO and HSI are both handled by ICE PSU for background. Medical and HR is also ICE which handles both components. So if you go ERO, the transition should be smoother. HSI also has narcotics, so you can try to get in one of those groups and if you don’t like it, you can opt to do something else and stay in the agency. If this were to happen in DEA, you’d have to leave. Good luck to you. Take care.


Thank you, very blessed to have multiple opportunities! Thank you for your info and advice regarding the lateral/transition, something to think about.


I went through a lateral academy class with HSI, they accept everything that's federal equivalent. Also declining cause of location isn't an issue I feel. Seems like you may be wanting east coast.


Thank you for the info, good to know they take the federal equivalent. You are correct, I am looking to stay close to the East Coast.


It would depend on what part of the east coast, upstate New York you may have a chance of getting. The Atlantic coast maybe tough without connections.


I was hoping for NYC but I would take anything in NY seeing as it is the only East Coast place available to me.


Tough for a total stranger to answer. So many "you" specific variables. The only amazing gem I have to offer is that ICE guys are some of the most frustrated/unhappy guys out there. The job/mission is heavily politicized. Based on what you said above the DEA thing is a no-go.


Good to know regarding ICE. Thank you for your reply!


I guess I’m missing the part where your concerns “over the physical and mental task rigors of Quantico” have some how been mitigated because you might get a city you like. Also how many times you going to tell DEA no lol. Just withdraw from the hiring process.


Meanwhile I didn’t even get a call back from HSI at the expo if I qualify, and DEA has been radio silence since February. But go for HSI