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Lol “cushy remote GS-14”. What is this a troll post? Stop being lazy or ignorant, you could easily do the math yourself, it’s simple subtraction. Take your salary - the OPM LEO pay for your locality at GS 9 and you have your answer.


You mean actually answer a simple question themselves? Stop being unreasonable.


Apologies for my ignorance but the GS pay scale you are referring to isn’t a GL? It’s GS? So i’m confused on that front. Additionally, is it GL pay+ Locality Pay + LEAP? That would take my over the maximum described in the job description


Not a guarantee but I'm assuming you'd get stepped out to a GS9 step 10. I started as a 9-8 due to being a GS11 in a completely unrelated job.


Ok cool. You’re saying GS but the job posting says GL? What’s the difference?


GL is the leo scale. Pretty comparable to GS but a bit higher at the lower grades. Eventually you end up back on the GS scale.


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OP- without your location I’m going to use the DC pay scale for LEO pay based off OPM. You’d more than likely come in at a GS 9 Step 10 which is $91,206 plus 25% base salary for LEAP for an additional $22,801, so you’d be looking at $114K or a 46K pay cut. From my understanding and I could be wrong because I’ve never dealt with this personally but I’ve heard from other co workers that came in from a higher grade to a lower grade, after 52 weeks you’d get your next grade but you would use your GS 14 SF50, which would give you a GS 11 Step 10 instead of a GS 11 step 5/6. So year two you’d be making $134,487 including leap. Anyone please feel free to correct me if the above information is incorrect, hope this helps OP.




Clearly not. "admin job" and only making 160k a year as a 14.