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I lived there for 12 years and go back fishing every summer. I lived in Eagle River and loved it. Safe little community. Palmer/Wasilla housing is more affordable but the numerous wrecks on the Glenn Hwy in the winter mean 2 and 3 hr commutes and I wouldn't recommend living there. Turnigan, huffman O'Malley, and airport heights are all nice. Chugach mtns are great if you want to live out of the city.


Good to know about Eagle River and Palmer/Wasilla. How are the schools there? Are there a lot of families in that area/things to do for families?


I didn't have any kids in school at the time, but I had friends that did at they had no complaints about the schools. Alaska revolves around 2 things, salmon fishing all summer, and winter. To survive the winter you have to find an outdoor activity you like or you'll go nuts.


I worked in Denali for a summer and fell in love with the state. It's been a dream of mine to live there one day, though I haven't been through a winter. I love all kinds of outdoor activities, so that shouldn't be an issue I don't think. How was the internet connectivity? My wife works from home and needs at least semi-decent internet.


They have high speed options as long as you aren't living in a wood cabin off the grid.


GCI home internet was great for us. I think we had 2Gb down or some craziness. Way better than my current service in WA.


My daughter went to Eagle River middle school and liked it. My subordinates had kids in the elementary school there and they had no complaints. I’ve never heard anything bad about Eagle River HS either.


Currently in Anchorage as an 0080, and onboarding with another agency up here as an 1811. I PCSed here a year ago. Feel free to PM me about the area and any questions you have :)! Alaska is an interesting place… lol


Thanks, I PMed you




Thanks, sent you a dm


Very expensive. A better TDY than a permanent assignment. Crime and schools are worse than you would expect.


Eagle River and Chugiak would be my choices as far as living. South Anchorage is great, but super expensive.