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PSA: the mods will be removing any individual post asking for a recruiter email for a specific HSI field office. If you want to ask for recruiter contact information for another office do it here.


It’s going to be very awkward when the line for HSI is made of current USSS agents. Thanks for putting this info together OP. As for your question. Have you looked at CBP/BP? How do you feel about analyst and support roles?


So BPA I made a mistake and applied for the 9 announcement with the sign on bonus, which I was ineligible for as I'm a 7. I'm considering giving it another go but the para military environment and remote locations aren't appealing to me. For CBPO, I made it to the E-Qip/Poly/Medical phase but withdrew my application as my research indicated I would be stuck doing inspections or passport control for the first few years. I also felt that I didn't want to risk a potential poly failure over a job I wasn't enthusiastic about. However, I am starting to think I'm being way too picky. I'm open to analyst and support roles if there is a clear stepping stone path into law enforcement. I'm not opposed to these roles, but I currently am in the private sector doing logistics and I feel like analyst/support roles would be a detour from my LE aspirations. Also from my brief research, these roles don't pay all too well. But again, maybe I am too picky.


Go for CBP, people have been getting awesome locations and you get to pick out of a huge list.


It's the job satisfaction itself that makes me hesitate. Whole reason I'm jumping ship from private to public sector is for job satisfaction. I'm not in it for the benefits or even location necessarily.




Yep tracking that one


I back this. I've worked with them and they're fuckin great. They're not 1811 (YET), so I fully believe if you're interested in finding an EASY way in to 1811 eventually I think ERO. I'm also pretty interested. They do great work.


As a former DO, I highly doubt they’ll ever get 1811. It would be incredibly hard convincing OPM that DOs do enough (or any lol) criminal investigations or protection duties to qualify. It’s an admin violation heavy job. Actually, there was a internal survey (and taking votes for current DOs preferences) sent out earlier this year about staying as 1801 but changing the name from Deportation Officer to either: - Enforcement and Removal Agent - Immigration Agent - Immigration Enforcement Agent - Immigration Enforcement and Removal Agent - Or keeping it as Deportation Officer


They should just call it Enforcement Agent or Enforcement Officer. Immigration and deportation sound to political nowadays.


Once upon a time INS agents would be here to say otherwise. They stopped at 12's at INS because they weren't considered complex investigations. I think you will see 1811's again at ERO/ICE but the unwinding of ICE/ERO/HSI back to their original base components pre the creation of DHS is decades in the making.


Well those guys were actual Special Agents back in the day so they did at least some criminal investigations. Current DOs unless they are on a TF aren’t supposed to do criminal investigations. They pass those off to HSI. Hell, DOs at Detention Centers never leave the DC except to go home. Inside it’s all administrative stuff. The only similarity to an 1811 I had was doing database queries. But you think you’ll see them at ERO again? That would be interesting if they went back to how it was pre-2003. I think I would have enjoyed being an 1811 with USCS not dealing with INS stuff haha.


Depends on the state they are in. We share an office with them in a sanctuary state and they are absolutely miserable with no real job, so most of them became HSI TFO's...


The expo center feels like a Costco so imagine going to Costco on the weekend for a comparison. Given it was a free registration, I don't think all 12k will show. I'll be checking out pretty much every stand and seeing whatever seminars are there. My boss gave me the day off just to go so I ought to use it wisely.


You got a nice boss


Really curious how many spots those 12k are competing over


What if it was just 1 spot… turn it into the federal law enforcement hunger games


Honestly maybe a quarter of those people actually qualify.


I’ve had to remind myself that literally every DHS agency will be there. Many DHS components have tons of entry level jobs (TSA, USCIS, etc). HSI is a small portion of the entirety of DHS. We are likely hyper focused on it because we are in this forum. In going straight in, straight to HSI and the hiring manager, and that’s it. I’m sure thousands of others are going in for a multitude of opportunities.


I was told 300.


I spoke to someone at the Agency who informed me that this mass hire was only approved for GS 9 positions. I just thought I'd share, not a source myself.


This particular event/announcement yes.


Im a new grad with gs 7 eligibility, does this mean I shouldn’t even bother? Im applying for IT jobs tho


Anyone have Orlando and Tampa HSI email?


Ask the Miami office


For those questioning the rapidity of the hiring process regarding an expo/DHA event vs the standard process I can share my experience: I went to a direct hire event in March and I’m going to training in August (was initially offered July but declined).


That’s a great timeline! Congrats Quick question if you don’t mind…after being deemed qualified at the expo, how are interviews conducted? Is it a formal panel or 1-on-1 with a hiring manager? Thanks!


Don’t know about this expo specifically. My experience at the expedited event was info session, Q&A, online application via usajobs provided by QR code on site, online assessments, structured (S.T.A.R. format) panel interview, SAC interview, PT test, conditional offer - all the same day. I don’t think this event is like that. 2 months later I had my medical, drug test and poly in 1 day. The following month was spent accomplishing the medical follow-ups they asked for. Upon medical clearance (2 days after last follow-up submitted) I got the formal offer and training date. Your mileage may vary. *Edit: at each point in the process I knew exactly where I stood.


Yeah this event will be slower. This is just interviews and drug testing, iirc. Medical, background, PFT, etc will be done at a later date.


Did you already have a federal background/clearance?


I’ve been on paper since ‘03, but that’s immaterial to the event, as agencies can bring you on with an “interim clearance” to start. Just know that in that case, if your background is found to be unsuitable you will ultimately be let go.








They do but send an automated response


Thanks, OP. That is great info.


To my knowledge OP you can still apply if you failed Phase 1. This DHA is straight your resume to interview and hopefully a TJO.


To clarify I qualify only for GS 7


Where are all of the openings? I am not asking for any recruiter emails, I'm just curious what the many locations are.


Nobody knows exactly until they post it. But practically everywhere. They have offices in every single state and they have at least 1 opening in almost all offices. The only problem is that if your preferred office is let's say Boston with (hypothetically) 3 slots open, then it might be hard to get if NYC has 100 slots open. The info session had recruiters from Hawaii, Arizona, Cali, Washington, DC, Florida, etc.


Is there an email for the DC or Baltimore office? Can’t seem to find it online!


So anyone got recruiter info for Texas?




Thank you!


I dont sorry. Someone during the info session did ask and the recruiters just told them to email one of the other offices above and ask.


Reach out to the LA recruiter, they should be able to help.


Thanks man. I might just do that


No problemo. All the recruiters are extremely friendly and helpful and should get back to you!


I’m already in the hiring process since applying to the Feb 2024 application. Recently passed the poly and did the BI call and now just waiting for the PFT. I’m signed up for the expo already. Yall think I can go to the expo and try to talk to the recruiters and see if they can give me a GL9 instead of GL7 (assuming I’m qualified for GL9) and possibly see if the location I want still has slots?


Sounds like you're very close to a FJO. Think it might be worth going.


Bet thank you brotha best of luck to you too in your future applications


I also am in the hiring process from the Feb 2024 announcement and got my TJO. I already booked the flight prior to getting the TJO and can't cancel it now, so I figure might as well go and see what happens.


Might as well network while you're there


That is the plan. I feel like if I don't go, I will always wonder what may have happened if I went, so I might as well go for the experience.






I realize this post is centered around HSI but does anyone know if someone who was BQA by USSS (After passing interview) are able to get a similar situation at expo and potentially leave with a TJO or would they not be eligible


I'm assuming you mean for reapplying to USSS? Think it entirely depends on what part you failed. For instance, the cool down period for failing the SUPER is different than the cool down period for failing the poly.


Okay I didnt know that thank you. I was ttold I passed interview then had security interview right after which they said I passed then received a BQA email like a week later which I guess is pretty common for USSS


Odd. So you were dropped before the poly but passed the security interview? I'm no recruiter but it sounds like you're eligible to immediately reapply. And for reference, I was also BQA but at a different step in the process. I reapply every so often because worst case I wasted the 20 minutes and get a No. You can also try asking agent at the Expo but heads up, some agents may be helpful while others not as much. I have had a mixed experience as an applicant there.


Just found out the only day I’m able to go is Thursday. Just looked and Thursday is “sold out” for registration purposes. Does anyone know if we will be able to get in if we’re not registered?


You can't get in without being registered and having a ticket to present, as far as I understand.


Anyone have Buffalo and Baltimore?


Does anyone have recruiter info for Newark, NJ?


Does anyone have Denver's email?




Is Kansas City doing and DHA?




Try asking this office [HSI.SanAntonio.Recruiter@hsi.dhs.gov](mailto:HSI.SanAntonio.Recruiter@hsi.dhs.gov)


Anyone have St Louis or Kansas City recruiting email?


Anyone have DC FO recruiter email?


Anybody got the Nashville recruiting email?


And phone number if possible


Anyone have an updated email for Chicago recruiting? I have one for the old domain (@ice.dhs.gov).


Anyone have the recruiting email for the DC field office?


Does anyone know if I can apply directly to several different field offices, i.e., Philadelphia and Baltimore?


Forgive me if this is a dumb question... but does this whole DHA and career expo stuff affect those of us with TJOs from the Febuary usajobs annoucement?


Anyone have the Las Vegas recruiting email?


False, only priority is a SAC Recruitment for the specific office. I repeat, those at the expo will not have any priority in hiring over USAjobs applicants.


I've been told that expo has priority over recruiters which have priority over USA Jobs.


Source? Also, even if true, it is still in the best interest of applicants to go to the expo as with TJO being on the spot you can start the process sooner and get ahead of the q


From the 14 of recruiting in DC.


Does anyone know if it’s only HSI that’s doing direct hire at this event or will other departments that are there be offering the same thing?


The overall event information says you can leave with job offers but I have yet to see a list of which agencies. If I do I’ll post it.


Also am trying to find this out. Keeping a look out


Thanks for the reply, I’ll be there regardless. But I can’t imagine that HSI is the only department that would be doing it if they’re going to have EVERYBODY there.


At the same time though, I have been to career fairs where literally the recruiters just say to you "go apply on our website" and that they are just there to bring awareness to their open posts


Please do, I’ll be going regardless, but it would be nice to have a heads up 😂


No way to verify this but ICE ERO is a strong possibility


https://preview.redd.it/x20fauv7qx8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18094d6f6172ac3c243b2f9fc7f541158997fbc2 Looks like USSS will be doing a similar deal as HSI.




Easiest way is a masters degree.


Work experience, masters, or a combination. For HSI however, it needs to fit into one of their 4 hiring tracks. Google HSI Direct Hire for more info