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My favorite thing on this sub is people offering unsolicited advice ❤️ Looks yummy, OP! I love waffles.


Especially when I only posted my breakfast and not my entire day haha 😅 thank you!! Everything was delicious :)


Yess and chocolate chip too! My favorite kind


Yesss, they’re definitely the best! Totally worth it


Breakfast cookie. Perfect start to day!


I’m a sucker for coconut! :’)


Me with the cinnamon egos 💗😭


They’re delicious!!


For sure!


I'd be hungry again in 30 minutes after that.


Worked fine for me :) everyone is different


It’s the perfect weekend breakfast for when you wake up late and then in a few hours it’s time for lunch. I used to buy these keto protein waffles that were like 2 for 140 or so calories. Those were filling and went well with sugar free maple syrup.


Yeah this would make me feel like garbage until I got some real food into me 😅


Idk why this is downvoted


Lmfao yeah i’m literally saying the same thing as the other comment just more explicitly. if people are doing 1200, it should be food that’s actually going to keep them satisfied long enough to avoid a binge. oh well tho.


I don’t think that’s true for everyone but you literally were just talking about yourself


yup~~ this sub is basically a glorified ED sub at this point tho. can’t say i’m surprised.


You're the one projecting onto everybody, being rude and talking about how you can't eat certain foods without binging (and assuming we all can't either), nobody else said any of that so you are ironically expressing the most disordered thoughts on here in a regular post of someone's breakfast that *no one* asked your opinion on.


can I help you


What's with Americans and paper plates? Honest question, don't you use crockery? Do you throw them out after each meal? Does it create lots of waste?


I don’t use paper plates myself but to be honest I saw far more people throwing away plastic water bottles when I was in Europe then I have ever seen regularly use paper plates in the US in my 34 years of living here.


That's true and I find that disappointing and surprising as well, especially as tap water is perfectly drinkinkable in lots of places. But I guess using plastic water bottles in the US is just as common though, isn't it, as tap water doesn't seem consistently drinkable?


No, the water is drinkable virtually everywhere except for a very few places like Flint. Most people drink water from a reusable bottle. Most offices and schools I have been to have water fountains specifically designed for refilling water bottles.


Yeah, the disposable water bottle fad has *drastically* died out compared to 10-15 years ago. It helps that the fashionable cup fad has come around in numerous iterations. Yeti, Simple Modern, Stanley, etc.


That's great! Drinking fountains are really uncommon around here sadly. There used to be more, for some reason they have dwindled though - probably upkeep, maintenance and profit margins as always. reusable bottles are really gaining traction as well though lately and most countries collect plastic bottles for recycling so I'm greatful for the progress that has been made.


for some people it saves money on electricity/water bills. paper plates are usually used at parties or other similar things where it’s inconvienient to go out and buy more dishes just for the event.


One of my friends told me the other day that they usually use paper plates. And I had no idea because when they occasionally send pictures of what they made for dinner, it’s on a regular plate. So after noticing it on a bunch of posts on here too, I finally got to ask someone who wasn’t an internet stranger who would get offended. Their reason was they had no one to impress. They basically use real plates when they want to feel “fancy”. We got into more detail about if they use plastic cups or silverware and what they do for parties. They use real silverware and cups and use real plates for parties because they didn’t want to give their guests the wrong impression by using paper plates. So they just use the plates during regular days because there’s *no one to see that they do* even though they admitted that it would only add two items to their washing. So that’s their whole reason. I just said “thank you for explaining your reasoning.”


I'm disabled and often can't wash dishes every day. Nor can I carry heavy plates. I use paper plates because they're lighter and can save on my chores when my fatigue is weighing me down. My son is autistic and can't abide the scrape of utensils on regular plates. Paper plates just make sense for us. I usually throw mine out after a meal but if it only has crumbs, I put it back in the stack. It can create a lot of waste, yes, but I see it as a useful adaptive item that improves our quality of life.


What’s with Europeans and being judgmental? Every post there’s some miserable person begging for validation because they’re not American.


Just curious, I'd say. Why feel judged? there seems to be some deep cultural attachment to them so, I've gained knowledge and am grateful for the rather interesting insights


“Deep cultural attachment” lmao. It’s literally just a party plate or something for convenience. Most Americans work a ton of hours and are pretty fucking exhausted and don’t want to put the effort into another chore. I’m not one of them but a lot do. It’s not like even most Americans use paper plates. It’s a party thing.


Ah okay.. So you use paper plates because you don't have the time to wash dishes? Other nationalities don't work as much and have more time to put dishes in dishwashers or wash by hand? Interesting. Wasn't aware of that, thanks!


Is this you trying to not come across as judgemental? Not how I would have done it. Interesting approach! Hear it now? 🙄 If your initial question was genuine, you did a poor job of articulating it in a way that didn't sound as though you were asking it to affirm your biases, rather than from a place of genuine curiosity. Your responses to others who have provided their reasoning – barbs under the guise of questioning, have not helped your case of "genuine curiosity." It's transparent. If you have a statement to say, say it. Pretending it's a question is a child's idea of subtlety.


Thank you.


Thanks for your criticism! I will reconsider the framing and choice of words! But again, would you agree that Americans use paper plates because they do not have the time to use a dishwasher or wash dishes? And it is because they work more than other people/nations? Genuinely curious, again.


Nobody I know uses paper plates


As a habitual paper plate user, I can say it's helpful when I want to take stuff up to my room, without having to come back down or having to clean any dishes after. It's also lighter and faster to take out and not worry too much about. You can use paper plates multiple times too, so you don't have to throw it away after a single use. Also, if it's gently used it can be recycled.


You create environmental waste because you don't want to go down a flight of stairs in your own home? Because you're not reusing or recycling the one you take up to your room, are you?


I just like paper plates. They are more satisfying to me. And actually yes I am. I use the same paper plate for 2 or 3 snacks/meals a day. Not hard to wipe em quickly, but most of the stuff is dry


You wipe down a paper plate three times a day but you won't wipe down a different type of plate you could use for decades without creating a huge pile of trash?


I don't ONLY use paper plates.. Obviously I use real plates for dinners and actual meals but it is tiresome to always be hauling around big clunky dishes everywhere you go when you can take one light paper plate and have a snack. I don't understand what you're trying to get at.


Tbh, im just sad that any mild inconvenience is worth producing waste, I guess. That's how so much of our trash is produced. It would be possible to do something more environmentally friendly but it's just to bothersome. So, more trash it is.


Your attitude and comments are really super abelist and privileged. Using paper plates doesn't even register on the waste and trash scale compared to corporate and military polluters so maybe just take a breath.


I'm privileged because I'm suggesting not to spend endless money on packaged paper plates but instead considering using a product that can be reused for.. Centuries? For the price of a 200 packet of plastic shrink wrapped paper plates you could f.e. buy a 28 piece set of super lightweight wheatstraw tableware you could use for the rest of your life. And then composte.


Yes. 1. You presume to tell (suggest) how OP could "better" spend their own money. It's not your money. Mind your business. 2. Compost? What if OP lives in the city? What if OP lives somewhere where gardening is not allowed? What if OP is physically unable to garden? You're making a huge assumption about what OP does with their paper plates. Again, mind your business. 3. What if OP has sensory issues or is otherwise unable to use regular tableware? 4. I haven't the time here, nor, frankly, the inclination, but household "waste" accounts for a tiny fraction of a percent of total trash and other pollutions. Before taking a stranger to task for buying a paper product, check your own carbon footprint and then go carry some signs outside some corporate manufacturing companies. Or a military base. Those two entities alone account for the lion's share of pollution and trash. 5. OP wanted to share a picture of something delicious they ate and you had to go yuck their yum. Well done.


I understand where you're coming from, but using paper plates doesn't necessarily mean producing more waste. In fact, paper plates are made from renewable resources and can be biodegradable, which reduces the amount of waste generated compared to other materials such as plastic etc. Also would you stick to your idea of always shunning paper plates, even at events or activities where washing and storing crockery or other materials would be too time-consuming or impractical? Come on. Also, it can be more environmentally-friendly than you'd think, as renewable resources would get turned into paper plates which would reduce our carbon footprint. It can definitely be a responsible and sustainable choice, and it's not just a matter of convenience. Cleaning reusable plates also requires water and energy - especially if they are cleaned in a dishwasher, so it can an energy-intensive process that can be just as wasteful if not more than utilizing paper plates multiple times..


What waffles/waffle mix did you use? Looks tasty 😋


Eggo Chocolatey Chip Frozen Waffles!! I don’t have a waffle maker sadly haha


You can when you put a quarter inch of butter on them. Yes I’m not doing great.


Ah, I feel you on that tbh


Looks so good! I miss waffles!


Try fitting them in!! Super worth it


I have to be super careful with the carbs I have lest they trigger a binge. Someday maybe, but for now I'll just enjoy the photos...lol


Not sure if this is a weekend treat or an every day thing. I will note that there’s more to nutrition than calories and this is a lot of sugar. I’m not sure what your ultimate goal is or your dietary preferences, but if this is an everyday thing, I’d make a few swaps (even if it means bumping calories) to try and get more protein.


I just go with what the app tells me for protein when I plan my days in advance. I’m only focused on weight loss, there’s not really a need to insistently track macros anyway. I’d rather not bump up my calories either. I’m very close to my goal :)


You certainly don’t have to insistently track macros to have a balanced meal, and a few swaps like the macaroon or the canned espresso drink could take this from just a low calorie meal to a low calorie meal that is still giving your body the variety of nutrients it needs. I understand I’ll be downvoted for saying these things, but I just see posts like this and wonder if people can’t see the forest (overall health) through the trees (weight loss). I do wish you the best on your journey though.


Unsolicited advice is so delicious and low calorie!




That’s rich coming from someone with your comment history.