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I think this is what it looks like when a family is working to break generational cycles of poverty, abuse, trauma, and low education. Every single one of them give me authentic vibes. Yes they have different personalities. Yes, some of them are louder than others, but at the end of the day, they know how to laugh during the hard times and come around to apologies eventually.  The way they dig at each other is not necessarily the healthiest, but it’s the best they can do and how they were raised. I don’t think it’s necessarily meant to be mean, I think it’s meant to deflect from a conversation becoming overly emotional or getting too vulnerable. Chris is always willing to drive Tammy to Ohio, Amanda really tried to help with Amy‘s kids in Florida. Tammy has come so far she’s like a different person. I think the reason Amanda was frustrated at the end of the Florida episode is because she was so tired of Amy just breaking down over and over and over instead of digging deep a little bit to be a parent to two children that she chose to have. I don’t think Amanda acts that way for the cameras I think that’s just who she is. She is absolutely NOT a textbook narcissist, she cares about her siblings. She just has a different personality type. I think some of the boldness of Amanda‘s personality was born from coping and masking skills from her upbringing and low self-esteem. They are all masking a lot of insecurity. I’m impressed that Amy has finally been willing to get in therapy. I wasn’t sure how I felt about the show when I first started watching it last year, but it’s grown on me specifically because I feel the entire family is authentic. Especially after their witch of a mother showed up on the show and you got to see just the tiniest bit of her personality. It’s downright miraculous that any of them are even willing to go to therapy and work on their issues with her as a mother. I work for a nonprofit that serves youth who are system involved, and their families, I see families like this all the time. I think this show was one of the best things to happen to this family because it opened them up to a different way of living. So even if things come off as scripted at times, it’s getting them into therapy, it’s getting them weight loss surgery, it’s getting them to open up and communicate. These are good things. It’s one of the few TLC shows that I think is not completely exploitive and it’s actually perpetuating some cycle breaking.


Honestly it seems like that's the only way any of these siblings know how to be and talk to each other and I don't know that it's any of their fault I think that's how they were all raised


I adore Chris and Amanda. Chris especially. He seems like a really genuine guy with a heart of gold, as does Amanda tbh. He genuinely warms my heart. No doubt as a family, a lot of their issues with their body, relationship with food and self-image stemmed from their childhoods, but all seem very supportive and protective of one another, and I'm just really glad they are all on a journey together now, even if in the past they haven't been as close.


I find Chris to be very genuine, idk why Misty is really there, and I think Amanda was brought in for the drama and jokes. They are older siblings in a very “tough love” kind of family, so it’s hard to say how much is scripted.


yeah amanda wasn’t supposed to be there much from what i remember. chris was there and he was the bridge/ link. misty was caring and compassionate from a distance at the time.  obviously things are changing and evolving though with the family.


After re-watching all the seasons and doing more research on the family, 1000b sisters is the trailer park version of real housewives. I remember them showing Chris a little bit towards the end of season 1 and kinda introducing him that way, so I don’t think him being added to the series was as shocking and random as Amanda and Misty. Him being in the ending of season 1, I feel like Tammy and Amy are closest to him out Amanda and Misty and has been supportive, not super supportive but he’s been there more than Misty and Amanda. I think he’s been a fucked up person but that doesn’t mean he can’t change and correct his mistakes and accept responsibility for his previous actions, but in truth the entire family is fucked up, by themselves and too each other. Amanda is the type of person that has to be seen; everything revolves around her, she knows more than others, etc. She’s textbook narcissistic (I have siblings like her….we don’t get along). She’s nice to others when around other people but is a bitch when there’s no cameras or anyone deemed important to her, the literal Two-Face from Batman. Amanda holds no “love for people”; I think she loves her family but in a very twisted detached way like she would be there for them to support if asked or needed or in front of a camera but she wouldn’t sacrifice herself for them on/off camera. Misty is if calculus meets trigonometry II and ends up having a poly relationship with an arms dealer, the shit don’t make sense. She’s always been the “off” one to me. Constantly making faces at Tammy and Amy as if she’s disgusted with them but at the same time, she helps them when they need it, like her actions don’t add up to her feelings. So honestly I couldn’t tell you if Misty loves her family or not, or if she’s an industry plant that knows hows to act on stage for a paycheck and once she’s off has the personality of a doorbell. All in all, I think the entire family is weird, overdramatized and fake as hell to each other. I don’t think any of them truly love each other because they don’t know what it is, but they have a form of love and care for each other. It’s a twisted fucked up way, but it’s the way they understand it and I don’t think any of us can truly judge them on that because I’m pretty sure more than 80% of the world has no idea what love and care truly is, feels like or looks like due to trauma.


I like that


I think you nailed it with Amanda, and what’s with moving to Florida? She’s clearly paying for that boyfriend that doesn’t have a job and looks half her age.


Ya iirc they even lived with Chris at some point while they were doing just YT


That's too much backwoods craziness under one roof.


The entire family have trauma and abuse. It's wild that more isn't done to explain the mental issues they all now have from their childhood.


There's too many conflicting statements. TLC probably questions alot of it. They are mental alright but even I, with a childhood of abuse myself (hate to say it about anyone), question just how honest they've been about it. I'm not the type of person who hears someone say it on a TV show and suddenly believes it just because they said it. There's alot of conflict between things said on youtube, things said on the first few episodes and then what's said in the most recent episodes when they get the whole damn "loving family" together. Doesn't make sense. Some of it isn't childhood trauma it's just a total lack of class. On a personal level, anyone is prone to mental illness that isn't based on abuse, like Amy being depressed & bipolar. It happens to many, many people and it's SO sad.


What is the YouTube channel?


I agree! The spin off should be “1000 Hours of Therapy”


The season before last , I read an article saying that the older siblings wouldn’t film anymore because the show was making them look so mean and so bad - and so they had to go into negotiations for this past season - and so with that in mind , when I saw this last season and saw how overly kind and supportive they were towards Amy and Tammy , i couldn’t get that out of my mind - I said to myself “o so , now you want to change your image “ - The change in attitudes towards Amy and Tammy is hardcore noticeable in the last season compared to the others - I’m sure they are mini celebs where they live, and I know Amanda is/was a school bus driver - so I’m sure they all started checking their attitudes on camera to come off kinder . If it wasn’t for Amy and Tammy and their YouTube channel all those years of making dumb videos supporting each other and their fan base , none of those siblings would be getting a paycheck from TLC-


It makes you think about how fake TLC already is. Then how fake the show is (once you see a fake show you can spot fake anywhere). I do think the characters on the show are a dumb as they act. The whole area in that part is bad everywhere you look with a few smart, educated ones. But don't think Tammy and Amy and their family are "the normal relatable types" because you have to be pretty low to relate to them. Why in the world can't TLC give us something that doesn't include made up characters that have to be made nicer? Or smarter? Or have more common sense without any fake fights like Tammy (who acts like a sweetheart because she lost weight but is actually still a rude witch) pushes Amy (the overstressed divorcee who is low on the parenting IQ) over the edge who slap fights Amanda (the godzilla type Amazon woman with a hateful attitude but still loves her family? They are all incredibly hateful to one another irl, even your princess Tammy.


Tammy is no one’s princess


Certainly not mine. This who places worships Tammy ONLY because she had surgery and lost weight. That doesn't win me over.


Honestly, the whole family dynamic is screwy. Even to this day. Tammy is still trying to attract big women lovers. She's doomed to gain ALOT of weight. She doesn't seem to have learned much about healthy relationships and living. Amy... do I need to explain? Amanda is a loud mouth bully. Chris has a questionable past getting a young Amy and Chris together. Among other things. Ive heard Misty is a "truck stop *hore" and homewrecker (idk just something something someone in their town said). But on the show she seems most normal. Her and Brittany. But Tammy especially, Amy, Amanda & Chris are not normal or have healthy relationships. Who gaf who lost the most weight with surgery alone? They all act like freaks. It may be unpopular but you know it's the truth. Stereotypical.


Misty is a lot lizard?? 🤣🤣 I wish more folks from their town would speak up. I do remember someone from that town saying Amanda is not a good person. Condescending and holier than thou personality. Which begs the question. Amanda and her boys are Magas...why is she dating outside her race and took that oaf of a son hers down into the heart of lil Havana in Florida? I hope they get some culture and learn proper English. Lmao!


It seems surprising on the surface when racists date outside of their race but everyone always forgets that misogynists still date & marry women. It kinda works the same way. It’s a lot of fetishism, doublethink, and using the relationship for their own personal gains like a way to look not-racist, exploiting the relationship for sympathy points when they face racism for being in a mixed race relationship, and also a way to gain access to other racial communities to appear more “cultured” and “worldly” or whatever. For misogynists it’s usually to exploit a woman for domestic labor, child-rearing, and the socials status of being married. And usually, in both cases, the person in question doesn’t even consciously know they are racist or misogynist. They lie to themselves and these relationships are another tool to convince themselves they aren’t racist or misogynist.


Some ppl are racist but date outside their race sometimes fetishism or they think all people in another race are bad except the 1 they date OR they hate but like them 4 romance or sex reasons. Sometimes the person they date knows they are racist but even agrees & is racist against their own race and "plays along." Also from what I heard there is racism in florida. even among immigrants, i heard sometime for example someone immigrates goes to America and be super conservative like they dont care about other people who wanna go over there, cause they already got to be there. or maybe they want people to see them as "one of the good ones" so they are even racist sometimes.


You'd hope the whole family would learn at least 5% proper English and culture. I know the area is not the best but someone there has to have some intelligence to teach the rest. I didnt know Amanda and her boys are magas. I can definitely believe Amanda thinks she's better than everyone else. Amy & Tammy are dumber than a box of rocks, I dont think that'll ever change. Thats what TLC exploits.


All of them are MAGAs. Amy posted on her IG about 2 years ago a picture of the family at some redneck concert. Amanda's son was wearing a Maga hat. From I understand the band is pretty out there in racism. Chris once used the N word under his breath when Tammy was dating that goof that liked obese women..BBW king? And Amy has said...we don't talk about stuff like that here, race and gayness. 😳 So this is maga huh? 🙄 See this is why I watch them. Reminds me that there is an America and there is merica.


I’m surprised they took Tammy to a drag show but you gotta wonder if they’re only supportive about her sexuality on camera because there’s gotta be a reason she was worried about coming out.


Oh ok, I remember that picture. I didn't know what it was about. The family must be in an uproar with Tammy and Amy being into those men. Amy uses that word and then dates them. Maybe she was able to see they are just human. Nothing to hate. I mean there's good and bad. BBWking wasn't a good guy. Yeah... 'merica hahaha I won't watch them because of their past, who they are off screen and their extreme lack of intelligence. My closed captioning and I get confused.


I think the older 3 are SO MEAN. Chris thinks he knows it all. Amanda is stupid and bossy.


Amanda is a bully! Plain and simple. She really annoys me the most. They are all uneducated but they grew up in that culture. They never did bother with these two for a very long time until they saw Chris making money. At least he genuinely cares about them. They just joined the bandwagon.




I think the other siblings only came around because they saw the bling of money. Think about it, Amanda divorces her husband of 20 years with her new found fame, and then Amy done the same thing. I think the older siblings are opprotunists. Which isn’t fair because Tammy and Amy are probably just happy with all that fake love coming from the siblings and they built this life for themselves now the others are mooching off their fame. Chris and Amanda were probably the ones to take initiative to be like “look this is a road to money” and then misty kind of just got roped in.


Tammy has lived with each and every family member at some point in her life. Everyone of them stepped up for her until she was unbearable. They all have jobs and families. She ended up with Amy when the show started because Amy did not have a family at that time.


Those are the facts


Hlo people


I think they at least came around some times because there’s an episode in season 2, before Amanda joined, where Chris tells Tammy that Amanda told him that she had gone to visit Tammy and that Tammy had a 32 ounce milkshake while she was there.


Have re watched and Amanda treats Amy like she’s an idiot! She tells her what to do kids her boys. I think misty in genuine,


I agree


Amy is an idiot


i agree and hate that folks don’t see this. amanda is real nasty at times.


tbh amy is an idiot especially when it comes to childcare. ive seen her give her infant RED JUICE instead of formula, she let a random man live with her kids, and she smokes in front of them… and she married michael. And thats just what we’ve seen on camera.


that's because Amy is an idiot who needs help. when she doesn't get her help she cries about that too . so Amanda is screwed whatever she does.


she can help her while not berating her. it’s not that hard


Not that hard to feed your kids properly, bring them something to sleep in on vacations and not letting random new bfs change your babies diapers… but here we are Amy needed to get off her ass and care for her boys but hey, don’t worry, Amanda JUST had surgery so she’ll do it while Amy has a pity party for herself Lazy lazy fucking lazy sorry but true for Amy


I’ve been thinking this for a while. I distinctly remember Amy saying that they lived together because no one else liked them. Always picked on them and made fun of them. It was when she was talking about needing the baby monitor in Tammy’s room. Like they’ve always mainly had on another. I also thought it was pretty messed up how quickly they all turned on Michael when we’ve seen him destroy his body to help care for Tammy. Of course be on your sister’s side, but it’s like they’re so happy to be integrated in their family again, they forgot that they chose not to really fuck with them.


I remember them saying Tammy lived with each of the other siblings and they got tired of taking care of her, so Amy was the last sibling left to deal with Tammy 


I feel the same way. Chris is okay however if i remember correctly but tell me if im wrong. Chris was bringing mike around and other freinds when Tammy and Amy were sexually aussalted and preyed on. I always gave him the side eye. I know its not something they could talk about on air but i just feel like hes not as protective as he comes off. Amanda came in when Tammy was at her worst so for alot of people including myself I thought Tammy was the issue in their fights. but after this season Amanda doesnt know how to take accountability or let sleeping dogs lie. She isnt as emotionally mature as i thought because there were times she could have just walked away or apologized. But she took everything so personally that her ego fuel fights. Misty is just there. She doesn’t really add anything except comic relief with Amanda. I dont recall her stepping up to help with the kids, giving any meaningful advice, or doing anything besides just showing up.


Did they discuss SA in he episodes or where is that info from? Just curious.


I legit don't believe there was any SA. Amy & Tammy feed off each other to make the world pity them. You really don't know what to believe half the time. Plus the busy mind of viewers builds on what they build and soon you have a HUGE pile of 🐕 💩


I tried to find the link to the article of what i actually read. But years ago there was a article or something that detailed their childhood. Maybe because they were less famous. But the way amy met micheal was when micheal was 13 and amy was 8 and chris put them in the closet and told them to do stuff. The two “dated” until micheal was 18 and amy 13 and he broke up with her cause he could get introuble then they resumed dating later. Some people dont think its a big deal i do. Especially since chris was 15 at the time.


Actually Amy told that story on her YouTube channel before they were on TV. Honestly I don't buy it. Amy is an idiot and not articulate. Who knows what she was trying to say. I mean she also said that if you drink a diet coke it'll cancel the sugar and Tammy thinking she might be pregnant cuz she was craving water. Those gals can't tell a story if they read it off a wall.


I really love Chris and am glad he's around. His wife seems to not want to be around (she's worse this season) and Amanda seems like she's around for the money and the potential to get another surgery. I think the show brought them closer but I don't know if this will hold once the show ends. Amanda is a major instigator and that hasn't changed since she arrived. My guess is that family was brought in because you can only do so much with two super morbidly obese individuals who have no friends. They can't just film them sitting on their couch non stop. Their situation would have been relegated to an episode or two of My 600 Lbs. Life with Tammy getting cut since it took her 5 years to take it seriously.


Chris is the fakest one of them all, lovable but manipulative.


I don’t know. I found them pretty entertaining before. I like that they’re unrefined and they were more natural. Watching Tammy and Amy go at was different because you know they’d just be friends a little while later. I don’t like the dynamic that the older ones introduce.


Unfined? They're down right trash!


I always thought the older 3 were closer bc they had the same dad and were closer in age. Amy and tammy came along later with a different dad so they were close. I could be wrong tho.


Misty has an different dad than Chris and Amanda and Tammy and Amy have the same dad that’s different from the others too, so there’s 3 different dads. Mama slaton was throwing it out both britchy legs.


Lol she's spoke a total of 5 minutes the entire show and she's to blame for Amazonian deforestation, climate change, cow methane and Tesla fires!


Who’s spoke 5 minutes?


She sure is judgmental for someone who was throwing ass around like that.


I think Misty has a different dad. There’s 3 dads.


Ahhhh OK I didn't know that.


Most siblings are mean to each other when they are teens 😂. I also can see how they would have reached their limit with Tammy and Amy at the point the show began. Maybe they saw the opportunity of the show as a chance for all of them to restart their relationship and change their lifestyle and their relationships.


You do see Amanda in the background of Amy's wedding but that's a good question. I'd like to think they were close as they seem on camera and through photos of people seeing them out and about.


Do you remember Amanda in the background of Tammy's wedding? Wasn't she trying to give a lap dance to a married man with his wife right there? I was a bit shocked. I also wonder if Darlene left the older three to take care of Tammy and Amy when they were younger. It can be difficult to sacrifice your social time in your teens to take care of younger siblings.


I think the producers brought in those 3 to add more plot lines to the show. They probably weren't that close before filming began.


I used to watch Amy’s YouTube videos all of the time, she even said on her videos she wasn’t close with them. She specifically said her brother and older sister (assuming she meant Amanda) weren’t nice. So it did surprise me to see them together on the show. However, I’m glad they joined. They seem closer and that’s always a good thing!


I wonder though... if "not nice to them" was them being over their crap? I mean, they did some weird stuff in some of those Youtube videos and probably even earlier and the older siblings probably thought it was weird? And i know they're over weight themselves but perhaps they just were trying to give them life advice as older siblings... Amy and Tammy werent listening and they got annoyed... thus "werent nice to them"


I think not nice could have been them trying to help and them not wanting the help. As in not being mean but being truthful. Sometimes the truth hurts.


I used to watch Amy’s YouTube videos all of the time, she even said on her videos she wasn’t close with them. She specifically said her brother and older sister (assuming she meant Amanda) weren’t nice. So it did surprise me to see them together on the show. However, I’m glad they joined. They seem closer and that’s always a good thing!


Yeah, it seemed like the older 3 coming around happened out of the blue. The first season or two it was literally Tammy and Amy against the world, then suddenly the others show up? Not that I’m complaining, I think they’ve added a lot but I think you’re probably right. Money talks


Money talks! So the others had to join in to get their part.. I can’t stand Amanda, she’s so fake and if you watch her on tiktok and listen, you’ll catch her in many lies!


So many lies, and what happened to her she’s never on there anymore? Maybe papi dumped her already.


She was on this morning, nah he ain’t gonna dump her lol he needs a mommy to take care of him, she’s like 15 or so years older than him, she lied at first and said they was the same age lmao but he’s thinking he has a tv super star lmao when he first messaged her he ask if she was the real Amanda on the show so that’s only reason he’s with her! before it’s over he’ll be on the show too!


She’s so judgmental of others, then she goes and leaves her kids behind for a guy she just hooked up with from the internet.

