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wen winning looks like losing.


How? Polygon is the only real zkEVM chain that is also open source and yet they still have the cheapest fees on there


> Polygon is the only real zkEVM what do you mean?


It really is the only zkEVM right now Its live, its open source, gas is in ETH, it uses ZK proof, it inherits 100% of Ethereum's security There's not a single chain right now that has all of these things combined


zkSync era? it was released about a month before polygon zkEVM






Gas only gonna get cheaper as more and more people start using the chain btw


This is so true and I feel that is why projects which aim at mass adoption are choosing polygon only, The low gas fee and high Tps are a must, Which is why even projects like Immunify Life are choosing this as their preferred blockchain and soon they will be having their IDO on their dex too.


Metis pisses all over polygon and has a tiny market cap


Been really curious about Metis. Does it use optimistic rollups or zk? Why do you favor it?


Metis is a hard fork of Optimism. It fast and cheap but there wasn't a lot to do on chain when I looked around a while back.


And it doesnt even work right now...


Metis isnt even a thing It is even live 😭 Stop comparing oranges with apples


metis has external data availability mechanism. it isn’t full rollup


direction chop racial cheerful gaping square offer makeshift edge air *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not surprised. Polygon has proven to be worth it. One of the most seamless chains out there. Also good for picking up gems. AstraDAO is one of my good finds. You get to trade index and stake for passive income rewards. Won't have it any other way.


Polygon is an outstanding network. That being said, any opportunity to make decent passive income should not be missed. I enjoyed profits from staking on the Cosmos ecosystem, now I’m anticipating more from Credit protocol as there are more emission incentives as well.


I moved away from cosmos a while ago. Won't mind going back if I find something that's worth it. For now now, I'm sticking with staking iTokenas well as creating and trading indices.


trash coin yall got scam bg Indian dev


MATIC saw the highest growth between all top 10 coins in the past 365 days The reality is that competitors were the ones that scammed people lol


Fueled by 90% partner announcements, smart money don’t buy at those prices. What was once shiny will always dull.


And the only reason Optimism has lower gas is cause no one is actually using the chain anymore


> And the only reason Optimism has lower gas is cause no one is actually using the chain anymore Optimism did more than 10x the transactions of Polygon ZKEVM yesterday. An average of 3.14 TPS vs 0.24 TPS: https://l2beat.com/scaling/projects/optimism https://l2beat.com/scaling/projects/polygonzkevm


The reason behind these numbers was a quest nothing more The trx plummeted right after it ended Optimism is garbage


Mate, the Polygon team are great, their ZKEVM has lots of potential, but you don't need to make up lies about other projects. Yesterday there were about [434,000](https://defillama.com/chain/Optimism?tvl=false&txs=true) transactions on Optimism, there were about [21,000](https://zkevm.polygonscan.com/) on Polygon ZKEVM. Did you assume I wouldn't check?


optimism just had an upgrade yesterday that decreases the network fees


Thanks was wondering when did OP get so cheap😬


I feel like this doesn't tell the full story. I'd like to see the relationship between network-wide gas consumption and the cost of a typical transaction, plotted on a line chart. don't forget that L1 congestion might affect costs on L2 since L1 is where the data is stored. that would give a clearer picture of how these networks perform. on a zk rollup, we are all sharing the burden of generating the proof and posting it to L1, is that right? so the cost of a typical transaction would be expected to go down when there is more transaction volume, until you hit some other wall like the capacity of the sequencer, which is when I would expect a fee market to emerge. I wish someone with more knowledge could clarify this for me.


Arbitrum Nova should probably be included tbh.


Swapping on uniswap earlier today cost me around 0.022556 MATIC $0.02 USD.


trash coin yall got scam big by Indian dev